Questions of current interest
Kerimov, A.D. (2013). Some problems with the theory of strong government. Sociodynamics, 3, 145.
Recently, in many, if not in most countries, there has been gradually taking root a solid understanding, both in theory and in the popular consciousness, of the necessity of creating a strong and powerful state with well-functioning institutions which can provide adeuqate guarantees of civil rights and liberties and create conditions for successful reform. This author of this article believes that at the current stage of historical development of mankind is especially urgent need for a scientific concept of a 'strong state' and its subsequent implementation. This article provides a number of ideas for a broad outline of an integrated scientific concept of a strong state, and thus the answers to two fundamental and dialectically interrelated questions: what are the signs of a strong, effective, and capable state; and why such a state is necessary today.
strong government, potential of power, sphere of influence, power, power, political elite, intelligentsia, crises, administrative function, self-regulating market
Questions of current interest
Mapelman, V. (2013). Risks of Teaching Religion and Ethics. Sociodynamics, 3, 4673.
The article is devoted to the causes of potentially dangerous and conflict situations provoked by teaching the class 'The Basics of Religious Cultures and Social Ethics' (or 'Spiritual and Moral Culture of Russia's Peoples') at schools. The author also analyzes the reasons, purposes and consequences of creating theological departments at universities as well as studies the situations related to constitutional rights of adults and children affected by these innovations at schools and universities. The author also draws our attenion to research requirements for social experiments in education and makes evaluation of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to teach 'The Basics of Religious Cultures and Social Ethics' at schools and the associated article of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation devoted to teaching religion and culture of Russia's peoples.
conflict, risks, spirituality, morals, ethics, religion, theology, legality, science, experiment
Morality and politics
Kananykina, E.S. (2013). Legislative Environment of Teaching Individuals with Disabilities in the French and USA Systems of Education. Sociodynamics, 3, 74103.
One of the aspects of humanization of a modern Western school is equal rights for children with disabilities and retardation, in other words, elimination of so called special schools for abnormal children. This refers to creation of an integrated school for children with different abilities and educational opportunities. Traditionally, special education has been oriented at education and teaching not only disabled children but also talented, gifted children (i.e. all groups of 'special' children). Throughout the history of development of special education, the main issue has remained the differentiation between physical and mental disability. The given article offers the reader to learn about legal requirements for education of disabled children in countries with different systems of law - USA and France.
politics, capacity, education, legislation, disability
National security
Sedykh, N.S. (2013). Psychological and Political Peculiarities of Terrorism under the Conditions of the Risk Society. Sociodynamics, 3, 104137.
The article analyzes social, psychological and political prerequisites for developing terrorism under the conditions of the risk society. The author views the processes of anomia caused by intensified terrorist activities and analyzes social motives and ideology of modern terrorism. As a part of global informatization of social space and risk construction, the author analyzes certain peculiarities of mass media that allow leaders of terrorist organizations exercise information and psychological influence and attract young people to participate in terrorist activities. The author also describes certain propaganda and manipulative techniques used to promote extremism ideology and legitimize violence. The author also pays attention at objectives and means of psychological war and views a terrorist act as a psychological method. The author also brings into focus the issue of involving women into terrorist activity for the purpose of moral legitimization of violence. The author outlines perspectives of future researches to be made in order to improve terrorism prevention methods in particular social and historical conditions.
terrorism, terrorist, society, risk, threat, globalization, influence, information, communication, media discourse
National security
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2013). The Future of Humanity: Death or Immortality?. Sociodynamics, 3, 138199.
The authors study the possible death of mankind, which had previously been questioned and discussed by many scholars. At the same time, the authors analyze the idea of K.E. Tsiolkovsky about the possibility of an infinite progress of the society that originated and developed on our planet as a result of the wide space exploration. The authors also investigated numerous global and cosmic threats and dangers that may be encountered by the humankind on the way to their further development and assessed probability of the hypothesis of social immortality. It is noted that the global and cosmic cataclysms and the possible danger of external nature, in comparison with the reality of anthropogenic global environmental catastrophe, go to the periphery of the strategic vision of the continued existence of civilization. In order to survive, the humankind must move towards sustainable development and subsequent noosferogenesis involving the preservation of civilization and the biosphere, and their co-evolution as a permanent co-development not only in the next century, but for future indefinitely.In connection with the wide space exploration, the authors discuss the so-called Big Socia Bang, i.e. fast (on cosmological time scales) spatio-temporal extension of socio-natural areas, which is about the same regularity as the globalization proccess in the earth coordinate system. The authors also analyze the fundamental assumption of the possible appearance of a higher stage of evolution of matter, provisionally called postsocial stage.
geocosmic safety, death of humankind, global catastrophes, cosmology of spirit, cosmic catastrophes, post-social evolution, social immortality, Social Bang, transhumanism, sustainable development
Social studies and monitoring
Tinyakova, E.A. (2013). The Most Topical Issues of Modern Russian Education. Sociodynamics, 3, 200245.
The article deals with the most common issues of Russian modern education: social, cultural and financial competence of a teacher, quality of learning at different stages of education, objective assessment, pragmatic aspect, information difficulties of growing system of education, dialogue between civil and religious educations and their fruitful interaction. The article also studies efficiency of testing and ways to improve relations between teachers and students. First-year students from the Russian State University for the Humanities and students of different years from the Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities particpated in the research. Special attention was paid at information difficulties of modern education, differentiation between syllabus and curriculum, on one hand, and a need to comply to common standards, on the other hand. Readers do not have to share the author's opinion, they should try and develop their own solutions of the aforesaid problems. The discussion is mostly focused on higher education.
system of education, requirements of the society, information environment, competence of education, contents of education, teachers, students, assessment of academic skills, cognitive interest, financial problems
Local self-government
Kodan, S.V., Fevralev, S.A. (2013). Laws of the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1917: formation, sources, and changes. Sociodynamics, 3, 246295.
This article deals with the origins of, the processes of the formation of, the development of, and changes to the laws of the Kingdom of Poland in the period of its existence as an autonomous ethnic territory of the Russian Empire between 1815 and 1917. The authors show how the division of the Polish state between Austria, Prussia and Russia in the second half of the 18th century brought about changes in the laws of the Polish land. The article considers the introduction of French law - the Napoleonic Code (Civil Code) - and the introduction of the Commercial Code to the Duchy of Warsaw, established in 1807 by Napoleon Bonaparte. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the laws of the Kingdom of Poland and the process of their integration into the legal system of the Russian Empire and the changes to the sources of law, such as the Constitutional Charter of 1815 being replaced by the Organic Act of 1832, changes in the civil law, the preparation and publication of the Penal Code in 1847.
history of Russia, Russian Empire, history of law, sources of law, legal system, national law, local law, Kingdom of Poland, Napoleonic Code, legal change
The heritage of transformation
Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. (2013). The use of general definitions and the 'values' component of constitutionalism. Sociodynamics, 3, 296317.
This article explores the status of key definitions in constitutional law, including the basic constitutional concepts which define the purposes (therefore, values) of the Russian State. Among them are democracy, sovereignty, human rights, etc. The article considers the problems of the modern understanding of 'democracy'; the limits of state sovereignty; and the consequences of a lack of uniform interpretation of key constitutional-law definitions and their influence on the values component of domestic constitutionalism.
national self-determination, international law, national sovereignty, democracy, nation-building, constitutional alw, Constitution, Russian Federation, constitutional values, definitions
The heritage of transformation
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2013). V.I. Vernadsky and Global- Noosphere Studies. Sociodynamics, 3, 318365.
In our country, V.I. Vernadsky proposed the idea of the formation of the noosphere as the main areas for further development of mankind, which will have to streamline its operations, ensuring the survival of the multi-billion population. Followers of the Soviet Union, and particularly in recent years in Russia, substantially developed his ideas and showed that the epoch of formation of the noosphere - the future of humanity, which starts on its way to the transition to sustainable development. The brilliant Russian scientist was at the forefront of global research and many of his ideas were oriented in planetary direction. One can speak of a kind of anticipation of his special - a global stage and trends in science in general, the age of globalization, the history of mankind. The idea of V.I. Vernadsky on "planetary" nature of scientific thought has acquired its concrete shape in the global processes now taking place in the world and their understanding, and in anticipation of future social and socio-natural evolutionary processes leading up to the sphere of reason.The article discusses the new field of global studies – futureglobalistiks and nooglobalistiks, whose main purpose - understanding and predicting the future of global processes and systems in an evolutionary perspective, and orientation of the noosphere. The authors analyze the mostly two-standard projection scenarios of global development - the transition to sustainable development and the following formation of the noosphere. Sustainable development is a global process manages system-balanced socio-natural development without damaging the environment and ensuring the survival and security indefinite existence of civilization. Formation of the noosphere is seen as a future socio-natural process of becoming a planetary sphere of human existence, in which the intellectual and information activities will be the determining factor in the evolution and which is formed as a result of the most complete embodiment of rational, humanistic principles and ideals through the transition to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the formation of the noosphere as a future form of intelligence "social consciousness" in the noosphere, combining the intellectual resources of humanity and Informatics, which resulted in there being a property of an advancing consciousness and the ability of global governance.
globalism, global studies, nooglobalism, nooglobal studies, noosphere, noosphere intellect, noosphere studies, sustainable development, futurogobal studies, evolutionary global studies
The heritage of transformation
Slezin, A.A., Skoropad, A.E. (2013). The implementation of political control over Soviet youth through the regulation of Komsomol institutions: Stage One. Sociodynamics, 3, 366420.
This article deals with a particular form of political control over Soviet youth, one which was not directly connected with the techniques characteristic of police surveillance, and whose purpose was to regulate the composition of Komsomol institutions. The article highlights the forms and methods of control of Komsomol institutions from 1918 to 1929, their effectiveness in the Soviet system of political control, and their impact on the evolution of the political situation and the legal consciousness of Soviet youth.
history, youth, Komsomol, political control, class origin, social standing, civil war, New Economic Policy, legal consciousness of the public, Communist Party
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Bezgin, V.B. (2013). Alcohol in the everyday life of the Russian village (late 19 to early 20th centuries). Sociodynamics, 3, 421453.
This article provides an analysis of the drinking traditions in the daily life of the Russian village in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries using a wide range of archival and ethnographic sources. It clarifies the attitudes of the peasant population to alcohol consumption and establishes the causes and the extent of alcoholism in rural areas. The article also considers the role and the importance of wine in the public life of the village, in family life, and in the legal customs of the village. The conclusion is that urbanization and modernization helped the spread of drunkenness in villages as well as the growth of deviant peasant behavior. Alcoholism in the village was a problem of marginalized individuals, people who had lost touch with agricultural work. A communal way of life, the economic interests of the peasant household, and the devout nature of the majority of rural residents were all factors which prevented alcoholism in the Russian countryside. Moreover, the temperance movement of the early 20th century was the natural reaction of the peasants towards the hard drinking behaviour of Russian villagers.
peasant population, village, alcohol, drunkennes, community, kickback, customs, feast, village community assembly, volost court