Questions of current interest
Eremina, N. (2014). Scottish Independence Referendum as a Challenge to the British Statehood. Sociodynamics, 8, 125.
In article a number of the interconnected problems is investigated: the state and people's sovereignty, a referendum, interaction on the line the center - the national (ethnic) region, a devolyution and federalization, identification in the conditions of national self-determination and European integration.Thanks to the analysis of the specified problems, it is possible to estimate as the reason of holding a referendum on self-determination in Scotland which it is possible to call indicative from the point of view of occurring in Europe integration and the dezintegratsionnykh of processes, and also his consequences both for Scotland, and for the United Kingdom and the united Europe in general. In article historical and politological approach which allows in a complex is used and in a historical retrospective to investigate the events connected as with emergence of idea of a referendum on independence of Scotland and to define positions of key political players and the population on each historical piece considered in article. The central place in research is taken by the concept of cultural and territorial differentiations thanks to which the interrelation of cultural development of territories and a political choice of the population is obvious. In this article are for the first time investigated not only the reasons which resulted in need to hold a referendum on independence of Scotland, but also a question of the price of possible independence, and not only for the region, but also for the United Kingdom in general, and also for the European Union and NATO participation in which Scotland intends to keep. The most controversial issues connected with a dislocation of base of underwater fleet with a nuclear arsenal, economic support of the Scottish independence, identification problems of British and Scots, and also interaction of Scotland with the EU and NATO including according to the documents prepared by the Scotch national game are revealed and subjected to the analysis. The latest data on a position of the population and the statement of the top officials of the state for referendum consequences for the United Kingdom and Scotland are given in article.
independence referendum, devolution, federalization, ethnopolitical conflict, cultural and territorial differentiations, state sovereignty , national sovereignty, center-regional interaction, euro integration, Scottish national party
Morality and politics
Nikulin, V.V. (2014). Bolsheviks and Party Ethics: Standards of Behavior, Social Control and Inter-Party Everyday LIfe (the 1920th) . Sociodynamics, 8, 2682.
Object of research is the problem of a moral condition of Bolshevik party in the 1920th years and attempt of the guide of Bolsheviks to develop behavioural norms of party members in various life and political situations united in a peculiar party behavioural doctrine under the general name "party ethics".It is claimed that the necessity of development of behavioural norms was caused by active moral degradation of party which began during civil war. In the years of war at party members, especially in a key element, the feeling of exclusiveness and indispensability and as a result - permissiveness arose and became stronger, and the bulk of the population which was exposed to violence from all directions, in turn has a complex of subordination, indifference, fear of party functionaries. In such social and psychological situation, the authority of party promptly fell. Already in the early twenties in the management came to a conclusion that it is necessary to stop "liberties" of the first postrevolutionary years development and deployment in life of the laws of behavior including set of a ban for party members in their introduction on party Wednesday and a strict requirement of performance.In 1924 the morals are finally approved as party category and become a form of social control over party members of Bolsheviks, and subsequently and over all society. Process of development and deployment of behavioural norms in everyday life, the attitudes towards them of rank-and-file members of party and citizens is analyzed. It is proved that practice of development and application in the 20th years of standards of party ethics showed all their artificiality and remoteness from real life. Former moral values were replaced with the tough materialistic theory, narrow and materialistic political realism, Bolsheviks a little that offered new that would be perceived by the people at once and unconditionally. The neglect to heritage of ancestors, culture of the past was available. Rigid confrontational stereotypes took root. There was a devaluation of the ethical standards, because of loss controlling behavior of the person of many norms. On the practical level introduction of standards of party ethics in everyday life wasn't led to essential change of behavioural stereotypes in everyday life. Growth of corruption, lawlessness, household hooliganism observed for 1920 years among party members were the certificate to that.
party ethics, morals, ethics, discussion, behavior, power, values, prohibition, asceticism, everyday life
The heritage of transformation
Nikulin, V.V. (2014). Creation and Implementation of State Policy in the Sphere of Alcohol Production and Distribution in Soviet Russia: Peculiarities and the System of State Legal Regulation (1917 - 1930) . Sociodynamics, 8, 83111.
Process of formation and realization of a state policy in the sphere of production and a turn of alcohol in the Soviet Russia, its feature and system of state and legal regulation during 1917 - 1930 is considered. The main attention is paid to the analysis of social and legal aspects of a state policy of the Soviet Russia in this sphere. The social reasons of consumption of alcohol by the population are analyzed, attempts of the authorities to limit to measures of administrative and legislative character illicit manufacturing of alcoholic beverages and to minimize negative economic and public consequences of abuse of alcohol. It is claimed that the right and administrative measures undertaken by the power for establishment of the state control over the sphere of production and a turn of alcohol in the 1920th years in areas in general were ineffective. The illegal turn of alcohol remained high and competitive to public sector. The authorities didn't manage to cope with an alcoholic problem in the social plan. In the late twenties, also as well as at their beginning, alcoholism, wastes on this soil, moonshining remained on one of the first places in criminal statistics and "the painful phenomena" of society. Considerably it was promoted by inconsistency of the authorities in carrying out alcoholic policy, survivability in the society of drinkable traditions.
social tension, alcohol, population, power, law, law enforcement practice, economy, excessive drinking, waste, state control
Religion and politics
Skoropad, A.E. (2014). Anti-Religious Activity of Komsomol as an Element of the Soviet System of Political Control (1918 - 1929) . Sociodynamics, 8, 112131.
Interference of formation of the Soviet system of political control and antireligious activity of Komsomol in 1918-1929 is shown in article. The address of political control towards antireligious activity of Komsomol the author recognizes expedient. Since this activity had not simply scientific and educational character and was one of the main directions of political activity of the mass youth organization involved in the sphere huge masses not only allied youth but also the population of all age, the state was obliged to exercise political control in this sphere. Experience of activity of Komsomol first of all is estimated by the author from the state positions. The author, as well as other members of the school of sciences which developed at the Tambov state technical university "History of the youth movement in Russia", adheres to the theory of nationalization of Komsomol according to which the Komsomol is considered as peculiar 'ministry of youth", the link between the state and youth. It is also shown that in the mid-twenties political control as a kind of management in the youth environment, was carried out in the spiritual sphere quite successfully. The author claims that increase of efficiency of implementation of political control on places was promoted by development by the central Soviet bodies of "Programs of inspection of the village (settlement)". Objectively estimating all studied period, the author recognizes that political control in the spiritual sphere was directed not so much against extremist actions of Komsomol members or, on the contrary, believers, how many against dissent as that. Practice of implementation of the state function of political control had mainly repressive character.
history, religion, political control, Russian orthodox church, youth, Komsomol, baptism, political court, youth extremism, everyday life
Chernyshev, A.I. (2014). The Need for Applying Modern Electronic Commucations by State Authorities in Russia . Sociodynamics, 8, 132138.
This article is devoted to such topical issue as use modern electronically - communication technologies in practice of activity of bodies of the state and municipal authority in Russia. In work need of application of similar technologies by all subjects not only economic, but also political life, including government institutions is analysed. For government oragon, both federal, and regional levels it is connected with realization of the major principle of the public and muyeitsipalny service - the principle of openness and publicity. Examples of application of similar methods of distribution of information, both the highest officials, and separate government bodies of federal and regional levels are given. In work the conclusion is drawn that use of modern communication technologies is an additional resource for the power, they allow state bodies to be more integrated into modern information space; quickly to react to changes of public opinion; create to public institutions image of the modern and technological organizations.
communication technologies, state authorites, power, politics, local self-government, information, society, e-government, Internet, social networks