Questions of current interest
Napso, M.D. (2016). Cosmopolitism and nationalism in the idea space. Sociodynamics, 5, 1–7.
The object of this article is the modern ideological concepts, and the subject is the demand for ideas of cosmopolitism and nationalism by the tendencies of global and ethno-national development. The author examines the ambivalent nature of such phenomena, the dependency of their content from the conditions and requirements of social practice. Special attention is given to the correlation and contradictory correspondence of cosmopolitical and national values to each other and to the nature of globalization, dialectics of universal and local. The author underlines their importance for the formation of global consciousness, national consciousness, and local identity. Scientific novelty consists in proposition of a thesis on the complex nature and contradictory consequences of the ideas of cosmopolitism and nationalism. Problematics of the article allows forming the following conclusions: 1) the ideologies of cosmopolitism and nationalism remain actualized by the social phenomena; 2) the ambivalent content of these ideologies is defined by the specificity of current realities which endow them with opposing traits.
fragmentation, glocalization, local identity, local, universalism, autonomation, liberalism, nationalism, cosmopolitism, globalization
National security
Popov, E.A. (2016). World structure and mechanisms of ensuring social security. Sociodynamics, 5, 8–14.
The subject of this research is the social security which reflects the specificity of the world structure. Attempts are made to define the problem zones within the scientific understanding of social security, as well as the objective characteristics of world structure that allow determining particular mechanisms of ensuring social security. Attention is given to the necessity of introducing into the scientific discourse of the category “world structure” that reflects combination of the processes of modernization and globalization with the mechanism of ensuring social security. Accent is also made on the sociocultural analysis of social security within the framework of the world structure. Among the main conclusions are the following positions: 1) social security is a universal category that clarifies the vector of life of societies and nations; 2) social security is a key factor in achieving the effective globalization and modernization processes, which actively take place in the world; 3) world structure is possible only in the conditions of the efficient insurance of social security in countries and continents.
social security, national security, globalization, systemic analysis, sociology, culture, society, security, concept of social security, social and cultural aspect
Demography and statistics
Meshcheryakova, N.N. (2016). The study of aging issues in the world sociology. Sociodynamics, 5, 15–24.
This article presents a comparative analysis of the reports announced at the XVIII World Congress of Sociology held in Yokohama, Japan in July of 2014. All reports considered the questions of aging, subjective well-being of elderly people, economic aspects of population aging and other questions concerning this area. The aim of the paper is to define the main tendencies in studying aging questions that interest the world sociology under the growth of life expectancy, population aging, i.e. increasing cohort of elderly people in relation to youth and those in midlife in the structure of population, taking into account the current economic crisis and cutting budgets income basis.The results are grouped according to the following criteria with their detailed characteristics:1) the level of social and economic development of the societies which have become the objects of the research: welfare states, developing countries and undeveloped countries;2) the cultural peculiarities.3) the subject of research.
intergenerational relationships, successful aging, care for the elderly, third age, later years, agism, elderly people, aging of population, subjective wellbeing, age-friendly communities
Family and society
Antropova, I. (2016). Language socialization of children as the reflection of changes in society: socio-linguistic approach. Sociodynamics, 5, 25–33.
The author carefully examines the close interconnection of such categories as: level of speech development, level of social aggression, language socialization, and social dysontogenesis. The mutual influence of the following phenomena is being analyzed: educational potential of a family, development of verbal and cogitative skills, quality of education, and social aggression. Special attention is given to the search for answers to the essential questions such as: points of intersection of the linguistic and social processes; role of family, school, and society in the child’s language socialization. The author analyzes the state of verbal and cogitative abilities of children, the reasons of their underdevelopment (rapid reduction in quantity and quality of verbal communication with the child, lack of trust, decrease in independent territorial movement of children), as well as forecasts the social consequences for the society. In the author’s opinion, this leads to the reduction in quantity of social interaction and interaction with other children or adults under various social circumstances. The role of the education system in transformation of the processes of language socialization of children is also being determined. The author also gives attention to the impact of the “new intermediary form of language” – language of the Internet, and later – to the development of social consequences of primitivization of the language, namely: increase of the behavioral and verbal aggression in the society, revival of radicalism, extremism, nationalism, etc.
terrorism, network society, verbal aggression, social aggression, memes, language socialization, recruitment of young people, communicative skills, verbal behavior, extremism
Social studies and monitoring
Samburov, E.A. (2016). The connection between methodology and prognostics. Sociodynamics, 5, 34–38.
The subject of this research is the influence of the systemic-dialectical methodology of scientific cognition upon prognostics. The author analyses the correlation between the methodological principles of cognition and main positions of forecasting the events of the future as a specific type of cognition. The possible and the actual are one. Possibility should be viewed as a prerequisite for the new in development of reality, as a tendency of its development. Thus from our point of view, possibility is the future in the present. The principle of unity between possible and actual is considered the initial for the modern prognostics. This work analyses the structure of the present, as well as the ways of detecting the informational component of the future in the present. The author determines the priority points of the scientific forecast today: firstly, an essential need to involve into forecasting a larger circle of researchers and professionals-practitioners; and secondly, strive to increase the efficiency of forecasting.
Forecasting, Cognition, Interconnection, Prognostics, Social stability, Future, Prognosis, Prediction, Principle, Methodology
Social studies and monitoring
Yanik, A.A., Popova, S.M. (2016). About the system of social monitoring based on the qualitative data on the status of Russian society. Sociodynamics, 5, 39–57.
This article is dedicated to the methodological approaches and assessment of possibilities of establishment of the national system of monitoring Russian society based on the qualitative data. Within the framework of interdisciplinary studies, the authors conduct an analysis of the modern foreign and Russian experience of using the qualitative data for the monitoring of social development. The article examines the barriers that impede the knowledge content of the existing mechanisms of management of social development associated with achievement of the public consensus on the models of the desired future, choice of the targeted indexes of development, and principles of assessment of success. Special attention is given to the approaches of structural functionalism, as well as to the ideas about the society as a self-developing system, the key characteristics of which are stability and adaptivity. The conclusion is made that the new global challenges led to the change in conceptual ideas about the essence and goals of social development and the corresponding modification of the metrics of progress, in which an ever bigger role is being played by the quantitative data and the subjective assessments of people. The conducted analysis demonstrates the in modern Russia there are all necessary structural elements for establishment of the system of coordination and realization of the targeted model of society, as well as the constantly acting national system of social monitoring (using the qualitative data on the status of society) as an essential element of the system of state strategic administration.
foresight, quality of life, life satisfaction, better Life Index, social progress, qualitative data, social monitoring, Russia, research infrastructure, indicators
Enslavement and oppression
Napso, M.D. (2016). Marginal man theory of Robert E. Park and the modernity. Sociodynamics, 5, 58–63.
The object of this article is the study of the phenomenon of marginality, while the subject is the manifestations of marginality in the modern world. The author examines the social nature of marginality as well as adjacent notions, conditions of emergence of marginal social classes, and peculiarities of marginal states. Special attention is given to the analysis of the external factors, research of the specificity of social relations and interactions, as well as their role in formation of the marginal space. The author traces the influence of objective and subjective factors upon the establishment of marginal personality and escalation of the processes of marginalization. Scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of a thesis about the complicated nature of the notion of “marginality”. The following conclusions are made: 1) the problematics of marginality is in need of a comprehensive socio-humanitarian research due to its heuristicity; 2) the contradictory realities of the modern world require an in-depth analysis of the “marginal man” phenomenon.
Identity, Social bottom, Anomia , Liminality , Ethnocentrism, Out-group, In-group, “Cultural hybrid”, “Marginal man”, Marginality