Questions of current interest
Levikova, S.I. (2017). Peculiarities of socialization of modern Russian teenagers as a factor of social dynamics. Sociodynamics, 6, 1–11.
The article considers the peculiarities of socialization of modern Russian teenagers. The author holds an opinion that the current younger generation over certain time will completely replace the older generation in society. That is why the process of socialization of modern youth and factors that affect this process in many ways the future of their motherland, and in fact, the dynamics of social system of their adulthood. Thus, the author analyzes the main channels of socialization of teenagers in modern Russia and its peculiarities. Methodological base of this research is the philosophical methods and principles of cognition – objectivity, universal communication, integrity and consistency, causality and determinism. The scientific novelty of consists in the posing a question about the dependence of social dynamics, including socialization of teenagers, as well as examination of specificities of socialization of the modern Russian youth. The author concludes that teenagers in modern Russia alongside in any other country, face a difficult situation of choice under the influence of many social factors, which imply the key peculiarities of their socialization. Based on the aforementioned provision, it is summarized that if the adults surrounding a teenager desire seeing them as like-minded individual, they should keep the process of their socialization under control.
Internet, TV, mass media, social dynamics, Russia, youth, socialization, teenager, public organizations, future
The Dialogue of cultures
Eremina, N., Konfisakhor, A.G., Solonnikov, D.V. (2017). Concept of “geo-civilizations”: theoretical and practical aspects. Sociodynamics, 6, 12–29.
The subject of this article is the functionality and evolution of geo-civilizations from the theoretical and practical perspectives. Certain countries of one or another regional, in accordance with its level of cultural, material-technical, economic, and military development can be called civilization; and with the adjacent territories that share common values, cultural and identification codes, they create the geo-civilizations. Namely geo-civilizations represents the most significant object for studying the international relations which allows taking into account the dynamic of changes within the framework of large spaces. Therefore, special attention is given to the identification indexes, associated with the psychological and cultural peculiarities of communities that affect the formation of geo-civilizations. The article leans on the systemic and civilizational approaches for comprehensive examination of the international processes in the context of grouping of the states into unions, blocks, macro-regional organizations, and ultimately, geo-civilizational formations. The scientific novelty consists in combining the developments of psychophysiological theory of power, civilizational approaches, and concepts of the “English” school of international relations, which allowed determining the key geo-civilizations and their features, as well as explaining the opportunities for the dialogue or conflict that emerge due to the specific identification tasks of the communities living within its framework. However, between the civilizations and states that comprise the total geo-civilization, there are a lot more common points, rather than the reasons for confrontation.
decision-making process, globalization, pshycological theory of power, region, civilizations, geo-civilizations, world order, inter-civilizational dialogue, culture, civilizational dynamics
Social studies and monitoring
Pavenkov, O., Shmelev, I., Rubtcova, M. (2017). Correlation analysis of the social and “coping” behavior of religious individuals: problems of social and psychological diagnostics. Sociodynamics, 6, 30–40.
Examination of the ways for overcoming by a person of difficult life situations lead to the emergence of a new direction in psychological research, which currently actively develops in foreign countries and Russia – the study of coping behavior. Thus, within the framework of studying the mechanism of stress, R. Lazarus and S. Folkman, have formulated a cognitive theory of coping. The supporters of psychoanalytical approach, particularly K. Menninger, T. Krooberg, R. Mouz, N. Haan, and others, developed an ego-oriented concept of copings, which views the process of coping with hardships in form of the defense psychological mechanisms. They suggested a thought, according to which, coping manifests as a relatively stable personal prerequisite that predetermines human reaction upon one or another stress factor. The psychodiagnostic testing at all stages was conducted exceptionally during the daylight hours (morning and afternoon), in the specific educational facilities, with complete and voluntary agreement of the respondents. In this research took part 284 young Orthodox in the age of 20-32. The acquired results underline the existence of “active non-adaptivity” among the truly religious people, which is a self-state and self-positing of personality in the world. Externally, it manifests in form of defense behavior (r = 0.43, while p = 0.01). At the same time, its essence is to display meekness in any situation. Religious students strive to resolve the problems through positive rethought, as well as ability to consider them as an incentive to personality development. However, it is worth noting that the mildly religious students usually search the way out from a difficult life situation through the conflict interaction with the surrounding social environment.
structure of individual religiousness, religiousness , psychological peculiarities of Orthodox students, Orthodoxy, sociology of spiritual life, social diagnostics, types of religious people, psychological diagnostics, Coping behavior, defense behavior
Social studies and monitoring
Novokhatskaya, O.V., Artemov, V.A. (2017). Rural everyday life: value and functional characteristics. Sociodynamics, 6, 41–51.
This article examines such elements of the everyday life as values, value and functional characteristics of usual activity, relationship with other people within a single community. Functional and value characteristics represents a very important side of everyday routine, being an essential and necessary addition to its continuance reflected in the budget of time. This side of everyday life is almost not touched upon in the studies of the budget of time or value orientations. The goal of this longitudinal research of everyday life (1986-2012) also did not include the analysis of this side at the first stage. But as the research continues, especially under the various socioeconomic conditions, when took place drastic changes in the status of different social groups, it appeared to be essential to refer to the value side of the everyday routine. The article attempts to provide the information about values and functions of mundane activity, acquired in the recent (2011-2012) bi-seasonal examination of living conditions, routine activity, and use of time among the rural population. The dynamic approach towards the analysis of assessments and opinions of rural dwellers pertaining to various sided of everyday life is applied. Accent is made to the changes relative to each other in evaluation of the importance and value of main types of activity. The authors determine the trend of reduction in the value of labor and increase in the importance of keeping the social contacts and relations. It is underlined that there is enhancement of orientation towards family and its material wellbeing, which manifests a core trend towards preserving the role of family in the Russian society.
health, family, work, everyday activity, value, rural population, everyday life, relationship, private plot, changes
Social studies and monitoring
Baklanova, O.A., Dushina, T.V. (2017). Sociality as a subject of sociocultural analysis. Sociodynamics, 6, 52–58.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of structural, dynamic, and functional aspects of the phenomenon of sociality. It is underlined that constant improvement of the theoretical-methodological tools for the relevant description of occurring changes is notices within the framework of social theory. The author also reviews the methodological tools and main strategies of examination of sociality with brief summary of their efficiency. The article substantiates the relevance of sociocultural approach as a research tool that allows effectively reflecting the peculiarities of social dynamics. There appear to be many approaches towards the interpretation of sociality in modern social theory, including disciplinary (biologized, socio-philosophical, sociological, culturological) and interdisciplinary (e.g. socio-phenomenological). In general, they are subject to systematization in accordance with the research strategies. Majority of these approaches are divided into the four key directions: sociocentric, biology-centric (or psychological), culturocentric, and philosophical that review the ultimate grounds of such phenomenon. It is emphasizes that the sociocultural approach allows finding the means of non-contradictory unification of these key directions. The scientific novelty consists in providing definition of sociality as a particular type of conformity that is based upon the cultural interaction and value unity.
glocalization, globalization, reductionism, contemporary society, sociocultural approach, fragmegration, social theory, sociality, technologization of social practices, society
Public dialogue
Kasatkina, S.S. (2017). Definition of the concept of town within the framework of system-semiotic approach of philosophical research . Sociodynamics, 6, 59–65.
The subject of this research is the definition of conceptual foundations of a town. Such type of cities historically forms the basis of the national urban system. Town is a particular sociocultural space and economic unit of the urban sphere. The perception of essence and meaning of towns is revealed through the philosophical vision of these peculiarities. The system-semiotic approach towards examination of towns determines the fundamental regularities of their essence. Complex of parametric indicators allows focusing attention of the persons interested in development of small cities on the conceptual questions pertaining to prospects of their development. Methodology of the research leans on the system-semiotic approach of philosophy, the founder of which is considered A. I. Uyemov. It is based on the principle of determination of the object of study as a system consisting of the concept, structure, and substrate. The article scrutinizes a part of the system – the concept of town through formation of its parametric indicators and their semiotic analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the philosophical definition of conceptual grounds of the perception about a small city. The author provides a list of parametric indicators, which help positioning a small city as a universal urban space on one hand, and a territory of particular attention and meaningful sociocultural mission – on the other.
Sociocultural space, Peculiarities of small cities, Spatial identification, Urban development, Philosophy of a city, System-semiotic approach, Parameters of the concept of city, Concept of town, Town, City
Academic thought
Popov, E.A. (2017). Culturecentricity of sociology. Sociodynamics, 6, 66–80.
This article poses a question about the vector of development of the modern sociological science. Special attention of sociologists towards examination of culture and cultural universalities allows indicating that culture is the object of sociology. The processes of sociocultural determination in society more often attract the researchers of socio-humanitarian discipline. Thus, emerges the first level of methodological orientation of sociology. There is also another important aspect, which affects the formation of research culture of a sociologist. Sociology has a powerful research potential, which must be used responsibly and purposefully. Therefore, special importance attains the ethical position of a modern researcher due to facing various challenges, which touch upon the science as a whole, sociology as a science about the relation between society and culture, as well as create trials for each researcher. Such challenges are aimed at struggle against, for example, the political bias, contract research with the already established result, etc. In this context occurs an important methodological landmark of sociology – culturecentricity. The article reveals the characteristics of culturecentricity, demonstrates the state of modern sociological science if it conforms to the required principle. The main conclusion is associated with the need for concentrating efforts of modern sociologists on the in-depth examination of the multifaceted phenomena of culture, making generalization based on the systemic analysis of the researched objects.
social knowledge, cognition, integration of sciences, values, sociology, society, culture, methodology, science, culturecentricity
Political process
Asevedo-Yakubovskaya, K., Bogomolova, E.S. (2017). What do we know about the Russian GR? Theoretical and subject-object approach towards determination of the common in the sphere of business communication with government authorities. Sociodynamics, 6, 81–87.
At present time, business community is one of the most influential actors in the political process of national and global scale. It is worth noting that the level of such impact of business structures increases, and the largest of them practically amalgamate with the government structures. Each large corporation or community has proprietary interests in small business associations, which conduces their active participation in the political arena. The development of the Russian business and concurrent increase of investment attractiveness of Russia as a whole and its separate regions in particular, require changes in the goals and mechanisms of communication between the commercial structures and government bodies. Mutual involvement of government, business community, and public organizations in establishment of the intelligible and stable system of relations lead to the expansion of strategic and tactical arsenal of communicative management in the sphere of government relations (GR). Revealing the notion of GR-interaction, the author focuses attention on the theoretical and subject-object approach towards determination of the common in the sphere of business communication with government authorities. In the aspect of presenting the new model of GR communication and its inclusion into the Russian political process, the author sees a necessary prerequisite to the discourse on establishment and modernization of the GR-interaction in the context of universal socioeconomic reforms. The central idea lies in the impossibility of ensuring the instrumental technological modernization without changing the business climate, investment policy, and formation of the normative legal base in the area of advancement of private interests.
Business and power, Government relations, Dialogue with government, Political communication, Pressure groups, Interest groups, Lobbying, Interaction with business, Business community, GR
Political mentality
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). Conjoined tweens of the Age of Enlightenment: liberalism and communism. Sociodynamics, 6, 88–99.
The subject of this research is the ideologies of liberalism and communism. The goal of the work consists in their comparison, determination of the key similarities, and explanation of such resemblance. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as socialization, rationality, and scientism as immanent qualities of the analyzed doctrines. Special attention is given to interpretation of the phenomenon of “privatization of humanism” inherent to both ideologies. This results in the relapse of spiritual aristocratism and political instrumentalism with regards to masses. The methodological means apply the idea of the common dispositions of various doctrines, the notion of the “project of modernity”, method of comparison and conceptual analysis. The main conclusion lie in the revelation and analysis of the common features of the “project of modernity” teachings. Author’s special contribution into this research is the analysis of the similar tacit assumptions that underlie the theoretical constructs of the examined ideologies. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of argumentation of the proof of thesis on the anthropological and value equivalence of the teachings of liberalism and communism.
radicalism, futurism, privatization of humanism, collectivism, individualism, project of modernity, anarchism, communism, liberalism, utopianism