Questions of current interest
Rostovtseva, M.V. (2017). The nature of social adaptation and methods of its examination. Sociodynamics, 7, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the social adaptation of an individual, which is understood as a relation of a man with social environment aimed at resolving the emerging contradictions between them. The author raises a question about the methods of examining the social adaptation, as well as make a conclusion that the social process of adaptation must be studied in phases, and moreover, the stages of adaptation correspond with the stages of resolution of social contradictions by a person. Such “pointwise” reviews of this process allows effectively managing it under the certain circumstances of human life, affect the particular “problem zones”, as well as provide correctional and practical assistance. Conclusion is made that the application of methodological approach towards social adaptation, which allows “splitting” the adaptation process into stages and studying it in intervals, will contribute into determination of the adaptation difficulties at each period of the process that implies resolution of contradictions, which will help the efficiently manage the adaptation process in the particular life circumstances. That is when adaptation can be considered as an effective way of socialization of an individual. The article introduces the definition of adaptiveness as a state of content of an individual and society with the result of resolving the problem situation. The author highlights the criteria of a successful social adaptation: cognitive, axio-cultural, communicative, and behavioral. Cognitive criterion implies the ability of intellect to structure the information models of solutions adequate to each situation; axio-cultural means the ability to comprehend the norms and values of social environment; communicative consists in the knowledge to build relationship, achieve mutual understanding with other people and social groups; and behavioral is the orientation towards active overcoming of difficulties, readiness to the suggested by society types of activity under the conditions of self-expression of the individual abilities of a person.
Managing method, Control, Contradiction, Development, Socialization, Stages of adaptation, Adaptiveness, Society, Personality, Adaptation
Questions of current interest
Ovrutskiy, A.V. (2017). To the question of pragmatics of revolution. Sociodynamics, 7, 8–16.
The subject of this research is the pragmatic characteristics of scientific ideas on revolution, as well as attributes and consequences of the revolutionary changes. The object of theoretical discussion became directly the scientific perceptions of revolution recorded in the selected reviews of the Russian and foreign political scientists and sociologists, which attempted to pursue correlation between the various periods of development of the society, and determine the common and different in the content of revolutionary process. The author highlights the three approaches differentiated in accordance with the criteria of pragmatic importance of revolution for social development. The article reviews certain aspects of “color revolutions”, particularly their distinct characteristics from the classical revolutions based on the parameters of cause, specificity, and content of the process. Relevance of this research is substantiated by the “revolutionary renaissance”, presented in the rapid increase of revolutionary activeness over the recent decades, as well as growth, as a response to the latter, of interests of the social studies experts towards the new revolutionary phenomena, variety of scientific approaches to the analysis of causes and attributes of the revolution, which requires the additional and interdisciplinary generalizations of theoretical materials. The goal of the article consists in examination and generalization of the content of scientific representations on revolution from the perspective of pragmatic attributes of the authors (assessment, attributes, and consequences of revolution). Theoretical study demonstrates that revolution is viewed as a specific stage of evolution of social matter (positive approach), or as a social disaster, rudiment of the past, or barbarian way of social transformations (negative approach). There has also emerged a post-revolutionary approach, which implies the description and explanation of the new revolutionary phenomena that do not fit the classical framework. The generalized attributes of revolution include the following: forcible character of changes (non-forcible in case of “color revolutions”); revolution is a manifestation of social progress, extensive and active participation of civil society institutions; phasing of revolution, fragmentation and polarization of the society and social consciousness during the pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary periods; charismatic leader in classical revolutions (absence of such leader in “color revolutions); presence of revolutionary ideology in classical revolutions (absence in “color revolutions”); civil participation and mobilization.
Violence, Protest, Political marketing, Postmodernism, Scientific perceptions, Pragmatics, Color revolutions, Society, Evolution, Revolution
National security
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). “But all the rest of it was serpent”: corruption as a psychological and historical phenomenon. Sociodynamics, 7, 17–29.
The object of this article is the corruption as anthropological phenomenon, in other words, presented in psychological, mental, cultural, political, legal, economic, linguistic, and other aspects, which often are referred to as the “social”. The subject of this research is the psychological and historical aspects of corruption, mainly at the top level of intra-elite relationship. The author examines the connections of various levels of corruption with the key social conditions: stability, crisis, and transit. Special attention is given to the relation between bureaucracy and corruption. Methodological foundation implies the certain positions of psychoanalysis and Weber’s rationality theory, elements of theory of deviation of the elites, structural-functionalistic theory, concepts of social legitimacy, institutional approach, and network analysis. The author suggests a psychoanalytical substantiation of the genesis of corruption motives in the initially ambivalent human nature, which generates organic and social passions than include self-interest and extortion. Author’s special contribution into the study of this topic lies in the socio-psychological depiction of the image of corruptionist. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the three stages of historical evolution of corruption depending on the type of society and administration: individual practice, property of social system, and special type of social system.
covetousness, rationalization, corruptionist type, types of society, forms of bureaucracy, socio-psychological reasons, historical types of corruption, greed, corrupt rotation, Russian specificity of corruption
Demography and statistics
Sukneva, S., Barashkova, A., Struchkova, E. (2017). Modern trends of marriage in the Northern region. Sociodynamics, 7, 30–40.
The subject of this research is the modern processes of marriage and divorce of the population. The article examines the main factors of marriage that significantly influence the demographic situation of the Northern underpopulated region. The author traces the course of such process in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the XXI century, as well as analyzes the territorial differentiation of nuptiality. Special attention is given to the question of the stability of marriages. Based on the materials of sociological survey of the youth, the author examines the peculiarities of their relation to starting a family, official marriage registration, and civil marriage. The article applies typological method of analysis; type-forming indicators imply the direction and intensity of accession rate in the number of registered marriages and divorces that comprise the typology of Yakut districts. The author implements the method of questionnaire for determination of opinion of the youth on family and forms of marriage, as well as identifies noticeable quantitative differences of nuptiality in accordance with the groups of districts. Moreover, differences are noted not only over the whole observation period (2000 – 2015), but in the intermediate period as well. Among the factors of decline in marital activity of the population, a certain place belongs to the expansion of civil marriages. The main results of the survey of students demonstrate that modern youth clearly distinguish the forms of marriage. Thus, in their opinion, formal marriage focuses on the family, children, and civil – only on an individual. In the conditions of transformation of the place of family and marriage within the value system of society, this confrontation is likely to increase.
intensity of changes, questionnaire , youth, civil marriages, type-forming factors, typology, divorce, marriage, Yakutia, Northern region
Social studies and monitoring
Schabykov, V.I., Kartashova, E.P., Kudryavtseva, R.A. (2017). The place of Mari language within the system of communication and value interests of student youth of a polycultural city. Sociodynamics, 7, 41–50.
The subject of this article is the relation of modern student youth of Yoshkar-Ola to the Mari language, as well as place of this language within the system of its communication and value interests. The task at hand is viewed with consideration of the opposition of ethnic factor inherent to the Mari El Republic (Russians, Mari, and other ethnic groups). Its relevance is associated with the need for studying the current socio-linguistic situation in the polyethnic constituents of the Russian Federation, and the place of national (regional state) languages within them. The article manifests as a generalization of results of the sociological survey “Social Portrait of Student Youth”, conducted in 2015 by the department of Sociology of the Mari Scientific Research Institute of Linguistics, Literature, and History among the students of two universities (Mari State University and Volga State University of Technology). The scientific novelty of this work consists in the applied empirical material that is introduced into the academic discourse for the first time, as well as its problematic (communicative and value components of the Mari language in perception of the modern student youth of a polycultural city) that is also being examined for the first time in the regional ethno-sociological and socio-linguistic science. Attention is centered around the following aspects of reflection of the students regarding the Mari language: educational practice (place of Mari language in the system of studying/already learnt languages), communication prospect (necessary knowledge of Mari language for future life), educational paradigm (necessary teaching in all schools of the Republic), and ethnic-value reflection (acknowledgement of Mari language as native). The article proves that the Mari language as the regional state language in a modern polycultural city Yoshkar-Ola preserves its importance, primarily within the system of communication and value interests of the Mari student youth; however, even in such environment it loses its positions, but maintains its ethnic value significance.
Ethnic value reflection, Values, Communication, Mari language, Student youth, Public consciousness, Yoshkar-Ola, Polycultural city, Sociolinguistics, Ethnosociology
The heritage of transformation
Pogorelskaia, E., Chernov, L. (2017). Sociocultural aspect of the phenomenon of scientific experiment. Sociodynamics, 7, 51–63.
Scientific experiment, formed as an objective and unbiased method of research of nature, by the century attains the features of the total anthropological interference not only with the external nature, but into the nature of human as well. The European culture finds the understanding of such transformation in the works of J. W. Goethe. The authors consider such experiment as a social and cultural practice with independent essence, rather than just the “means” for achieving certain results. The experiment is introduced as a social fact with its own “nature”. The author use the phenomenological analysis of experiment, indicating the two essential aspects: attention and visual appeal; historical comparison and analogy, pursuing correlation between the understanding of nature in Antiquity and Modern Times, as well as method of hermeneutic illustration that supports the philosophical theses by the examples from literature, cinema, poetry, and psychology. The result consists in the substantiated and volume image of the spread of impact of a scientific experiment upon the cultural and anthropological areas of society. The work focuses on presenting a positive heuristic resource of the antique gnoseological ideology in modern scientific and cultural research. Social experiment, which cannot be justified and explained from any perspective, becomes possible and purposeful in multiple fields in the modern Western civilization.
Stanford experiment, Torture of nature, Essence of thing, Divine condonation, Faustian Soul, Visual appeal, Attention, Nature in Antiquity, New-European nature, Scientific experiment
Kosorukov, A.A. (2017). New media as an instrument of public policy and sociopolitical transformation of public space (on the example of Arab Spring). Sociodynamics, 7, 64–84.
The subject of this research is the new media as a combination of information communication platforms, instrument of public policy and sociopolitical transformation of public space of the Arab Spring nations. New media within the space of public policy allow the digerati, professional revolutionists and their supporters efficiently coordinating the actions of participants of the protest, as well as share experience with their “colleagues” from other Arab countries. The subject of this work also includes the analysis of socioeconomic causes and circumstances for development of Arab Spring, its information motives and events intensified by such platforms as Twitter, Facebook, etc., and unfolding in limited time interval in one or another country, as well as encouraging the drastic transformation of the political regimes Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and a number of other countries. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the role and importance of the new media and its platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and others) over the course of the Arab Spring, as well as analysis of Web 2.0-3.0 technologies and their contribution into the integration of online space and public sociopolitical space of the Arab countries. The element of novelty became the comprehensive research of such peculiarities of the Arab State prior to the revolutionary events as the qualitative characteristics of public administration alongside the value, demographic, economic, military, and information indexes of the Arab Spring states.
Mass protests, Global Arab generation, Arab Spring, Twitter, Digerati, Public space, Public policy, New media, Media revolution, Internet
Heritage and transformations
Leushkin, R.V. (2017). Virtual social capital in the system of consumer society. Sociodynamics, 7, 85–95.
This article reviews such phenomenon of modern social space as the virtual social capital. This social existential entity plays a significant role in the structuration of the social communication systems. Consumer society is presented as a social communicative system, a particular role in the organization of which is played by various social existential institutions, namely the virtual social capital. The purpose of this study consists in determination of the place and role of virtual social capital within the system of consumer society. Methodology is based on the socio-constructivist approach towards understanding society along with the theory of social communication systems. The research is based on the principle of evolution, systematicity, and multiplicity of existential horizons. This study claims that hyper-consumerism can be a result of the unconscious desire of an individual to compensate for the incompleteness of the actual existence in the conditions of virtualization of the social and cultural space. Social capital that is based on the resource of trust between the individuals within virtual communication, is capable of converting into the simulative consumer constructs ensuring their value. Such mechanism plays a crucial role in the emergence of the phenomenon of hyper-consumerism, however, it undermines the trust between the actors of social communication, reducing the resilience to external influence and rate of development of virtual social communication system.
social ontology, trust, social communication, social space, simulacrum, consumer society, social capital, virtuality, incompleteness of existence, evolution of consumption