The nationality issue
Ledeneva, V., Dekhanova, N. (2020). Development and increase of attractiveness of the regions of Far Eastern Federal District in implementation of government program on assistance to voluntary relocation of compatriots into the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the current government policy on the federal and regional levels pertaining to attraction of compatriots into the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD). As it is well known, the constituent entities of FEFD are part of the territories for prioritized resettlement of compatriots. The authors analyze the dynamics of relocation through stimulating factors, localization of the arriving population, spheres of their employment, and insurance with social infrastructure. The article explores the basic principles and approaches towards rendering assistance with voluntary relocation of compatriots. The novelty of this research consists in formulation of recommendations on improving the legal and organizational framework for managing the relocation program and control of the process of its implementation in the FEFD. The authors’ contribution lies in the analysis of regional indicators and specificity of realization of the program in the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as original proposals for improving the mechanism of implementation of the program. The main conclusion consists in substantiation of the thesis on special importance of the government program of relocation as a mechanism for solution of socioeconomic and demographic problems. The FEFD territory needs comprehensive development, including consideration of domestic migration and outflow of population from the region. The system of regulation of migration flows in the Far East must ensure clear interconnection between the goals and vectors of measures of the legal, organizational, economic, and social nature.
regional program of resettlement, the territory of priority settlements, the Far Eastern Federal district, adaptation of migrants, the state program of resettlement, compatriots, demographic situation, migration policy, far Eastern hectare, regional authorities
The nationality issue
Kashchaeva, M.V., Marakulin, D.A. (2020). Ethnic communities as a factor of counteracting extremism. Sociodynamics, 3, 12–29.
The subject of this research is the activity of ethnocultural organizations on prevention of extremist behavior among members of ethnic communities. The object of this research is the processes of functionality of the following communities within the social space of Altai Krai: Center of Ethnic Culture “Vaynakh”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Tajik Diaspora”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Center of Uzbek Culture – Batyr”; Local Ethnocultural Autonomy of Kazakhs “Asyl Mura”; Altai Regional Ethnocultural Organization – “Azerbaijan”; Altai Regional Social Organization “Union of Armenians of the Altai Krai”; as well as Local Jewish Ethnocultural Autonomy. To determine the specificity of the socio-cultural, legal, economic and confessional adaptation of the members of ethnic communities, the authors used the method of focused interview, which allowed determining the position of the leaders of ethnocultural communities with regards to the aforementioned indexes, as well as acquire relevant information pertaining to prevention of extremist behavior. The article presents the analysis of the influence of ethnocultural organizations upon the process of social, legal, economic, and confessional adaptation of the representatives of ethnic communities. A hypothesis is supported that the problems of adaptation in the designated spheres produce strive towards extremist behavior. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the empirical framework is comprised of results of interviews of the leaders of Jewish, Armenian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik, and Chechen, and Azerbaijan ethnocultural organizations of Altai Region.
overcoming xenophobia, national community, confessional adaptation, economic adaptation, legal adaptation, cultural adaptation, counteraction to extremism, criminalization of conduct, marginalization, national identity
Demography and statistics
Semenova, O.V., Butovskaya, M.L. (2020). Theoretical and practical consequences of imbalance in the coefficient of male and female population in modern Russia: impact of the factor of ratio of genders in the region upon individual level of financial wellbeing. Sociodynamics, 3, 30–45.
This article presents a brief overview of the modern concept of gender selection and theory of parental investments, according to which the ration of genders in society manifests as a key forecaster of the level of polygyny on the marital market. The theory predicts that in shifting of the models of marital behavior from monogamous and polygamous, the level of matrimonial investment can decrease. The authors suggest that such targeted decrease of resources in the regions with low coefficient of genders can exert negative impact on the economic parameters of household in these regions. This research provides quantitative assessment of subjective satisfaction with financial position of the members of households in populated areas (N=10385) with various levels of coefficient of genders. The statistical analysis was conducted using the IBM SPSS software with application of the following methods: Pearson's χ2 criterion, Goodman and Kruskal's gamma (γ) criterion, and dispersion analysis. The acquired results confirm the presence of positive interconnection between the level of coefficient of genders in the region and financial wellbeing households. It was determined that in the regions of the Russian Federation with equal ration of male and female population, as well as in regions with predominant male population, the subjective assessment of own financial wellbeing was higher among both, men and women. The factor of sustained imbalance in the ratio of genders represents one of the relevant questions of Russian demography, but this phenomenon is rarely taken into consideration in quantitative research within social sciences.
paternal investment, socioeconomic status, human capital, mating strategy, parental investment, monogamy, mating market, polygyny, sex ratio, Russia’s missing men
Demography and statistics
Martyshenko, S.N. (2020). Socio-psychological analysis of the attitude of student youth of Primorsky Krai on starting a family. Sociodynamics, 3, 46–62.
This article observe the trends that have emerged over the recent years among student youth regarding the institution of family and having children, which negatively affect the demographic situation in the country. The question of preparing students to future family life is extremely relevant. The subject of this research is the socio-psychological aspects of the formation of attitude on starting a family among student youth. The object is the students of Primorsky Krai. Special attention is given to students’ assessment of the factors deteriorating birthrate in the region. The research is based on analysis of the data acquired from various sociological surveys on studying socialization processes of student youth in the modern society. It is determined that the orientations towards starting a family and having children decisively form while studying in the university. Therefore, the educational establishments should dedicated due attention on preparing students to family life. It is necessary to develop the effective instruments for influencing social orientations on stimulating the process of family building. The universities should host mass events for increasing communication skill of the student youth. Currently, there are no mechanisms developed in the Internet for influencing the young generation; thus, this problem requires immediate solution.
family planning, social support, quality of life, values of family life, demographic situations, procreation, young family, student youth, online survey, quality data analysis
Family and society
Topchiev, M.S. (2020). The impact of religious factor upon the formation of marital and family relations in the border region (on the example of Astrakhan Region). Sociodynamics, 3, 63–74.
The analysis of processes that significantly affect the formation of future families, namely in the border region, as well as crisis phenomena in marital and family relations, demonstrates that religion is one of the important factors influencing these processes. Religious differences is one of the paramount and most complicated aspects that impacts mutual understanding and communication. Within the framework of family relationships, religious differences along with the cultural play a crucial role. The authors set a goal to determine the influence of religion upon the formation of marital and family relations within the environment of modern student youth. The conducted sociological survey involved the representatives of different nationalities and religious confessions (V=400 of the respondents – residents of Astrakhan and Astrakhan Region), which also allowed analyzing the impact of various factors, including religious, upon the formation of values of a modern young family. It is also worth noting that the acquired results testify to the fact that the majority of respondents hold an opinion on the insignificance of religious affiliation of a person in consummation of their own marriage. Since in most instances an interfaith marriage suggests conversion of one partner into religion of the other, the obtained data confirms that more it is a man who initiates such transition.
mixed marriage, border region, transformation, youth, religious transgression, religion, marriage, family, unrelated peoples, ethno-religious factor
Social studies and monitoring
Fatkullina, G.R., Karimov, A.G. (2020). Use of information technologies as a factor of the quality of life in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Sociodynamics, 3, 75–83.
This article is dedicated to studying the consumption of Internet in Russia. The author analyzes the dynamics of consumption of global network by regions of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the use of Internet by population of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Comparative analysis is conducted to the situation in Bashkortostan overall, as well as urban and rural areas in particular. Attention is also focused on the correlation between two indicators: “Use of the Internet” and “Assessment by households of their financial situation”. The conclusions are structured on the analysis of relevant Russian and foreign publications covering the topic of the use of Internet, as well as statistical data for the period from 2010 to 2018 (based on the materials of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and Bashkortostan Regional Statistics Service). The conducted research allowed determining the connection between the use of Internet and assessment by the households of their financial wellbeing. The acquired data can be used in forecasting of economic situation in the region, as well as carry applied relevance for commercial organizations, for the more efficient interaction with the consumers and improvement of goods and services.
consumer behavior, Internet, Republic of Bashkortostan, problems of the region, population, socio-economic situation, quality of life, rural area, city, Internet use