Questions of current interest
Li , M. (2018). Corporate social responsibility in Russia: sociocultural aspect. Sociodynamics, 12, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the cultural stipulation of goals and practices of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) – the modern paradigm of regulation the relationship between society and business. The developed in Western cultural context concept of corporate social responsibility, is often declared as the universal; however, a number of studies demonstrate that the differences in cultural values significantly affect business practices and goals. On the example of the Russian corporate sector, the author underlines that in defining the goals and practices of CSR, an important role is played not only by institutional, but also value-normative factors. The research leans on analysis of the data of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Russian Institute of Directors, as well as the results of expert survey conducted among the representatives of major Russian corporations. In the course of this work, the author determines the role of specific value orientation of the Russian culture of company’s business with regards to the corporate social culture. In particular, the combination of values from distance to power, collectivism, and avoidance of uncertainty underlies the paternalistic model of labor relations and manifests in the high importance of social responsibility of the companies before the employees. The significance of hierarchical relationships in business culture also leads to the high role of personal values of management as a factor that influences the corporate social responsibility. Special attention is given to the new aspects of CSR crucial for the modern information society. The author also reveals the impact of sectoral factor upon recognition of the values of corporate information responsibility before the society.
industry factors, hierarchical relationships, Personal values, business culture, sustainable information society, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, business practices, business responsibility, information environment
Social studies and monitoring
Boronoev, P.G. (2018). Social ill-being as a factor of suicidal behavior of minors in the Republic of Buryatia. Sociodynamics, 12, 10–16.
This article examines the social ill-being as a factor of suicidal behavior of the minors. The author analyzes the factors of social ill-being of population in the Republic of Buryatia, as well as its impact upon suicidal behavior of the minors. Over the recent years, there have been recorded 39.6 cases of suicide per 100,000 people, which is double the nationwide average. It ranks 4th among the 85 subjects of the Russian Federation by the frequency of suicides. It is determined that one of the factors of social ill-being is the low level of personal income in the republic, income inequality, and presence of categories of people with income below subsistence level. The survey data among the school students demonstrates the correlational link not only of the unlawful behavior, asocial lifestyle, but also the consistent depressive emotional state with the socioeconomic factors. The acquired important applied and theoretical positions on the social nature of suicidal behavior are of particular interest from the perspective of psychology, sociology and social work.
children, minors, needy family, unemployed, deviant behavior, suicidal behavior, suicide, Social trouble, teenagers, incomplete family
Social studies and monitoring
Karpikova, I.S. (2018). Typology of the practices of social dependency in modern Russia. Sociodynamics, 12, 17–25.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of practices of social dependency and parasitism conducted based on the results of empirical study. Social dependency, being the product of situation of the socioeconomic dependency from the society, can emerge as a result of the objective factors (senior age, illness, disability), as well as in form of the conscious desire of an individual to consume public resources not giving anything in return. At the same time, regardless of the circumstances and factors of its origination, dependency is economically burdensome for the society and destructive for its moral principles, and thus requires initiating practical measures aimed at reducing its proliferation. The analysis of the content of practices of social dependency and parasitism was carried out in 2017-2018 through the sociological survey in one of the subjects of the Russian Federation – Irkutsk Oblast. The strategy was based on the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting information, expert evaluations of the social protection specialists, and opinion of the common respondents. One of the goals lies in classification of the practices of social dependency and parasitism for the purpose of systematization of the newly accumulated knowledge and creation of the information base for development of practical measures on reducing the expansion of such phenomenon. The author introduces the following typological attributes: affiliation of the subjects of dependency practices to certain population categories; factors of emergence and maintenance of dependency practices; legal consequences of implementation of dependency practices. Grouping of the determined practices of social dependency and parasitism in accordance with the highlighted typological attributed represents the foundation for identifying the main vectors of work with separate population categories aimed at minimization of practices of social dependency and parasitism.
categories of population, typology, Irkutsk region, public opinion, expert assessments, sociological research, social parasitism, social dependency, factors of social dependency, legal consequences
Questions of current interest
Ilina, G.N., Tagibova, A. (2018). Management of gender conflicts within transnational corporations. Sociodynamics, 12, 26–40.
This article contains a general overview of gender situation in labor sphere, examines the main reasons of gender conflicts within transnational corporations, as well as analyzes most typical gender conflicts at the top management level that received coverage in mass media in the three different countries – the United States, Great Britain and Russia. The object of this research is the subjective perception of conflicts situation formed by each party to the conflicts. Special attention is given to determination and analysis of different perspective of the opponents upon conflict situation, as well as their behavioral strategy. In the course of this work, the author applies the Christopher Mitchell's conflict triangle model, also known as “ABC Triangle” (Attitude-Behavior-Context) that allows observing all the aspects playing a role in a conflict situation for each party of the conflict. The examined conflicts clearly illustrate that the declaration of equal opportunities for males and females in the economic sphere does not always reflect the actual situation. Leaning on the conducted analysis and results of the recent research, the authors give a number of recommendations in overcoming the gender inequality in the sphere of labor relations. The authors also describe the innovative practices on establishing corporate culture and corporate environment that reduce gender tension and contribute to prevention of gender conflicts within transnational corporations.
gender discrimination, female leadership, transnational corporations, corporate culture, gender stereotypes, gender conflict, gender equality, gender, conflict resolution, conflict dynamics
Academic thought
Mikhailov, I.A. (2018). Sociological beginnings of Max Scheler’s philosophy. Sociodynamics, 12, 41–51.
This article demonstrates that the sociological vector of Max Scheler’s works is formed based on the metaphysical task of establishing connections and boundaries between the pivotal ontological regions. In his earliest treatise, which can be considered sociological, Scheler explores the value transformations that took place in the XVIII – XIX century affecting the main economic categories. The example of the term “Arbeit” (labor, work) illustrates the deepening division of the fields of theoretical and practical, ethical. It manifests mostly in replacement within the human worldview of teleological with technical, instrumental, so that labor separates from the purpose, object, and particular completeness of human activity overall; prerequisites are created for the idea on the continuous, endless production. The article contains the methods and methodology of the historical-philosophical reconstruction, conceptual analysis and approach from the perspective of the sociology of knowledge. The author shows that the used by Scheler arguments and approached are also reproduced in his later works (for example, “Formalism”), which allows viewing the “Work and ethics” not only as an example of the early sociological oeuvre, but also as a model of his original philosophical constructs.
ontology, sociology of knowledge, german sociology, positivism, materialism, Marx, Scheler, axiology, economics, ethics
State and civil society
Bakanova, E.A. (2018). Technoscience and civil society. Sociodynamics, 12, 52–62.
The relevance of this work is substantiated by the current significant transformations taking place in epistemological core of the modern science. It leads to the emergence of the new form of organization of scientific activity – technoscience, which is referred to as the “face of modern science” by Bruno Latour. Technoscience manifests as one of the key drivers of the development of civil society and its self-consciousness, contributing to the constructive civic engagement, as well as expansion of the context of human activity. Thus, the goal of this research becomes the examination of the phenomenon of technoscience and its impact upon the development of civil society. Having analyzed the works of the Russian and foreign scholars dedicated to the concept of technoscience, the author determines that it is a complicated interdisciplinary phenomenon nuanced with pragmatism, constructivism, externalism, political bias, pragmatic and social orientation. It is substantiated that the achievements of technoscience are included into the sociopolitical context; as well as demonstrated that the integration of such achievements, particularly the IT technologies, into the “fabrics of vital world” of the society actively influences the formation of civic initiatives, mindedness and principles. Therefore, the crowd technologies acquire new content, encouraging the development of civic engagement and strengthening of civic self-consciousness.
information and communication technology, personality, information society, crowdsourcing, IT, politics, state, civil identity, civil society, technoscience
People and work
Tonkikh, N.V., Koropets, O.A. (2018). Female remote employment: specifics, problems and efficiency criteria. Sociodynamics, 12, 63–77.
This article is dedicated to the problems of expansion and specifics of female remote employment and its efficiency. The authors determine the economic, social and subjective efficiency criteria of the remote employment. The economic criterion implies the popularity rate of remote employment estimated based on the sociological poll of the heads of organizations. The social criterion includes the satisfaction of employers with the implementation of remote employment; the original formula for its calculation is proposed. The subjective criterion demonstrated the content with distance employment among women. As a result of empirical study, the authors estimate the rated values of separate criterion efficiency indicators. Methodological base contains the modern concepts of employment, particularly the theory of work-life balance. The authorial model of analysis of the impact of female remote employment upon the development of the institution of parenthood serves as the methodical framework for this article. Based on the content analysis of resumes of the applicants and vacancies for the remote job seekers, the authors determine the gender specifics of popularity of the remote female employment. The results of the narrative interview of women who work remotely allowed receiving a subjective assessment of its efficiency. The drawn conclusions allow having a new perspective on organization of remote work for women alongside the selection of government instruments supporting female employment.
telework, employment, content analysis, narrative interview, employment efficiency, female employment, remote employment, remote work, labor market, parent work
Social studies and monitoring
Starikova, M.M. (2018). Housing inequality in the region (on the example of three cities of Kirov Region). Sociodynamics, 12, 78–105.
The subject of this research is the housing stratification in cities of the region. Relevance of this topic is substantiated primarily by the social consequence that emerge as a result of housing differentiation. Due to the fact that housing ranks among the vital needs, its quality directly correlates with the quality of life, level of development of the region, and desire to either stay of migrate from the specific locality. Within the framework of this article, the author presents the results of empirical sociological study of housing inequality conducted in the three cities of Kirov Region: Kirov, Kirovo-Chepetsk and Vyatskiye Polyany. Methodology is based on consideration of the expert opinions of realtors, statistical data and representations of population on their housing status. The comparative analysis of housing quality in microdistricts of the three cities. Particular attention is given to self-reflection of the respondents with regards to assessment of their housing facilities. The article provides classification and “portraits” of microdistricts of the cities in accordance with the actual (objective) indicators of housing quality and subjective (estimated) and situational indicators of housing relations. On the basis of classification, the author makes the charting of microdistricts of the cities under consideration by the indicators of housing inequality. The analysis of public opinion illustrated that certain central microdistricts of the cities of Kirov Region significantly yield in housing characteristics to the suburban microdistricts, due to the fact that the central city zone is mostly presented by housing development of the Soviet era deteriorating due to the lack of funding for full repair or reconstruction. The author determines the differences in objective indicators of housing quality and subjective assessments of the residents depending on microdistricts of the cities, which testify to the phenomenon of “housing patriotism” in poor microdistricts.
stratification criteria, housing patriotism, housing stratification, housing stock, quality of housing, social inequality, housing, mapping neighborhoods, district town, deprivation
Social studies and monitoring
Neustroeva, A.B. (2018). Satisfaction of readers with the quality and availability of library services in National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Sociodynamics, 12, 106–113.
The object of this research is the satisfaction of visitors with the quality and availability of services rendered in National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author examines the role of monitoring and assessment in improvement of quality of the information and library services; carefully reviews such aspects as the methods of monitoring the visitors’ content with the quality and availability of library services, quality indicators of library services, problems and difficulties experiences by the visitors. Special attention is given to the results of survey conducted among the visitors of National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author develops the system of monitoring and quality assessment of the work of library that allows identifying the expectations and problems faced by the readers. The research demonstrates that the library visitors were fully satisfied with the convenience of enrolment; benevolence, competence and politeness of the employers; comfortability of library attendance. The most discontent among visitors was caused by the fullness and quality of the library stock, promptness and rapidness of receiving the necessary information.
e-library, library services, indicators, quality satisfaction, monitoring, availability, quality, library, Digital catalogue, National Library
The heritage of transformation
Martianova , N.A., Rubtcova, M. (2018). Woman as a subject of social transformations in positivist sociology of Auguste Comte . Sociodynamics, 12, 114–121.
The status of women often picked the curiosity of the thinkers who dedicated themselves to the development of projects of social transformations. Auguste Comte, in his positivist concept, draws particular attention to consideration of the status and role of women in the proclaimed by him new historical era – the positivist stage in the development of humanity. However, the national sociological science has yet not paid due attention to this topic. The subject of this article is the specifics of the status and role of women from the perspective of positivist sociology of Auguste Comte. The comparative-historical analysis of the views of A. Comte upon the specifics of the status and role of women at the various stage of his works became the method of this research. The discrepancy in the female social functions at theological, metaphysical, and positive stage of social development is determines. The authors systematize the philosopher’s views regarding the question of gender equality; give characteristic to the “cult of woman” as a specific designation by A. Comte of female status at the positive stage; as well as determine the woman’s functions as a subject of social transformations.
cult of humanity, subordination of woman, ruling gender, affective gender, cult of woman, gender equality, social transformations, woman, positivism, sociological realism
Transformation in political processes
Leushkin, R.V. (2018). Information resistance in the context of informatization and virtualization of society: socio-communicative approach. Sociodynamics, 12, 122–134.
The subject of this article is the most common peculiarities of the processes of information resistance and information warfare in modern society. The research objective include the assessment and analysis of the state and development prospects of information space, identification of the signs of information resistance, search for the causes of modern information warfare. The author examines the modern approaches towards studying the information resistance and information warfare; raises a question about the transformation of social structures within the framework of the process of virtualization and informatization of the society. This article uses relevant approaches to understanding of information society, information warfare and social communication theory. Socio-constructivist approach and social communication theory comprise the methodological base of this work. Leaning on this methodology, the author determines the signs of information warfare within the information space of modern society of the recent decades. Its cause lies in the global clash of the old and new “civilization”. The foundation of these civilization contains the two types of social communication systems: classical printed and electronic. Forming on the basis of information and communication technologies information society gradually replaces the established political, economic and social structures in the industrial society that is founded on the printed communication.
simulacrum, social communication, e-democracy, virtuality, Information society, cyber war, information war, The Great Disruption, social network, Videocracy