Social studies and monitoring
Ossipova, T., Maksimova, S.G., Noyanzina, O.E., Omel'chenko, D.A. (2019). Institutionalization of the system of public assistance for middle age and elderly population. Sociodynamics, 11, 1–7.
The key purpose of this article lies in consideration of the factors of institutionalization of the system of public assistance of elderly population in the modern regions of Russia. The authors examine such aspects as the impact of environmental, macrolevel factors upon the situation among middle age and elderly population; current state of the system of various forms of public support for the elderly people; and their social surrounding. Particular attention is given to the problems of formation of the system of socio-psychological, psychological and moral support, as well as protection of the rights of the middle age and elderly people in various spheres. Methodology is presented by the structural-functional analysis that allows determining institutional conditions forming comfortable environment that contribute to social inclusion of the elderly population into social life. The authors selected the method of structured questionnaire with an option for multiple answers, surveying the population aged 40 and over from the three regions of the Russian Federation: Altai Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai and Kemerovo Oblast. The scientific novelty is substantiated by the acquisition of new data characterizing the institutional conditions of the system of public assistance for the elderly people. The population believes that the government on the legislative level has created fairly comfortable conditions for the life of retirees, associated mostly with ensuring social guarantees, benefits, compensations, and so on. However, the establishment of the system of moral and psychological support of the elderly, as well as protection of their rights in various spheres is not well developed in the Russian society, and would manifest as a depriving factor associated with the exclusion of elderly population from the system of socio-communicative relations and depreciation of the social values of the status of elderly person.
age groups, social representations, social support, ageing, old age, institutionalization, social exclusion, Siberian regions, assessment, adaptation
Questions of current interest
Alimova, Y.N. (2019). Mythological components in the structure of legal consciousness of the representatives of legal professions . Sociodynamics, 11, 8–19.
The goal of this work is the philosophical-culturological analysis of individual categories of legal consciousness comprising the arsenal of the modern representations on law as a system of positive descriptions and prescriptions; as well as the determination of irrational components that fall under the value fundamentals of individual legal provisions and norms. The subject of this research is the legal consciousness of the representatives of legal professions, including “self-representation” (lawyer), categories of “justice”, “morality”, “professional worth”, and peculiarly “legal consciousness” and “legal culture”. Categorical analysis of the aforementioned concepts demonstrates the high level of their mythologization. The research method of these dynamic structures of legal consciousness of a lawyer became the comparative analysis, based on the dynamic approach towards understanding of values, principles of historicism and scientific objectiveness; as well as the method of saturated interpretation. The scientific novelty is defined by the acquired conclusion on the presence in the indicated components of an essential mythological element, which may disorient the practically oriented specialist. The specificity of the Russian legal consciousness serves the existence of the extralegal social regulators and operation in assessing legal violations accordant to the concepts of “common sense”, “conscience” and “morality”, which finds reflection in the various codes of professional ethics (investigator, lawyer, etc.). The main result of this work lies in identification of the dependence of emotions of an individual, expressed using the category of “justice”, on the cognitive element of mass legal consciousness. Uncritical attitude to “legal myths”, manifesting as indestructible foundation of legal order, may lead to undesirable social consequences, determine the various forms of delinquent and deviant behavior, legal nihilism, anomy , etc.; as well as result in professional deformation.
the legal culture of a lawyer, morality, justice, common sense, the professional ethics of a lawyer, legal awareness, legal myth, mythologization of law, philosophy of culture, professional legal education
Family and society
Troshkina, I.N., Smolina, I.G. (2019). State family policy as the basis for the functioning of the modern family (regional aspect) . Sociodynamics, 11, 20–43.
The object of the study is family policy, the subject of the study is the state family policy as the basis for the functioning of the family (regional aspect). The article examines aspects of the component impact of state family policy, in particular at the federal and regional levels (based on the materials of the Republic of Khakassia); highlights the stages of development of family policy in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Khakassia. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of the regulatory component of family policy, social support of the family, the regional component of family policy. Attention is focused on the features of family support in the main areas in the region. The methodological basis of the research consists of the principles and categories of dialectics, methods of analysis and synthesis, system-structural and functional analysis of social systems. Empirical base – materials of current reports of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Khakassia, statistical materials, regulatory and legislative acts, concepts of family policy. The main conclusions are the following: 1. State family policy of Russia for the period XX – beginning. The XXI century has passed four stages of its development, the regional level is experiencing the third stage of formation. 2. The dynamics of the main components of family policy has a cyclical spiral trend. 3. The component of the legislative and regulatory framework is more susceptible to dynamics, less so is the regional family policy. 4. The component of regional family policy in Khakassia is characterized by a "catch-up" character, a minimal system of support for families. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the study of the dynamics of the main components of state family policy, the foundations of family policy in the Republic of Khakassia. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the regional component of the state family policy.
regulatory and legislative framework, family policy of Khakassia, federal family policy, components of family policy, modern family, family, regional family policy, the family of Khakassia, stages of family policy, family support
Questions of current interest
Belov, A.A. (2019). Comprehension of sociocultural role of a woman in the context of artistic pursuit of Iranian cinematography. Sociodynamics, 11, 44–57.
The subject of this research is the comprehension of sociocultural dynamics in Iranian society by the auteur cinematography of this country. Tragic disruptions of social reality, substantiated on the one hand by vague modernization conducted by the last shah, and on the other – by archaization of social life wittingly realized after the Revolution of 1979, found reflection in the works of the prominent Iranian filmmakers, who were also popular outside the country. Main attention is dedicated to the questions of transformation of social role of a woman and pursuance of their own identity, as well as ambiguous coverage of this topic by the Iranian cinematography. Research methodology is based on the axiological and anthropological approaches, as well as the method of philosophical comparativism allowing to analyze the dynamics of sociocultural changes using figurative language of Iranian cinematography. The scientific novelty consists in determination, description and analysis of the theme of gender equality as one of the key ones in development of the Iranian cinematography. The gender performative theory allows demonstrating how the “new myths” pertaining to gender equality, translated by the modern Iranian cinematography, impact the development of self-consciousness of the Iranian women. The results of the conducted research consist in identification of indirect correlations between the imagery solutions of cinematography of depicting women and the political-cultural realities that became the foundation for particular films. The author substantiates the role of “female cinema” in development of artistic background of filmmakers; as well as pinpoints the transition from binary female image as a “virtuous wife”/”fornicatress” towards more realistic reflection of female image through the prism of social problems (infidelity, divorce, rights and freedoms of a woman).
documentary film, feature film, author's movie, sociocultural identity, performative gender theory, modernization, traditional values, the status of women, artistic image, Iranian cinema
Questions of current interest
Popov, E.A. (2019). Legal competence of future sociologists. Sociodynamics, 11, 58–64.
This article is dedicated to consideration of various aspects of the formation of legal competence of future sociologists. The author draws parallel between the legal competence and legal culture, legal knowledge, legal reflection, and legal education. Emphasis is made on the need to take into account the interaction of sociologists with professional legal experts in assessment and decision-making of the relevant social problems, as well as in the empirical research of legal reality. Legal competence is viewed as a combination of instruments (or professional competencies) essential for solving the tasks on examination and analytical generalization of issues in the legal life of the individual and society. The research methodology leans on the system analysis of legal life issues, as well as the results of the sociology of law. Different ways of such interaction along with its impact upon improvement of the level of legal competence of future sociologists are demonstrated. At the same time, the specificity of formation of such competence is associated with pedagogical, worldview and methodological aspects of the professional becoming of sociologists. The article underlines the advantages and difficulties in studying legal reality by sociologists; examines potential of the sociology of law with regards to formation of legal competence of future sociologists. The author also describes the experience of some Russian universities in formation of legal competence on the level of requirements of the federal education standard, equally with consideration of the peculiarities of Bachelor and Masters Programs on Sociology.
interdisciplinary approach, sociology, value system, sociology of law, the training of sociologists, legal life, legal competence, sociocultural aspect, society, values and norms
Questions of current interest
Kosorukov, A.A. (2019). Automation in the area of public administration. Sociodynamics, 11, 65–76.
The subject of this research is the robotic process automation (RPA) technologies that allow increasing the effectiveness of public administration based on implementation of programmed robots. The author examines the main requirements to automation of the state administrative processes, technical capacity and constraints of RPA in relation to information systems. The article describes the applications processing model of the users of multifun0ctional centers involving RPA and the model of implementation of RPA solutions into the process of rendering public services; as well as highlights the key peculiarities of gradual transition towards RPA in the area of public administration. The scientific novelty consists in integration of capabilities of RPA, DPA (digitalization of automated processes), aimed at “seamless” incorporation of public administration into the data ecosystem based on the low-code-platform, development of artificial intelligence, and emergence of digital employees responsible for the high-level state decision-making.
administrative process, automated information system, public services, public administration, digitalization, robotic process automation, data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital employee
Questions of current interest
Emel'yanov, A.S. (2019). The impact of endogenous and exogenous semantic information upon making decisions in the situation of uncertainty. Sociodynamics, 11, 77–88.
The subject of this research is analysis of the impact of semantic information upon the decision-making process in the situation of uncertainty. The situation of uncertainty, in the context of which is analyzed the influence of endogenous and exogenous semantic information on the behavior of market player, is patterned on the basis of bimatrix game. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact that despite the rapid development of information technologies, understanding of the nature and essence of information, namely its semantic aspect, as well as its impact upon decision-making remains insufficiently studied. The research methodology contains the analysis of the size of semantic information of the strategies of test subjects, solution of bimatrix game in the mixed strategies with imperfect information, as well as correlation and regression analysis of the experiment outcome. The analysis of obtained results of the three experiments testify to the following: 1) in the situation of uncertainty and imperfection of information, the great majority of test subjects adhered to the strategy of minimization of losses, rather than maximization of public good, despite the high level of trust and transparency; 2) seeking greater transparency in bimatrix games with imperfect information leads to a significant increase in the amount of test subjects who selected the risky strategies.
semantic information, Social Truth, transparency, Trust-Effect, exogenous semantic information, endogenous semantic information, economic information, uncertainty, Decision theory, blog-technology
Social studies and monitoring
Litvinova, T.N. (2019). The problem of creating a positive image of North Caucasus inside the country in the context of the spatial development objectives. Sociodynamics, 11, 89–104.
The subject of this research is the formation of positive image of North Caucasus inside the country in the context of spatial development objectives, first and foremost, for the advancement of tourism sector in the region. On February 13, 2009 the Government of the Russian Federation confirmed the Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation until 2025, in which the development of tourism is claimed as one of the promising industries of the North Caucasian macroregion. The object of this research is the image of the region and its role in increasing tourism attractiveness. The empirical basis for this work became the online survey among the residents of different regions of the Russian Federation (n=903); the questionnaire was focused on determining the respondents’ awareness regarding the current situation in the republics of North Caucasus, associations and historical figures related to the region. It also contained questions about the desire to visit North Caucasus and preferable types of recreation. The acquired results were compared to the statistical data on visitation of the regions of North Caucasian Federal District by the Russian citizens. The scientific novelty consists in empirical proof that there is a certain increase in positive assessments of North Caucasus in perception of the Russian. Although some stereotypes remain, the positive associations with North Caucasus along with the virtues common to North Caucasian peoples, prevail significantly. Russian residents, including youth, are well versed on the history and prominent figures from North Caucasus. All of these factors enable forming a positive image of the region inside the country. Holding a rich recreation potential and history, the region is of considerable interest for the sanatorium-resort, winter sports and excursion tourism.
media, online survey, public opinion, tourism, the North Caucasus, spatial development, image of the territory, stereotypes, mountain ski vacation, excursion tourism
Social studies and monitoring
Andreenkova, A.V. (2019). Comparative social research as a special type of social research. Sociodynamics, 11, 105–111.
The subject of this article the theoretical-methodological analysis of peculiarities and characteristics of the comparative social research on the basis of population survey, distinguishing it among the broader circle of social research – monographic, mono-object and longitude. Over the two recent decades, the amount of comparative cross-national and cross-cultural studies is constantly growing, so is the field of their application in the research process, state administration, and informing the public. For determination of the peculiarities of comparative research, the author conducted a comprehensive documentation analysis of the eighteen largest edgy comparative projects, as well as scientific literature on the methodology of comparative research for the period from 1950 to 2019. The article demonstrated that the comparative social research have certain specificities with regards to subject-object relations, functional and designated purpose, and methodological-procedural aspects. The logics of structuring the comparative research is characterized with introduction of the additional stages and procedures meant for ensuring data comparability from the various countries and cultures. Among them is the preliminary testing of the concepts in different sociocultural conditions, translation of questionnaire to different languages, harmonization of socio-demographic variables. Only gradual implementation of these stages allows acquiring reliable and accurate empirical data for the scientifically substantiated cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons.
intercultural studies, subjective indicators, empirical data, general population surveys, methods in social sciences, survey research methodology, cross-national survey, comparative social survey, countries, preliminary testing of concepts
Local self-government
Rogach, O.V., Frolova, E.V. (2019). Institutional conditions for converting social resource of the local communities into the development of tourism attractiveness of municipal formations. Sociodynamics, 11, 112–121.
The subject of this research is the institutional conditions for converting social resource of the local communities into the processes of development of tourism attractiveness of the Russian territories. The authors examine the initial theoretical and methodological prerequisites of studying institutional conditions (key provisions of the theory of social institutions, socioeconomic situation of institutional environment); determine the significance of impact of institutional conditions upon the vector of development of municipal formations; explore the structural-conceptual perception of institutional conditions. Special attention is given to the potential and constraints of conversion of social resource of the local communities to the development of tourism attractiveness of municipal formations, explicated in the established institutional conditions. The following conclusions were made: conversion of social resource of local communities to the development of territory’s tourism attractiveness requires the creation of institutional conditions that incentivize population towards this social action, considering the transformation of formal rules, norms and parameters of interaction. From such perspective, the institutional conditions allow implementation of informal practices, which manifest as the compensators of inevitable limitation of institutionalized systems, imparting them with flexibility, adaptivity and variability of development. The scientific novelty lies in determination of institutional conditions initiating the processes of formalization of social relations, transition towards creation of organizational structures for mobilization of internal sources of territorial development to create competitive advantages and adaptive opportunities of socioeconomic systems.
financial resources, local community, social resource, social institution, institutional setting, institutional environment, tourist attractiveness, municipality, investment practices, municipal property
Academic thought
Valeeva, M.V. (2019). Key factors of scientific performance of the university’s academic staff . Sociodynamics, 11, 122–129.
Over the recent time, the quantitative assessment indicators of scientific performance play an increasingly important role. At the same time, the number of publications of the Russian authors and their citation are relatively lower compared to the Western colleagues. This necessitates determination of the causes and factors affecting publication activities and scientific performance overall. The author conducts a sociological study aimed at the analysis of involvement of the university’s academic staff into research work. The object of this publication became the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (N-211), fourteen different sectors of the university; online survey was selected as a research method. The article demonstrates the results reflecting the incentives, barriers and motivation of the university staff members towards publication activities and engagement in the research work; as well as analyzes the goal and ways of cooperation of the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin with the scholars of other universities and organizations. The conclusion is made that the factors affecting the scientific performance of the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin can be divided into two groups: internal (based on inner motivation of a staff member) and external (based on the outside motivation). The author underlines that one of the most significant factors contributing to scientific activity and performance is the scientific collaboration.
scientific publication, publications activities, research activities, science, scientific community, educationalists, higher education, higher school, motivation, sociological study