Questions of current interest
Popov, E.A. (2019). The algorithm of studying art in sectoral sociology. Sociodynamics, 3, 17.
This article presents the algorithm designed for a sociologist in studying art and its diverse types and forms. The difficulty of sociological studying of art can be explained by the peculiarities of the object of research, among which are expressiveness, artistry, and some other that significantly complicate the comprehension and interpretation of art. The algorithm helps to solve the complicated issued faced by a sociologist; he must step by step assess a social aspect of the existence of art, describing the various aspects of its interaction with human and society. The proposed algorithm approximates a sociologist towards the opportunity to acquire important results and demonstrate that art remains an intrinsic part of spiritual life of a human. The research is structured based on the interpretative approach that allows acquiring heuristic data on the specificity of studying art within the framework of sociological knowledge. The following conclusions are made: sociology must develop a precise algorithm for studying art, which helps a sociologist to avoid the common mistakes in conducting a corresponding research; in sociological studying of art, the focus should be made on social measurement of the existence of art.
the social dimension of art, the algorithm of the study of art, spiritual life, art and society, sociology of art, society, art, methodology, sociology, interdisciplinarity
Questions of current interest
Skobelina, N.A., Fetisova, A.V. (2019). Institutional aspects of formation of accessible environment for persons with physical conditions and disabilities in the Volgograd Region. Sociodynamics, 3, 812.
This article examines the institutional aspects of establishment of accessible environment for persons with physical conditions and disabilities in the Volgograd Region. The authors determine the subjects of regional barrier-free environment for persons with health limitations and disabilities, specify formal and informal practices created in the process of formation of accessible space in the region. State facilities, government authorities, social-oriented nonprofit organizations, and mass media are attributed to the subjects of institutionalization of accessible environment. Attention is focused on the institutional standards and rules of organization of accessible environment for persons with physical conditions and disabilities. The article applies the method of remote analysis of the websites of executive branch of Volgograd Region and socially-oriented nonprofit organizations for determining the regional specificity of formation of the barrier-free environment for persons with physical conditions and disabilities. The conclusion is made that in Volgograd Region is created a comprehensive mechanism for establishment of accessible environment for persons with physical conditions and disabilities, which includes partnership approach of state institutions, social organizations, and mass media. It is also underlined that nonprofit organization become an active subject in the process of formation of barrier-free environment in the region.
practice, formal rules, institutional aspect, barrier free environment, disabled, limited health, accessible environment, non-governmental organizations, subjects of institutionalization, region
People and work
Chudnova, O.V. (2019). Management of stimulation of work of the teachers of modern higher school based on the Porter Lawler Model of Motivation. Sociodynamics, 3, 1317.
This article is dedicated to the questions of management of the system of motivation and stimulation of work in a modern higher school. Its relevance is substantiated by the need for qualitative replacement of such category of employees within academic-pedagogical environment, by attracting the most talented, competent, and professionally accomplished personnel, because this is the key to successful development of the entire system of higher education. Despite the wide array of research dedicated to human resource management, the questions of the effective motivation of pedagogues towards the quality of educational process and structured with consideration of specificities of this category of employees and realities in a modern higher school, remain insufficiently studied. Based on the analysis of the key aspects in activity of faculty members in Russian universities, the author covers the major problems associated with the development of effective system of motivation and stimulation of academic-pedagogical personnel. As a method for improving the system of stimulation, the author suggests using the Porter Lawler Model of Motivation adjusted to the current realities of the facilities of higher professional education.
career, work efficiency, personnel management, quality of education, higher school, motivation, stimulation of work, aspiration, quality of work, enterprise management
Family and society
Belova, O.N., Akutina, S.P. (2019). Violence against women as a social issue. Sociodynamics, 3, 1826.
This article presents the factors that directly or indirectly influence the problem of abusive treatment with women in a family. The authors analyze its key components and causes: aggressive behavior, violence, violent behaviors, weak social guarantees, stressful environment in the family. The study describes the factors leading to occurrence of family violence, as well as analyzes phases of family violence against women. The medical and social work as an effective activity in solving the urgent social issues is considered. The correlation between violence and aggression is traced. The authors examine the vectors in the problem of violence: socio-philosophical, culturological, psychological, and socionomic. Based on the materials of sociological study, the authors identify the main reasons of abusive treatment of women; define the types of family violence – physical, psychological, economic, and sexual; and determine the techniques of social work with women, who suffered from abuse.
continuity, solidarity, the polymodality, ecosystem, social guarantee, family violence, behavior, aggression, violence, constructive stimulation
Social studies and monitoring
Zamyatina, O.N., Kolesnikova, O.N., Sterlyadeva, N.A., Chukanova, T.V. (2019). Legal culture of students as quality parameter of higher education. Sociodynamics, 3, 2732.
This article examines the problem relevant from the perspective of methodology of scientific analysis, as well as social life practice. Acceleration of social processes, transformation of social structure, qualitative changes in the role of information and knowledge within modern society and human life lead to the need for scientific analysis of education as a system-forming factor of sustainable development of the society. Legal culture of students manifests as an integrating element for assessing the quality of education. Culturological component of personality, indeed, is the core of reproduction of separate stages of education, social institution of education overall, as well as spiritual sphere of the society. Structuring the concept of legal culture, the author determines the information legal culture, culture of legal behavior, culture of social-legal activeness, culture of value legal orientations. Based on the parameters of the types of legal culture, the authors conducted a questionnaire-based survey among the students of the city of Barnaul for collecting necessary information. An overall objective assessment of the quality of all components of the system of higher education accordance is possible in accordance with the parameters of such types of legal culture of future specialists, is possible: education as social activity, social institution, and social value. As a result of sociological survey, the authors acquire data on the level of legal culture among the students of Barnaul.
Social studies and monitoring
Koval'chuk, V.K. (2019). Socio-demographic problems as a development factor of a modern Russian rural community. Sociodynamics, 3, 3339.
This research is dedicated to the topic of socio-demographic problems as a development factor of modern rural territories in Russia. The goal of this work is the assessment of reasons and prospects of the current development of destructive socio-demographic processes in the Russian rural community. Methodology is structured on combination of the secondary processing of sociological data, descriptive analysis and case study. The empirical foundation contains the results of nationwide mass surveys, verified by the major Russian sociological agencies. The author believes that the key socio-demographic problems of the Russian rural territories are substantiated by not only the influence of macroeconomic factor, but also the “revolution of expectations” that took place in people’s consciousness. The latter represents a byproduct of the promoted by modern society model of conspicuous consumption. The impact of this factor, supposedly, noticeably enhances the development of communication technologies. The development of crisis trends forms certain concerns regarding the prospect of settlement, determined by outflow of population. Thus, the migration from the rural areas that “die away” attains the signs of self-supporting process. The potential for recovery of rural settlements, affected by the destructive processes, is inversely proportional to the length of depressive period. With a course of time, the destructive occurrences only worsen; therefore, it is reasonable to curtail them namely at the early stages of development. In order to stabilize the situation, the government needs to drastically change the model of spatial and regional development, including the refusal from focusing on the further development of large agglomerations. The programs of deindustrialization of the economy and moderate protectionism with regards to agricultural producers (as well as any projects aimed at creation of added value in the agricultural sector) should contribute to the revival of rural territories.
agricultural producers, agriculture, internal migration, rural development, socio-demographic processes, country, village, regional development, Russia, village sociology