Questions of current interest
Babich, I.L. (2015). Socio-Cultural and Political-Legal Aspects of Adaptation of Caucasian Muslims in Modern Europe (Problem Definition). Sociodynamics, 1, 1–10.
Socio-cultural and political-legal adaptation of migrans is becoming a nettlesome topic considering the ongoing transformations of such classical types of the countries of the Western Europe as France, Germany, Italy, etc. into polyethnic and multireligious states. Obviously, these transformations will involve the Russian Federation sooner or later. During the XXth - XXIst centuries there have been several migration flows from Caucaus to Europe. In this article Babich discusses the most recent migration flow from Russia to Europe in 1990s - 2000s. The main reasons were political (the Chechnya war) and socio-economic. The researcher analyzes the life of Caucasian people in the Western and Eastern Europe, defines tendencies and prospects for their adaptation to the European lifestyle. It should be also noted that the Caucasian factor allows to make a hypothesis concerning the Islamic factor as well. The research of North Caucasian communities from the point of view of their ability to integrate requires to take into account ethnic, age-related and gender peculiarities, to anlayze the history and political environment of interaction between each community and the receiving society. The researcher also believes that North Caucasian communities in Europe should be viewed as a single ethnic group.
adaptation, Western Europe, Caucasian peoples, Chechnya, Islam, radicalism, the Golden Billion, adaptation of migrants, habitat, metropole
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2015). Education for Sustainable Development: The First Results, Problems and Prospects. Sociodynamics, 1, 11–74.
In their article the authors emphasize that education will soon have transformations closely related to evolutionary changes in the global civilizational development and interaction between society and nature. The authors discuss the formation of education for sustainable development (SD) in Russia both prior to and during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The authors also discuss what official documents are needed to be accepted both at the global and Russian levels in order to implement the concept of sustainable development in the sphere of Russian education. The authors focus on how the concept of sustainabe development is perceived by Russians and how education for sustainable development is promoted in Russia. Special attention is paid to the process of preparation of tutorials and teaching and learning aids on sustainable development at higher schools starting from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The authors have applied to principle of temporal integrity as well as the globa, historical, interdisciplinary, forecasting, systems, evolutionary, environmental and other approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of education in the XXIst century. According to the authors, the main goal of sustainable development should not be limited to the solution of environmental issues. It is important to talk about the global issues and negative universal processes that are to be solved before the wold is ready to transfer to the global sustainability. Special attention is paid to the extension of the scope of the concept of sustainable development.
security, World Summit on Sustainable Development, the concept of sustainable development, 'sustainable development', priority development, Rio+20, sustainable development, futurization, environmental education, UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment an
Humanitarian projects
Sitnikova, A.A. (2015). On the Problem of Research Methodology of Culture as a Socio-Anthropological System. Sociodynamics, 1, 75–100.
The research subject of this article is the methodological approaches to the analysis of culture as a socio-anthropological system. Thus, culture is the subject of the complex social cognition. This study presents an analysis of the methodology of cultural studies at the present stage of science advancement: the author of the article examines the current classification of cultural research methods, offers her own classification depending on the role and importance of practical cultural research in obtaining knowledge about culture and defines the place of the study of cultural concepts in the offered system of methods. In her research Sitnikova focuses on establisign the scientific rationale for the synthetic methodology in cultural research from the point of view of the socio-anthropological perspective.The main research method used by the author is the analytical and critical review of existing approaches, concepts and methodologies. Sitnikova offers her classification of methodological approaches and substantiates the most effective methodological strategies. The main conclusions of the study: 1) Theoretical methods are aimed at the development of the categorical apparatus of cultural studies. Theoretical methods are designed to build cultural studies as a science in the image of a logical system of natural sciences. 2) Applied methods are devoted to the study of certain cultural phenomena selected by a researcher. Applied methods of cultural studies are used when the problem can be solved by the methods of related humanities. Applied methods of cultural research include field expedition, opinion surveys, psychological experiments, philosophical and art historical analysis, philological text analysis, modeling of transformative cultural practices. 3) Synthetic methods for studying culture as a socio-anthropological system imply a specific structure of cultural researñh where applied research is necessarily accompanied by theoretical knowledge. The main feature of the synthetic methods of cultural research is to study culture for the purpose of learning culture of our time. Synthetic methods of cultural research include functional analysis of culture, structural analysis of culture, hermeneutics and linguoculturological analysis.
social cognition, sociology of culture, methodology, theoretical methods, application techniques, synthetic methods, social system, social anthropology, linguistic methods, anthropological system
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Reznikova, K.V. (2015). Ethnicity as Category of social knowledge. Sociodynamics, 1, 101–111.
Object of research - modern theories of ethnicity. The category of "ethnicity" is used in some social sciences: philosophy, sociology, social (cultural) anthropology. The author examines in more detail the concept primordialism and social constructivism, as these two concepts lie at the base of the vast majority of theoretical studies of ethnic issues. The article considers the variety primordialism and social constructivism, given the author's assessment of the prospects of social konstruktivizima in ethnic studies, as most modern scholars consider ethnicity as a construct. The main method of research - a critical analysis of modern research and socio-philosophical literature. Applicable categorical analysis "ethnicity". Scientific novelty of research is related to the classification of existing theories of ethnicity, with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the two main approaches to the construction of a theory of ethnicity - primordialism and social constructivism. The author supports the trend in contemporary social research ethnos that are associated with the use of theoretical and methodological approaches in the context of social constructivism.
ethnos, social philosophy, ethnos theory, primordialism, social constructivism, construct, social anthropology, instrumentalism, culture, social practices
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Pimenova, N.N. (2015). Indigenous peoples in the current situation: the scope and content of the concept. Sociodynamics, 1, 112–134.
The subject of this study is the concept of "indigenous peoples". The author analyzes the different approaches to this concept, presented in a modern foreign and domestic research literature. The concept of "indigenous peoples" has a certain academic interpretations depending on how researchers understand the phenomenon of ethnicity. It is hypothesized that the concept of "indigenous peoples" changes its content and scope depending on the historical and cultural epoch, in relation to which it is viewed. Possible to identify the specific content of this concept in relation to the premodern, modern and postmodern. The author used the information obtained in the course of fieldwork in Tyukhtetsky District and Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District (Krasnoyarsk Territory) in 2010-2014. For the analysis of the scope and content of the concept applied the methods of analytical review of research literature and conceptual analysis. Indigenous people is a sociological, cultural, ethnographic and ethnological term to refer to a local social community, which has geographic parameters and consolidated on the basis of ethnicity in the context of relations with the dominant ethnic group, nation; such a community has, as a rule, the historic colonial (neocolonial) experience and its reflection. The defining feature of this community is the property of indigenous recognized by the dominant ethnic group and the state, as the status of the ethnic groups, the first populated the territory of compact residence of its members, also in the legal field plays a leading role identity of its representatives. As the basis of ethnicity such social community act simultaneously two groups of features: a) objective evidence mainly detected within the ethnic group, the inherent limitations of its representatives and therefore perceived as his markers (race, language, territorial tightness); b) objectified through cultural signs signs ethnicity is constructed ethnicity of its representatives as subjective constructions mainly externally ("outside"), with detectable within the ethnic group, but embedded in this situation originating outside it. In modern conditions of such social communities internally heterogeneous, include a number of groups of indigenous people can be differentiated by the degree of replacement of the traditional way of life in their social and cultural practices, or as part of the social institutions of modern society.
primordialism, Krasnoyarsk Territory, ethnology, Siberia, the North, ethnicity, indigenous peoples, social anthropology, social constructivism, social status