Family and society
Zapevalova , E.A. (2017). The population of Nizhny Novgorod region in conditions of the transforming social and cultural environment (second half of XIX – beginning of XX century). Marriages, divorces. Sociodynamics, 5, 1–13.
Object of research is public life of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half the XIX beginning of the 20th century in the conditions of the transformed sociocultural environment. The author has considered numerical, age, class structure of the population of the province during the specified period. The matrimonial legislation of the Russian Empire of the end of the 19th century is studied. Marital status of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province, age of marriage, number of stains, the reasons of stains, difficulties which the spouses wishing to dissolve a marriage met is investigated. The ratio of legitimate and illegit-imate children in the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half of the 19th centu-ry is revealed. A methodological basis of a research are as general scientific methods of knowledge (the analysis and synthesis), and special (comparative and aggregate, i.e. collecting the separate facts from sources of different types and types). Novelty of a research first of all consists in introduction to a scientific turnover of a new circle of sources of this perspective. The author has studied fundsCentral archive of the Nizhny Novgorod Region: fund of the Nizhny Novgorod state chamber, fund of Office of the prosecutor of the Nizhny Novgorod district court, fund of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese. In the conclusion the author comes to a conclusion that in the Nizhny Novgorod province in the second half of the 19th century practically in all age and social groups prevailed women. The traditional family was characteristic of the bulk of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Number of stains and the number of convicts for crimes against the semeystvennykh in the Nizhny Novgorod province is right was insignificant. Article can be of interest to experts in historical demography.
divorce, criminal punishment, marriage, marital status, population distribution by age, population census, Nizhny Novgorod province, spiritual Consistory, illegitimate children, crimes against family
The Dialogue of cultures
Tang, W. (2017). Analysis of the Russia-China relations at modern stage (in the eyes of Chinese). Sociodynamics, 5, 14–21.
The subject of this article is the Russia-China relations, the political and philosophical comprehension of which becomes increasingly relevant. The author meticulously reviews such aspect of the topic as the development of dialogue between the Chinese Confucian civilization and Russian Orthodox culture that in many ways encourages the support of the civilizational and cultural variety in the region and prevention of the “civilizational clash”, which manifests as an important factor for the prospects in development of the Russia-China relations. The author believes that the development of Russia-China relations is currently a priority political goal of PRC. The article suggests that the modern Russia-China relations represent the continuation of Russia and China transnational contacts of the previous decades. Summarizing the analysis, the author claims that at the brink of the XX-XXI centuries, certain changes took place in the relationship between the two countries – their positions equalized in overall power, but they both look forward to the close strategic cooperation and partnership.
Cultural diplomacy, Economic expansions, Political mentality, National security, National interests, Strategic partnership, Cooperation, Russia-China relations, Russia, China
Nosikov, A.A. (2017). Conjugation of network space and political reality. Sociodynamics, 5, 22–34.
In the course of the research, the author revealed an inverse correlation between the number of active users of Web 2.0 platforms, services, applications in the regions and the voter turnout in the 2016 electoral cycle (the more number of active users in the region, the voter turnout is lower, and vice versa).Also found that after the adoption of each legislative initiative aimed at regulating the network space, the number of Tor (allows to stay anonymous in the network and bypass the state-imposed restrictions) users increases significantly, which indicates the desire of the network space to gain autonomy from state supervision and regulation.Analyzing the obtained empirical results, as well as such processes and phenomena as cyberparties, network monitory actors, political network movements and communities, the involvement of the "digital" generations Y and Z through the network space into the political life of the society, the influence of the network space on the processes of protest mobilization, the use of digital network communications as an instrument of political participation of citizens, the author concludes that there was a conjugation of the network space and political reality. In conclusion, the author outlines the main features of conjugation and its possible consequences.
civil society, political change, network space, Tor, blockchain, electoral processes, political communication, network society, policy networks, political reality
Questions of current interest
Reshetnikov, V.A., Bobkov, A.I. (2017). Correlation between ethnic self-consciousness and religious experience as a problem of Russian philosophical thought . Sociodynamics, 5, 35–43.
The author examines the correlation between ethnic and religious in the spiritual practices of modernity. Meaning of the notion of religious experience through the prism of thinking and understanding of social reality is revealed. Phenomenon of self-alienation is viewed as an essential foundation of religious experience. The author thoroughly reviews and structures of peculiarities of transformation of ethnic and religious within the spiritual revolution of modern era. The conclusion is made of the form, structure, and specificities of the ethnic and religious experience in daily practice and philosophical perception of reality. The scientific novelty traces that the disruption of link between the religious experience and ethnic self-consciousness emerges with assumption of the borrowed religious experience as a result of losing the understanding of own experience as a sensitive reflection regarding finding the ethnic wisdom. The author demonstrated evolution of such perception, as well as assesses the prospect of further transformation.
people, quasi-religiosity, alienation, thinking, social reality, religious experience, ethnicity, ethnic identity, reflection, ethnos
State and civil society
Gryaznova, E.V., Zelenov, L.A., Vladimirov, A.A., Treushnikov, I.A. (2017). Theoretical grounds of the attributive concept of welfare state. Sociodynamics, 5, 44–71.
The subject of this research is the theoretical grounds of establishment of the attributive concept of welfare state, while the object is the welfare state. Special attention is given to such questions, as the problem of genesis of the welfare state, identification of the essence, goals, and key functions, and analysis of modifications of the welfare state. The study of theoretical grounds of establishment of the attributive concept of welfare state is accompanied by the analysis of historical examples of the evolution of such phenomenon and discussion of the current relevant issues that confirm the proposed theoretical positions. The result of this work consists in formulation of the key positions of the attributive concept of welfare state: sociality, genesis, essence, functions, and basis of typology. The developed theoretical grounds of the concept of welfare state are necessary for examination of such questions, as the state, society and people, state’s social functions, state social management, which comprises the subject of further research.
civil society, typology of ownership, social management, spheres of social life, modification of state, functions of state, essence of state, genesis of state, attributive concept, welfare state
People and work
Khusyainov, T.M., Urusova, E.A. (2017). Self-esteem of professionalism in the context of the ontogenetic approach periodization working life. Sociodynamics, 5, 72–82.
This article discusses the problems of professional formation. The subject of this research is the self-esteem of the level of professionalism. Based on empirical data, the authors examine the self-esteem of professionals depending on the periods of their lives, associating with the stages of professional career. The theoretical basis leans on the ontogenetic approach, the foundation for periodization in which are the stages regarding the chronological age of a worker. Significant advantage of such periodization can be considered not only the possibility of studying the universal trends in professional development that do not depend on the type of activity and profession, but also the clearly specified stages of professional cycle viewed as a component of the human life cycle. The study is based on both, theoretical developments based on the study of the Russian and foreign scientific literature and empirical data obtained during statistical calculations based on RLMS-HSE (2014). The article presents data that testify to the fact that the subjective assessment of the level of professionalism increases at certain age periods, which may be due to the character of work, level of involvement into it, as well as personal qualities and abilities for self-realization in the selected discipline; all of these aspects allow considering this process in the context of ontogenetic approach.
periodization of working life, ontogenetic approach, self-esteem, levels of professionalization, stages of professionalization, professionalization, professionalism, professional life, labor activity, professional
People and work
Lobova, S.V. (2017). Precarious work (unstable employment) in the structure of the labour market in the region. Sociodynamics, 5, 83–97.
The subject of research is the precarious work, which is low pay, insecurity, lack of protection (the worker becomes vulnerable to social risks such as unemployment and poverty), with connectivity defined by the suffering of workers. The object of the study is economically active population in Altai region at the age from 15 to 72 years in the context of assessing employment. The study aimed at finding answers to questions related to informal employment at the regional labour market: the determinants of prekarisierung employment, what jobs have the characteristics of pretaroli and what are the trends precarization component of the labor market of the Altai territory, in statistical measurements. The official statistical monitoring of the Russian precarious work is still not received. Although in fairness I should say that Rosstat monitors some indicators one way or another characterize the trend of precarious work, the analysis of which allows to argue about the status and trends prekarisierung employment in the labour markets of Russia and regions. Therefore, in search of answers to the above issues, the author proposes in identifying prekarisierung employment to consider the quality of jobs on the presence in them of signs of pretaroli evaluated through the prism of the criteria in the system of dichotomies "stability / instability" and "security / insecurity".The estimates of precarization in the labor market of the Altai region, the data sources for which was the results of dynamic statistical observations conducted by state statistical bodies, indicated a negative trajectory of change in the quality of jobs in the region and signs of precarization. The main contribution of the author in the development of the theme should be considered as an approach to the identification of precarious work in the structure of the labor market by assessing the quality of workers for the presence of signs of precarization, and the designation of the trajectory of change of job quality in the direction of precarization. In the formulation of generally accepted methodological approach to the identification of precarization in the structure of the regional labor market, unstable employment would have to obtain a quantitative assessment that would allow relevant authorities to develop measures on regulation of the investigated type of employment from the standpoint of obtaining maximum effects for both the employee and the employer.
security vs insecurity, stability vs instability, signs of precarious work, Altai Krai, regional labour market, unstable employment, precarious work, criteria of precarious work, precariat, statistical observation
Family and society
Guseva, M.A. (2017). Axiological grounds of reproductive behavior of families who have a child with oncological disease in the conditions of medicalization and social control. Sociodynamics, 5, 98–107.
Usurpation by medicine and desacralization of the traditional family functions is defined by modern sociology as “medicalization”. Birthing, sex, and death – the intimate and emotionally important natural life phenomena – became “alienated” from their meanings, transforming into the simulacrums of modern life, which turned out to be one of the factors of crisis of the family institution. In this work, the peculiarities of the reproductive behavior of families who have a child that suffers from disease with high mortality threat, are being interpreted in conjunction with families’ discovery of new life values and meanings, when death is no longer an abstract concept, but is seen as a realistic boundary of a particular life. The goal of this work is to determine the axiological bases and specificity of the reproductive behavior of families with a child diagnosed with an oncological disease in the state of remission on the modern stage of development of child oncology. This article discusses the hypothesis, according to which under the influence of existential experiences actualized by the personified experiences of suffering and death, the family becomes closer, the emotional connection between the parents and the sick child becomes stronger, which gives the parents realization of the magnitude of the value of children and family relations and defines the peculiarities of reproductive behavior in these families.
expected number of children, children, desired number of children, oncological diseases, life values, reproductive attitudes, paediatric oncology, family crisis, medicalization, reproductive behavior
Family and society
Bukhtiyarova, I.N., Grudina, T.N. (2017). Image of a family with multiple children from the perspective of public opinion. Sociodynamics, 5, 108–119.
The subject of this research is the image of family with multiple children in the modern Russian society. Special attention is given to the means of formation of an image of family with multiple children. The authors provide analysis of public opinion on such phenomenon that was acquired in the course of sociological study of reproductive behavior of the population. The article examines the reasoning and comments made about the families with multiple children, as well as the support provided to such families at the stage, regional, and social levels. The scientific novelty consists in contribution of the authors into the analysis and generalization of the modern international and Russian research pertaining to the questions of family-demographic policy that reveal the regional and national problems of the large families, influence of public opinion upon the functionality of such type of family in Russia, and analysis of expert opinion on this matter. In the process of analysis, there has formed a perception on the status of family with multiple children in the existing reality, as well as relation of government authorities, social and religious organizations, and population as a whole to them.
reproduction of the population, reproductive behavior, motherhood, family, public opinion, birth rate, family with multiple children, demographic crisis, family values, family and demographic policy
The heritage of transformation
Faritov, V.T. (2017). Creativity and transgression in N. A. Berdyaev’s teaching: paths of Russian philosophy in light of the crisis of European metaphysics. Sociodynamics, 5, 120–131.
This article examines interrelation between the Russian philosophy and the crisis of European metaphysics based on analysis of N. A. Berdyaev’s book “The Meaning of Creativity”. The position is substantiated that the initial point of movement of Berdyaev’s philosophical thought is the crises of metaphysics and search for ways to overcome it. Following the ideology of F. Nietzsche’s doctrine, N. A. Berdyaev subjects to criticism the “metaphysical theory of two worlds” alongside the philosophy of “transcendentalism. According to Berdyaev, the philosophy of creativity can suggest the way of exiting crisis for the Western philosophy. Analyzing the key positions of “The Meaning of Creativity”, the author comes to a conclusion that creativity in the concept of Russian thinker represents a transgressive phenomenon. In his teaching, Berdyaev realizes the transition from metaphysics of transcendence towards philosophy of transgression. Thus, the article explicates the correlation between N. A. Berdyaev’s doctrine with the context of post-Nietzschean paradigm of Western philosophy of the XX century.
Hegel, Nietzsche, Berdyaev, creativity, transgression, transcendence, Russian philosophy, Bataille, Bakhtin, path of Russia
Political participation
Kirichek, A.I., Spiney, K.A. (2017). The electoral activity of the population of modern Russia in a hybrid political regime. Sociodynamics, 5, 132–143.
This work is devoted to the main theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of electoral authoritarianism in both foreign and domestic contexts and the study of electoral behavior of citizens both in the theoretical aspect and on the example of the upcoming presidential election in 2018. The aim of this work is to study the electoral activity of the population of modern Russia. The subject of the study is the electoral activity of the population of the Russian Federation in conditions of electoral authoritarianism. The work used a number of methods of scientific research, such as: analysis, synthesis, a method of sociological analysis. The authors pay special attention to typological features of electoral authoritarianism, their own definition and signs of electoral authoritarianism are given. In the work, the connection between political technologies and instruments used in regimes of a similar type – co-optation, repression, legitimation, electoral clientelism, and the electoral behavior of citizens, is distinguished through the synthesis of foreign experience. Based on the methods of scientific research it was found that the decrease in the level of electoral activity of citizens is due to the lack of representation of all groups of the electoral process during the elections. The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical aspects of the concept of electoral authoritarianism by the example of the electoral process in the Russian Federation, the generalization of the results in the form of some conclusions: electoral clientelism leads to the unrepresentation of large groups of voters, which increases the level of social tension and the level of protest sentiments; the policy of populism is applied to a limited number of persons, does not provide sufficient legitimation of power and should be applied to a wider range of voters. Theoretical propositions and conclusions of the work can be used to further study and search for political technologies and tools that stimulate the electoral activity of the population of modern Russia.
political behavior, legitimation, co-optation, populism, political technologies, elections, electoral behavior, electoral authoritarianism, democracy, hybrid regime
Asevedo-Yakubovskaya, K. (2017). GR – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Peculiar in the portrait perception of GR-communications in Russia . Sociodynamics, 5, 144–150.
At present stage, the political elite faces a difficult task associated with the need for establishment of a new model of economic, political, and social modernization, the successful realization of which in many ways will depend on the decision to depart from the pressing previous experience of the policy of unilateral influence. The state is still called to play a leading role in new modernization of Russia, but this time, in order to achieve success it must function in tightest cooperation with society and business community as a bearer of corporate culture. Business, in turn, attains special place in such triangle, because it reflects the main hopes regarding the establishment of the dynamic innovation economics and impulse of social development. All the aspects listed above, make relevant the demand in finding the efficient points of interaction between the business community and the government authorities, as well as the need for creation of the new communication platforms of mutually beneficial dialogue. In other words, becomes crucial the question of establishment and development in Russian of the so-called sphere of Government Relations (GR) and attention to the process of its institutionalization. Exclusiveness and specificity of the political process in Russia are presents as the unconditional components of the process of institutionalization of the sphere of connections of business community with the government authorities. The conclusion is made that the pressing character of Soviet past alongside the national historical peculiarities of the Russian political culture significantly affect the concept of GR-communications in our country, and in many ways, impede the process of its establishment.
Corporate lobbying, Groups of interest, GR and lobbying, Lobbying, GR-communication, State and business community, Political communication, Dialogue with the business, Business and authorities, GR