State and civil society
Znamenskiy, D.Y. (2014). Activities of Socially-Oriented Non-Profit Organizations in the Spheres of Science and Technologies: System Dynamic Approach. Sociodynamics, 9, 114.
Activity of socially oriented non-profit organizations acts as an object of research within the present article in the course of formation and realization of the state scientific and technical policy. Relevance of a case in point is caused by crisis of system of party representation and, as a result, special attention of researchers to activity of nonparty institutes of a political mediation to which it is obviously possible to carry also socially oriented NPOs. In the context of the declared subject it is thought important to pay attention to the following tendencies characterizing modern practice of public administration by science: a) increase in number and a variety of official structures for ensuring access of representatives of the interested public groups to formation of scientific policy, science funding and an assessment of its efficiency; b) increase in a role of the financing structures of an intermediate level, internal for science; c) development of partnership between various organizations and structures which are carrying out researches and development. System and dynamic approach to the analysis of a state policy and activity of socio-political institutes acts as a methodological basis of the real research. Scientific novelty of article consists in originality of the applied system and dynamic approach which consists in understanding of the specified activity in three aspects: a) spatial (from positions of institutional structure of subjects, and also area and the main directions of a state policy); b) temporary (i.e. the analysis of activity of the studied objects at different stages of their life cycle); c) technological (i.e. the analysis of methods and technologies of interaction of various socio-political institutes within the considered processes).Basic possibility of application of system and dynamic approach locates in article at research of activity of socio-political institutes (specifically - socially oriented non-profit organizations) in the course of formation and realization of a state policy.
public policy, state, state policy, state science and technology policy , civil society, political institutions, political representation, socially-oriented NPO, life cycle of NPO, system-dynamic approach
The nationality issue
Babin, B. (2014). Freedom of National Self-Identity as a Factor of Modern Law. Sociodynamics, 9, 1543.
In article specifics of ethnic self-understanding in the context of a problem of subjectivity of the people in the modern right are considered. Questions of collective consciousness are investigated in jurisprudence extremely restrictedly; at the same time a perspective of collective subjects as carriers of the rights and duties, raises a question of legal mechanisms of realization of such rights and duties. This realization in a format of collective actions or inactivity causes need of research of its subjective component, namely – understanding by the collective carrier of the rights and duties of the general and uniform subjectivity, reflection in such consciousness of collective measures of realization and protection of the collective rights having legal value. Besides, understanding of subjectivity often is a necessary sign of that subjectivity in the right. The specified confirms that the problem of collective consciousness, in particular, in the context of collective self-understanding, becomes actual; among other things, it is important at determination of legal status of the people. In turn, research of self-understanding of the people as factor of their legal subjectivity, (being the purpose of this article) needs the analysis of the corresponding scientific doctrine in spheres of psychology, sociology and ethnology, in use of the philosophical practices considering development of society in the conditions of the second modernist style in determination of specifics of the current national and international regulatory base which reflected aspects of right subjectivity of the people and its subjective components. In article comparative, legal, hermeneutic methods are used, the author investigated positions of modern researchers, standards of international treaties, resolutions of the international organizations, standard of national legislations the prospect of gradual recognition of freedom of self-understanding of the people Is proved by the world community. The role of ethnic self-understanding as necessary by a sign of the people, as subject of the international and national legal relationship is shown. It is proved that the right of the people for self-understanding (freedom of self-understanding of the people) is primary collective natural right as its realization precedes emergence at the people of all rights, in particular, and the rights for self-determination. It is specified that freedom of self-understanding is key in natural and legal understanding of character of institute of the people, as the ethnoses participating in policy. Independently to define its restriction in the conditions of aspirations of the states, what social groups are the people and what - No, levels all recognized rights of the people, such as the right for self-determination, the right for resistance, the right for development, the right for the world, etc. Ethnic self-understanding is key subjective criterion of qualification of an ethnic group as people, on condition of existence of such objective signs, as cultural and language identity and a community in the long period of history of development of group.
nations, ethnos, minorities, indigenous groups , national self-identity, ethnic self-identity, freedom of identity, collective rights, peoples' rights, identity formation
Social studies and monitoring
Sitnikova, A.A. (2014). Modern Practices of Forsight Research of the Future of Social-Anthropological Systems Including Ethnocultural Groups of Northern Regions of the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 9, 4462.
In the present article the principles of carrying out modern forsight research are considered. In introduction the forsight research place in a circle of other operations with forecasting of the future, such as is defined: forecasting, science fiction and planning. Advantages of forsight research before them as most scientific and reliable approach to anticipation of future scenarios of development of certain phenomena in mankind life are listed.The second section of article is devoted to the description of modern techniques of carrying out forsight research. The statistics of the most used Forsythe's methods according to data of the European research of 2007 is given, the short description and a scope of the most applied methods is the review of literature, the bibliometric analysis, Delfi-oprosa, critical technologies, a method of carrying out expert panels, brainstorming, development of scenarios of the future, SWOT analysis, etc. is submitted. The scheme of the most traditional combinations of several methods for carrying out complex forsight research is provided.The third section of article is devoted to creation of strategy of use of methods of forsight research for studying of social and anthropological systems and ethnic and cultural populations. The main method of research is the analytical and critical review of scientific sources. As a result of the review of methods of the forsight analysis a certain methodological strategy of forsight research of northern regions of the Russian Federation is offered. In this part that now culturological forsight researches are at a formation stage is fixed, some basic principles of methodological strategy of culturological forsight research are formulated. In addition in article the range of the existing forsight research methods which have to be applied to studying of ethnocultural systems is allocated. In particular, the importance of carrying out civil panels that distinguishes forsight research of ethnocultural system from other areas of its application is emphasized (politicians, the industries, economies, etc.). Also in article the range is offered those for carrying out expert panels on studying of the future of ethnocultural systems.
forecasting, planning, forsight analysis, methodology, scenario method, critical technologies, expert panels, ethnocultural groups, northern regions, bibliometric analysis
Migration and adaptation
Zamaraeva, Y.S. (2014). Peculiarities of Ethnic Migration in Socio-Cultural Perception (the Aanalysis of Results of the Experiment Carried Out According to the Method 'Serial Thematic Associations'. Sociodynamics, 9, 6382.
The subject under research is the social, sociocultural, social and psychological features of perception of ethnic migration at a host which is represented by social group of youth and students. Now processes of ethnic migration are followed by the crisis phenomena in social psychology, including xenophobia and a migrant-phobia. Specifics of the social and psychological environment accepting have to be studied and understood as the factor promoting or interfering positive welfare communications of migrants and the population of regions of the Russian Federation. Approbation of a method of associative experiment was at the same time carried out, its opportunities for studying process of ethnic migration are investigated. The main method of research - interpretation of results of empirical research on Nazarov and Sokolov's technique "Serial thematic associations". The method of the state-of-the-art review of information and expert sources, critical analysis of actual scientific researches was applied to increase of reliability of results of interpretation. Scientific novelty of research consists that the main characteristics of an image of the ethnic migrant in the youth and student's environment of the city of Krasnoyarsk are for the first time revealed. Migration is a peculiar impulse for activization of processes of cultural and ethnic identichnost at representatives of a host. Thereby migration influences not only an economic and social situation in regions of the Russian Federation, but also on the cultural and world outlook. The conducted empirical research allowed to open the maintenance of the generalized image of the modern migrant at recipients of special type - students which social structure, as a rule, reflects social structure of future Russian society
migration, receiving country, association experiment, Krasnnoyarsk Region, Siberian Federal University, students, ethno-cultural groups, concept, cross-cultural communication, ethnocultural identity
History of political thought
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P. (2014). When His Bloody Star Set...': the Problem of the Relation Between Government and People in Pavel Florensky's Assessment. Sociodynamics, 9, 8393.
In article the political project of the famous domestic religious philosopher and theologian P. A. Florensky "Predicted state system in the future" which still wasn't discussed in serious political and philosophical literature is considered. Global contradictions of the modern world do the similar analysis especially actual especially as at the heart of work of the father Pavel there is a concept of creation of the ideal state by means of stage-by-stage social reforming. The developed world order carries on the negative tradition which is sharply criticized at the beginning of a prolshy century.When writing work as authors the comparative-historical method allowing to shed light on the political circumstances promoting emergence of this brilliant historico-philosophical document is used. In particular, conclusions of P. A. Florensky and L. M. Lapshin, L. P. Karsavin and prominent hierarches of Russian Orthodox Church of the beginning of the last century are compared. In article the assessment of teoretiko-political conclusions of the uncommon thinker and theologian is given. The problem of a ratio of private and public interest, in the course of adoption of political decisions, a problem of the accounting of group and nation-wide needs for practice of the legislator is discussed. The analysis of work of the father Pavel is attached to the solution of the current problems of political and social construction in our country.
history of political thought, state structure, socio-cultural crisis, secularization, rationalism, individualism, revolutions, social reformation, Russian religious thought, ideal structure