Questions of current interest
Koval'zhina, L.S. (2019). Inequality with regards to health: sociological discourse. Sociodynamics, 6, 1–6.
This article presents a theoretical analysis of sociological discourse on the inequality with regards to health. The author discusses the positions of the World Health Organization, foreign and Russian sociologists. The subject of this research is the inequality with regards to health, particularly, the specific use of the term. Inequality with regards to health is applicable not to any difference in health condition, but a certain type of the potentially preventable differences in health condition or significantly affecting health, which may be determines by the state policy. The article reveals the importance of social gradient in the formation of differences in health among the representatives of social groups. It is noted that for establishing “inequality with regards to health” it is necessary distinguish the difference in health condition among the groups with various levels of basic social benefits, considering that the groups with diminished opportunities and access to social benefits have the lowest health indicators. The author underlines the close link between the sustainable vector of policy towards the development of society and social justice with regards to health and wellbeing. Taking into account that the policy and socioeconomic strategy of the state are the source of potential for improving health and wellbeing of each citizen, and reducing the gap in health condition among different social groups. The conclusion is made that there is a need for the targeted comprehensive state policy of public health (considering the dependence on the political ideology, history and culture), improvement of administrative mechanism, development of institutional and civic potential in order to eliminate inequality with regards to health.
public health, social benefits, social groups, health inequalities, World Health Organization, prevention, health, public policy, health factors, population
Issues of social partnership
Mit'ko, A.E. (2019). To the question on the modern social mission of the Church: practical aspect. Sociodynamics, 6, 7–12.
The subject of this research is the organization of social ministry in the eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article analyzes the concept of social mission as a particular type of church ministry formed at the intersection of missionary activities and social work. The unity of target of missionary activities and social work allows determining this type of ministry. The institutionalization of the target of social mission is conducted through application of various criteria. Special attention is given to the role of the diverse forms and methods of social mission as the additional criteria for segmenting the target of social mission. The research is carried out via the methods of hermeneutics as the foundation of missiological methodology. Within the framework of this research, the author analyzes the regulatory documents of the Russian Orthodox Church. The scientific novelty lies in segmentation of the destination field of social mission. For the first time, the categories of social work recipients are presented as the target of social mission. This article reveals the prospects for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of missiology and social diaconia. Social ministry of the Church is viewed in the context of missiological goal setting.
mission destination, ñîöèàëüíàÿ ìèññèÿ, missionary organization, diocesan departments, diocese, social service, missiology, Mission, theology, religious studies
Migration and adaptation
Saryglar, S.A., Maksimova, S.G. (2019). Specificity and practices of social integration of the migrants from CIS countries in Russian border regions. Sociodynamics, 6, 13–22.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of social integration of the migrants from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Russian border regions. The goal of this work lies in determination of specificity of social integration of the foreign migrants in Russian border regions, as well as the factors of social integration of the migrants in the accepting society. The article provides the results of the studies conducted in 2018 in Russian border regions (Altai Krai, Amur Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast, Volgograd Oblast, Tuva Republic, and Khabarovsk Krai), involving 334 foreign migrants from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kirgizia, and other countries. The method of questionnaire was used for collecting information. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the analysis of peculiarities of social integration of the migrants in Russian regions through such indicators, as the acquisition of social norms and values of the local population, as well as the code of conduct, knowledge of history and culture of the accepting society, relationship with the diaspora representatives in the region. The author’s special contribution lies in determination of the absolute and relative factors of social integration of the migrants based on structuring the regression model.
Adaptation of migrants, Russian frontier, Migrant Integration, Social integration of migrants, Migration processes, CIS countries, migration, Integration models, Foreign migrants, Migrants from the CIS
National policy
Shakhova, E.V., Maksimova, S.G. (2019). The peculiarities of functioning of the Russian language as the basis of interethnic relationships in polyethnic modern society (based on the materials of sociological research). Sociodynamics, 6, 23–34.
The subject of this research is the analysis of peculiarities of the Russian language as an important element of interethnic relationships in polyethnic modern society. The article examines such terms as “language” and “native language”, determines the main theories of origin of the language, as well as the specificities of sociological study of bilingualism. The authors underline the relevance of studying the Russian language along with the attention of our multiethnic country to the problems of its preservation and development; as well as note certain specificities of the language policy of the Russian Federation and its major objectives. The questionnaire survey of the population, conducted in 2016 in the thirty one region of the Russian Federation, became the key method of this sociological research. The article provides the comparative analysis of indicators of the literacy of population of different age groups in the national, monoethnic, and polyethnic regions of Russia. The authors list the characteristic features of the Russian language, and major issues regarding functioning. The conclusions may be valuable for the researchers dealing with the questions of interethnic relationships, and the Russian languages as its basis.
modern society, literacy, russian language, official language, native language, multinational state, polyethnic regions, inter-ethnic interaction, bilingvizm, Russian Federation
Social studies and monitoring
Ivanova, O. (2019). Assessment of strategic thinking of a human of new generation. Sociodynamics, 6, 35–48.
The subject of this research is the strategies of critical thinking. The goal of this research lies in analytical assessments of the strategies of critical thinking and determination of the potential for application of disposition, The author attempt to substantiate the relevance of referring to self-assessment of the strategies of critical thinking, reveals the essence and correlation of the strategies of critical thinking, analyze self-assessment of the level of affective strategies, cognitive macro abilities and cognitive micro skills, estimate and interpret the results of the study. The article thoroughly examines the importance of improvement of the strategies of critical thinking as an instrument for analytical solution of the issues that ensures a long-term independent, purposeful, justified, reflexive, controlled human thinking process. Special attention is given to the problem of the competency of skills of critical thinking among the representatives of the new (digital) generation in the conditions of information excessiveness. Methodology is founded on the transdisciplinary concept of critical thinking. The scientific novelty consists in analytical assessment of the affective and cognitive strategies of critical thinking based on self-assessment of the representatives of digital generation. The concept of integration of strategies of critical thinking that would expand the field of their application is substantiated. The author determines the growth points of the critical thinking skills, as well as the strategically advanced vectors for its improvement: Socratic discussion and critical reading. The author’s special contribution is the conclusion on the analytical instrumentality and the need for targeted systematic improvement of the strategies of critical thinking in dialogical communication in both, the educational and professional spheres.
strategies, reflexive thinking, cognitive microskills, cognitive macro abilities, affective strategies, problem, critical thinking, critical analysis, communication, digital generation
Social studies and monitoring
Spirina, A.S., Maksimova, S.G. (2019). The characteristics of interpersonal and institutional trust / mistrust in the Russian border regions (based on the results of sociological research). Sociodynamics, 6, 49–62.
Trust is currently one of the most demanded topics within the framework of various theoretical approaches. The category of trust becomes more and more relevant in social cognition. The author examines the definition of this category and the social functions assigned to it. Strengthening of interpersonal and institutional trust contributes to consolidation of the Russian society. Assessment of the level of interpersonal and institutional trust in the society is viewed as one of the indicators of studying the current social situation. The article presents the results of sociological research conducted in six border regions of the Russian Federation (Altai Krai, Amur Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast, Volgograd Oblast, Tuva Republic, and Khabarovsk Krai). The total and regional indicators of interpersonal and institutional trust / mistrust are calculated. Leaning on the research results, the author gives general characteristics to the level of trust among the population of border regions of the Russian Federation; as well as in accordance with the assessments of interpersonal trust, determines to which groups and social institutions people have more or less credibility.
results of sociological research, index of mistrust, index of trust, border regions, institutional trust, interpersonal trust, trust, social institutes, level of trust, level of mistrust
Questions of current interest
Napso, M.D. (2019). Marginality as a characteristic of modern world. Sociodynamics, 6, 63–69.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of marginality; the subject is a marginal person in sociological interpretation. The article describes the concept of marginality in the views of the representatives of Chicago School of Sociology; examines the social, cultural and psychological aspects of such phenomenon; analyzes the triggering factors for development of marginal forms. Attention is turned to the processes of adaptation and integration of marginal into a new social context; the instances of assimilation and accommodation alongside the manifestation of social inequality are reviewed. The author underlines the negative and positive sides of marginalization processes. Methodology contains the dialectical principles of objectivity, systematicity, and specificity of research that allow providing an extensive characteristic to the concept of marginality. The scientific novelty consists in assertion of the thesis on the relevance and demand of the ideas proposed by R. Park and E. Stonequist concerning the social nature of marginality, factors that lead to emergence of a marginal man., marginal states, cultural hybrids, especially in the current conditions of expanding globalization.
identity crisis, acculturation, assimilation, «cultural hybrid», marginal consciousness, marginal person, marjinality, distinction, dominating group, conflict
Social studies and monitoring
Fatkullina, G.R., Karimov, A.G. (2019). Consumer spending of households as the key indicator of quality of life in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Sociodynamics, 6, 70–81.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the materials of Bashkortostan characterizing the main results of sampling inquiry of the household budgets. The authors provide information on consumer spending of households overall, as well as in urban and rural areas. Special attention is turned to the comparative analysis of consumer behavior of urban residents and rural residents. The main expenditure items of the residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan are determined. The authors also analyzed the structure consumer spending in accordance with the consumption purposes, as well as assessment by each household of their financial situation, which also depends on the place of residence. The research method is the analysis of statistical data for 2010-2017 (based on the materials of Bashkortostan). The results testify to certain economic issues in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The acquired data may be used in forecasting the economic situation in the region. The examination of consumer behavior has an important applied meaning for commercial organizations (for the more efficient interaction with the consumers, as well as improvement of, for example, commodities and services).
countryside, village, Republic of Bashkortostan, problem of region, expenses, population, socio-economic situation, city, urban area, consumer behavior
Social studies and monitoring
Turkulets, S.E., Turkuletc, A.V., Gareeva, I.A., Slesarev, A.V. (2019). Territorial stigmatization of youth (on the example of Far Eastern region). Sociodynamics, 6, 82–90.
The object of this research is the processes of social stigmatization (labeling); while the subjects is the territorial stigmatization of modern youth. The goal lies in determining the peculiarities of stigmatization of modern youth in the context of Far Eastern region. Special attention is dedicated to living conditions of the population in the Russian Far East, as the majority of population, and mostly youth, face the situation of social inequality and marginality in relation to the rest of the Russians. In such context, many young people pursue their desire to move from the Far Eastern region. At the first stage of research, the authors used the method of overt observation, which allowed acquiring primary information on the impact of stigma upon self-identification of young people. The authors also applied statistical method in the course of collecting materials; document analysis; sociological survey in form of questionnaire and interview. The sociological survey was conducted as a pilot study of the problems of stigmatization among the high schoolers and university students of Khabarovsk. The number of respondents totaled 145 individuals. Unstructured interview was carried out with the high schoolers of public schools in Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Territorial stigmatization has a certain conceptual ambivalence: on one hand, it negatively affects the process of socialization and social identification of youth in the Russian Far East, while on the other – it can serve as a motivation for making a conscious choice of their life strategy. The obtained results may be valuable in implementation of youth policy in the Far Eastern Federal District.
broad arrow, social stigmatization, Far East of Russia, youth, social identification, territorial stigmatization, stigma, life strategy, marginality, stigmatized identity
Social studies and monitoring
Sidorina, A.V., Grigoryan, K.G. (2019). The dynamics of environmental awareness in the Russian mass media. Sociodynamics, 6, 91–113.
This article is dedicated to examination of the dynamics of environmental awareness in the Russian mass media. The author presents the key theoretical approaches towards interpretation of environmental awareness, determination of its position within the system of “society – environment”, as well as representations about the role of society with regards to this system. Environmental awareness is viewed as one of the forms of social consciousness, for which mass media is the paramount channel of formation and expression in the conditions of extensive informatization of the society. The conducted study allows detecting the level of coverage of environmental theme in mass media in the period of environmental stability, as well as environmental disasters. The type of environmental awareness would be determined depending on the adequacy of perception by individuals of the relationship with the environment, which eventually defines social behavior with regards to their living environment. In the recent decades, due to the escalating global environmental crisis, more pressing becomes the problem of studying social consequences of interaction between the society and environment. Back in the early XX century, the environmental theme has become the subject of scientific discussions at the international level, being a result of realizing the importance of comprehensive approach towards the solution of environmental tasks.
public opinion, content analysis, environmental sociology, environmental journalism, Media, environmental problems, global problems, Environmental awareness, Environmental issues, environmental communication
Social organizations and movements
Sirotina, T.V., Kalinina, J.A., Kirpu, S.S., Plotnikova, M.V., Sivokon, A.S. (2019). Volunteering activities in social rehabilitation of children with mental disability in the conditions of children psychoneurological boarding school (on the example of clown care). Sociodynamics, 6, 114–122.
The object of this research is the in social rehabilitation of children with mental disability in the conditions of children psychoneurological boarding school. The actors of social rehabilitation of children with mental disability in boarding schools can become the specially training volunteers. Since 2017, the students of the department of Social Work of Altai State University implement various volunteering practices in the regional children psychoneurological establishments. One of such activities is the clown care. The subject of this research is the capabilities of volunteers-hospital clowns in social rehabilitation of children with mental disability in the conditions of children psychoneurological boarding schools. Such volunteering activities are analyzed on the basis of the theory of resiliency. The authors conducted am empirical sociological research; the main method was the questionnaire-based survey. The article gives definition to mental disability, as well as studies the statistical data on the children disability in Russia and Altai Krai. Attention is given to identification of the problems of children development in such establishments based on determination of the fundamental objectives of functioning of these institutions and the analysis of modern research on children’s’ situation in the children psychoneurological boarding schools in Russia. The authors determine the capabilities, as well as difficulties in the work of volunteers-hospital clowns, including modulation of emotions, establishment of connection, and work with special needs children.
multiple disability, resilience, medical clownery, social rehabilitation, nursing home for children with mental disability, mental disability, volunteering, medical clown, nursing home for children, charity department
Heritage and transformations
Ravochkin, N.N. (2019). The transition of Europe from medieval society towards industrial: socio-philosophical analysis. Sociodynamics, 6, 123–130.
In this article, from the perspective of social philosophy, the author examines the process of transition from the medieval European society towards industrial model. The object of this research is the European society; while the subject is the transformational processes affecting all spheres of social life. Initially, attention is turned to the problematic of periodization of the beginning of transition of the states towards industrialization, as well as various approaches in this regard. The trends characteristic to the industrial society are described. It order to conduct a fundamental study, the author determines multiple simultaneous processes taking place in economic, political, social and religious life. The author applies the methods of historical parallels, historical macrosociology, justified in socio-philosophical and philosophical-historical works. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiated suggestion of the original version of the beginning of industrialization processes. The examples of philosophical-ideological determination of modernization processes of the Renaissance era are demonstrated. The article structures the modernization line of economic determination: from the medieval cities as trade centers through the initial accumulation of capital and increasing needs of the individuals towards multiple social revolutions that led to establishment of the industrial level of society.
historical macrosociology, Europe, New time, industrial society, transformations, Society, Middle Ages, philosophical ideas, modern context, history