Questions of current interest
Sterliadeva, N. (2018). Typical conflicts in modern pedagogical communities (on the example of Altai schools). Sociodynamics, 7, 1–8.
This article is based on the materials of sociological study conducted in Altai Krai in 2017. The subject of this research is the typical conflict in pedagogical communities. The goal consists in determination of current factors that lead to the emergence of conflict situations in pedagogical communities. The author believes that that quality of educational process depends on the relationship established among pedagogical staff. Examination of the conflicts, its prevention and constructive resolution contributes to establishment of mutual understanding and respect among pedagogical staff, which undoubtedly elevates the quality of educational process. The conducted sociological study allowed determining the key causes and forms of the manifestation of conflicts in educational facilities, the level of conflict management literacy of the pedagogical staff, as well as the behavioral strategy of a person in a conflict situation. The author concludes that currently, the pedagogues do not possess the sufficient knowledge on conflict management, which could be helpful in resolving a conflict situation from the perspective of a professional. The improvement of the conflict management literacy requires special advanced training courses that will provide opportunity for studying the various techniques for optimization the process of conflict resolution, and certainly encourage a more constructive conflict resolution. The results of analysis can be valuable for the representatives of school administrations in their professional activity.
conflictological education, conflict resolution competence, conflictological literacy, teaching staff conflict, sociological research, teaching staff, quality of education, educational process, behaviour strategies, conflict management
The nationality issue
Goncharov, V.V., Chimitova, I.Z. (2018). Interethnic harmony between major ethnic groups in the Republic of Buryatia. Sociodynamics, 7, 9–16.
The Republic of Buryatia is referred to a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, in which the interethnic relations are characterized by stability, moderation, and mutual tolerance. This article examines the certain prerequisites for establishment and strengthening of the interethnic tolerance and its typical manifestations in the relationship of the two most numerous ethnic groups of the region – the Buryats and the Russians. Such variety of interethnic tolerance, inherent to the territories with the long and neighborly interethnic contacts, can be signified by the concept “an interethnic harmony”. The experts note the dominance of a positive trend in such communications. During the initial period, a role has played the positive perception by Buryats, as the representatives of Mongolian world, of the ambassadors of the Russian monarch – the principal of one of the suburbs of the erstwhile Golden Horde. One of the prerequisites of interethnic harmony is the regional climatic peculiarities, which encouraged the cooperation and mutual help between people regardless of their ethnic affiliation. Another factor is the key character traits of the communicating ethnic groups – peaceful disposition, relativity, Buryats’ willingness to compromise, and large communitarity of the Russian people in comparison with the West, the fact that the Russian idea is the idea of brotherhood and nations. Interethnic harmony is accompanies by the tolerant interaction of Buddhism and Orthodoxy. The specificity of the Republic of Buryatia lies in a substantial number of mixed families, kindred relations between the Buryats and the Russians. The strength of family values for the title nation of the Republic is also a prerequisite for interethnic harmony, because namely family forms the foundations for personal value orientations, including the sphere of interethnic communications.
interethnic harmony, good neighborly contacts, long-term contacts, stability, interethnic tolerance, Russians, Buryats, Russia, globalization, development
Social studies and monitoring
Krasilshchikov, V.V. (2018). On some aspects of sociocultural preferences of the students of Russian universities. Sociodynamics, 7, 17–31.
This work is dedicated to determination of the certain dominant positions of the Russian student youth in description of the preferable sociocultural image of Russia. The object of this research is the Russian university students in the age group between 17 and 35 (2,701 respondents altogether) engaged in the thematic university groups created within the social network “VKontakte”. Average age of the respondents composed 20.17 years old in Moscow and 20.06 years old in the regions. Due to divergence in the distribution of youth ideals and their contrariety in the Russian polycultural society, the description of the preferable sociocultural image of Russian gains particular relevance. The collection of information was conducted over the period from March to May of 2017 by means of the developed by the author electronic survey (SN-survey) among the participants of thematic groups of Russian universities from 20 different regions within the framework of the social network “VKontakte”. The suggested method allowed establishing that the sociocultural preferences of the Russian student youth are oriented towards the market relations and democracy. However, there is a serious counterbalance to such position, and thus a high level of sociopolitical risks in realization of the market and democratic reforms in the country. The author points at significant differences between the allocations of female and male respondents residing in the Russian regions.
modernization, value and semantic choice, socio-cultural image of Russia, social network, self-consciousness, students, Russian society, high school, SN-survey, youth
Issues of social partnership
Ovrutskiy, A.V. (2018). Social marketing in the mirror of economic sociology. Sociodynamics, 7, 32–49.
The subject of this research is the socioeconomic content of the phenomenon of social marketing. The object is the scientific texts dedicated to the topic of social marketing, which explicate the social content of the studied practices (mostly sociological works), as well as their economic components (marketing sources). Another object of this work became the implemented campaigns of social marketing, which analysis allowed determining the vectors of technologies, subject matter, instruments, target audience and the development trends. The goal lies in identification of the content, structure and functions of social marketing, as well as analysis of the explanatory schemes of its occurrence and functioning. The research is conducted within the methodology of economic sociology and reveals the content of social marketing. The author differentiates the concepts of “social marketing” and “societal marketing”. The criteria for comparative analysis are the following: purpose of practices, effects, type of communication, competitive environment, mechanism, target audience, structure of marketing, character of basic demand, and motivation. The author also describes the economic (marketing) and social content of technology.
Organizational Socialization, Ethical Marketing, Brand Positioning Social, Neoliberal Ideology, Consumption, Postindustrial Society, Social Management, Commodification, Societal Marketing, Social Marketing
Logic and cognition of political processes
Gizha, A.V. (2018). Metamorphoses of the perception of Marxism in the context of “postmodernity”. Sociodynamics, 7, 50–59.
This article reviews the overall historically established structure of Marxist tradition in combination with its characteristic interpretations. The author highlights the aspect that is common for various types of revisionistic and opportunistic vectors and trends that support the initial socio-humanistic course set by the Marx’ doctrine. It concerns the problem of methodological and somewhat exegetical trait. The latter signifies the problem of the proper selection of the initial theoretical prerequisites for subsequent research. The subject of this article is the fact of prolonged existence of the drastic multiplicity of positions regarding the topic of social and civilizational development, which speaks of their scholastically conceptual closeness. The main conclusion lies in the statement on the existing overall methodological unexhaustiveness in the area of socio-humanitarian research; priority abstractness of the proposes formulations, and therefore, their common non-genuineness; authentic selection of the initial conceptual scheme that could be taken as the original theoretical foundation; arbitrariness of subjective preferences regarding the choice of the basic theoretical concepts; non-admissibility of the phenomenon of theoretical arrogance.
dogmatism, interpretation, criticism, science, ideology, society, history, Marxism, Marx, humanism