Political aspects
Linchenko, A.A., Smyslova, O.Y., Lakomova, D.V. (2020). Assessment of efficiency of language policy as the institutional framework of economic policy in the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 11, 127. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.34515
This article is dedicated to elaboration of the conceptual model and methodology for assessing the efficiency of language policy as the institutional framework of economic policy in the conditions of monolingual region of the Russian Federation. Application of the constructivist approach allowed determining the important role of symbolic space as an environment of the influence of language policy on economic development. The article substantiates the idea of transformation of the basic symbolic metaphor of language, which consists in transition from the metaphor of language as a “mirror"” to the metaphor of language as a “dialogue”. It is underlined that such transformation reorients language policy towards the perception of language as the active means for constructing social reality and socioeconomic relations, as well as forces to constantly clarify and revise its functional role in the economic culture. The novelty of this work consists in elaboration of the conceptual model and methodology for assessing the efficiency of language policy as the institutional framework of economic policy in the conditions of monolingual region. It is proven that there is a dependence, as well as immediate vicarious link between the language policy and the level of economic development of the region. The author establishes that namely the economic literacy is the resulting relevant criterion for assessing efficiency of the impact of language policy upon economic development of the region. It demonstrated that comprehensive assessment of efficiency of the impact of language policy upon economic development of the region is feasible within the framework of administrative, academic, educational, information and cultural management tools.
language of economics, financial literacy, language situation, constructivism, metaphor of language, symbolic politics, economic literacy, economic policy, language policy, economics of language
National security
Timakov, I.V. (2020). Reform of the Russian healthcare system threat to the security of social groups or evolution of health protection? . Sociodynamics, 11, 2846. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.33884
Recent changes in healthcare system are perceived negatively by certain population groups, which results in a loss of confidence in the social system. Integrity of the reform of the Russian healthcare system depends on social stability, which is possible if results of the reform coincide with public representations on the guarantees of health protection. The goal of this work consists in determination of the eventual nature of threat to the security of social groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform using sociological methods. The subject of this research is analysis of the the nature of eventual threats to the security of population groups in the process of Russian healthcare reform. The object of this research is the problems of healthcare reform as the potential threats in perception of the respondents. In the course of this work, the author leans on the databases of comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical analysis was conducted on the basis of contingency tables in dynamics of the tasks of research. Threat factors were viewed through the factors of not receiving medical treatment by the citizens. A third of respondents above 15 years of age having health concerns, refused to apply to medical establishments. The population above working age appear to be in a vulnerable situation as a result of reform. Most of the listed factors are associated with inadequate work of medical establishments, which indicates social tension towards the reform of healthcare system. Two groups of factors are highlighted. Under the influence of external factors, the internal structures of healthcare system adapt without full consideration of possible consequences. The author underlines remaining contradictions between citizens’ expectations and changes in the practices of health protection. Changes in healthcare system are the cause of loss of confidence in healthcare institutions and refusal to seek medical treatment for certain social groups, which is a threat to their health. Realization f comprehensive guarantees within the framework of the system of Compulsory Medical Insurance requires different approaches.
aging, right to health, contingency tables, sociological method, compulsory health insurance, social tension, health facilities, social security, healthcare reform, accessibility
Social studies and monitoring
Antonovich, I.V., Kuzhim, N.V., Chukanova, T.V., Akhmedova, A.R., Latkina, A.D. (2020). The demand of the Barnaul population for creation of cycling infrastructure . Sociodynamics, 11, 4755. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.34294
The subject of this research is the demand of the Barnaul population for creation of cycling infrastructure. The development of cycling infrastructure not only contributes to solution of the problems of any modern city, but also creates a favorable ecological and social environment. This is illustrated by such indicators as public health, life expectancy, and increase of working age. Moreover, the ecologically friendly urban environment is beneficial for the development of tourism. Using the quantitative method (questionnaire-based survey), the authors were able to find out the opinion of the Barnaul residents on the creation of urban infrastructure. The research results clearly demonstrate the demand of the Barnaul residents for creation of cycling infrastructure. The following conclusions were made: majority of respondents believe that the of cycle lanes and minimal maintenance service is required throughout the urban space; creation of cycling infrastructure can be a step toward designing a new comfortable urban environment and improve quality of life; implementation of cycle lanes into the urban space in such way that they would connect bedroom suburbs and central part of the city, can be most useful and effective. The conducted analysis testifies that the developed cycling infrastructure can improve transport and ecological situation in the city, but would not fully resolve the problems of socioeconomic nature.
Social studies and monitoring
Artyukhina, V.A., Gorshunova, E.E., Kolyada, M.V., Kuzhim, N.V., Latkina, A.D. (2020). School mediation service as a conflict resolution technique in public schools of Barnaul: state and prospects of functionality. Sociodynamics, 11, 5664. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.34498
The subject of this article is the state and prospects of functionality of school mediation services in the system of modern Russian education. The object of this research is conflict resolution within the framework of educational institution. The article reviews the theoretical-methodological and cross-disciplinary analysis of conflict resolution in the system of modern Russian education. The increasing propensity towards conflict in school environment resulted in creation of school mediation/reconciliation service. School mediation in Russia is a new phenomenon and just started being established on the legal level. The phenomenon of mediation, its emergence and consolidation as the conflict resolution technique necessitations its further research and comprehension. Methodology of the conducted cross-disciplinary research on the state and prospects of functionality of school mediation services in Barnaul is based on the combination of quantitative (questionnaire, content analysis) and qualitative (expert interview, traditional document analysis) methods of acquisition and analysis of data. The article provides the results of research that allow revealing the specific characteristics of school conflicts and practice of their resolution. Based on the assessments and opinions of respondents, the authors determined the basic difficulties of implementation and functionality of school mediation services faced by the Barnaul schools, as well as developed a number of recommendations for their minimization.
students, school, institute of education, education, office of school mediation, school mediation, mediation, conflict, conflict management, interdisciplinary research
Academic thought
Mironova, S.V., Timchenko, N.S. (2020). Export of higher education in Russia: an overview of theoretical approaches and practical solutions . Sociodynamics, 11, 6580. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2020.11.33940
This article examines the theoretical approaches towards definition and analysis of the concept of export of educational services that formed in the Russian scientific context: sociopolitical, economic, and demographic. Within the framework of economic approach towards analysis of the export of educational services, two author determines two aspects: macroeconomic and microeconomic. The author describes the integrated characteristics and interpretation of the content of export of educational services in the Russian scientific publications. The models of export of educational services: passive, active, and distance are determined. The criteria for the expansion of export of educational services are outlined. The article discusses the current practice of export of educational services established in the Russian higher education The results of the conducted theoretical analysis consists in a number of theses: 1) development of the category of the export of educational services as the basis for creation of theoretical models and technologies of practical implementation is absent; 2) the economically oriented instrumental assessment of the export of educational services is prevalent, which is not fully approved by educational organizations, since universities are not just dividends; 3) sociocultural experience and peculiarities of promotion the export of educational services in the countries of the former socialist camp can be useful; 4) the psychological-pedagogical component of the export of educational services (evaluation of psychological factors for successful education of foreign students, methodological questions of teaching foreign students in Russian universities, etc.) is virtually left out.
export content of educational services, export models of educational services, education system, educational services, export of educational services, higher school, education, approaches to the analysis of the export of educational services, factors of development of export of educational services, practice of exporting educational services