Pasholikov, M.S. (2024). Preparation of pedagogical university students for professional activity in additional education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–16.
Additional education has long been an integral part of the educational environment. Painting, sports, robotics and other areas make a significant contribution to the development of personality, while teachers play a key role in this process. Education and teaching go hand in hand, which makes it important to invest in the training and professional development of teachers. Today, teachers need various knowledge, skills and abilities to create lesson plans, organize training, work with the administration and interact with parents. Based on the analysis of modern literature and practical experience of the functioning of institutions of children's additional education, the author defines a set of competencies that allow teachers to make a significant contribution to the success of students, and therefore can be taken into account when designing the main professional educational programs of higher education as the results of their development. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of updating the content of teacher training in the context of the interaction of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. The concept of training pedagogical personnel for the education system for the period up to 2030, methodological recommendations for the training of pedagogical personnel for bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content ("Core of higher pedagogical education"), professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that on the basis of concretization of scientific ideas about the content of professional training of students of pedagogical vocation, a set of requirements for its results is proposed, clarified taking into account the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the system of additional education. The article offers recommendations that allow future teachers to prepare for a career in additional education. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in updating the content of the training of students of pedagogical specialties, compiling textbooks and workshops on the pedagogy of additional education.
critical thinking, key skills, pedagogical university, interaction, teacher of additional education, professional training of teachers, additional education of children, functional literacy, cooperation, professional competence
Gabelko, O., Aleksandrova, O. (2024). The Era of Hellenism in Russian school textbooks on the history of the Ancient World. Pedagogy and education, 1, 17–24.
The subject of the study is the reflection of the history of the Hellenistic era in current school textbooks on the history of the ancient world (5th grade). The history of Hellenism is one of the most interesting and complex periods in the history of not only Ancient Greece, but also Eastern civilizations, as well as the entire ancient world as a whole. This is the time of the appearance of new states on the political map and the formation of a complex system of relations between the peoples who inhabited them. It is natural to believe that such an important period should have been appropriately reflected in the school course of the history of the ancient world and textbooks: familiarity with the history of Hellenism helps not only to better understand historical processes, but also to study more deeply the history of culture and science that flourished in this era. The analysis of the textbooks, which remain the main source of information for schoolchildren, gives, however, a very ambiguous picture. Analysis of the material of current school textbooks allows us to form an idea of the general trends in the display of the history of Hellenism in the framework of school education. As a result of the consideration of the relevant topics of textbooks, a general trend in the coverage of the history of the Hellenistic era in school textbooks was revealed. The authors of the manuals, as a rule, turn to the vivid example of Alexandria of Egypt, focusing on this city to a much greater extent than on the very fact of the synthesis of Greek and Oriental cultures. The names of the rulers, both the founders of Hellenistic dynasties and their descendants, are mentioned infrequently, much more attention is paid to the development of science and art. Textbooks are limited in the selection and presentation of material both by the cognitive abilities of fifth grade students, who are important not to overload with information, and by a large volume of historical events that need to be packed into a small volume. In light of this, the authors' decision to focus more on culture and art looks quite logical, but the choice of a specific material does not always seem fully justified.
Pedagogy, Education, School, Culture, Textbooks, Ancient Greece, Ancient world, Hellenism, History, World History
Kalinin, S.V. (2024). Problems of Integration of Domestic and Foreign Systems Education in the Modern Pedagogical Process. Pedagogy and education, 1, 25–33.
The article is devoted to the problems of integration of various education systems in order to improve pedagogical activity. The subject of the study is the integration of various education systems in the modern pedagogical process. The object of the research is the improvement of the modern pedagogical process based on the integration of domestic and foreign education systems. The author considers: modern problems of integration of various educational systems; goals and possible directions of integration; external and internal factors of implementation of integration processes; directions of improvement of the domestic pedagogical process based on the integration of various educational systems. The main conclusions of the study are: strengthening the educational orientation of the entire education system; reorientation of educational programs to a practical orientation; changes in the order of financing of the education system; providing educational organizations with effective communication with real production; expanding integration with the countries of the economic and political community; taking into account the positive experience of innovative methods of foreign education systems. The author's contribution: substantiation of the relevance of the topic; identification of the essence and content of the integration of various education systems; determination of goal-setting in educational activities. Scientific novelty: the essence and content of integration processes are clarified; integration problems are identified and analyzed; factors, conditions and directions of implementation of integration of Russian and foreign education systems are determined.
the principle of learning, Bolon process, Commonwealth of Independent States, unified educational space, educational organizations, pedagogical integration,, integration, pedagogical process,, goal setting, innovative teaching methods
Sadekov, R.R. (2024). Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Formation of Professional Readiness of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Perform Official Duties. Pedagogy and education, 1, 34–41.
The author considers in detail such aspects in his work, which are devoted to the system of psychological support in the learning process. The study of the influence of the mental health of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on their work productivity and communication in the service team. The subject of the research in the presented work was the process of professional education and training for law enforcement officers in various conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the formation of professional skills of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The object of the study was the professional skill formed by law enforcement officers in the process of performing official duties. The main conclusions of the study are the assumptions that the readiness of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is often formed under the influence of various factors, circumstances and conditions. As the main ones, the author identified such as the development of professional motivation, psychological readiness to work in conditions associated with increased loads and peculiarities of service, awareness of the value of human and citizen life, the formation of verbal and non-verbal communication culture, the formation of tolerance to stressful situations, the absence of excessive requirements. The work is based on the analysis of fundamental and modern research on this issue, processing and drafting of modern provisions for training law enforcement officers to perform official duties.
professional qualities, formation of readiness, pedagogy, system, quality, factor, preparation, escort, service, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Innovative methodology and technology
Kalinina, Y.V., Brailovskaya, T.V. (2024). Continuity of professional education: complementarity coaching and self-design of dental specialists. Pedagogy and education, 1, 42–56.
The problems of training highly qualified specialists – dentists and maxillofacial surgeons – are discussed, taking into account the level of their pedagogical competence, which allows them to develop professionally important qualities and establish adequate relationships in the doctor-patient pair. From this perspective, the parameters of domestic continuous dental education and its stages are characterized, based on scientific and pedagogical expertise and organizational innovations. The goals and objectives of such complementarity in the functioning of the structures of additional professional education; its high productivity is emphasized at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health. The study analyzes the content of the key concepts of “coaching” and “self-design”, and performs a comparative analysis of: 1) the results of a public opinion survey; 2) sociological research regarding the reproduction of medical personnel; 3) author’s surveys and in-depth interviews about the parameters and quality of educational processes. The novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of the urgency of introducing the concepts of “coaching” and “self-design” to concretize new approaches in the theoretical support of postgraduate training of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. For the first time, the complementary nature of the relationship between them is substantiated. The author emphasizes that the adaptation of the corresponding pedagogical techniques allows us to more clearly highlight the role of the pedagogical component in the training of highly qualified specialists in these areas. The main conclusion of the study is that coaching and techniques of conscious self-design, being in a relationship of complementarity, determine a significant increase in the level of postgraduate education, meeting such conditions as a combination of pedagogical competence with the peculiarities of the structural and content components of scientific activity.
doctor-educator, distance learning, career development, professionally important qualities, self-design, continuity of education, organizational innovations, coaching, Additional professional education, continuing medical education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Chemezova, E.R. (2024). Modern Technologies and Hermeneutical Analysis of Poetic Text. Pedagogy and education, 1, 57–66.
The subject of the study is a model of the use of modern technologies in literary analysis. The purpose of this study is to consider the stages of pedagogical technology of using AI technologies in hermeneutical text analysis. The object of the study is the poetic text of the Chinese poet of the Tang Du Fu era. The author of the article found that the use of AI-based Internet resources in the process of analyzing Chinese poetry helps to identify deep interpretations and meanings of key images. Special attention is paid to the possibility of expanding and deepening the semantic and hermeneutic meanings of Chinese poetry in the process of continuous analysis as part of pedagogical technology. Based on the analysis performed with the help of AI, it was concluded that this kind of modern technology provides a quick adaptation of the identified meanings to the analysis process, which was considered on the material of the poetic text of Du Fu. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that until now, Internet resources based on AI have not been used for hermeneutical analysis of literary text as part of pedagogical technology in general and based on the material of Chinese poetic texts by Du Fu, the poet of the Tang era, in particular. In the future, it seems promising to investigate the types and features of AI tools as an element of pedagogical technologies for continuous analysis of literary texts in the process of training future philologists.
literary analysis, Doo Fu, modern technologies, pedagogical technologies, hermeneutical analysis, Chinese literature, artificial intelligence, continuous analysis, philological education, higher school
Professional education
Mal'tseva, T.E. (2024). A new conceptual view of inclusive professionalization as a multidirectional process system. Pedagogy and education, 1, 67–83.
The subject of the study is a conceptual view of inclusive professionalization. The article shows the urgent need to change the views on inclusive professionalization in higher education. The professionalization system should include the highest scientific achievements of inclusive areas (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.), we will receive highly qualified specialists. The main purpose of the article is to show a new, broader view of the essence of inclusive professionalization in higher education. New possibilities of inclusion as developing and advanced learning are shown, forming such professional competencies that help students to engage in future social processes, and therefore contribute to their successful professional socialization. The method is a review and analysis of the literature on the research topic, the main methodology is the concept of inclusion as a general way to theorize the inclusion of persons with socio–functional differences in the professionalization system with an analysis of scientific literature on this topic. The scientific novelty of the article is a new conceptual approach to inclusive professionalization. Conclusion: inclusive professionalization is a complex and systematic process of creating an inclusive and developing field, including various inclusive areas. In addition to the disabled, all persons with socio-functional differences (pensioners, military personnel, prisoners and those released from prison, citizens from liberated territories, migrants, displaced persons, etc.) are included in the training. Training and education of students is carried out with the help of modern equipment, devices, technologies, training programs, educational and methodological base, health-saving methods. This will enable advanced vocational education, help students with socio-functional differences successfully master the process of professionalization, form socio-professional subjectivity, and be in demand in the labor market.
inclusion, inclusivity, inclusive professionalization, the concept of inclusion, socio-functional differences, consistency, inclusive field, diversity of approaches, professional socialization, social and professional development
Sapronov, V.A. (2024). Classification of Models in Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 1, 84–100.
The paper reflects the results of activities related to the development of models of fragments of reality: their purpose, features and classification, in relation to the study of processes in pedagogy. The analysis of scientific research is carried out, revealing the basics of mental formation, construction and implementation in practice of the model–representation of the original, answering the questions “what should the model be and what properties should it have?”, “what information to carry and in what form to display?”, “how to characterize the developed model without revealing its content and features? The article includes examples of classification of models distinguished by the authors according to specific characteristics: the principle of conformity to the properties of the object and the degree of materialization, the sequence and periodization of their construction, the similarity of the model with the original, the direction of the main information flows circulating between the subject and the world around him. In order to organize knowledge and indicate the subjective position of the author, the principles of model construction, the requirements for their content and their inherent individual properties, taken as a basis in the work, are given. A variant of classification of models according to characteristics is proposed: relation to the original in the process of activity, method of implementation, form of representation and reflection of the state of the simulated object. The typology is based on the principle of a universal decimal classifier with the possibility of making changes and additions to the structure and content. The models mentioned in the works are included in a separate list, but due to functional similarity with other models (or rather a clear lack of originality), the presence of controversial issues in the issues of application in pedagogy, were not reflected in the proposed classifier.
model functions, signs of classification, defining the model, typology, universal classifier, classification of models, model, modeling, pedagogy, model properties
Gemranova, A.D., Mitina, T.S., Mitina, I.D. (2024). Youth University Subculture as an Element of the Organizational Culture of the University. Pedagogy and education, 1, 101–110.
This study, the purpose of which is to identify the views of students of Ulyanovsk State University on the concept of "organizational culture", is based on general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis of information from open sources, analytical generalization of theoretical data, and the survey method. As a result of the study, the existence of several student subcultures was established, one of which is in conflict with the dominant one, based on the cultural traditions of the university. The study of the student subculture as an element of the organizational culture of the university showed that the level of understanding of the organizational culture of the university among the students is quite high. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the university is constantly in a state of change, in perpetual motion on the way to finding its own idea. The novelty of this study lies in the analysis of the levels of university development in the framework of the model of organizational culture according to Edgar Schein. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using this study for the most complete and broad study of this topic.
cultural consensus theory, sociocultural, education, representations, values, artifacts, university, subculture, students, organizational culture
Vasyuk, A.G. (2024). Health care is at the heart of preparing future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation. Pedagogy and education, 1, 111–123.
The subject of this article is health care in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation. The object is to prepare future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation. Considering the essence of social adaptation of military personnel, the author names the main stages of social adaptation of military personnel, dwells on those that should be formed at the university, believes that at each stage different mechanisms of its formation and development should work. The article reveals the conceptual essence of the risks of adaptation of military personnel. The author argues that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be carried out in specially created conditions for the formation of subjective qualities, psychological relief, group and individual approaches. Health saving, the author emphasizes, health and a healthy lifestyle should become a priority in the education of these students, makes practical recommendations for improving health-saving technologies in education as a basis for preventing adaptation risks. For the first time, the author shows the role of education in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. For the first time, the article addresses the problem and reviews the literature on the topic of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. As a result of the analysis of the literature on the research topic, the author concludes that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be aimed at strengthening their health, makes specific proposals to improve the training of social workers to overcome the risks of adaptation in military personnel, names adaptation technologies in the training system of social workers to this type of activity. A special contribution of the author is the actualization of the research topic, conceptual approaches to its study and the conclusion that the development of the health culture of students participating in hostilities is ensured by the practical implementation of the specific conceptual provisions proposed by him.
participants in combat operations, stress tolerance, health care, post-traumatic stress disorder, adaptation risks, social adaptation, training of social workers, pedagogical tools, social immunity, adaptive potential
Ways of upbringing
Gavrish, A.D., Kompaneeva, L.G., Gulyaeva, E.V., Platonova, D.O. (2024). Moral and ethical upbringing of students’ personality: experience of Volgograd Institute of Management. Pedagogy and education, 1, 124–134.
This article is devoted to the study of modern possibilities to increase the efficiency of moral and ethical upbringing of students in higher educational institutions. One of such possibilities is motivating them to use new digital technologies in a correct and an ecological way. Proper upbringing of students at higher education institutions and involving them in extracurricular activities contributes to their ethical and moral education and creative development, which helps to achieve the global goals of sustainable development of society (i.e. improving human living conditions and minimizing the negative impact on the environment). In this regard, the authors consider that it is necessary for teachers of higher education institutions to study in more detail the possibilities of new digital and educational technologies precisely considering the principles of environmental friendliness and ethical standards of communication. The authors conduct a complex analysis, including the following methods: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, an anonymous survey of 194 junior full-time students and 48 lecturers and monitoring of the application of digital technologies in different events, held in the Volgograd Institute of Management. The analysis of modern scientific literature on pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, as well as the results of the survey, allowed the authors to draw the following conclusions. The use of new digital technologies and tools, such as smartphones and their apps, videoconferencing services, video recording and presentation development programmes, undoubtedly helps to make the educational and upbringing process easier. All these technical means make the process of creation accessible, attractive, exciting, and involve more students in extracurricular activities. The exact ways of developing efficient and safe online communication during the extracurricular activities are still not yet sufficiently discussed by the methodologists and educators, that’s why this research is to be further continued within another higher educational institutions.
ecological thinking, Volgograd Institute of Management, digital literacy, moral and ethical upbringing, digital educational technologies, extracurricular activities, cultural events, higher education, digitalization, sustainable development
Morality and ethics
Tulitbaeva, G.F., Safina, L.F., Giniyatova, Z.M., Safronova, E.V. (2024). Features of the Correlation Structure of Identity of Adolescents with Suicidal Attempts. Pedagogy and education, 1, 135–146.
From the very beginning of the pandemic period on the incidence of Covid-2019, numerous sources have recorded an increase in the number of suicides among adolescents, this number has not fallen to this day. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at investigating the correlation structure of social and personal identity in adolescents with a history of suicidal attempts and adolescents without suicidal attempts. At the time of the study, all adolescents who attempted suicide were undergoing treatment at the Republican Clinical Psychotherapy Center and the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital of the Republic of Belarus (42 people). A group of adolescents without suicidal intentions consisted of 84 students of the MAOU "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 93" of Ufa, RB. The study describes differences in the correlation structures of social and personal identity in two selected groups of adolescents. According to the results of the correlation analysis, both in the group of adolescents without suicidal intentions and in the group of adolescents with suicidal behavior, correlations were found between the indicators of social identity: "pastime", "collective self-esteem", "cohesion", "intergroup competition" and "top-down comparison". In the group of adolescents with a history of suicide, no links were found between any indicators of social identity and personal identity, while in the second group there is a link between indicators of social and personal identity.
correlation structure, adolescent features, risk, suicide, adolescence, social identity, personal identity, identity, identity of teenagers, development
Innovative methodology and technology
Mukhamadiarova, A.F. (2024). Formation of German oral speech skills among students of language universities based on corpus technologies. Pedagogy and education, 1, 147–158.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of corpus technologies in the formation of German oral speech skills. The subject of the study is the process of teaching speaking at a language university. The object of the study is corpus technologies used in the formation of oral speech skills among students of a language university. The article analyzes the grammatical and phonetic phenomena of oral colloquial speech, which can be introduced in German language teaching. Special attention is paid to such phonetic features of oral speech as reduction, elision, and clitic forms of definite and indefinite articles. The scientific study examines in detail such aspects as the fusion of preposition and definite article, modal particles, direct word order in sentences with WEIL, OBWOHL and unconnected sentences with WENN. The FOLK corpus included in the Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD) database of the "Leibniz German Language Institute" was used as a corpus toolkit for compiling a set of exercises. The main attention in the article is paid to a complex of different types of tasks created on the basis of corpus tools, which determines the scientific novelty of this approach, namely: the use of a quantitative parameter (normalization coefficient indicating deviations from standard pronunciation based on written language) and parameters indicating phenomena characteristic of oral speech (discursive markers, hesitation phenomena). As a result of the research, the author emphasizes the linguistic and methodological potential of text corpora for the development of students' oral conversational skills. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the teaching of the following disciplines: a practical course in the German language, features of spoken German, methods of teaching foreign languages, digital technologies in teaching foreign languages.
authentic material, oral corpus, corpus technologies, corpus linguistics, corpus, development of speaking skills, teaching methodology, foreign language, German, audio text
Effectiveness of training
Popova, T.V., Voloshina, I.A., Kourova, O.G. (2024). Psychophysiological Status of Schoolchildren with Social and Visual Deprivation. Pedagogy and education, 1, 159–169.
Cognitive disorders of children are one of the most important problems worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 15% of children have gross intellectual disabilities. Published data show that cognitive impairment concerns at least 20% of children and adolescents. To a large extent, this applies to children left without parental care and children with sensory disorders. In the social sphere of many countries, the problem is solved with the help of social centers (SC), special educational institutions, foster families, etc. The nature of the development of such children attracts the attention of teachers, doctors, psychologists, however, there is not enough data in the literature about the features of their psychophysiological functions. The subject of the study: psychosocial development of schoolchildren aged 7-10. New data have been obtained on a similar, and sometimes more unfavorable effect on the psychophysical status of subjects with social deprivation, compared with sensory (visual). All the subjects showed signs of functional tension, but the indicators of personal anxiety and aggressiveness in the groups of social and visual deprivation were higher than in the control group, and cognitive functions were insufficiently activated. Children from the SC revealed a high potential of cognitive abilities. When creating adequate psychosocial conditions in the educational environment of these children, their mental development can be significantly accelerated, which is also necessary for the prevention of maladaptive behavior. It is recommended to introduce into the educational process programs of psychophysical correction of students, including technologies of self-regulation of emotions and behavior and reducing the level of functional tension.
psychophysical correction, electroencephalography, anxiety, cognitive functions, visual impairment, psychosocial development, social center, Schoolchildren, educational process, functional stress
Effectiveness of training
Bochkina, E.V., Khanchas, V.N. (2024). Pedagogical testing: from the origins to the creation of modern tests. Pedagogy and education, 1, 170–182.
This article presents a retrospective analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and archival data, considering the problem of formation of pedagogical testing in Russia and in the USA. The retrospective analysis made it possible to compare the obtained data and to reveal fundamental differences between the two scientific schools. The authors identified four main points of view regarding the emergence of the pedagogical test. The authors identified four main points of view regarding the emergence of the pedagogical test. These points of view are references to the studies of scientists and public figures of the late XIX century and show us that the idea of creating a pedagogical test did not arise by chance and after its implementation was positively accepted by society and specialists working in schools in England and the USA. The second part of the article describes the synthesis of modern experience of pedagogical test creation, types of pedagogical tests, the main stages of their creation, criteria of development and requirements to task creation. The criteria and requirements to pedagogical test tasks reflect the fundamentally important points to which attention should be paid. The described materials are not only a historical reference, but also methodological recommendations for future authors of pedagogical tests. The second part of the article describes a synthesis of modern experience in pedagogical test creation, types of pedagogical tests, the main stages of their creation, criteria of development and requirements to the composition of tasks. The criteria and requirements to pedagogical test tasks reflect the fundamentally important points to which attention should be paid. The described materials are not only a historical reference, but also methodological recommendations for future authors of pedagogical tests.
test creation steps, test validity, test questions, scientific schools, retrospective analysis, methodological guidelines, test creation, evaluation criteria, testing, pedagogical test
Effectiveness of training
Gur'yanchik, V.N., Kosmalev, N.S. (2024). Inclusive multicultural educational environment as a factor of socialization of children from migrant families. Pedagogy and education, 1, 183–205.
The subject of the study is the study of the influence of various problems and factors on the development of inclusive education in a multicultural environment. The authors pay special attention in the article to the characteristics of the main theoretical approaches to the study of a multicultural and inclusive educational environment, as well as to the assessment of the real state of inclusion in a multicultural environment according to the pedagogical community. Research hypothesis: considering personality as an integral systemic quality that is formed in life, according to the mechanism of appropriation of social experience in the process of activity in the environment, we assumed that the effectiveness of inclusive education in a multicultural environment is influenced by a number of internal and external factors: the formation of speech communication and knowledge of cultural, religious and national characteristics of each other among subjects, the level of development of their tolerance and the organization of the educational environment itself. The main conclusions of the study are: theoretical and methodological analysis confirms that the development of a multicultural educational environment is a necessary condition due to increased migration flows of the population; a pedagogical analysis of the current state of the system of organizing pedagogical activities with students from migrant families in the Yaroslavl region has revealed a number of objective shortcomings and existing difficulties, while there are positive and promising experiences of individual educational organizations that need to be supported and broadcast in the municipal and regional education system; an inclusive multicultural educational environment is at a fairly low level of development, problems prevail related to the complexity of communication, knowledge of cultural, religious and national characteristics, as well as an insufficiently organized and effective system of psychological and pedagogical support.
development, communication, tolerance, polyparadigmality, multiculturalism, migrants, educational environment, multicultural environment, inclusive education, forming