National policy
Shakhova, E.V., Maksimova, S.G. (2019). Interethnic cooperation and social integration of population as interrelated processes (based on the results of sociological research in Altai Krai). Sociodynamics, 8, 1–12.
The subject of this research is the examination of correlation between the processes of interethnic cooperation and social integration of population. The definitions are given to the concepts of “interethnic cooperation”, “social integration”, and “interethnic communication”. It is noted that for Altai Krai, as a polyethnic region of the Russian Federation, these questions are considered as crucial in the area of public administration. Policy of the Russian Federation and its regions is aimed at the development and strengthening of interethnic relations that play an essential role in structuring a harmonious civil society founded on the principles of the equality of nations. The main research method became the questionnaire-based survey, conducted among the population of Altai Krai in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Interethnic cooperation in Altai Krai is characterized with the low level of tension, prevalence of welcoming and friendly relations that contribute to social harmony. The authors determine a significant correlation between the indicators “the level of interethnic cooperation” and “the level of social integration of population”. It must be taken into account in terms of implementation of the state ethnic policy of the region.
polyethnic region, Altai region, Intergovernmental relations, nter-ethnic communication, multinational society, social integration, integration, inter-ethnic interaction, region of the Russian Federation, national policy of the region
Communities and cultural enclaves
Shipitsin, A.I. (2019). Being a Volgograd resident – difficulties of regional (self-) identification . Sociodynamics, 8, 13–21.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of regional identity on the example of Volgograd Oblast. The goal of this work lies in a comprehensive analysis of Volgograd identity, aimed at revealing most significant patterns, trends and determinants characterizing its specificity. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the impact of migration, ethnic multiplicity, historical events, spatial-geographical position of Volgograd and the region upon the representation of regional identity. Special attention is given to the practical importance of regional identity for sustainable development of the territory and improvement of the quality of life. The following methods were applied in the course of this research: visual observation, search, collection and examination of local literature, analysis of the regional regulatory acts, monitoring and content analysis of the materials of Volgograd mass media, work in the local lore museums. The author gives definition to the concept of “regional identity” as a social and spatial-geographical phenomenon; as well as determines the key levels comprising its structure. The article is first to describe the factors impeding the formation of the firmly expressed and shared identity for the population of the region. It is concluded that the sociocultural, geographical, and historical specificities of Volgograd Oblast problematize the determination, description, and analysis of Volgograd identity.
cultural landscape, multiethnic region, residents of Volgograd region, Volgograd, Volgograd region, humanitarian geography, regional identity, migration, social community, aspatial
People and work
Tolkachev, P. (2019). Entrepreneurship and the phenomenon of risk: organizational and sociocultural peculiarities of the definition of risk in economic space. Sociodynamics, 8, 22–36.
This article attempts to present a philosophical criticism of the phenomenon of risk in entrepreneurship, considering two historically established approaches: economic-management (risk management) or organizational-analytical, and sociocultural (risk as a structure of public expectation). The subject of this research is the concept of “risk” related to the categories of uncertainty, danger, probability and possibility. The general perspective of philosophical understanding of this phenomenon is presented. The object of this research is the sphere of entrepreneurship, mostly independent, private entrepreneurship, which over the past two decades marks rapid growth of investments. The author explores the following aspects: 1) economic structure of the spontaneously generated order; 2) organizational importance of risk management; 3) structure of public expectation of risk as uncertainty or danger, associated with entrepreneurship; 4) description of positive and negative implication of the concept of risk. Comprehensive articulation of the phenomenon of risk in modern society is realized through philosophical generalization of economic importance of the spontaneously generated order (Friedrich Hayek), which contributes to proliferation of entrepreneurship, and allows revealing positive trend in acceptance of risk in modern society via sociological analysis. The scientific novelty consists in determining that the various classifications of the objects of risk in the context of economic-management (organizational) approach are based on the classical definition of market and market relations; this results in the positive meaning of competition and constantly growing employment index in business sector. Having analyzed multiple approaches toward risk situations and phenomenon of uncertainty, the author presents an original approach towards classification of the types of societies depending on acceptance/non-acceptance of the phenomenon of risk.
Ñompetition, Innovative Society, Management, Order, Socio-cultural characteristics, Economic space, Entrepreneurship, Risk, Market relations, Social philosophy
Social studies and monitoring
Borisova, O.V. (2019). Patriotic values among the youth of Altai Krai . Sociodynamics, 8, 37–43.
The subject of this research is the analysis of assessment of patriotic values among the youth of Altai Krai. In the course of the analysis of obtained data, the author examines the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of patriotism. On the emotional level, the young generation develops feelings of love and respect towards their Motherland and national traditions, as well pride for the heroic past and present of their country. At the cognitive level, takes place the formation of knowledge on patriotism as a moral value, history of the country and traditions of the Russian peoples, patriotic duty, dignity, responsibility, etc. The behavioral component finds its reflection in youth participation in the patriotic events, readiness to defend their country, as well as contribute to its prosperity. Based on sociological survey carried out in Altai Krai in 2015, the author draws a conclusion that the development of patriotic feelings among youth is impeded by the low standards of living and material well-being, social injustice, distrust in government, lack of opportunities for improving quality of life. According to the opinion of youth of the region, the most effective measures on increasing the level of patriotism among them consist in organization of youth leisure activities, popularization of national culture and patriotism in mass media, speeches of famous politicians, moral and ethical upbringing, improvement of living standards of population, and creation of environment for realization of professional potential of citizens. The assessment of patriotic views among youth allows determining the risks and problem zones in implementation of patriotic education. The article is addressed to the specialists in the field of working with youth, as well as those interested in problematic of patriotic upbringing.
patriotic education, Homeland, level of patriotism, structure of patriotism, youth, patriotic attitudes, patriotism, patriotic idea, patriot, components of patriotism
Social studies and monitoring
Rogach, O.V. (2019). Social capital of local communities: indicators for measuring and conditions of formation. Sociodynamics, 8, 44–51.
The subject of this research is the social capital of local communities. The object of this research is the individual resources of social actors, converted into social networks in accordance with their spatial allocation and normative-value content. The author explores the approaches towards determination of the essence of the concept of “social capital of local communities”; indicators for measuring and conditions of formation of the social capital. Particular attention is paid to the description of testing results of the indicators for measuring in the course of pilot survey conducted in May 2019. The empirical base for this study became the Volokolamsky Municipal District; a simple probability sample N=97 persons. The leading research method is the questionnaire-based survey. For verification of the acquired data, the author used the method of focus group survey. The f conclusion is made that in social network, the local residents predominantly demonstrate the socially shared values, such as respect, solidarity, and trust. However, the study illustrated that the higher is the level of social capital, the greater is the inequality between local residents and municipal government. The regional officials were assessed by the respondents as “aggressors”, as an obstacle towards achieving common good. The lack of information support and replicable practices leads to the emergence of barriers in functionality of social networks. The author’s main contribution lies in the development of indicators for measuring social capital: prevailing values of social interaction, dominant forms of building social networks, sustainability of social networks. The scientific novelty consists in the testing results of indicators for measuring social capital.
municipal governments, local community, social relation, social interaction, social actor, social capital, social networks, municipality, trust, solidarity
Human and citizen
Lebedeva, L.G., Orlova, L.V. (2019). Patriotism as a relevant social value of Russian generations. Sociodynamics, 8, 52–61.
The goal of this research is the analysis of perception of the idea of patriotism as a social value (and its level of relevance) in public consciousness of the Russians representing different generation groups. The factual basis of the analysis contains the data obtained from sociological survey “Fathers and Sons: the conflict and relationship, continuity of generations”, arranged and implemented by L. G. Lebedeva in 2017. The object of research became the 438 respondents in Samara and Samara Region that represented various generation groups aged 18 and older – 46.1% males and 53.9% females. An important peculiarity of the targeted age groups of the respondents, selected for the questionnaire-based survey, is that they were chosen in accordance with the socio-historical factors that effected their entry into adulthood (at approximately 17-18 years of age). Among the qualities included into the term of “patriotism”, the respondents name the rational-abstract in its nature quality of “loving your Motherland”, along with the emotional-sensible qualities such as “pride for the Motherland”, “love for your city, town or home”; next come the practical qualities such as “civic activism”, “defense of the Motherland; lastly is the moral-ethical quality “sense of a citizen”. The problems constraining the civic activism (such as practical manifestation of patriotism) require attention, studying, and consideration in social policy of the state, as well as public awareness.
human rights, social equality, social justice, individualism, collectivism, civil activity, social values, generations, patriotism, civicism