Questions of current interest
Dzhalaya, L. (2017). Forming factors of the models of life trajectory of the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol . Sociodynamics, 12, 112.
The subject of this research is comparative analysis of the factors that determined the life strategies of the indicated social groups. The object is the students of universities of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol, in other words, the specific social groups. The goal of the works is the regional peculiarities (including such factors as globalization and ethnocultural background of mentality of these social groups) of formation of the models of life strategies among the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol. The hypothesis of research is the sociocultural factors (ethnicity, political preferences, historical-cultural thesaurus, educational census, professional motivation, etc.) influence the establishment of the most positive models of successful future of student youth of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol. Among the sociocultural factors, the most effective is the factor of mentality (traditionalistic, neo-traditionalistic, mentality of European modern). The author applies the method of written interview in form of survey, which carried sampling character and was conducted in December of 2015 – January of 2016. The work determined and examined the models of formation of life strategies among the students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol: “live like everyone else”; “status-instrumental”, “pro”; “hedonists”, “pragmatics”. Based on the analysis of factors and their socio-philosophical interpretation, the author is able to highlight the following regional peculiarities that affect the models of the future for students of Saint Petersburg and Tiraspol: ethnic, behavioral, landscape.
Mentality, Students, Life trajectory, Factors, Landscape peculiarities, Behavioral peculiarities, Ethnic peculiarities, Typological peculiarities, Life strategies, Student youth
Social studies and monitoring
Batyrshina, E.N. (2017). Correlation of atheistic and religious outlook among the groups of student youth (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Sociodynamics, 12, 1319.
This article analyzes the student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan from the standpoint of religious and atheistic perceptions. In the course of this work, the author introduces the unpublished empirical materials of ethno-sociological survey conducted in 2017 among the four large universities, involving 462 students: Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Bashkir State Medical University, Bashkir State University, and Neftekamsk Branch of Bashkir State University. An attempt was made to analyze the correlation of religious and atheistic outlook with regards to ethnic aspect of the modern student youth, using the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The survey consisted of 40 closed questions; the sample frame included several faculties of various disciplines. The draft of respondents was carried out using the cluster sampling method; the survey was based on face-to-face technology; the polling forms were given at the spot. The acquired material was integrated and analyzed using the program SPSS Statistics 0.17. Bashkortostan is one of the most mosaic regions of multinational Russia in the ethnic and religious regard; currently it counts over 160 nationalities that carry the centuries-long religious traditions, such as Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Paganism, etc. All of this makes relevant the question of the modern religious identity of student youth, because in the nearest future, the religious climate in the region and countrywide depends of this population group.
Republic of Bashkortostan, Ethnic aspect, Confessional diversity, Ethno-confessional situation, Student youth, Religious Worldview, Atheistic Worldview, Religious identity, Polyconfessional region, Higher education
Social studies and monitoring
Baimov, A.G. (2017). Military clergy: social obstacles on the path of establishment. Sociodynamics, 12, 2026.
The subject of this research is the military clergy, which implies the ministers of traditional religious confessions of the Russian Federation who hold the rank of the assistant commander working with the religious servicemen in the structure of the General Office in coordination with personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The author examines the professional qualities of military chaplain: level of education, relation to military service, experience of ministering in religious organization, and age for determining the constraining factors in formation of the corps of military clergy in the modern Russian army. In order to achieve the set goal, the author comprised the social portrait based on the acquired in the course of interviewing and the publically available data. For comparing the results, the author applied the secondary analysis of the materials from earlier published works of other researchers. This article is first to consider the social problems that slow the process of restoration of the institution of military clergy, as well as publish the statistical data that can be valuable in subsequent works on history, sociology, and other disciplines.
Orthodoxy, clergyman, Armed forces, Ministry of Defense, religious servicemen, social portrait, military clergy, Islam, level of education, military service
Public dialogue
Polyushkevich, O.A., Reshetnikov, V.A., Fedchin, V.S. (2017). Socialization of modern humanism through the processes of regional identification. Sociodynamics, 12, 2736.
The subject of this study is the conditions of socialization of modern humanism through the processes of regional identity. Special place is given to the regional identity that forms the basic conditions of sociocultural solidarity of regional communities and consolidation of the country as a whole. The article examines the archetypes of the Russians, which define a distinct sociocultural environment of the development of humanism alongside the peculiarities of development of social capital in various regions of the country. The authors reveals the specificities of socialization of the modern humanism through the individual, group and regional peculiarities substantiated by the sociocultural distinction of Russian civilization. Methodology is based on the comparative analysis of humanistic psychology and sociology that determines the sociocultural orientations, as well as individual-personal strategies of adjustment to the changing circumstances of the socialization of humanism. The scientific novelty is traced in conjunction of the sociocultural grounds of the national unity, expresses in the archetypes, representations, and ideologies of the Russians and the principles of humanism in daily life, which defines the conditions and character of social capita, processes of sociocultural solidarity and regional identity of the Russians in the modern context.
Solidarity, Social capital, Archetypes of Russians, Sociocultural solidarity, Regional identity, Identity, Socialization of humanism, Modern humanism, Humanism, Socialization
Academic thought
Malinina, K.O. (2017). The peculiarities of socio-ecological approach towards entrepreneurial community. Sociodynamics, 12, 3744.
This article examines the business community through the prism of human ecology with the inherent broad system interdisciplinary view; particularly, from the perspective of social and mental ecology. Study of business subjects based on the human ecology is explained by the fact that human manifests as subsystem, part of integration of nature and society; dual position of human in nature when simultaneously he is its representative and consumer; inability to separate social from biological in human as a biosocial individual. The author analyzes the image of a modern Russian entrepreneur leaning on the results of research of the entrepreneurial environment dedicated to examination of the motivational sphere. The article provides classification of the environmental components of business activity as a part of integral regularities of the inner biosocial organization of human society (internal and external business environment. The author describes the notions of “safe type of personality” and “man of high quality”. The need is substantiated for the development of comprehensive research of functional status of business community considering the analysis of behavioral factors coupled with the environmental factors.
civil society, increase of ecological compatibility, behavioral factors, motivational sphere, entrepreneurship, mental ecology, human ecology, social ecology, personality of safe type, man of high quality
Logic and cognition of political processes
Gizha, A.V. (2017). Own and ascribed essence of capitalism: how the degenerate form of social organization maintains its dominance . Sociodynamics, 12, 4555.
This article examines the philosophical issues of sociocultural of interpretation of the modern capitalistic formation. The author substantiated representation about the dual essential foundation of capitalism – own, actual and ascribed, alleged. The existing word capitalistic community is defined as a globalized oligarchy-financial world order with dominant crises processes. The latter have artificial origin and in general express the degenerate nature of the leading sociopolitical structures. The article reviews the problems of theoretical comprehension of the existing stage of alienation, and formulates the gnoseological tasks regarding its overcoming. The applied method can be determined as reconstructive hermeneutics in the context of dialectical principle of integrity of cognition and existence. The following conclusions were made: the educational policy of capitalism from the perspective of abstract humanism does not achieve its goal; the efficient methodological base of apprehending the modern socio-historical process remains the Marxist intentionality that creatively evolves in Neo-Marxism; the actual essence of capitalism associated with property relations and functionality of capital, is substituted by ideologues with the ascribed essence oriented towards the morally justified “society of knowledge”; in accordance with the latter statement, there is the own language (comprehension) of the phenomenon at hand and alleged language that is not aimed at representation of the objective meanings.
end of history, natural ontology, neo-Marxism, classical Marxism, own essence, degenerate form, alienation, capitalism, breakthrough into future, ascribed essence
Martyanov, D., Budko, D. (2017). Structure of the Russian virtual elite in the Web 2.0 resources. Sociodynamics, 12, 5668.
This article is dedicated to analysis of the structure of virtual elite within the realm of the Russian-language Web 2.0 resources. The author analyzed the six trendy Internet resources (Vkontakte, Facebook, Live journal, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube) for determining the specificity of groups that enjoy most popularity among the audience of these online platforms, as well as the dynamic aspects of emergence of the virtual elites in the context of evolution of the Internet technologies. An attempt is made to highlight the groups that most efficiently derive the social capital from the production of online content. The subject of the research is the structure of virtual elite of the Web 2.0 resources; while the object is the phenomenon of Web 2.0 as a technology that manifests as the factor of social stratification in the Internet. The author meticulously review the topics of personalization of the narrative of virtual elites and feminization of the Web 2.0 resource. The study leans on the complex of methods, including comparative, network, classical textual, and content analysis alongside the analysis of virtual images and methods of statistical processing of information. Among the main conclusions are: determination of the structure of virtual elite of the Web 2.0 resources in accordance with certain parameters; detection of the dynamics of transformation of the structure of elites; emphasis of qualitative changes in the structure of virtual elite. The authors demonstrate the discrepancy of feminization of the virtual elite, as well as turn attention to the vector of personalization of narrative of the virtual elite representatives.
social capital, social stratification, feminization, social networks, network elite, virtual elite, virtual reality, Internet, elite, blogs