Social studies and monitoring
Maykova, E.Y., Simonova, E. (2019). Representations of the residents of Russian municipalities about the local self-governance as an indicator of self-governance potential of population (on the example of Tver Region). Sociodynamics, 1, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the analysis of such indicator of the level of self-governance potential of population as the citizens’ representations on the nature of local self-governance, which imply the impact of the state and other social actors upon the local self-governance, as well as the citizens’ role in implementation of administrative activity at the local level. The examination of such representations allows determining the peculiarities of administrative and self-governance processes at the local level alongside the prospects for development of the municipal practices in Russia. The article provides the data of sociological monitoring conducted in Tver Region over the period from 2009 to 2018 (2009-2011 Tver; 2012-2019 Tver Region). The object of research are the residents of the cities, urban-type settlements and rural localities of Tver Region aged 18 and above. The method of formalized interview was applied in the course of the study. The author explores the representations of regional population about the optimal models of organization of administrative system by the modern Russian society, essential characteristics of the local self-governance, potential sources of influence upon the activity of the municipal authorities, as well as evaluation of the level of impact of ordinary citizens upon the work of government agencies. The author’s special contribution lies in tracing the dynamics of representations of the residents of Tver Region on the local self-governance throughout the recent decade, which allows determining the substantial growth of activist orientations of the Russian citizens, as well as the existence of barrier for realization of self-government potential of population. The acquired information can be valuable for the state and municipal authorities with regards to involvement of population into the self-governance practices.
barriers to the implementation of self-government potential, activist attitudes, influence of citizens, self-governing practices, sources of influence, dynamics of representations, models of management organization, self-government potential, local self-government, trends of the development
Political mentality
Koretskaya, M.A. (2019). Nation as the carrier of sovereignty and the boundary of political theology. Sociodynamics, 1, 10–19.
The subject of this research is the existing in the current political discourse representation about nation as the carrier of sovereignty. The task consists in explication of genealogical link between the concept of nation and the conceptual field of political theology. Special attention is given to the critical analysis of the proposed by Judith Butler redefinition of nation as a public group that transforms their vulnerability into political power and source of sovereignty. The concept of sovereignty is problematized on the basis of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of sovereign power. The author raises a question on the boundaries of political theology in modern reality. Methodological grounds contain the performative interpretation of the social and political (J. Butler, J. Alexander), genealogical method of M. Foucault, criticism of political theology of G. Agamben. The main research results consist in the following: substantiation of performative interpretation of the concept of nation; explication of philosophical and political context of the proposed by Judith Butler hypothesis that these problems are the aftermath of questioning the dependence of the concept of nation from the logic of political theology. The article describes the genealogical scheme of transformation of representations about nation as the source of sovereignty, since the origins of medieval theology of power to the present forms of representative democracy, as well as demonstrates the link between the idea of sovereign nation and the problems of exclusion and violence.
messianism, sacred, collective body, performativity, political theology, sovereignty, people, exception, violence, direct democracy
Questions of current interest
Barinov, D.N. (2019). Crisis phenomena in social life as a source of emergence of social fears. Sociodynamics, 1, 20–26.
This article analyzes the influence of crisis phenomena of social life upon the mentality of population. Crisis phenomena are viewed as one of the fundamental factors of the emergence of social fears. The author discusses the role of social conflicts and competition in the context of the emergence of social fears. The theoretical basis of the research contains works in the area of sociology and philosophy dedicated to the problematic of fear, study of social crises, and theory of risk society. Based on the concept of trauma, the crises phenomena are considered as disastrous events, generating the growth of social fears. In the course of this research, the author uses the work of the nationwide sociological studies demonstrating the shifts of mood resulted by the escalation of risk processes in the society. It is underlined that the crises phenomena in various spheres of social life shatter the institutional order, disturb the predictability of the system of social relations and interactions, as well as sustainability of social binds. On the background of growing uncertainty as a characteristic of social life, the author observes not only the increase of anxiety and fear, but also the establishment of the “culture of fear” that reflects vulnerability of the majority of groups within the risk society. Conflicts and competition intensify the effect of crisis phenomena upon the population wellbeing; contribute to formation of the specific fears among various social groups, as well as transformation of fear repertoire.
trauma, social moods, instability, social changes, competition, conflict, social crisis, social fears, risk, uncertainty
Questions of current interest
Pryadko, I.P. (2019). Reading and traditional book-learning in perception of the modern Russian: based on the materials of sociological survey. Sociodynamics, 1, 27–41.
This article examines the topical issues of reading and information culture in Russia in the XXI century. The author analyzes the problems associated with the dynamics of the traditional reading. Special attention is given to the reading among young generation of Russia. The subject of this research defined its objective, which consists in identification of the factors impacting the reading activity of the youth in globalization century, as well as distribution of the ideas of multiculturalism. The conclusions lean on the results of sociological survey conducted in 2018 among the students of several technical universities of Moscow, which allowed determining the trends emerging in cultural practices of the early XXI century. Besides the sociological survey, the author also used the analysis of mass media messages as an instrument for collecting empirical material. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in terms of analyzing the problem of the modern reading culture, the author attracted the extensive historical material, from the reminiscences of cultural figures of the XIX century to the works on sociology of reading of the early XX century. Another specificity of this publication is that the author attempts to determine the attitude of respondents towards the reforms conducted in the area of literacy and orthography, as well as those expected in future. Correlation is traced between the transformations taking place in the area of literary-written language and the reading activity of the separate population groups in Russia.
language reform, spelling reform, reading tradition, sociological survey, information channels, information, reading culture, reading, literary genres, reading preferences
Questions of current interest
Iarkeev, A.V. (2019). Metaphysics of the state of emergency in Walter Benjamin’s philosophy . Sociodynamics, 1, 42–48.
The subject of this research is the Walter Benjamin’s representation on the state of emergency in the context of modern issue of correlation between sovereign power, right and violence. The intention of W. Benjamin consists in overcoming the state of demonic existence, which residue is the right, and liberate human being from guilt, in the virtue of which the natural life is included into the order of right and fate. In his criticism of violence, W. Benjamin attempts to validate the possibility of the existence of violence beyond the limits of right, i.e. “on the far side” of “vicious circle” of the dialectics of violence establishing right, and the violence, supporting right. Methodological framework contains hermeneutic ontology (M. Heidegger, H. Arendt), adhering to the principle of the identity of language, existence and reasoning. The main conclusion lies in substantiation of the original thesis that the genuine state of emergence, marked by W. Benjamin as “divine violence”, is the reasoning process, manifesting as the metaphysical “revolutionary” force underlying the sovereign subjectivity, because the reasoning interrupts the non-reflectable flow of natural life.
right, violence, subjectivity, decision, sovereign power, state of emergency, metaphysics, divine violence, thinking, Walter Benjamin
Questions of current interest
Stepanova, O.S., Nikolaeva, A.A. (2019). Relevant issues of the development of inclusive education in Russia: the experience of sociological research. Sociodynamics, 1, 49–56.
The subject of this research is the inclusive education in the Romanov School in Moscow. The authors examine the concept of inclusive education within the modern pedagogical science, as well as analyze the opinions of various participants of educational process regarding the most substantial problems in the advancement of inclusive education. Particular attention is turned to the problems of the advancement of inclusive education in Russian based on the conducted sociological study for assessing the results of surveying students, teachers and parents on the topic of inclusion in the Russian education system using the example of the Romanov School in Moscow. The following research methods were applied: analysis of scientific literature; synthesis, generalization, and systematization of materials; mathematical processing of results; comparison and analysis; normative approach; questionnaire; empirical-theoretical method – description and graphic method. The main conclusion lies in determination of the problems in the area of inclusive education in the Romanov School by surveying the participants of educational process. The authors’ special contribution consists in the creation of questionnaires and conducting individual polling of students, teachers and parents on the subject matter. The scientific novelty consists in description of the specific issues of inclusive education on the example of actual educational facility.
child, limited opportunities, children, school, development, parents, students, teachers, inclusive education, problems
State and civil society
Kosorukov, A.A., Kshemenetskaya, M.N. (2019). Digital governance model at the current stage of the development of public administration. Sociodynamics, 1, 57–69.
The subject of this research is the digital governance model that replace the Weber model, model of “progressive era”, and model of the new public management. The important components of the subject is the following: 1) open data that represent the numerous set of government data, technologies of their cloud processing, as well as distributed production involving the network of civic activists, use of the advantages of web-based applications “mash-ups” and crowdsourcing platforms; 2) big data as a combination of the modern methods of work with the volume database forming in the various spheres of social life – from security to online education and healthcare. Research methodology includes the historical and analytical methods that reveal the technological features of shifting towards the practice of digital governance. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on examination of the modern empirical sources and foreign experience, the authors analyze the innovative practices of introducing the digital governance model in public administration, including the implementation of open data into the production of government services, use of the new digital platforms and Internet-based applications, as well as big data, including the spheres of security and protection from emergency sitututations, education, healthcare, transport and budget.
Internet-applications, public services, public administration, digital governance model, new public management, progressive era model, Weber model, open data, cloud technologies, big data
People and work
Rozhkova, L.V., Vlazneva, S.A., Salnikova, O.V., Dubina, A.S. (2019). Labor values and orientations of modern youth in the conditions of crisis and instability. Sociodynamics, 1, 70–80.
The subject of this research is the labor values and orientations within the structure of social potential. The object of this research is the Russian youth from the Volga Regions. Due to transition towards the market relations, the priorities in labor values of the Russian, including youth, have changed. Currently, the problem of transformation of labor values of the youth becomes especially relevant under the conditions of ongoing crises and instability. The goal of this study lies in the analysis of social potential of the youth in labor sphere. The article meticulously examines the value components of labor potential of the modern youth: labor values, attitude to labor and professional orientations; analyzes the impact of the current socioeconomic situation upon labor orientations of modern youth. The research objectives were achieved based on analysis of the materials of authorial sociological surveys among the youth of Volga Region and secondary data analysis of the nationwide studies in the area of labor values of the youth. As a result of the conducted research, the authors acquired the new empirical data on the state and sociocultural peculiarities of social potential of the youth in labor sphere. It is concluded that the basic labor values of modern youth is the high wages, interesting job, career and professional growth. The important conditions for getting a “decent job” is the high qualification and extensive professional knowledge, work with full effort, beneficial connections. Therefore, the labor values and orientations of the Russian youth depend on the ongoing social transformations.
instability, crisis, social potential, work capacity, work values, work, orientations, values, youth, regions of the Volga region
People and work
Solomein, A.A., Seryugin, A.V. (2019). The influence social logistics of the oil company upon the labor behavior of rotational employees. Sociodynamics, 1, 81–90.
The subject of this research is the determination of influence of the peculiarities of organization of social logistics of the oil company upon the employment behavior of rotational workers. The object of sociological study is the representative of administration and rotational employees of the “Verkhnechonskneftegaz” PJSC. The goal of this work consists in description of the possible development vectors of social logistics in the activity of oil company for strengthening the employment behavior of rotational workers. It is necessary to note that currently the economic literature practically does not reveal the potential of social logistics on the delivery of rotational employees to the oil and gas reserve. Expert interview for surveying the company’s administration and questionnaire for the employees at the reserve of Verkhnechonskneftegaz” PJSC was selected as the method for collecting information. The sample frame of questionnaire-based survey was stratified by the gender, age and positions held; total of 218 employees have been surveyed. The scientific novelty consists in the authors’ suggestion and application of the methodical approach towards the analysis of peculiarities of organization of social logistics on the delivery of rotational employees to the oil and gas reserve based on the sociological method. The conducted sociological survey detected the contradictory opinions of administration and rotational employees regarding the existing social logistics provided by the oil company. Ye authors note that the problem under consideration is relevant in formation of employment behavior of the rotational workers, which in turn, influences the work performance within the framework of the modern oil company.
Rosneft, oil-and-gas field, social research, labour motivation, employment behaviour, rotational work, rotational employee, human logistics, Verkhnechonskneftegaz, Verkhnechonsk oil and gas condensate field
The Dialogue of cultures
Litvinova, T.N. (2019). Image of Mongolia through the lens of Russians (based on the results of online survey). Sociodynamics, 1, 91–100.
The subject of this research is the image of Mongolia in perception of the Russian citizens. The object is the country’s political image, which on one hand is the reflection of its actual characteristics, and on the other – projection of expectation by the perceived subject, whether it is the citizens of the country under consideration (domestic image) or neighboring nations. The author describes the main approaches towards examination of the country’s image, which came to social sciences from the economic (marketing) research. Special attention is given to the sociological approach that leans on the certain images and opinions about the country formed in people’s mind. The empirical framework is the online survey on the perception of Mongolia’s image by the population of the various Russian regions (n=462). The focus was made on the following aspects of the image of neighboring country: assessment of the Russia-Mongolia relations; associations with Mongolia; features of national character of the Mongolians; prominent figures of the neighboring nation; and the convergence factors between Russia and Mongolia. The scientific novelty consists in the empirical proof of the substantial prevalence of positive assessments of Mongolia and Mongolians by the Russian citizens; high knowledgeability of the Russians on the history, culture and prioritized vectors of development of Mongolia; realization by the Russians of the factors of mutual convergence between the countries and the need for cooperation. The results demonstrate the interest of Russian towards their eastern neighbor due to the history and culture of both nations.
cooperation, Mongolia, Russia, perception, sociological studies, marketing research, country image, history, culture, convergence factors
Social studies and monitoring
Gorbunova, A.A., Borisova, O.V., Maksimova, S.G. (2019). Socioeconomic situation of the region as a factor of social security of the population (based on the materials of sociological research in Altai Krai). Sociodynamics, 1, 101–107.
The subject of this research is the analysis of population assessment of socioeconomic situation in the region and the key issues in various spheres of social life. Special attention is given to determination of the peculiarities of perception of personal security in the context of socioeconomic wellbeing of Altai Krai. In the course of this research, the author analyzes the mains aspects of socioeconomic development of the region (based on the statistical data), as well as determines the key social issues in Altai Krai. It is revealed that the assessment of problems and threats is also substantiated by the place of residence of the respondents. The main research methods is the analysis of statistical data and questionnaire-based survey of the Altai Krai population carried out in 2018. The results of sociological research, realized by the collaborative team from Altai State University, testify to the fact that the perception and content with personal security are related to the subjective assessment of socioeconomic situation in the region and self-assessment of the level of material wealth. The acquired data can be valuable in forecasting and modeling of the social risks and security in the context of development of the modern regional society.
regional problems, region, population, personal security, social security, security, socio-economic situation, social risk, security threat, social problems
Social studies and monitoring
Linchenko, A.A. (2019). “Dissemination of USSR”: stage and strategies of framing cultural trauma in the media discourse of modern Russia. Sociodynamics, 1, 108–121.
This article is dedicated to examination of the patterns of interpretation of the events related to dissemination of USSR within the modern Russian media discourse. Based on the content analysis of the most significant media projects on dissemination of USSR, the author determines the key media strategies of apprehension of this historical even and framing of the cultural trauma in media discourse of modern Russia. Therefore, the author conducts content analysis of cultural trauma in the context of peculiarities of the modern mythology. A number of classification categories were determined: 1) image of victim; 2) image of enemy; 3) images of fate; 4) image of the “reviving” state. The content analysis was aimed at estimating the vector and function of the expression, its intensity and space; the estimation units were the related text fragments that contained reference to dissemination of the Soviet Union. Thesis on the “fictitious”, “framed” character of cultural trauma should be interpreted through the lens of moderate constructivism. Nostalgia for the Soviet in the political and cultural life of modern Russian becomes the method of reproducing particularly the traumatic structures of memory. The stages of framing the cultural trauma in Russia, associated with the events of dissemination of USSR, in many ways reflect the peculiarities of the political processes. Namely, after 2011, there was a rapid increase in the number of small and large TV projects dedicated to the topic of dissemination of the Soviet Union. Content analysis demonstrated the transformation of narrative from the factual description of 1990’s to the description saturated with the interpretative context. Part of the projects implement the critical strategy of interpretation, while the rest demonstrate the traumatic interpretation of the events of dissemination of USSR. The author underlines the growth of TV show dedicated to the discussion of alternative to dissemination of the Soviet Union and finding those responsible for this historical event.
USSR, constructivism, traumatic narrative, social mythology, media, cultural trauma, collapse of the USSR, Gorbachev, content-analysis, nostalgia
Social studies and monitoring
Sushko, V.A., Vasenina, I.V. (2019). Religiousness of the modern Russian youth as a factor of family values formation. Sociodynamics, 1, 122–137.
The subject of this research is the analysis of theoretical approaches to structuring the conceptual model of empirical study on the impact of the religious values of Muslim and Orthodox youth upon their attitude towards starting a family and marriage. The authors determine the types of youth based on their attitude towards family and marriage that demonstrate the character of influence of religiousness upon the value orientation of youth in modern Russia. Sociological studies signify the decrease of religiousness worldwide, however, it continuous to play an important role in the society. A number of research demonstrated that the decrease in the level of religiousness (adherence to religious norms); modernization of the religious traditions (multifacetedness of individual religious combinations; weakening of the organized belief systems, religious migrations, individualization of religion), which substantiates the relevance of this topic. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Sociology of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; the respondents, total of 500 people, identified themselves as Muslims (240) or Orthodox (260), their age varied from 17 to 30. The questionnaire contained the open-ended and close-ended questions. Based on the analysis of empirical data, the authors traced the character of changes in value orientation with regards to family and marriage depending on the level of religiousness, the role of internal and external factors of social environment; as well as revealed the mechanism of their influence. The authors define the importance of youth religiousness as a factor of formation of their attitude towards family and marriage, as well as build the probability model of its formation.
multi-religious, the conceptual model of researc, marriage relationship, motives of behavior, family values, religious values of modern youth, socialization of young people, marriage model, sociological research, religion
Academic thought
Rusakov, S.S. (2019). Sociologist and the state. To the problem of studying the state in the conditions of symbolic power. Sociodynamics, 1, 138–145.
This article analyzes the problem associated with objectivity and capability of the modern humanitarian thought to reveal the theoretical aspects of the state. Leaning on the ideas of multiple philosophers, the author demonstrates that the existing conventional research methods in various social disciplines constantly remain under the powerful influence of the state as the institution that possesses the meta-capital. Besides the concept of symbolic power developed by Pierre Bourdieu, there is a number of other ideas that have previously substantiated the impossibility or extremely high probability of the fact that any research, which attempted to give meticulous explanation of impact of the state upon human and limits of state’s authoritative powers, are doomed to failure. For analyzing the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Theodor Adorno and other thinkers related to the topic under discussion, the article uses the methods accepted in sociology of knowledge and social philosophy: contrastive-comparative, hypothetical-deductive, and critical methods. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s attempt to not only emphasize the strong facets of certain methods of studying the stat that claim the possibility of balancing the “effects of the power” or influence of the state, but also to indicate that the application of such inventive methods dos not allow the researchers to fill their works with the sufficient analytical and forecasting power, as the actions of the state constantly outpace the actions of the humanitarian scholars.
philosophy of science, symbolic power, symbolic capital, social science, Humanities, Theodor Adorno, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, sociology of knowledge, state