Social studies and monitoring
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P. (2016). "O stillness of my silent freedom, and ever-laughing crystal": civilization at an intersection. Sociodynamics, 2, 125.
The subject of this research is the global challenges facing civilization in the beginning of the third millennium. Numerous facts show the close relationship between history and the history of nature. Biochemical processes, according to some researchers, have a direct impact not only on the behavior of individuals, but in general the whole society. Gumilev calls this phenomenon the effect of drive. The need for an equal relationship with nature suggest such dissimilar currents, both domestic cosmists philosophers, anthropologists and environmentalists the XX century., Public figures XX - XXI centuries., Representatives of the modern green. Methods of research in the article is the complex sociological and cultural approach that address the problem of the crisis of modern civilization at an angle different points of view. The article uses the data content analysis of national media and internet sources. The ongoing processes of globalization and the development of scientific and technological progress in our eyes lead mankind to a dead end. Contrary to forecasts Daniel Bell was not a panacea for global problems of post-industrial society. A further phase of the development of society must be based on a completely new way of thinking, whose foundations laid by Vernadsky, and then extended his followers and disciples.
civilization, biosphere, progress, global problems, society, urbanization, paradigm, post-industrial society, noosphere, globalization
Humanitarian projects
Tinyakova, E.A. (2016). A humanitarian project: how to raise the level of research . Sociodynamics, 2, 2636.
The subject of this research is postgraduate education presented by doctorate and postgraduate studies, while the object is to distinguish the difference between the intensive postgraduate education that serves the educational process in the higher school and secondary professional education, and the development of the scientific knowledge that gives new ideas to the life practice. The relevance of the reviewed problems falls onto the advancement of the information process. The established system of postgraduate education exceeded the information volume required for the progression of science, thus it results in the Higher Attestation Commission’s reduction measures concerning the postgraduate education. The main conclusion consists in determination of the two ways of development of postgraduate education: for the more intensive cognition of the selected specialty, and for the advancement and promotion of the new ideas. The scientific novelty lies in the proposition to divide the postgraduate education into two levels: namely scientific (where the new scientific ideas are being developed), and the postgraduate education for educational process on the higher and secondary educational facilities.
the science, study, post-graduate education, movement of knowledge, education, information process, the quality of research, social need, cognitive needs, impact on culture
Humanitarian projects
Seredkina, N.N. (2016). The theoretical model of positive ethnic identity and the mechanisms of its formation. Sociodynamics, 2, 3746.
The subject of this research is the abilities of the modern social theories for construction of the positive ethnic identity. Currently, an active discussion on the question on formation of the Russia nation is taking place. This formation can happen on either ethnic or civil bases. An entire number of relevant processes speaks that the processes of establishment of ethnic cultural identities within the regions of the Russian Federation are fairly dynamic. It is important for the multinational state that these processes will follow a positive cultural scenario. Theoretical model of a positive ethnic identity results in a certain system of types of ethnic identity. A positive ethnic identity is viewed within this system as a norm or condition for a harmonious interethnic cooperation, deviation from which produces various types of identity. A positive ethnic identity can be re-created in form of a mental construct via a specific sum of actions of separate subjects of a social organism.
social studies, Ethnic studies, ethnic groups, ethnic identity, cultural identity, multicultural system, positive identity, a theoretical model, critical analysis, cultural practices
Humanitarian projects
Luzan, V.S. (2016). To the question of the effect of cultural policy upon the modern local identities. Sociodynamics, 2, 4766.
The subject of this research is the modern Russian cultural policy and its effect upon the local and regional identities, including those associated with the municipal social space. In the conditions of processes of globalization, the theory and practice of socioeconomic relations in the modern world demonstrates that a key role in the development of states and intergovernmental unions today and in the nearest future belongs to the cities. Cultural policy, its trends, significant events, as well as basic processes will take place within the urbanized space, which due to this fact causes a certain interests among researchers. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in substantiation of a thesis that the cultural policy forms a particular symbolic space of a city that in case of a success of such policy allows forming and expanding the specific local identities, which from the economic perspective are able to attract investments into the city, as well as encourage the increase in the quality of life of the population.
cultural policy, cultural identity, regional identity, local area identity, social space, State, government programs, cultural practices, basic processes, social anthropology
The heritage of transformation
Leushkin, R.V. (2016). Virtual social capital: the place and role in the modern society. Sociodynamics, 2, 6776.
This study examines this kind of social-being entity, as social capital. The study focused on its virtual form of existence, that is, the phenomenon is similar in its properties and on the level of existing virtual social communication. First of all, problematized the general aspects of the existence of this phenomenon and its place in modern society, the main functions and properties. Virtual and traditional forms of social capital are subject to a comparative analysis, the material on the network (digital), and its historically early versions. The study uses socio-constructivist approach, the theory of social communication N. Luhmann and M. Maklyuen, the concept of social capital P. Bourdieu, F. Fukuyama and R. Putnam. This study presents the social-ontological properties of the virtual social capital as being-entity. The study shows that this entity plays a crucial role in the development of virtual social communities, primarily in the degree of stability of virtual teams of their effectiveness in carrying out practical tasks. It is shown that the volume and the development of virtual social capital is one of the fundamental factors in shaping the future of the information society.
virtuality, social capital, communication, social systems, confidence, modern society, Information society, self-organization, structure, social network
Migration and adaptation
Reznikova, K.V. (2016). The image of migrants in view of the modern students (based on the analysis of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Siberian Federal University). Sociodynamics, 2, 7788.
The subject of this research is the processes of work migration and ethnic mobility, as well as their reflection in the collective conscience and the collective unconscious of Krasnoyarsk Krai population. Students of the Siberian Federal University, majoring in technical and humanitarian fields were selected as the representing carriers of the images of collective conscience and collective unconscious. Due to the special significance of the migration processes and ethnic mobility for the territories and regions of Central Siberia, the relevance of this research becomes justified. The main method of the inquiry is the associative experiment with the word “migrant”. Based on the analysis of the associations and their interpretation, the author makes a conclusion about a predominant content of this concept among the students of the Siberian Federal University. Based on the conducted research, the author also makes the following conclusion on the content of the concept of “migration”: in the perception of contemporary students, migration mainly represents a compelled relocation of multiple people for the purpose of finding work, escape war or natural cataclysms, usually accompanied by poverty, and hope of receiving aid.
migration, ethnic mobility, post-Soviet space, Central Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region, University, association experiment, social studies, migrants, form
Migration and adaptation
Libakova, N.M. (2016). Acculturative stress and techniques for overcoming it. Sociodynamics, 2, 8997.
The subject of this research is the notion of “acculturative stress”, its theoretical and applied aspects, as well as its evristical value for the modern social and ethnic researches. The author examines the history of establishment of the term “acculturative stress”, scenarios of acculturative stress, and various models for overcoming it. John W. Berry’s concepts, as well as of his critics and supporters are being analyzed. Special attention is given to the concept of “cultural shock” and its invariants within the modern social sciences; various scenarios of overcoming the cultural shock are being reviewed. Theoretical conclusions are implemented towards the understanding of the current situation of the indigenous minority population of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The author conducted field researches in the northern territories of Krasnoyarsk Krai. He concludes that today, the processes of acculturation inherent to the Russian Federation as a whole, and Krasnoyarsk Krai as its part, have a global orientation and are included into the worldwide base processes. Among ethnoses, who experience an acculturative stress, are both, the migrants and the indigenous minor population.
Ethnic studies, migrants, indigenous peoples, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region, acculturation, culture shock, D. Berry, modernization, Sociodynamics
Migration and adaptation
Koptseva, N.P., Soshina, G.S., Shestopalova, D.S. (2016). Local study of the causes of work migration in Krasnoyarsk (October-November 2015). Sociodynamics, 2, 98105.
The subject of this research is the work migration and ethnic mobility on the example of Krasnoyarsk Krai. This work is focused on one of the two major industrial cities, as well as main zones of localization of work migrants of the region – Krasnoyarsk. Work migrants from various countries, such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, were involved into the empirical research. Besides the countries of the post-Soviet space, the authors also analyzed the social situations of such countries as China, Germany, and Turkey. The main method used in the research is survey, i.e. quantitative method. The migrants have different opinions about the attitude of the local population towards them, but no open antipathy was mentioned. Usually the migrants do not come by themselves, it is much easier for a small group to get socialized in a different cultural environment, thus the acculturative stress is less intensive. The article presents the results of a global study of the causes and relevant circumstances of labor migration in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The study was conducted in October and November 2015. The main method of research - questionnaires. As a theoretical base of research concepts were "acculturation," "inculturation," "akkulturatsionny shock" developed the concept of well-known Canadian and American sociologist John Berry. Based on the theory of John. Berry and empirical research conclusions about the specifics of the migration processes in the city of Krasnoyarsk.
migration, mobility, ethnic group, acculturation, inculturation, social studies, questionnaires, John Berry, Krasnoyarsk, migrants
Migration and adaptation
Sertakova, E.A., Avdonina, E.Y. (2016). Forced migration and its reflection in the cinematic art. Sociodynamics, 2, 106116.
The subject of this research is the cinematographic image of the forced migration in today's globalized world. We consider a number of works of cinematographic art dedicated to migrant workers, migration, conflicts and contradictions, as well as the diverse palette of migration of social communications. Modern cinema takes on a number of important social functions. Figures of cinematographic art simulated image of a migrant as a person who is miserable, helpless, suffers, and requires care and attention. The authors try to overcome prejudices movies racism, radical forms of nationalism. The main method of this research is the analysis of the works of cinematographic art, and the interpretation of the acquired results from the perspective of migration. Scientific novelty consists in the use of materials of the artistic cinematographic works in order to exemplify the scientific topic on the forced migration. The modern cinematography realizes its social meaning and holds an active position in the formation of a positive image of a migrant. One of the major problems of migration from the modern cinematography point of view, is the racial and ethnic intolerance.
work migration, forced migration, social communication, Cinema, artistic image, Paul Haggis, racism, radicalism, conflict, removal of the conflict
Human and citizen
Kormshchikov, D.A. (2016). Main directions of development of the regional social policy in the concepts of its main constituents and institutions of civil society. Sociodynamics, 2, 117129.
The object of this research is the social policy in Russia. Beginning with the establishment in absolutely new socioeconomic realities of the early 1990’s, Russia’s social policy is in the stage of continuous development, which is reflected in the variety of the federal programs, as well as social projects. The subject of this work is the determination of the relevant directions and trends in development of the regional social policy in the perception of its main constituents. The author thoroughly examines the work of new constituents of social policy, which allows decreasing burden of government as a general-accepted guarantor of the social support of citizens, and also finding new ways for solution of social problems. This work examines the work of government and institutions of civil society on the implementation of social policy, describing the main principles and motifs of their work. The results of the conducted research can serve as the basis for elaboration of proposition on modernization of the regional social policy, taking into account the most relevant issues, determined in the course of this work.
Public private partnership, non-profit organizations, political parties, the business community, social support of citizens, youth policy, social politics, regional social programs, institutions of civil society, subjects of social policy
Academic thought
Karmadonov, O.A., Kashchaev, A.E., Samburov, E.A. (2016). Oppositions within the history of social thought and the practice of human being. Sociodynamics, 2, 130162.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of oppositions, or binarity. The subject is the role and place of the phenomenon of opposition in the area of socio-humanitarian knowledge – since the times of Antiquity till modern concepts, formed in philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Based on the historiographical analysis, the authors demonstrate the non-transitional meaning of the researched phenomenon within the social thought, as well as thoroughly examine the ontological and gnoseological essences of the phenomenon of opposition, taking into account the permanent mutual substantiation of being and conscience, which experience the guiding and forming effect of the same universal laws. Authors’ main contribution into this research is the examination of the phenomenon of opposition in the historiographical context on one hand, and within the framework of broad field of socio-humanitarian knowledge on the other. Scientific novelty consists namely in such generalized and comparative analysis of the discussed phenomenon. The main conclusion lies in the fact that any binary confrontation implicitly contains in itself a possibility for a new quality reformation of a situation, and correspondingly, a new condition for new oppositions.
opposition, ontology, epistemology, experience structure, the binary, socio-humanitarian knowledge, ideal, material, egocentric model, sociocentric model
Religion and politics
Zamaraeva, Y.S., Antipina, A.V., Pavlova, K.V., Yusupov, A.M. (2016). On the question of attitude towards Islam in the modern society (on the example of Krasnoyarsk). Sociodynamics, 2, 163174.
The subject of this research is the attitude of Krasnoyarsk residents and users of the Internet towards the world religion of Islam. Today, Islamic religion is associated with a sufficient amount of theoretical and an applied research, as well as the Russian Islamic studies is actively developing. With regards to this scientific tradition, the authors of the article demonstrate the abilities of the theoretical and empirical methods of the research in order to exemplify the question on the attitude towards Islam within the modern Russian society. From the perspective of the modern mass media, Islam is presented as a religion that is closely linked to politics. The majority perceives Islam as a religion of a politicized character, and various terrorist acts as the means of coercion. Based on the latest events covered by mass media, Islamic world and culture cause panic in public conscience.
social studies, religious studies, Islam, regions, Krasnoyarsk region, methods, content analysis, questionnaires, mass consciousness, students
Social organizations and movements
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2016). Role of party control in the Communist youth unions of the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia (1918-1924). Sociodynamics, 2, 175195.
This article examines the problems of establishment of ideological concepts of the youth policy of the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russia during the 1918-1924. The author analyses the peculiarities if the role of Communist parties in realization of the resolutions of their program documents within the youth environment. The need for using a comparative method in order to review the issue of establishment of the youth policy is being revealed. Based on the conducted research, the author proposes to highlight the organizational and methodological approaches towards development of the youth movements in the Weimar Republic and Soviet Russian during the period of 1918-1924. The author reviews Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, determines the factors of its versatile influence upon the society, and attempts to generalize its positive and negative experience, and compare it with the experience of the German youth union. A brief characteristic is given to the German Youth Communist Union and All-Union Leninist Young Communist League at its initial stages of development; main characteristics of the common and diverse in the development of the ideological doctrine are being formulated. It is demonstrated that in both, Germany and Russia, party control became the foundation of the functionality of the emerging connections between the youth organizations and the leading parties.
history, Soviet Russia, Germany, Weimar republic, youth, Komsomol, revolution, World War I, communist party, party control
Ippolitov, V.A. (2016). The system of political enlightenment in Komsomol in the first half of the 1930s. Sociodynamics, 2, 196225.
This article examines the system if political enlightenment in the first half of the 1930’s, as well as the forms, methods, tasks, and results of the political education within the youth union. The author thoroughly reviews the flaws of the political education: weak propaganda campaign, “seasonal work”, insufficient material base, etc. The ways of work organization, their methodological provision, and the attitude of Komsomol members towards education is demonstrated. During the course of this research, the author used the materials from the State Archives of the Socio-Political History of Tambov Oblast and Voronezh Oblast; the article is prepared based on materials of the Central Black Earth Oblast. The theory of governmentalization of Komsomol, when the union is viewed as interlink between the government and the youth, became fundamental for the study of the historical Komsomol issues. Political enlightenment is studied as an imperative part of the system of party control over Komsomol. The author illustrates the reorientation of political education within Komsomol in favor of carrying out of predominantly educational functions. The conclusion is made that in the province, the effectiveness of political education remained low. The system of political education did not provide comprehensive knowledge, rather raised obedient executors of the party’s directives. The political education encouraged further “dogmatization” of the young generation.
the youth, Komsomol, political education, political control, political education, ideology, collectivization, Communist Party, politboi, Stalin