Human and citizen
Fedorovskaya, M.Y. (2019). Sport as a sociocultural phenomenon of modern life and its leading functions. Sociodynamics, 5, 1–14.
The object of this research is the sport as a sociocultural phenomenon at the current stage of social development. In today’s world, the sport sphere is considered an autonomous part of social sphere, multifaceted sociocultural and political phenomenon. The object of this research is the specificity of modern sport, particularly the clarification of leading functions of sport activity in the Russian realities. Attention is focused on the differences between the concepts of “sport” and “non-sport”, “sport” and “physical culture”; understanding of sport in a narrow and broad sense; as well as legal framework of the physical and sport activity. The article applies the theoretical-methodological analysis, generalization of the scientific and educational materials, alongside system approach towards examination of interconditionality of sport and politics, positive and negative moments of their interaction. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of studying sport as a historically established in form of special competitive activity and sport practice sociocultural phenomenon, which contributes to harmonious development of the natural and socially-transformative psychophysiological qualities of motion activity and ethical-moral characteristics of a person that define his sport activity.
phenomenon, state regulation, policy, culture, society, competitive activity, physical culture, sport, social institute, functions
Questions of current interest
Shapkina, E.V., Shiller, V.V., Krivtsova, E.V. (2019). Examination of suicidal tendencies among young students. Sociodynamics, 5, 15–23.
This article provides the research results on suicidal tendencies among youth, based on the data of the Regional monitoring of destructive moods within youth environment carried out over the period from 2015 to 2018 in general and professional educational institutions of Kemerovo Region. The analysis conducted using 7 waves of monitoring in the territory of Kuzbass. About 8,000 respondents have been surveyed over the three-year period. Among them, for the more detailed analysis, the author determined the group of “potential suiciders” based on the following parameters: gender, nationality, confessional affiliation, main sources of receiving information by young people, popularity of social networks, cultural preferences, leisure activities (preferred genres of movies, music, books), and which subculture they associate themselves with, etc. For identification of the common and specific features of potential participants of the various “groups of death” as an instrument of empirical analysis, the author used the idea of creating a “personality profile of young individual”. The main conclusion is defined by the fact that the young people who indicated the book Stace Kramer “50 Days Before My Suicide” as one of the favorite, then selected the movies, music and other artworks dedicated to the theme of death. This allowed identifying the young people prone to suicidal behavior. Books, movies, and music have an unequivocal impact on young people; unfortunately, many of them cause the feeling of hopelessness and vainness of existence, and affect the fateful decision.
subcultures, youth, the Internet, monitoring, social networks, young students, suicide, cinema, sociological research, death groups
Social organizations and movements
Antonovich, I.V., Romanova, N.N., Kalinin, A.V., Anisimova, E.A., Kalinina, Y.A. (2019). Foreign experience of organization of the Orthodox charity services in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sociodynamics, 5, 24–32.
The subject of this study is the activity of the Orthodox charity services in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is dedicated to volunteering, which not only provides financial aid to those in need, but also a “spiritual” recovery of the society. Therefore, special relevance gains the research of social institutions and forms of charity services, volunteering that have been engaged into this activity for a long time, such as the community Sisters of Charity and international social organizations. The authors examine the key directions in organization of the Orthodox charity services in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Emphasis is made on the fact that the goal of activity of such communities lies in combining the effective modern technologies of volunteering with the true Christian ministry to the neighbor, augmenting love, bringing into society the spirit of faith with good works and sacrificial service of others. The research results allow determining that the sisterhood and brotherhood of charity, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement coordinate and assist social initiatives of the Church in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The charity services are rapidly developing, as well as implement the effective methods for helping people in need.
humanitarian organizations, social help, social ministry, Orthodox Christianity, Red Cross, charity organisations, charity service, charity, social institution, volunteering
Demography and statistics
Kuznetsova, S.V. (2019). Demographic processes in the People’s Republic of China as a factor of domestic concerns. Sociodynamics, 5, 33–42.
The subject of this research is the demographic policy of the People’s Republic of China. The demographic structure of China and the inherent at present stage demographic processes cause a number of issues that require prompt government’s intervention. At certain stages of its development, the Chinese society has experienced the evolution of economic, political, law, social, and many other institutions. Therefore, this article examines the demographic issues of PRC in close relation with the misbalances in socioeconomic and other spheres of life of the Chinese society. Based on the rich factual material, it is demonstrated that PRC as a hyperpower has entered the era of complex contradictions between the key competitive advantages of the country along with its intrinsic issues. According to the results, the demographic processes in China are a significant factor impeding the future socioeconomic development of the country. The author proves that the demographic situation in PRS is a substantial threat to the stability of the country, and thus, needs a revolutionary revision of value orientations of the demographic policy.
Socio-economic development, Overpopulation, Population ageing, Demographic policy, Contradiction, Imbalance, Demography, Superpower, PRC, Regulation
Questions of current interest
Kosorukov, A.A. (2019). Artificial intelligence technologies in the modern public administration. Sociodynamics, 5, 43–58.
This article is dedicated to the question of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies for improving public administration. Leaning on the Russian and foreign experience, the author analyzes the practice of application of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration and other sectors, considering their specificity: the use of artificial intelligence in the field of digitalization of government mechanism, their capabilities in the sphere of digital security, financial sector, healthcare and education, transport management, traffic and migration flows. Research methodology includes the analytical and comparative methods that reveals the peculiarities of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration. The scientific novelty of this work lies in systematization of capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies, including proactive services, digital security systems, financial analysis (iPavlov, DeepReply), smart systems in healthcare sphere (Watson, Botkin.AI), adaptive learning (Coursera) and proctoring, driverless transportation (Didi Chuxing and Uber), and migration management.
health care, finance, digital security, digital technologies, digital economy, public administration, Artificial Intelligence, education, unmanned vehicles, migration flow
Questions of current interest
Fedorovskaya, M.Y. (2019). The interaction of sports and politics: history and modernity. Sociodynamics, 5, 59–67.
The subject of this research is the specificity of interaction of sports and politics; peculiarities of using major sports as the mechanism of the influence of politics upon people’s life in modern world and Russia. The correlation between sports and politics is typical for the entire history of mankind, but found the fullest expression during the establishment and development of the Olympic movement. Currently, the interaction of sport and political spheres of society is peculiar to all sports and serves as a certain instrument of politics. The author comes to a conclusion that in the modern circumstances, the political neutrality (autonomy) with regard to sports represents a delicate mechanism of foreign and domestic policy of the country. The so-called policy of “soft power” is capable to effectively solve the tasks for establishing positive image of the country on the world stage, which is successfully applied by most of the countries.
social institute, nation, soft power, Olympic games, interaction, society, status, politics, sport, protectionism
State and civil society
Antonovich, I.V., Velikzhanina, K.A., Kalinina, Y.A., Mazailova, T.A., Chudova, S.G. (2019). Practical aspect of charity in modern Russia (on the example of Altai Krai). Sociodynamics, 5, 68–74.
This article examines the problem relevant from the perspective of methodology of scientific analysis, as well as the practice of social life. The trend towards growing number of charity organizations and individual benefactors, functioning of charity as an effective tool for solving social and economic problems, distrust of population in the work of charity organizations led to the need for scientific analysis of population’s attitude towards charity in Altai Krai. As of today, such phenomenon has strongly establishes not only in the society and people’s consciousness, but also at the country level reflected in the regulatory acts, which emphasizes its importance. The attitude population towards charity work in Altai Krai was studied through the method of information gathering – questionnaire. The frame for sample selection consisted of the number of residents of Altai Krai. The conducted survey detected that the number of those taking part in charity is greater than those who are not. The prevailing types and forms of charity activity is monetary contributions to charity foundations and organizations, as well as targeted aid. As a result of this research, the authors established that the majority of population have positive attitude towards charity work. Most of the respondents have already participated in charity activity; while the rest are willing to take part, if the money are spent as intended or if their financial situation improves. The authors also note the gradual and stable increase in the number of charity organizations, foundations, philanthropists and volunteers, as well as the expansion of corporate charity.
categories of beneficiaries, donations, philanthropist, charitable activities, charitable foundations, non-profit sector, charitable organizations, civil society, charity, volunteering
State and civil society
Izakson, R.A. (2019). Social structure in the State of Israel and socio-cultural environment. Sociodynamics, 5, 75–85.
This article examines the relevant issues of social structure in the State of Israel. The author makes an attempt to explain the reasons of the deep inner rifts of the young nation, and demonstrates certain peculiarities of the social structure. Characteristics is given to the ethnocultural, political and other sociocultural approaches; the causes and factors of social stratification are considered. It is noted that Israeli society is multifarious due to mass repatriation from the countries of origin with different mentality, tradition, culture, and political views of members of the society. The author formulates the unique conclusions on each of the aspects of polarization of population; as well as proves that the country learned how to survive in any circumstances of is contradictory society, maximally satisfying the interests of all categories of citizens, and trying to reconcile the most oppositely polarized circles. The general conclusion is made on the uniqueness and specificity of social structure in the State of Israel.
culture, social schism., religion, Arabs, Jews, population, state, Israel, society, people
Social studies and monitoring
Prokhoda, V. (2019). Trust of the Russians in the national judicial and legal system (based on the materials of sociological research). Sociodynamics, 5, 86–94.
This article analyzes the data of cross-country sociological projects – the European social research. The goal of this work lies in determination of the level of trust of the Russian citizens in the national judicial and legal system. Special attention is given to the comparison of assessment of the Russians and residents of other European states. The author examines the dynamic of trusts of the Russian in judicial system and the factors affecting the level of population’s trust; as well as analyzes the sources of the low level of trust of the Russian in judiciary. Surveys were conducted in the European countries; the method of raw information collection – personal interview. The correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were applied in the course of this research. A comparably low level of trust of the Russian citizens in judicial system is determined. However, on the overall negative background, the trust of citizens in judiciary has slightly grown since 2006, and by 2016 reached its peak value over the entire observation period. It is determine that the factors influencing the citizens’ trust to court include the age, income level, content with general situation in the country. The author underlines that in Russia, unlike the majority of European countries, the correlation between the level of education and population’s tryst in the judicial and legal system, is not detected. Lack of trust of the Russian in justice institutions is substantiated by negative assessment of the work of the courts and a set of interrelated factor, such as: violation of the principle of autonomy of judiciary, cases of corruption in judicial system, and delivering a false verdict.
courts, the judicial authorities, the judicial-legal system, the judicial system, the trust to the courts, the trust of authority, the institutional trust, trust, the judicial authority, education