Social studies and monitoring
Goltcova, E. (2018). Marriage behavior of youth in the city of Irkutsk and its determination. Sociodynamics, 1, 114.
The subject of this research is the marriage behavior of modern youth. The object is the youth residing in a large Siberian city. The article explores the matrimonial patterns of youth in the conditions of urban environment, as well as establishes the factors of its determination. The author traces certain regularities among the young residents of Irkutsk that are reflected in the tendency of decline in the rates of marriage and birth, which increases the relevance of this study. The author applies the methods of survey and analysis of statistical data. A conclusion is made that the reasons of demographic instability in multiple ways are associated with the value orientations and conditions of social environment of the youth. Methodology is based on the authorial concept of determination of demographic behavior from the perceptive of environmental approach. This work is the first to conduct the analysis of marriage behavior of the young residents of Irkutsk who enter into marriage. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the factors of the youth marriage behavior are viewed within the framework of all components of the social environment – from ecological to economic, political, legal, and socio-cultural circumstances. A conclusion is made that the causes for decline on marriage rate are linked with the conditions of social environment and individual value orientations of the youth.
determination, family, motivation, environment, social, behavior, demographic, marriage, youth, wedding
Social studies and monitoring
Odintsov, A.V. (2018). The experience of databases integration of the public opinion survey. Sociodynamics, 1, 1520.
The object of this research is the databases collected in the course of studying the public opinion, the specificity of which lies in the presence of different variables, application of wide range of scales, as well as diverse levels of representativity. The subject of this research is the relational integration of databases of heterogeneous qualitative sociological surveys and possibility of such type of unification. The article provides the gradual procedures of relational integration, results of a specific experiment aimed at verification of data of the procedures, as well as reveals the peculiarities and capabilities of databases integration of mass surveys. The following methods were used: relational integration of database, statistical grouping, correlational analysis, separate elements of intellectual analysis of the data. The author describes the experience of full-scale integration of the data acquired from the diverse sociological research into the single base file with partial properties of ‘BigData’. The article provides the results of the firs-ever within the national practice of experiment aimed at integration of databases of the qualitative sociological surveys, conducted on the basis of various techniques, with application of different measuring procedures.
sample surveys, heterogeneous data, opinion poll, correlation analysis, scale, database, relational integration, Small data, Big Data, machine learning
People and work
Neustroeva, A.B., Germogenova, I.Y. (2018). Employment issues of disabled persons in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Sociodynamics, 1, 2131.
This article describes the employment issue of disabled citizens at the regional job market of Sakha Republic, their integration into socio-labor sphere, risks and social barriers faced by them in pursuing a job. The author examine such aspects of the topic as the legal grounds of employment of the disabled persons, employment terms and special work positions, assignment of quota for workplaces, reasons of unemployment. The article provides the results of original sociological survey on the employment issues of the disabled persons in Sakha Republic (Yakutia), using the analysis of statistical indexes, analysis of documents, questionnaire, and interview. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the existing legislation in the area of employment of the disabled persons fails to fulfil, because the majority of them face considerable issues in pursuing a suitable job and employment. The basic peculiarity of employment of the disabled persons in Sakha Republic lies in the limited job offers, lack of the equipped workplaces for the disabled, inaccessibility to urban and rural environment.
region, special jobs, social work, unemployment, quoting of jobs, social risks, social barriers, invalid, restrictions of health, Sakha Republic
Social studies and monitoring
Kulagina, N.V. (2018). Stance on abortion of the modern teenagers ages 15-17. Sociodynamics, 1, 3240.
This article examines a relevant social problem – problem of abortion among teenagers. An overview of the modern scientific data that explicit the level of acuteness of the indicated issue is presented. The author describes the results of sociological survey aimed at studying of the age and gender differences in representations of youth on the right to abortion, the motives and possible consequences. The subject of this research is the stance on abortion among the teenagers ages 15-17; 120 respondents participated in the survey. Methodological foundation contains the theoretical positions of the role of social attitude and value orientations of personality, sociocultural factors and social risks in establishment of a certain model of reproductive behavior of a person. Analysis of the scientific works in the area of reproductive behavior of teenagers are fragmentary, while the empirical data on the attitude of the indicated age group towards abortion are practically absent. Due to this fact, the scientific novelty of this study lies in acquisition of the empirical data on the age and gender peculiarities of teenagers’ stance on abortion. It is demonstrated that the representations of young respondents on the consequences of abortion are characterized by the social immaturity.
Youth, Sexual ethics, Birth rate, Reproductive behavior, Reproductive health, Consequences of abortion , Sex education, Teenagers, Crisis pregnancy, Abortion
Humanitarian projects
Mukin, V.A. (2018). The concept of realization of integrity in the university space of Chuvash Republic. Sociodynamics, 1, 4151.
The subject of this research is the concept of realization of comprehensiveness presented in form of a university campus. The object of this research is the university space of Chuvash Republic that captures the informative, constructive and impactful parts of university education modernization. The author meticulously examines the following aspects of the topic: 1) determination of factors and sources of social transformations; 2) substantiation of program method of implementation of university campus; 3) development of the mechanism of realization of the idea of integrity applicable to Chuvash Republic; 4) correlation between university space and social reality of the region. The author uses the experience of program-targeted methodology of organizing control over economic system at the federal and regional levels. The point of the method consists in considering a human as a criterion and purpose of social development; their functional and intellectual potential manifests as the efficiency indexes of the socioeconomic programs. The program method allows combining the hierarchically structured sequence of goals into a single co-organized system. The scientific models consists in implementation of the idea of integrity applicable to university education through merging the subjects of education in accordance with the association model. The relationship of the subjects of university space is regulated by the common strategy of socioeconomic development of Chuvash Republic. The universal program of achieving the common goals is oriented towards the reproduction and augmentation of human capital. The author’s special contribution consists in the suggested way of realization of the scientific-philosophical reflection of the prospects of modern society and possibility of cognizing the programed personal qualities of a human.
social space, society, consciousness, program method, social Institution, modernization, transformation, University space, integrity, reflection