Morality and politics
Tumskiy, S.V. (2017). Provocation as social action: its definition in the context of cross-disciplinary analysis. Sociodynamics, 8, 1–11.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of provocation in the ambivalent postmodern society. The article outlines the prerequisites for usage of provocations by social actors, among which are riskogenics, “liquidity of moral”, high socio-cultural dynamics resulting in increased rationalization of social interaction. The purpose of the article is researching provocation as social action with consideration of research results by modern scientists, as well as analysis of elements of provocation strategies, their nature and the possible targets of provocators. In terms of research methodology, the article is based on definition analysis and cross-disciplinary analysis of scientific sources on the subject of provocation. The findings have enabled the researcher to formulate a more precise definition of provocation than those suggested before in sociology and to make conclusions regarding the social essence of provocations. The results of the study showed that provocation is primarily a multi-stage process which is driven by an actor concealing his intentions, frequently corrupting moral standards and damaging the object of the provocation. The obtained results enable social scientists to pursue further research of the phenomenon of social provocation and may assist in resolving conflict situations.
deception, postmodern society, social interaction, affectivity, emotional impact, conflict, provocation, risk, morality, trust
Questions of current interest
Evseenko, E.A., Kirko, V.I., Malakhova, E.V., Shadrin, A.I. (2017). Assessment of living standards of the population of northern Krasnoyarsk Krai on the example of Tyukhtetsky District – places of residence of the Chulyms referred to as indigenous peoples of the North . Sociodynamics, 8, 12–28.
The subject of this research is the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia – the Chalyms, who dwell on the territory of the village settlements of Pasechnoye and Chindat of the Tyukhtetsky Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of differentiation of the various social segments residing in the remote district of northern Krasnoyarsk Krai in accordance with the objective and subjective assessment of their living standards. The task lies in approbation of the developed methodology of comparative analysis of living standards of the remote districts population of the northern and central taiga zone of Siberia. The main methodological base is comprised by the group of theoretical scientific methods, associated with the analysis of empirical data as a result of questionnaire, survey, observation, and interview of the indigenous peoples of the aforementioned territories. The scientific novelty is defined by the development and testing of the efficient method of apprehension and assessment of living standards of the population living in the harsh northern conditions and referred to as indigenous peoples of the North. In the context of differentiation of the various social segment using the objective and subjective assessment of the quality of life, the author applied the statistical data, as well as determines the level of content with the quality of education, safety, activity of the local self-government, financial wellbeing, quality of rendered services in the area of culture, environmental situation in the region, and level of healthcare quality.
working conditions of population, Welfare level, Demographic indexes, Socio-economic indexes, Subjectivity of quality of life, Northern territories, Indigenous peoples, quality of life, living standards of population, Objectivity of quality of life
Morality and politics
Pavenkov, O., Pavenkov, V.G., Rubtcova, M. (2017). The place of religiosity in establishment of spiritual and moral value orientations of youth in Saint Petersburg. Sociodynamics, 8, 29–39.
In absence of the unified value system within the modern Russian society, the spiritual and moral value orientations, which define the behavioral system, represent the axiological basis necessary for adaptation of youth in the modern world. This article is dedicate to analysis of the role of religiosity in establishment pf the spiritual and moral values and behavioral orientations of young people. The authors present a quinary structure of a religious personality. The object of this research is defined by attitude of the modern youth to religion. The article provides the results of applied sociological study on the topic “Possibilities of implementation of the ideation principle of relation of the Russian modern youth to religion within the applied sociological study (using the materials of higher educational facilities of Saint Petersburg)”. The students of the faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University (at the stage of approbation), students of the faculty of Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies, and students of the faculty of Psychology of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy took place in the aforementioned study. After the 40 interviews were completed, there followed a conclusion that within the structure of spiritual and moral value orientations, religiosity holds rather low positions, which correlated with the dominance of fragmentary-eclectic mentality. The level of religiosity and morality of the majority of young people is not yet at the point described by P. A. Sorokin as “altruistic transformation”.
Science, Religion, Russia, Science and religion, Religiosity, Orthodox belief, Values, Youth, Value orientations, Religiosity of personality
Social studies and monitoring
Gorbunova, A.A., Maksimova, S.G. (2017). Ethnic identity in assessment of population of the Russian Federation . Sociodynamics, 8, 40–49.
The subject of this article is the analysis of peculiarities of the manifestation of ethnic identity of population in modern Russia. Special attention is given to examination of the parameters that affect the indication of such type of social identity. In the course of this research, the authors studied separate aspects of manifestation of the ethnic identity, determine the key ethno-differentiating features, upon which takes place the identification with certain ethnos. As a result of comparative analysis of the individual with various level of the expression of identity, the authors defined the factors of its actualization, as well as interrelation between the ethnic, civil, and religious self-identification of population. The main method of this work lies in the survey conducted in 2015 among population of the nine regions of Russia. The acquired data demonstrate that residents of the region consider ethnic affiliation and its positive apprehension of high importance. It is detected that the ethnic identity is substantiated by a number of socio-demographic characteristics of personality, and also depends of the nature of interethnic interactions. Similar research allow the science to better understand the ethnic processes taking place in modern society, as well as forecast their transformation.
nationality, ethnic, ethnic community, religious identity, civil identity, ethnic identity, social identity, identity, national culture, interethnic relations
Issues of social partnership
Vitvinchuk, V.V., Dolzhenko, R.A. (2017). Crowdsourcing technologies in modern Russian journalism. Sociodynamics, 8, 50–57.
This article analyzes the possibility and efficiency of application of the crowdsourcing technologies in the Russian online mass media, which on one hand are aimed at reduction in content production costs, while on the other – at the quality evolutionary development in accordance with the principles of restructuring of the communication space. Mass media considers crowdsourcing as a phenomenon for attracting the open network community towards creation of the brand new content by the virtue of the users’ non-financial interest. The new forms of network interaction between the mass media and citizens are examined in response of the need for searching the “survival” strategies of journalism in the changing information world. The conclusion is made about the benefits of implementation of crowdsourcing in journalism under the conditions of development of the forms of interaction between the owners of crowdsourcing projects and concerned society. The article describes the approaches towards assessing the efficiency of crowdsourcing in mass media, as well as analyzed the potential results and advantages of its application. The authors suggest the original classification of possible crowdsourcing in mass media, and depict the basic types of crowdsourcing in this area.
social interaction, specialization, convergence, efficiency, quality content, new media, types of crowdsourcing, media production, crowdsourcing, functions of mass media
History of political thought
Podolskiy, V. (2017). To the question of stages of British individualism's formation: category of dignity in the British political philosophy using the example of J. F. Stephen's stoicism. Sociodynamics, 8, 58–68.
The subject of this research is the category of dignity in the British political philosophy. The object of this research is the British individualism. The article examines the relation of representatives of the British political philosophy to the category of dignity. Ethical component, which was present throughout the historical evolution of the British political philosophy (a common factor in establishment of the British individualism), can be exemplified by views of the judge and philosopher J. F. Stephen (1829-1894). Stephen will be of interest to the Russian audience as a representative figure of intellectual climate existed during the bloom of entrepreneurial society. The article presents a brief history and complex analysis of the British individualism. The views of J. F. Stephen are analyzed in the context of Britain's most prominent thinkers. Among the main conclusions are the following statements: 1) the category of dignity holds an important place in the British political philosophy and leans on the two related categories – “freedom” and “ownership”; 2) ethical component of the British political philosophy can be demonstrated through the views of the judge and philosopher J. F. Stephen (1829-1894); 3) the value of British political philosophy as a whole, and Stephen's ideas in particular, for the Russian and European political science consists in the ability to adopt and reconsider the proven experience in area of political ethics, axiology, and teleology. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this article is the first within the Russian science to carry out a systemic analysis of intellectual heritage of the British philosopher J. F. Stephen, as well as provide assessment of the parallel development of British individualism and attitude to dignity within the British political philosophy.
utilitarianism, equality, liberty, scepticism, stoicism, dignity, individualism, British political philosophy, James Fitzjames Stephen, John Stuart Mill