Questions of current interest
Popov, E.A., Maksimova, S.G. (2012). Modern Civil Society in Russia: Problems of Formation and Regional Development. Sociodynamics, 1, 120.
The article is devoted to the traditional issue of formation of the civil society in Russia. It is known that in the various scientific disciplines, this problem is disclosed under different angles - historical, anthropological, political, legal, etc. The purpose of this article is to focus on a regional level, the formation of civil society. Opinion surveys conducted by the scientists of the Altai State University and aimed at analyzing regional specifics of the development of the civil society show that this process directly dependent on social activity of the population of a particular constituent of the Russian Federation or a certain part of the municipal units. System approach was used as the main method in the research and methods of specific opinion studies, in particular, questionnaire, survey, etc were also used as the leading research methods. Focus on this problem makes it possible to involve methods of modern theoretical and applied social science to get data which may subsequently be used for research of related socio-political and socio-economic issues in modern Russia.
society, initiatives, politics, reality, community, values, attitude , power (governance), region, Russia
State and civil society
Zaitsev, A.V. (2012). Institutional Dialogue in Communication Between State Institution and Civil Society: Theoretical and Methodological Approach. Sociodynamics, 1, 2154.
The article deals with the institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society in contemporary Russia in terms of structural and functional methodology. During the presentation of the material shows the structure of the dialogue, its actors, the elements that stage of the flow, level, as well as basic functions of Institutional dialogue between the state and civil society.Keywords: dialogue, the government, civil society, structural functionalism, the institutionalization.The institutionalization of the dialogue in Russia compared to the institutionalization of civil dialogue in the EU.
dialogue, state institution, civil society, structural functionalism, institutionalization
National security
Borisenkov, A.A. (2012). Concerning Some Peculiarities of Foreign Policy. Sociodynamics, 1, 5579.
The article is devoted to the essense and purpose of external policy. The author describes peculiarities of executing external political processes and substantiates the statement that external policy is the factor of developing international policy. The author also describes peculiarities and purposes of international policy uniting nations and creating conditions for develping cooperation and mutual assistance between them.
international process, international relations, inter-state policy, international policy, external political process, external policy, political influence, politics, international decisions
Demography and statistics
Markova, V.V. (2012). Demograpic Policy in Modern Russia: Institutional Directions to Improve. Sociodynamics, 1, 8092.
The article analyzes "The Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation 2025" which is the basic document defining the activities of public authorities in the field of human reproduction. The author has identified the shortcomings encountered in the development and implementation of national population policy in the Russian Federation. In particular, the key issue in the implementation of the state population policy is the lack of objective criteria for evaluating the policy. In addition, the institutional weakness is the lack of a single coordinating body responsible for implementation of government measures in the field of demography. In the study justified measures to improve the state of population policy, the main ones are: the creation of a single body responsible for the implementation of population policies, development of clear and objective indicators to measure the effectiveness of implementation of demographic policy, stimulation public authorities transformation of socio-cultural environment in the direction of the revival of traditional family values and healthy lifestyles; migration policy should go into the general context of population policy.
demographic policy, demographic determinants, birth rate, death rate, migration inflow
The Dialogue of cultures
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2012). 'Special Path' of Russia and Germany (Nikolay Berdyaev) . Sociodynamics, 1, 93123.
The author of the article studies Nikolay Berdyaev's ideas about political and cultural diversity of Russia and Germany, emphasis is being made at the comparison of the 'Russian idea' and German 'Sonderweg'. Berdyav expressed his interest in this topic in his early work 'Fate of Russia' which he wrote right after the Bolsheviks took over the government. Tragid events which had long-term consequences not only for our country but also for the whole world made Berdyev to think about the issues of Russian psychology, nationality and psychology of war and politics. Berdyaev also made an attempt to define the 'soul of Russia' which, in fact, is quite a contradictory and antinomic phenomenon. This contradictory and antinomic nature of Russian mind was reflected in the ideology of Slavophiles and classical literature. As a result, th author shows that comparing Russian mentality with European style of thinking in his works, Berdyaev stressed out the rationality of a Westerner and spontaneity and chaos of the Russian soul. Based on Berdyaev, Russian style of thinking is 'weakened with the rationalism' and focuses on details, while Russian philosophers are interested in the nature of the problem in general. Russian person tires not only to describe and to set a problem, but also to solve it no matter how abstract or complicated it is.
Russian idea, special path, Russia, Germany, Europe, Berdyaev, communitas, freedom, Slavophiles, Eurasianists
Social studies and monitoring
Kirichek, A.I. (2012). Research approaches of socio-political science to youth issues. Sociodynamics, 1, 124136.
This article presents various theoretical and methodological research approaches to the study of youth as a specific social community on the basis of modern socio-political thinking (complex, class, psychoanalytic, structural-functional, cultural, social system, integral). The article analyzes the theoretical elaboration of youth issues and highlights the factors for the definition of "youth" in political science.
youth, socialisation, political science, youth politics, youth participation, political culture, community, scientific approaches, characteristic aspects of youth, factors
The heritage of transformation
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2012). Global World View and Global Studies. Sociodynamics, 1, 137173.
The authors consider globalism as a way of seeing the world in which humanity lives as a global world in which all planetary features, including spatial-temporal precedence. It has been suggested that it is important to determine the status of globalistics, the place of the scientific exploration of global processes in modern science, and to build a common vision and assess the prospects for global studies. It is assumed that globalistics, regardless of the narrow or broad definition of its subject, is only part of a broader scientific field - Global Studies and the overall process of globalization of science. Shown that the change of subject fields and globalization continue to expand the field of global studies required not only historical, but also the evolution of vision as we learn about global processes and new applicants to the same "role", including global natural processes.
globalism, globalistics, global studies, global knowledge, global education, global world view, global processes, global evolutionism, historical approach, evolutionary globalistics
Academic thought
Asadullaev, I.K. (2012). New Weapon for Space Security. Philosophical Principles. Sociodynamics, 1, 174184.
Even when there is no interaction between the worlds, there might be points where the worlds participate in mutual processes. Discovery of such points of interaction can cause emission of enormous amount of energy. This is the conclusion one can make when analyzing Aristotle's teaching. According to Aristotle, non-existence of an item in one world is the existence of a different item in the other world. Gravitation is the point of interaction between light matter, dark matter and energy. Physical and mathematical definition of the transfer from non-existence in one world to existence in the other world would allow the worlds to contact with the energy emission.
contact, energy, Aristotle, non-existence, existence, non-participation, participation, worlds, interaction, multitude