Questions of current interest
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2016). The key role of education in achieving sustainable development goals. Sociodynamics, 4, 1–18.
Sustainable development requires changes in thinking and ways of acting, and a key role in ensuring these changes is played by the education. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is not only a prerequisite for achieving a sustainable future, but the priority and advancing its means, i.e. the transition to sustainable development begins with the formation of education for sustainable development and the formation of a new globally-sustainable consciousness. ESD becomes one of the key mechanisms for achieving the Millennium development Goals, as well as those new 17 global sustainable development goals that were adopted at the Summit on SD, approving the Agenda in the field of sustainable development until 2030. Adopted a global action programme on ESD, which was announced at the UNESCO world conference on ESD, held in 2014 in (Japan, which gave an assessment of the current state of education in the world and focused on solving the problems of transition of civilization to sustainable development. This goal is new, adopted in Incheon by the concept of education, which is to transform people's lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as the main driving force of development and in the achievement of the other proposed SDG.The article notes that, while continuing the further roll-out of ESD, however, need to start implementing a new strategy for global educational process to accelerate and expand the movement towards "global sustainability". It is shown that the environmental component (and corresponding model) of education currently prevalent in the form of education, which is now called ESD, but that is just the initial stage of formation of a new systemic model of education for sustainable development. For the ecological component of ESD has already added the vision of ESD in temporal perspective as advanced education and interpretation education based on the concept of "security through stable development", future prospects of globalization of education and global education, and will later be synthesized and other models of education (for example, to start the process of comisario education and establishment of the space education on the basis of astronomy and space, global evolutionism).
Security, Global education, Cosmos education, Leading education, Sustainable education, Sustainable development, Futurization, Millennium development goals, Environmental education, Education for sustainable development
The nationality issue
Podyapolskiy, S.A., Podyapolskaya, A.V. (2016). Ethnocultural situation in the modern Yakutia: demographical trends, historical mythologems, and humanitarian technologies. Sociodynamics, 4, 19–27.
The Sakha Republic is extremely important in the geopolitical and economic regard. This article is dedicated to the problems of sociocultural development of this constituent of the Russian Federation, trends and prospects of interethnic relations within the region. Special attention is given to the historical mythologems, which can be used by the modern Yakut nationalism. These mythologems are examined from the perspective of historical science, as well as in the context of the modern humanitarian technologies. As it is evident in practice, the latter are quite often use the “soft power” resources for undermining purposes, and tendentiously interpret the historical facts. Sociocultural mythologems are viewed in comparison with the historical facts, “soft power” concepts, and the contemporary humanitarian technologies. The demographical statistics data is being used in this research. The integration of the Sakha Republic into the Russian Federation demonstrates a complicated, but overall voluntary character. The Russian brought to Yakutia not only statehood, but paradoxically strengthened the positions of the local elite. Nevertheless, the historical by itself truth does not protect from manipulations; it requires humanitarian-technological reinforcement.
Soft power, Memorial wars, Humanitarian technologies, Mystery of Genghis Khan, Yakutia, Lenaland, Yakuts, Sakha Republic, Neryungri, Cultural wars
The nationality issue
Berezhnova, M., Pimenova, N.N. (2016). Growth of sociocultural diversity as a result of interethnic communications: Yakuts from the Lake Yessey. Sociodynamics, 4, 28–40.
The subject of this research is the unique ethnic and cultural group of Yessey Yakuts (Krasnoyarsk Krai), which is isolated from the main Yakut ethnocultural group of the Sakha Republic. Currently the interethnic and intercultural contacts between the disconnected Yakut groups have been reestablished. The authors explore the history and current state of economics, social communications, and culture of the Yessey Yakuts, as well as analyze the prospects of future development of the social communications between the Yakuts of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Yakuts of the Sakha Republic. Certain peculiarities of the modern ethnogenesis of the indigenous people of the North are being determined. The authors conducted a field research in the places of residence of indigenous people; the in-depth interviews and the analysis of the historical and cultural peculiarities of these people were being implemented. The Yessey Yakuts separated from the Sakha Yakuts that resides in Yakutia; due to their remoteness and the established outlook, they preserved the authentic culture of Sakha. Thus in the current situation it is necessary to contribute into the restoration of the cultural and social connection with the Sakha Republic.
Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, North, indigenous peoples, culture, ethnos, communications, Arctic, Yakuts, interview
The nationality issue
Bukova, M.I. (2016). Peculiarities of the ethnocultural self-conscience of Chulym ethnic group, living in the Pasechnoe village Pasechnoe of Tyukhetsky district of Krasnoyarsk Krai (Central Siberia). Sociodynamics, 4, 41–51.
The subject of this research is the ethnocultural group of indigenous people of Krasnoyarsk Krai – the Chulym people. Their total number accounts to nearly 200 people according to the data from the Russian Census of 2010. However, Chulyms were able to preserve their ethnic and cultural identity and attempt to restore the national language and culture. They qualify for certain government support being a relatively insignificant indigenous population. The processes of social identification that currently take place among Chulyms, are characteristic to many indigenous communities in Central Siberia. The author conducted field researches in the place of living of these people, as well as applied surveys and the analysis of statistical data. The processes of the modern ethnic identification of Chulym people are affected by the political, economic, and psychological factors. Thanks to the government and municipal support, the Chulym people continue to refer themselves to the ethnic group, although the language, culture, and history of this indigenous community fade away from social memory.
Krasnoyarsk Krai, indigenous people, indigenous studies, ethnic studies, social studies, ethnogenesis, ethnos, Central Siberia, Chulym people, field studies
Humanitarian projects
Reshetnikov, V.A., Polyushkevich, O.A., Fedchin, V.S. (2016). Main directions of social education. Sociodynamics, 4, 52–58.
The subject of this research is the social education. It is understood as a part of a general process of human socialization, as one of the components of the structures of its professional establishment, as well as sphere for training of the specialists in social field. Social education usually results in the establishment of the subject qualities of human and environmental conditions that encourage the development of these qualities. Due to this fact the authors examine the ideological components of social educations, the possibilities of logotherapy of V. Frankl, philosophical theory of A. V. Kutyrev, and Eupraxsophy of P. Kurtz. Scientific novelty consists in the reflection of the new circumstances of socialization of human as the foundations of his professional and personal development. The article also determines the forms, formats and conditions of development of the personal qualities and aspects of the environments that affect self-improvement. Social education is interpreted as a condition for professional establishment and development of a professional in the social sphere.
Education, Social education, Ideology, Educational process, Phenomenology, Phenomenological approach, Logotherapy, Philosophical therapy, Eupraxsophy, Reflection
Humanitarian projects
Kolesnik, M.A. (2016). Peculiarities of perception of the Russian ethnos among youth of Krasnoyarsk according to the results of the associative experiments using the word “Russian”. Sociodynamics, 4, 59–67.
The subject of this research is the specificity of perception of the Russian ethnos among the modern youth. The relevance of this research is associated with the orientation of social sciences upon the subjective images of the actors and observers of the important social processes. Cultural memory, as well as historical memory is fixed in the certain sustained images. The detection of the content, meaning, and the personal concepts of these images is essential for understanding the dynamics of social processes, cultural and social values, which predetermine these processes. Images and values that comprise the psychological reality of a person form a specific type of social behavior. The biggest associative groups of words reflect the main spheres, in which the students have established their opinion on what is Russian – national food, specificity of nature and environment, art and folklore. We can also define the spheres that are not much associated with the understanding of Russian – military and social spheres, natural resources, economics, politics, and history
Russian ethnicity, culture, ethnos, qualitative methods, social studies, methods, perception, youth, students, image
Religion and politics
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2016). Extra-churchly youth movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré . Sociodynamics, 4, 68–80.
The relevance of this research is substantiated by the necessity of studying the role of the young generation in the state-confessional relationships. Political and extra-churchly unions throughout several centuries referred to the younger generation as to the reserve of its future existence. The history of extra-churchly youth movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré demonstrates the right way of setting the priorities in the youth policy in order to gain reputation among youth. This period within the Russian history is considered a breaking point with regards to the relationship between the Soviet state and the church, and the final separation of secular from religious. The principles of consistency and alternative allow creating an objective historical picture of establishment of the youth organizations in Soviet Russia and White émigré of the 1917-1930’s. In the early XX century the sociocultural space of the Russian world captures all of the habitable territories of the globe. National spirit connected the Russian people into an integral civilized space, united by the common national self-conscience. People who live in the Russian Federation, perceive the local culture as a part of the whole without separating their worldview from national.
Atheism, Conformism, Youth policy, Young generation, Party control, Political pluralism, Religion, Russian expatriates , White émigré , Sociocultural space