Questions of current interest
Pugin, S.V. (2020). Soteriological problems of personality in the Russian Spiritual Tradition . Sociodynamics, 9, 1–11.
The subject of the study is the problem of personality in the context of Russian spiritual thought. The study of such a phenomenon as personality has been actively conducted in Western European philosophy and has always been associated with a person and his unique personality. However, in the history of Russian philosophy, other subjects related to personality arise, since they are rooted in the spiritual tradition of Orthodoxy. One of the most important such grounds is the trinitarian problematic in the perception of the Russian philosophers of the doctrine of personality. Using historical and philosophical material, we will make a comparative study of how the phenomenon of personality is represented in Western European and Russian thought. At the same time, we will also attract the works of contemporary authors who are actively developing this issue. In the course of studying the phenomenon of personality in Russian culture, we came to the following conclusions. The original concept of personality, which appeared in the pre—Petrine tradition, was not only an integral part of folk culture, but also played an important role as an anthropological marker of "friend-foe" at the level of behavioral or ethical practice. The personal reference point here is the saint, although such a role model is an unattainable goal of imitative practice of oneself. The essence of such self-forgetful service is revealed only in the personal experience of faith, which is achieved by a whole group of people who share similar views and who are aware of themselves as Orthodox Christians. Imitation of the saint as a spiritualized person becomes an important ethical and pedagogical dominant, and the personality of man is understood precisely in connection with the personality of God, which turns out to be a spiritual guide for every single person and at the same time the goal of his life on earth. It is through this that the phenomenon of conciliarity acquires its transcendent meaning.
Russian spiritual tradition, the idea of humanitas, individuality, anthropological marker, anthropodicy, personal reference point, the archetype of the saint, the doctrine of the Trinity, the problem of personality, soteriological consciousness
People and work
Popandopulo, O., Shaforostov, E.G. (2020). Formation of professional identity in the process of effective interaction between the civil society institutions and the government. Sociodynamics, 9, 12–17.
This article is aimed at studying the factors of increasing effectiveness of personal activity in the process of formation of professional identity in the modern sociocultural conditions by means of creating a strategy of socializing capabilities of the society. The process of formation of professional identity of a person represents an integrative cross-disciplinary object of research. In a broad sense, its relevance is defined by the need to design a scientifically substantiated model of interaction between the civil society institutions and the government as the leading socialization agents for the purpose of increasing its effectiveness. For social science, relevant remains the objective and comprehensive assessment of the processes unfolding within youth environment, which develop under the influence of global and regional, economic and political, social and legal, cultural and socio-psychological factors. The novelty of this article is determined by the insufficient elaboration of systemic analysis of the indicated problematic, with involvement of modern technologies for structuring and modeling of the social processes and professional socialization of a person. The uniqueness consists in the ability to preliminarily create the essential information base and formalize the acquired knowledge on the expert level. This would allow giving a more accurate assessment to the peculiarities of social processes that contribute to the conscious choice of a profession, and based on that build a model for improving the efficiency of personal activity in the process of formation of professional identity within modern sociocultural environment.
civil society institutions, civil society, youth policy, individual professional trajectory, labor activity, professional socialization, professional identity, social institution, education, civic engagement
State and civil society
Nevskaya, T.A. (2020). Civil activism as a resource for political administration of media space: Russian and international experience . Sociodynamics, 9, 18–29.
Currently, control over the political process is exercised not only on the physical level: a significant role in political transformations is also played by media space. Alongside the traditional forms, such as television, radio and periodicals, the Internet grows in popularity, being a platform for communication between most active social actors concerned with the problems of political, cultural and other social spheres. The virtual environment that opens doors for the promotion of civil initiatives. It is noteworthy that civil activity can have a destabilizing effect on the media space, when the population uses online platforms not as a resource of “soft power”, but as the means of influencing the government. The citizens’ pursuit of sociopolitical changes manifests not only in the forms of protest: media space affords opportunities for participation in various online platforms, forums, etc. for the citizens with active political position. At the same time, the virtual means of participation in such projects as a resource of political administration have certain limitations and are controlled by the government. Leaning on the comparative analysis, the author analyzes the theory of the question, as well as Russian and international practical experience pertaining to implementation of civil activism as a resource for political administration of media space. The conclusion is made on the level effectiveness of implementation of civil activism in media environment, its capabilities and limitations.
protest activity, social networks, civic initiative, online environment, Internet activism, media space, political administration, civic activism, political activity, electronic participation
Family and society
Galynskaya, Y.S., Zvyagintsev, V.V. (2020). Strategic framework for consolidation of family institution in Russia. Sociodynamics, 9, 30–45.
The subject of this research is contradictory trends in transformation of the traditional Russian family into a family of modern type. The analysis of family transformation processes is conducted on the basis of the concept of familialism that puts family in the center of society, as well as on the basis of methodological foundations of the civilizational approach towards studying societal development. The perspective is substantiated that Russia as a separate civilization, with its own values and cultural foundations that differ fundamentally from the Western European civilization. It is demonstrated that the social institution of family is undergoing crisis in all civilized countries; but unlike an organic course of modernization in Western European, in Russia it is an inorganic modernization. The author explains the fatality of situation for the Russian family, when the external modernization processes contradict with the ethnic social archetype of the Russians. The article disputes the modernist concept of the transformation of family relations, which justifies the normality and naturalness of changes. It is underlined that modernization processes lead to the demise and extinction of family institution, which is disastrous for the society. The applied part of the article presents the results of the authorial research on determination of students’ stance on the family and family values; the respondents became the students of Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation in Novosibirsk. Student youth is the conveyors of traditional family values. On the verbal level, they translate tolerance and liberal values, and on the behavioral level are oriented towards family relations of traditional type. The recommendations are made on structuring the government policy in the sphere of family relations based on the foundation of Russian sociocultural values.
Pro-family policy, family-centric paradigm, familiism, primary value systems, social archetype, social values, civilizational approach, modernist concept, traditional value, family institution
Public dialogue
Maslanov, E.V. (2020). Humanistic expertise and popularization of scientific knowledge . Sociodynamics, 9, 46–55.
The subject of this research is the correlation between humanistic expertise and popularization of scientific knowledge. The author turns special attention to the fact of growing influence of scientific knowledge alongside scientific and technical innovations upon the lives of individuals and society overall. At the same time, the complexity of modern scientific knowledge and implemented innovative solutions demands higher responsibility with regards to expertise. Therefore, special relevance gains the expertise of the processes of implementation of innovations, which would take into account the interests of not only scholars, corporations and government, but also lay audience. Thus, the author explores such aspect of the topic as the impact of popularization of scientific knowledge upon the possibility of conducting humanistic expertise. The main conclusions consists in the analysis of the process of popularization of scientific knowledge as one of crucial preliminary stages for conducting humanistic expertise. At the same time, development of the procedures for humanitarian expertise requires not just the popularization of scientific knowledge, based on delivering the research results to the public, common to the deficiency model of popularization; special attention should be given to the models of dialogue and participation which imply active interaction between the scholars and lay audience. An important element in popularization of scientific knowledge on the basis of the model of participation becomes the formation of citizen science, within the framework of which the scholars and lay audience can collaborate on research. As a result of implementation of such strategies, humanistic expertise acquires the traits of transdisciplinary activity.
citizen science, science and society, sociotechnical innovation, knowledge society, transdisciplinarity, scientific knowledge, popularization of science, humanitarian expertise, science and education, technology and society
Roslyakova, M.V. (2020). Emotional labor as a factor for increasing efficiency of professional activity of the government employees. Sociodynamics, 9, 56–69.
One of the criteria for assessing the efficiency of public administration is citizens’ content with the quality and accessibility of the rendered public services. Negative results of public assessment reduce ' confidence of the citizens in the government, and may affect the personnel decisions in public service. The customer-centric approach requires changes to the professional culture and competences of the employees. The goal of this research is to reveal the potential of application of emotional labor theory for improving efficiency of public service. It is suggested that the professional activity of government employees demands emotional labor, which implies emotional modulation in accordance with formal requirements for creating a positive impression among citizens in the context of interaction with the government authorities. The author used analytical and comparative methods to describe the specificity of emotional labor in the professional activities of government employees. The article reviews the characteristics of emotional labor given by A. Hochschild in relation to the professional group of government employees, which underline the need to manage emotions in interaction with citizens, as well as reveal positive and negative consequences of emotional labor. The conclusion is made that for increasing efficiency of professional activity the government employees, it is necessary to improve the principles of work of government bodies, as well as train personnel on new skills. The obtained results may be valuable in elaboration of the programs for training government employees, creation of competence models, and their appointment to certain positions. Application of the concept would allow taking into account the potential risks, conducting preventive and educational work among government employees in order to improve their performance.
quality of services, efficiency of activity, services, civil servant, public service, emotional intelligence, emotions, emotional labor, service oriented state, personnel management
Social studies and monitoring
Chvyakin, V.A. (2020). Political subjectivity within the structure of value orientations of youth in the Moscow agglomeration: sociological aspect . Sociodynamics, 9, 70–80.
The subject of this research is the political subjectivity as a social characteristic of the structure of value orientations of youth in the Moscow agglomeration. The author examines such aspects of the topic as political socialization, incidence of political subjectivity, and its key social characteristics within the structure of value orientations of youth. Attention is given to determination of correlation between political subjectivity and socially significant values. The author describes the content of terminal and instrumental values among young people with different levels of development of political subjectivity as a sociopolitical trait of a person. The research methodology includes the fundamental principles of the theory of political socialization, which suggests cultivation of the essential values of political culture as the process of person’s adaptation to a particular political system. The leading role in the process of political socialization belongs to the ability to critical digestion of knowledge and norms of political relations that ensure conditions for the formation of political subjectivity of a person. The conclusions consists in determination of occurrence of political subjectivity and its social characteristics within the structure of value orientations of youth in the Moscow agglomeration. The realization of political subjectivity in youth environment is predetermined by the structure of values and the vector of social orientations of a person. The novelty of this work lies in the statement that political subjectivity in the process of socialization of a person correlates with the structure of social values. Personal values indirectly reflect the essence of its political subjectivity, which is relevant for more accurate socio political characteristics of a person. The revealed terminal and instrumental values in youth environment allow designating the vector of political socialization of a person.
Terminal values of youth, The structure of the values of young people, Political attitudes of young people, Political activity of young people, Awareness of political subjectivity, Political subjectivity of youth, Instrumental values of youth, Political socialization, Structure of political subjectivity, Social and political life