Culture and authority
Tsurikov, V.I. (2017). Corruption and corruptionist in modern Russia . Sociodynamics, 4, 124.
The subject of this research is the corruption and portrait of a corruptionist in modern Russia, as well as the measures necessary for constraining corruption and further decrease in the level of its negative impact upon economy and society. The article disputes the views, according to which the successful fight against corruption requires enhanced nominal severity of punishment, up to the death penalty or incarceration for extra-long terms. Special attention is given to the description of the image of Russian corruption, its infiltration into the daily life, which encourages accepting it as a social norm. The research applies the economic approach to crimes and punishments. It is demonstrated that the established in Russian practice of fight against corruption marks the extremely high level of latency, which results in the inadmissibly low likelihood of punishment for the crime, and the nominally severe criminal responsibility. The author underline certain side results of the selective justice, which are capable of manifesting as factors that produce distortive effect upon the sociocultural norms and complicate the law enforcement activity. For achieving the sustainable trend towards the reduction in the level of corruption, it is necessary to increase the presumption of punishment alongside the decisive steps aimed at gradually depriving the officials of their “status inviolability”.
Deterrent force, Threat of punishment, Status inviolability, Sociocultural norms, Economic approach, Severity of punishment , Presumption of punishment, Corruptionist, Corruption crime, Corruption
State and civil society
Maximova, S., Morkovkina, A. (2017). Indexes of development of civil society in border regions of the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 4, 2537.
The subject of this research is the prerequisites of establishment of civil society in the following six constituents of the Russian Federation: Altai Krai, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Transbaikal Krai, Kemerovo Oblast, Omsk Oblast, and Orenburg Oblast. The article determines the attitude of population towards civil society, rights and responsibilities of a citizen, level of responsibility for the events taking place in the country, region, city, household; assessment of the level of concord and unity in the society; assessment of the level of commonness with various categories of co-citizens; assessment of the possibility of efficient interaction between the representatives of diverse social groups; level of activeness of participation in different types of public activity alongside the work of public organizations; state of the sociopolitical conditions for development of civil society in the regions. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the main spectrum of the established issues in the area of development of the nonprofit sector of the six regions of the Russian Federation, as well as proposition of the constructive directions of formation and development of civil society. The conclusion are oriented towards the description of peculiarities of development of the civil society, as well as underline the key problems and prospects in activity of the nonprofit sector in the Russian Federation and six border territories from the perspective of population. The priority directions in development of civil society are being revealed.
level of development, civil activity, social responsibility, citizenship, social capital, formation, Civil society, non-profit organizations, constituents of the Russian Federation, socioeconomic development
State and civil society
Gryaznova, E.V., Zelenov, L.A., Vladimirov, A.A., Treushnikov, I.A. (2017). Methodological principles of the study of welfare state. Sociodynamics, 4, 3858.
The subject of this research is the methodological principles of the study of social state. The object is the welfare state. Special attention is given to the questions associated with the formulation of methodology of research of the welfare state throughout the process of its establishment and development. Relevance of this work is dictated by the fact that as the notion of welfare state has ambiguous interpretation, causes by the ambiguity of interpretation of the research methodology. The author suggest reviewing the possible options of resolution of the methodological problems in examining the welfare state, which will allow developing the promising models of welfare state that require the demands of modernity. During the course of this work, it was substantiated that “welfare” is the attribute of the state. The main issue of the inaccuracy of methodology consists in shifting away from the dialectics and its principles or their inappropriate application. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the need for formulation of the attributive concept of welfare state.
ambiguity of methodology, principle of functionality, activities, systemic approach, attributive concept , state, principles of dialectic, dialectic, welfare state, principle of consistency
State and civil society
Vodenko, K.V. (2017). Cultural and worldview aspects of correlation of power, property and management in Russian society. Sociodynamics, 4, 5967.
The object of this research is the socioeconomic relations in the Russian society. The subject is the specificity of interaction between power, property, and management in Russia, taking into account the transformation in the cultural and worldview aspects of public consciousness, which are associated with the development of civil society in Russia. The goal of the article lies in examination of peculiarities of interrelations between the power, property, and management in the Russian society. The author carefully analyzes such aspects of the topic as the cultural and worldview foundations of syncretism and prospects of the divergence of power, property, and management in Russian in the context of development of civil society. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the fact that the basic institutions of Russian society are characterized by the syncretism of power, property, and management. Under the conditions of development of the modern Russian society, the article analyzes the prospects for expanding the opportunities of self-governance and growth of the political and economic subjectivity of the citizens, which will encourage the innovation development of the society overall. Search for the ways of divergence of power, property, and management is tightly connected with the development of civil society in Russia. This process is complicated by the fact that the majority of Russians still understand the pole of authority as the are independent from the civil control.
basic institutions, management, property, power, public consciousness, civil society, culture, syncretism, Russian society, economy
Demography and statistics
Dudieva, M.N. (2017). Youth unemployment in the EU: new challenge of modernity. Sociodynamics, 4, 6875.
This article examines the phenomenon of youth unemployment in the European Union. It is underlined that the socioeconomic phenomenon that is directly dependent on demands of the market, under the circumstances of current instability causes concern for the fate of millions of the young residents of Europe. The author gives special attention to the analysis of positions of the youth in South Europe, where has developed the most dramatic situation throughout the entire history of the EU. The text contains references to a number of documents that regulate the questions of youth policy and employment at the supranational level. The author provides statistical data alongside analysis of the indexes of Eurostat on the number of unemployed among various age groups. The conclusion is made that in the established difficult situation on the job market, which faced the young professionals, besides the tense economic circumstances, an important role is played by the social aspect of the question, as well as the national peculiarities of the state. It is determined that due to the low level of competitiveness because of lack of education and other reasons, the process of restoration of the previous indexes of youth employment will require time and significant costs.
Eurostat, Sustainable growth, Supranational policy, Education, NEET, Employment, Youth policy, Economic crisis, Youth unemployment, European Union
Social studies and monitoring
Ryabkova, L. (2017). Value orientations in career. Sociodynamics, 4, 7693.
This research was conducted for determination of correlation between the process of formation of value orientations with the process of career growth, as well as assessment of such correlation among the residents of Tyumen and administrative center of Tyumen Region, where the foundation of economy is the energy industry. The subject of the article is the answers of respondents regarding certain categories of values, their realization in daily life and work, as well as how it helps or hinders achieving the set goals. Using the method of survey, the author was able to evaluate the importance of seventeen values of various clusters, establish their impact upon the actions and deeds of the respondents, and other parameters that demonstrate the connection between the work process and formation of the value apparatus. The acquired data allowed performing a cluster analysis and forming eight groups of people. Analysis of each of the clusters reflects their specificity and explains possible differences between the clusters, leaning on the character of dependence of the qualitative and quantitative indexes of the development of personality. The author develops a model for optimization of the choice of career strategies, which if implemented, consider the dynamic of the value apparatus of personality. The results of this research provide opportunity for identification of the type of personality and career for preventing any negative factors of development of the values and career, as well as specify the further actions of an individual in the process of realization of his plans.
questionnaire, strategies for career development, cluster analysis, personality development, career, values, value orientations, employed population, modeling, game with nature
Social studies and monitoring
Kozyreva, L.D., Zverkova, S.A. (2017). Transformation of the social ties of youth in information society. Sociodynamics, 4, 94104.
The subject of this research is the social ties of youth in the modern information society. The article substantiates the necessity and importance of examination of the process of transformation of the social ties of youth that takes places under the influence of the modern information technologies. The author determines the methodological foundations of the study of social ties formed on the basis of ideas of the classical and modern sociological theory. Using the empirical research in form of survey and in-depth interview, the article demonstrates the transformation of all parameters of the social ties – strength, character, intensity, orientation, etc. The author conducted the online surveys among youth on the topic of “Transformation of “power” of social ties within the information society” (February – March of 2017, which comprised the empirical foundation of this research. In 2014, the author also conducted the surveys “Youth in the information society: “role movements”” and “Real and virtual social capital of youth in the information society”. In analysis of the impact of information communication technologies upon the social ties, were determines the three types of modern youth: “online youth” (prefer using the information technologies all-round) – 58%; “offline youth” (mostly do not use the technologies in daily activity) – 3%; and “semi-online youth” (target use of information technologies for achieving success in real life, or in the area of leisure and education, but at the same time, prefer working in virtual space) – 39%. The performed analysis of the information communication practices and their impact upon the social ties of youth allowed identifying the risks associated mostly with the growth of Internet addiction, various behavioral deviations, isolation within the social network systems, and chance for the complete sever of ties in the reals, as well as virtual space. The author formulates the propositions aimed at preventing the development of pessimistic scenario.
intensity of tie, caracter of tie, strength of tie, Internet addiction, youth, information technologies, social ties, direction of tie, weak ties, strong ties
Conflict and consensus
Ivanov, O., Ilinskaya, Y. (2017). The problem of typology of urban planning conflicts in Russia. Sociodynamics, 4, 105113.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of various classifications of the urban planning conflicts in modern Russia. The authors determine the objectively existing complicated moments in this issue, as well as attempt to prove the necessity of achieving the unity of understanding in classification of the urban planning conflicts within the scientific society. The phenomenon of such conflicts in modern Russia is viewed from the perspective of the need for development of their universal typology and classification. The attention is focused on the reasons that changed the urban space in the process of continuous urbanization, as well as the impact of economic interests upon the character of urban development. Urban environment is viewed as the consumer space; urban planning conflicts – on the practical material. From the position of systemic approach and taking into account the existing urban planning theories, the article analyzes the nature of emergence and development of conflict situations in the urban environment. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to systemically examine the existing typology and classification of the urban planning conflicts, as well as suggest the author’s approach towards such classification, as well as specify the foundations for resolution of the existing practical and theoretical questions in this field.
city, urban planning, urbanization, urban space, typology, classification, subjects of conflict, Urban conflicts, metropolis, development
Issues of social partnership
Ryabova, T.M., Medvedeva, N.V. (2017). Foreign practices of organization of partnership between the authorities and society: trends and issues. Sociodynamics, 4, 114125.
The subject of this research is the key trends and issues in organization of the social partnership in foreign countries. The object is the foreign practices of organization of the social partnership. In the current situation, socioeconomic development of a country suggests the search for ways to form the conditions for organization of the social partnership, and attract into the dialogue the representatives of authorities, businesses, and society for increasing the efficiency of resolving the socially important task for the society. The organization of social partnership is a necessary condition for the establishment of civil society. Thus, the main goal of this research lies in examination and analysis of the foreign experience of organization and realization of social partnership based on tripartism. The authors set the following tasks: determination of the diverse practices of organization of social partnership in the Western European countries; analysis of the conditions of organization of partnership between the authorities and society; identification of the main trends and issues within the practice of realization of social partnership. The analysis of the practices of organization of social partnership in various spheres of life was conducted in such countries as the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Germany, Finland, and Belgium. It is noted that the nonprofit organizations are largely involved in organization of social partnership in the social sphere abroad through the application of the following mechanisms: state subsidies, grant support, loans for additional education and training, government allowance, tax breaks. It is also highlighted that using such mechanisms, the government directly affects the work of the nonprofit organizations. The latter, as the members of such partnership, mark the problem of tender security for negotiating the state contracts.
Social and labor sphere , Education, Public-private partnership , Civil society, Benefactor, Nonprofit organizations, Tripartism, Business, Authority, Social partnership
Academic thought
Leontyev, G.D. (2017). Trajectory of the utopic: from obligatory to essential. Sociodynamics, 4, 126136.
The phenomenon of the utopic is examined as a universal intention of social and individual being, as the constant of human consciousness. Based on the systemic, structural-functional approach, it is substantiated that the axiological, gnoseological, and project-praxeological foundations of the utopic explain its structure. The elements of structure of the utopic discourse contain the following: utopic ideas, which form in accordance with the “principle of reciprocity” and realized in the ideal; utopic consciousness as manifestation of the dialectics of the recessionary and stabilization social-value consciousness; transformative activity that incites when the ideas become the regulators of social relations and postulate the corresponding norms of mental activity. Such structuredness allows studying the phenomenon of utopia in its integrity and interconnection of the structural elements; in other words, the social intentionality of the “tradition of E. Bloch” is not opposed, but rather intersects with the “tradition of T. More” and practically oriented “line of K. Mannheim”. Analysis of the conceptual orientation of the functions of the utopic consciousness allowed focusing attention of the discursive and normative-regulatory essence of the utopia, the content of which forms through the critical comparison of the social given and the ideal normative, obligatory and essential. The conclusion is made that utopia exists in the social space as an integral discursive-regulatory phenomenon.
Social criticism, Obligatory and essential, Regulation, Project, Ideal, Functions, Utopic consciousness, Idea, Discourse, Utopia
Genesis of power
Rubtcova, M., Gashkov, S.A. (2017). Activeness of the managed object: perspective of the French social thought (Étienne Balibar, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Michel Foucault). Sociodynamics, 4, 137145.
This article examines the problems of determination of activeness and/or passiveness of the managed object from the perspective of French social thought. The old hierarchical metaphysics has previously formed a problem of emancipation of the managed object as a problem of activeness or passiveness. At the same time, such position is often subject to revision in the modern French social though. Is there a possibility for such emancipation in modern society? This question became of high priority in the discussions of Marxist sociology of Sartre and interrelation between power, discipline, and supremacy of Foucault. Analysis of the latent forms of supremacy and power, which emerged in modern society and force through corporeity and disciplinarity that can imitate activeness. Tradition of the French left-wingers postulates that the status of the modern managed object is not as just, as told by the democratic ideology. Nevertheless, there continues a search for the new points of view within the framework of sociology of management, which demonstrate that activeness or passiveness of the managed object should not be reduced only to the question of supremacy.
Balibar, France, passive object, active object, French social thought, manageability, supremacy, Sartre, Foucault, power
Political process
Naryshkina, M.V. (2017). Key technologies of political risks management in the activity of political parties. Sociodynamics, 4, 146158.
The subject of this research is the political risks management techniques in the activity of political parties. The article provides common characteristic of the content of political risk in the activity of political parties, as well as presents the generalized classification of political risks management techniques (humanitarian and mathematical). The author reviews the political risks management in the activity of political parties as a process that consists of several stages: planning of risks management, identification of risk, analysis of risk, planning of reaction to risk, response to risk, monitoring and control of risks. Special attention is given to the information and communication technologies (management of speculations, organization of feedback). The conclusion is formulated that the information technologies in politics (technologies of collecting, storage, processing, and transmission of information) are of crucial importance in functionality of the political parties. The proper and systematic application of the political risks management techniques allows rapidly resolving the emerging problems, as well as making the efficient political decisions.
Information and communication technologies, Planning of risk management, Identification of risk, Analysis of risk, Management of speculations, Risk marketing, Risk management, Risk management techniques, Political parties, Political risks