Questions of current interest
Eremina, N., Seredenko, S. (2014). Constitutional Nationalism in Modern Europe: the New Level of Threats. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–42.
Ñonstitutional nationalism means formation of a long-term problem of racial (ethnic) discrimination as testifies to existence of these or those norms on the basis of which the ethnic minority (even when it historically lives in the territory of this or that state) appears in unequal situation. This problem interferes with realization of problems of creation of civil society and carrying out the national policy directed on stabilization of political development, and is sign as for many states of the former Soviet Union, and Europe. On the basis of the comparative analysis for the first time in the academic science ways of penetration of nationalism in the constitutional texts of various states are investigated. Political and historical approach allows to draw parallels of development of the constitutional thought with an event outline and expectations of political elite of the studied states. As a result of research nationalism and Nazism markers in constitutions of the states of Europe and the former Soviet Union that makes scientific novelty of work which is actual and for legal and political practice of many states were defined. These markers can serve as the tool at performance of the UNGAResolution No. 67/154 of 20.12.2013 and help in understanding of those political processes which happen in different regions of Europe and the world. During work markers of nationalism were separated from Nazism markers. It allowed to reveal as the general character of a problem of growth of national discrimination in the different countries, and existence of opportunities of toughening of a political regime concerning ethnic minorities. The most serious problem appears in the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe.
constitutional nationalism, nationalism, Nazism, fascism, extreme right radicalism, racial discrimination, sovereignty, citizenship, constitutional regulation, political regime
Morality and politics
Korolev, A.A., Koroleva, L.A., Mol'kin, A.N. (2014). On the Question About Stages of the Dissident Movement in the USSR. Sociodynamics, 3, 43–49.
The authors of the article analyze various options of the foreign ("Dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy, ideology and people") and domestic (A.A. Danilov, I.A. Romankina, M.R. Melnik, V. N. Sergeyev) classifications of stages of the dissident movement in the USSR. Authors connect a start of motion with the post-war period or Khruschev's "thaw"; allocate a turning point - crisis of oppositional movement in 1964-1965; recognize the "Helsinki" period (an exit to the international level; a final boundary of movement carry to 1985-1987. The Teoretiko-metodologichesky basis of research is made by the principles of: a) objectivity; b) historicism; c) systemañity, d) the full account social and subjective in an object of research and the greatest possible neutralization of the prejudiced relation of the scientist at interpretation and an assessment of the facts. Owing to opportunities, the principles of social and psychological approach and the principle of a correctness and sensitivity in an assessment of the actual material as feature of movement of dissidents I was strong moral and ethical a component of its participants were used.Besides the methodological principles in research the special and historical principles were applied: updating, diachrony, comparative-historical, problem and chronological; and also general scientific principles such as the principles of classification, statistical, structural and systems principles. Scientific novelty consists actually in statement of a question of the analysis of various options of a periodization of dissident movement in the USSR. The epoch-making dates in all periodizations are post-war years or the Khrushchev's "thaw" when the dissident movement only started to form; in 1964-1965 - crisis in opposition development; "Helsinki" period and gaining access to the western society; and the end of the movement in 1985-1987.
USSR, opposition, dissident movement, stages, human rights movement, Great Patriotic War, destalinization, the Khrushchev Thaw, Helsinki Accords, perestroika
The nationality issue
Luzan, V.S. (2014). Mechanisms of Interactions Between Government, Business and Small Ethnic Communities of the North, Siberia and Far East in the Age of Global Transformations. Sociodynamics, 3, 50–66.
Object of research is the dynamics and a current state of public legal status of the indigenous small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Modern research literature on this problem is analyzed, current trends are allocated, prospects of interaction of authorities and representatives of large financial and industrial groups with tribal communities of the indigenous small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East are built. Special value is given to world experience and a perspective of the international legislation in this sphere. The comparative analysis of the foreign and Russian legislation allows to make a number of recommendations for regulatory authorities of of the Russian Federation consituents. Research method is the critical analysis of scientific and legal sources. The method of allocation of ideal types (according to M. Weber) was applied. The author took part in field researches of the indigenous small people of Krasnoyarsk Krai, developed the questionnaire for deep expert interviews in the field of strategy of development of data of ethnocultural groups. Scientific novelty of work consists in recommendations for bodies of legislative and executive power of subjects of the Russian Federation in which territory compactly live the indigenous small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East. The comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign legislation in the field of protection of the rights of KMNS allows to draw a conclusion on transition to a new stage of development in the relations between tribal communities, government bodies of the power and large FPG in the conditions of reindustrialization of northern and Arctic territories of the Russian Federation.
Siberian Federal University, financial industrial groups, global transformations, rights of ethnic communities, Krasnoyarsk Krai, ethnic communities, northern territories, legal mechanisms, social status, development of state policy
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Libakova, N.M., Sertakova, E.A. (2014). Methodology of Applied Ethnological Researches Carried Out in the Nothern Territories of Russia: Advantages of Expert's Interview. Sociodynamics, 3, 67–86.
Object of the present research article is to study the modern methodology of applied ethnological researches of northern territories of the Russian Federation. In northern and Arctic territories of the Russian Federation live the indigenous small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East. The processes connected about formation of positive Russian identity in modern conditions belong to questions of regional security, including globalization and modernization processes also. Authors of article carried out a number of field researches in the Evenki municipal area, the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal area. Here live the indigenous small people of Krasnoyarsk Krai - Evenks, Nenets, Evens, Nganasans, Chulyms, Selkups, Kets. Research method is the data processing of the field researches which have been carried out by authors of article in northern territories of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The special attention is paid to a method of expert interview which is the most actual if field researches have rather small terms of carrying out. Scientific novelty of research is connected with approbation of a method of expert interviews in northern and Arctic territories of the Russian Federation where compactly live the indigenous small people of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Authors to become approved a technique of expert interviews for the representatives of indigenous people belonging by the nature of professional activity to managers, teachers, the creative intellectuals, to reindeer breeders, fishers, hunters. Participation of students and graduate students in applied ethnological researches allows to solve a problem of preparation of highly qualified personnel for the Siberian regions.
cultural research, ethnology, Northern Territories, small ethnic communities, applied researches, ethnogenesis, expert's interview, Krasnoyarsk Krai, field surveys, regional safety
Theory of political sciences
Znamenskiy, D.Y., Mikhalina, O.A. (2014). The Influence of the Type of Political System on the Model of Formation of State Policy. Sociodynamics, 3, 87–100.
The article is devoted to the influence of the type of political system on the model of formation of state policy and extent of participation of various institutes of civil society in this process. According to authors, need of detailed consideration of interrelation like political system and nature of processes of formation of a state policy it is caused by change of paradigms both in political science, and in science of public administration. Under these conditions the analysis of development of technologies of formation of a state policy becomes one of the most important problems of political science. Starting point of research authors see typology political systems and the characteristic of their distinctive features. It is thought proved as the main criterion for classification of political systems to use degree of their openness that is rather boldly reflected in David Easton's classification. Further classification of models of formation of a state policy is given in article. Characterizing the main approaches to formation of priorities of a state policy, authors develop V. V. Lobanov's allocating political, subjective and objective approaches idea. Approach dominating now in Russia in article is designated as state and administrative, representing synthesis of objective approach and separate elements of the subjective.Authors note that one of key problems of interaction of the state and civil society is the problem of degree of publicity of processes of formation and realization of a state policy.In the article the author's treatment of a ratio of types of political system and models of formation of a state policy then the developed characteristic of tendencies of development of political system of Russia and an assessment of prospects of development of dominating model of formation of a state policy is given consistently reveals.
political system, state institution, civil society, public policy, formation of state policy, interest intermediation, political parties, lobbyism , corporate representational office, interest articulation