Bogachev, A.M., Lomonos, A.A., Bobrova, N.V. (2023). "Strict Care" as the Basis of Educational and Psychocorrective Activities in Russian Penitentiary. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–16.
The article presents the adaptation of the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical approach based on the idea of "strict care". The authors prove the thesis about the need to actualize in the mental reality of individuals who have committed crimes a sense of belonging (community) and creative attitudes (first of all, towards healthy parenthood) as a basis for awakening conscience as opposed to malignant guilt and shame. This feeling, in turn, turns to a transcendent function that manifests itself during the spiritual development of the individual and the acquisition of meaning. The authors also present the idea of developing a program for the upbringing and personal development of women convicted for the first time for crimes of small and medium gravity. It is assumed that the implementation of the developed program will become the basis for a series of empirical studies. The scientific novelty of the research is in the synthesis of the domestic approach to education based on the experience of Anton Makarenko and the concept of individual psychology and pedagogy by Alfred Adler, as well as an existential approach equally applicable both in the field of pedagogy and psychology. This kind of synthesis allows us to reach a practice-oriented methodology and appropriate methods in educational and educational-psychological work on rehabilitation and personal development of women convicted of minor crimes and convicted for the first time. In case of practical success of the implementation of the relevant program, it can be extrapolated both to other categories of convicts, and, in the future, to the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical co-education of persons suffering from PTSD.
Superiority, Insight, Involvement, Sense, Shame, Guilt, Conscience, Development, Personality, Soul
Kukuev, E.A., Volosnikova, L.M., Ogorodnova, O.V., Elantseva, S.A. (2023). Resource Assessment and Inclusion Risks: Students' View. Pedagogy and education, 1, 17–29.
The study aims to analyze the resources and risks of inclusion in a comprehensive school from the point of view of students. The authors proceed from the position that one of the criteria of inclusivity can be the subjective well-being of students, as a direct integrative assessment of satisfaction and positive emotions. Therefore, it is important to analyze the student's position (voice) in assessing inclusive educational processes in schools. In 2021, a continuous survey of students from one school in the city of Tyumen was conducted. The sample consisted of 807 students. The study was conducted using the author's questionnaire. The questionnaire of the international research project on the study of the subjective well—being of children "Detsky Mir" - Children'S WORLD and inclusion indicators (Booth, T. Einscow, M.) is taken as a basis. The statistical software package SPSS-23.0 was used for statistical analysis. The analysis made it possible to identify the risks of inclusion that must be taken into account when organizing and implementing the educational process, insufficient level of satisfaction with school as a component of subjective well-being; a tendency to decrease school satisfaction during the transition from 7th to 11th grades; significantly lower grades of all components of subjective well-being by students with OOP; significantly lower grades of all components of inclusion in students with OOP. The survey revealed the inclusion resources in the school under study: satisfaction with friends, family, yourself and your life prospects; high appreciation of inclusive culture at school.
parents, school, evidence-based educational policy, assessment, satisfaction, inclusive education, subjective well-being, special educational needs, inclusion, life prospects
Dianov, S.A., Dianova, Y.V. (2023). Improving the System of Legal and Civic Education of Students in Higher Education Institutions. Pedagogy and education, 1, 30–40.
The subject of the authors' research is the problem of improving the mechanisms of legal education and civic education of students in educational institutions of higher education. Attention is drawn to the presence of legal education (personal adaptation programs) scenarios for students in advanced Russian universities. At the same time, the formal nature of such programs is recognized as their abstraction from the existing realities in the university's educational environment. It is emphasized that in the professional-pedagogical community back in the early 2000s, by no means were difficult questions postulated about what performance indicators of legal and civic education in higher education should consist of. An equally important topic for discussion is the complexity of organizational and regulatory nature in determining the criteria for the effectiveness of legal education methods which are proposed for training sessions. The authors of the article formulated project proposals intended for practical application in implementing legal education and civic education strategies of students at universities, taking into account the profile of the leading professional educational programs being implemented. The author's programs on regulatory and legal support of education (professional, profile) for students of pedagogical, law enforcement, and technical (engineering) universities are described.
legal regulation, student communities, socialization, preventive measures, vocational education, university, legal education, civic education, educational environment, higher education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Litvin, D.V., Mangasarova, L.A. (2023). Subject-Generated Environments as the Basis for the Formation of a Personal-Developing Digital Educational Environment. Pedagogy and education, 1, 41–55.
This article discusses the features of forming a personality-developing educational environment in the context of global digitalization. The concept of the digital educational environment is revealed in the context of its personality-developing nature, the basic scheme of the functioning of the subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment is substantiated, the factors determining the personality-developing potential of the digital educational environment are highlighted, as well as the features of the teacher's activity on the formation of the developing the environment by digital means in the refraction of traditions and innovations. The traditional understanding of the educational environment is undergoing a significant transformation due to digitalization. The study showed that the formation of a developing digital educational environment should be carried out with a mandatory emphasis on the subject-generated characteristics of the environment, resolving the contradiction between the diversity and openness of potentially developing resources, on the one hand, and the uncertainty, non-obviousness of the results of interaction of subjects, on the other hand. For the teacher, the digital educational environment acts as a discrete education, whereas for the student, it is a single structured digital space (a single environment). A teacher's activity is the formation of a developing environment by digital means, giving it developing functions associated with pedagogical competence to fill the environment with appropriate situational and event content, contributing to the generation of environments in education by students themselves and filling them with authentic meaning. The teacher's specified competencies depend on the completeness of the theoretical understanding of the peculiarities of the emergence of subject-generated environments in the digital educational environment. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that, for the first time, a personality-developing digital educational environment is considered through the concept of subject-generated environments, which brings the student's personality to the center of relevant educational projects. The development of the student's personality in the DEE is a multifactorial and open subject-dependent process with variability of resources for self-change, the research attitude corresponding to the post-non-classical stage of the development of science.
pedagogical competencies, subject-subject interaction, subject-containing systems, system approach, student-centered education, digitalization, personality development, educational environment, situational-event content, pedagogical design
Modern strategies and forms of education
Pristavko, K.V. (2023). Teaching a Foreign Language in Terms of Inclusion. Pedagogy and education, 1, 56–68.
This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem of teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities in an inclusive education environment. The article also presents the author's view on overcoming the main difficulties associated with teaching a foreign language to people with disabilities. The authors considered the main legislative acts regulating inclusive education and the main periods of inclusion development in European countries. The authors also considered the main differences between the two learning systems: inclusion and integration, the most relevant problems of learning LOVZ in the conditions of inclusion, and solutions to these problems proposed by other authors of scientific research. Based on the conducted research, the authors made the following conclusions: inclusive education is one of the strongest of the modern education trends due to the change of views on disability and human rights in general; the goal of inclusive education is the comprehensive development of someone with disabilities, their socialization and realization of their potential in society, as well as providing opportunities for academic and professional mobility for LOVZ. The author's contribution to this article is to summarize the results obtained by other researchers. The authors have deduced concrete steps to solve the existing difficulties and proposed their own solutions to the existing difficulties.
life-long learning, human rights, education for all, approaches to teaching, globalization, integration, disabilities, inclusive education, acess to education, student-centered education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Kiryanov, D.A. (2023). Formation of Requirements for University Website Interfaces Based on Accessibility and Usability Standards. Pedagogy and education, 1, 69–86.
The research subject is the methods of building the user interface of university websites based on the intended purpose, the needs of the audience, and user limitations, including sensory-motor and cognitive-psychological limitations. As a starting point for studying the target audience and compliance with accessibility standards, eight university websites are analyzed based on open-source data. The main violations that prevent users from using a university's website to varying degrees are considered, as well as the most well-known and often-used approaches to interface design and design that make interfaces more convenient without overloading the user's short-term memory and causing premature fatigue. As a result of the research, the basic requirements for designing the interface of the university's website are formed. According to the main conclusion of this study, to adapt the University's website to the limitations of users' capabilities, it is necessary to follow the main standards of usability and accessibility considered, such as GOST R 52872-2019, WCAG 2.1 and GOST R ISO 9241-20-2014, and also take into account the peculiarities of legislation that affect the formation of sections of the site and its accessibility for people with disabilities. It is necessary to adhere to such principles of interface organization and information presentation as Hick's Law, Gestalt Principles, Miller's Law, Jacob's Law, and Heuristics. The author's special contribution to the topic is the analysis of the verification of eight sites of Russian universities for compliance with accessibility standards. This analysis showed that even the visually impaired versions of the sites reviewed do not meet accessibility standards, which makes it difficult for people with disabilities to access information and emphasizes the importance of the study. The novelty of the research lies in the formation of the basic requirements for the user interface of university websites. The study's results can be further used in constructing such information systems.
cognitive impairment, motor disorders, Hick's law, short-term memory, Jakob's law, accessibility, usability, interface design, WCAG, usability heuristics
Modern strategies and forms of education
Menzhulina, D. (2023). Language Trainers as a Means of Electronic Linguodidactics: Experience in the Development and Implementation of the Video Tutorial Cycle "A Walk in the Primorsky Territory" in the RCT Learning Process. Pedagogy and education, 1, 87–97.
The subject of this study is the linguodidactic and linguometodic potential of an interactive simulator as a means of electronic linguodidactics in teaching Russian as a foreign language. During the research, a set of methods is used: methodological modeling, questionnaires, expert evaluation, etc. The primary method of research is a pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, a model of the educational process was built using a language trainer as a means of electronic linguodidactics. The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages and was aimed at studying the features of the educational process when teaching Russian as a foreign language using electronic linguodidactics. The data for the analysis were collected by questioning the students who participated in the experiment. The relevance of the study of electronic linguodidactics in teaching RCT lies in the fact that during the pandemic and with a mass transition to distance learning, the needs of students in intensive foreign language acquisition courses continue to grow. RCT teachers must create and use electronic educational resources in language teaching and their multidisciplinary development. In addition, the idea of syncretism in educational technologies seems relevant. The study made it possible to formulate the theoretical foundations of the linguometodic simulator and to confirm its practical significance in teaching RCT. The theoretical and practical significance of the research lies in deepening and expanding scientific and methodological ideas about the place and role of an interactive language trainer in the environment of electronic means of teaching RCT, as well as in presenting opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the formation of language skills and speech skills in teaching RCT. The main conclusion of this study is the position on the relevance of the use of electronic linguodidactics in the teaching of RCT, in particular, an interactive language trainer.
Russian language, methods of teaching, language trainer, interactive teaching, language teaching, multimedia, linguodidactics, e-learning, electronic resources, modern technologies
Modern strategies and forms of education
Markova, A.S., Mamukina, G.I. (2023). Games as a Component of Teaching Foreign Languages in High School. Pedagogy and education, 1, 98–105.
The positive influence of playing games with students has often been the subject of scientific papers, which is confirmed by articles by Z. K. Moldakhmedova, A. A. Kadieva, A. A. Shatilova and other researchers. However, the genesis of the game, which allows us to find the phenomenon's origins in the era of syncretism (A. N. Veselovsky), despite the work of L. S. Vygotsky, is still not fully understood. Meanwhile, understanding the essence of the game allows one to introduce it as a component of learning in the process of mastering a foreign language, including overcoming the border "friend-foe" (Y. M. Lotman) and to be able to feel freedom (J. Huizinga) to obtain and consolidate knowledge. Thus, the purpose of this work is to study the genesis of the game as a phenomenon rooted in the syncretic era (where it existed as part of a ritual) in identifying the possibilities of the game situation for the realization of creative (mimetic) activity of students, to overcome language barriers. In light of this approach, the game becomes not an element that can relieve the tension of "serious work" but a special optics that allows one to perceive cognitive activity differently. The main work method is the genetic method proposed by O. M. Freudenberg. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Y. M. Lotman, A. N. Veselovsky, M. M. Bakhtin, O. M. Freudenberg, L. S. Vygotsky, and other scientists.
Freudenberg, genesis, Huizinga, Veselovsky, Bakhtin, English, the learning process, game, the era of syncretism, Vygotsky
Developing pedagogical technologies
Mikhaylova, N.V. (2023). Organization of Project Activities of Students in the System of Professional Training of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies. Pedagogy and education, 1, 106–115.
The topic of the study is dictated by the issues of ensuring the quality of advanced training of thinking, competent, capable of self-development specialists. One of the areas of solving these problems is the introduction of project activities into the educational process. In order to develop and implement the project activities of students within the framework of non-audit independent work, a comprehensive study was carried out, based on systemic, complex, activity, personality-oriented approaches, using methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, design, experiment, observation, expert assessments. The object of the study is the process of vocational training of students of educational organizations of higher education. The subject of the study is: project activities as the basis for organizing non-audit independent work of students of higher education organizations. As a result of the study, the author from a methodological point of view describes the project activities of students as a holistic sequential process consisting of a number of stages (pre-project, stage of formulation of the project concept, planning, project implementation, project evaluation, project improvement, project implementation) aimed at solving a specific practically significant problem. The author disclosed the goals, content, means, results of each stage of project activity. The novelty and author's contribution lies in the modification and application of strategic management tools in organizing the project activities of students of higher education organizations. The effectiveness of the solutions presented in the article has been proven experimentally.
structure of project activities, professional and personal development, non-audit independent work, project method of training, methodology of project activity, project activity of students, flexible skills, project, practical-oriented training, quality of education
Educational psychology
Starkin, S.V., Pripisnova, E.S. (2023). Studying the Problems of Youth "Transitions" in European Countries. Pedagogy and education, 1, 116–126.
This article analyzes the research on European youth policy. The subject of the study is the main trends, typology, and principles of functioning of youth "transitions" in European countries. The need to study the phenomenon of youth "transitions" is relevant and timely as today, there is no generally accepted view on the ways to study these processes. The methodological basis of the study was analysis and synthesis, as well as institutional, systemic, and comparative approaches. Based on the studied material, the authors conclude that when considering strategies for youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially-oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies provides different models of youth transitions. These studies highlight important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. Thus, we have considered various strategies for structuring the transition to adulthood: to explain the different models of youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies gives different models of youth transitions. Although many European researchers argue that age policy is important in this regard due to the aging of society and the growth of "gray power," most of the works devoted to this issue actually refute the hypothesis of bias in favor of the elderly: these studies emphasize important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. As a result, we conclude that young people should be considered part of society as a whole, and, therefore, to understand how they move into adulthood, it is necessary to see the full institutional, political, and economic picture.
young people, social security, youth policy, youth transitions, European states, welfare state, typology of youth transitions, youth transition patterns, social citizenship, education system
Innovative methodology and technology
Chik, S. (2023). Pedagogical Conditions to Correct the Consequences of Child Abuse. Pedagogy and education, 1, 127–136.
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the correction of communication disorders in children who have been subjected to abuse in the family. The study was based on the assumption that anxiety and hostility are psychologically dominant in such children. Timely work with the child emotionally and correction of the sphere of communication can correct negative influences. The author examines in detail the implementation of pedagogical conditions: conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process, involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults, and having children participate in field events to develop positive emotions. The study's novelty is that the pedagogical conditions for correcting communication disorders have been experimentally tested. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. Conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process helps them express their feelings, activate communication between a child and an adult, form various means of communication, and develop dialogic speech. 2. Involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults allows an adult to manifest themself as an assistant and defender with whom a child can communicate without fear, jointly achieving their goals. 3. The participation of children in field events aimed at the development of positive emotions increases the social context of communication of the child and expands the circle of adults with whom the pupil would interact.
child abuse, pedagogical correction, pedagogical conditions, communication disorders, anxiety, hostility, social institution, special classes, recreational activities, field trips.
Innovative methodology and technology
Glushchenko, V.V. (2023). A Conceptual Approach to Solving the Problem of Sustainable University Development in the Period of a New Technological Order. Pedagogy and education, 1, 137–149.
The subject of this article is ensuring the sustainable development of universities in the period of a new technological order; the object of the article is the university; the purpose of the work is to ensure the sustainable development of universities in the process of forming a new technological order. To achieve this goal, the following tasks of this study are solved: research and clarification of the concept of sustainable development of the university; study of sources of risk of loss of stability in the process of transition of the university to a new technological order; analysis of the structural components of the concept of sustainable development of universities. Scientific methods used in this article are the theory of sustainable development, historical and logical analysis, theory of higher education, theory of technological structures, theory of hierarchical systems, system analysis, forecasting theory, theory of lean manufacturing, and expert methods. The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the formation of the concept of sustainable development university in the period of a new technological order.
result, effectiveness, management, factor, the tool, higher education system, technological order, sustainable development, university, concept
Innovative methodology and technology
Guzova, A.V. (2023). Methods of Teaching Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties at a Higher Educational Institution. Pedagogy and education, 1, 150–157.
The modern educational paradigm provides for the formation of various competencies: general cultural, personal and professional, the optimal combination of which should be achieved as a result of professional training of a specialist. Accordingly, for students of non-linguistic specialties, the study of a foreign language should be aimed at the development of all these competencies, which determines the choice of the main forms and methods of teaching it, based on an integrative personal-activity approach. At the same time, the main methodological solution for teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university should be the development and creative application of complex digital educational resources that can be used both as basic and additional pedagogical technologies. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the conditions of modern informatization of society, it becomes necessary not only to develop methodological tools independently, but also to use the existing developments productively. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities they have acquired, determine for themselves the need for additional information, continue their continuing education and self-education throughout their professional path. The use of digital educational resources makes it possible to switch the process of acquiring knowledge from broadcasting to their purposeful acquisition, which corresponds to the modern competence paradigm.
innovative learning process, personal development, self-realization of students, language competence, learning purposes, digital educational resources, non-linguistic specialties, higher education institution, teaching methods, foreign language
Effectiveness of training
Bobkov, A.I., Nezhkina, L.Y., Gal'tsev, S.A. (2023). Social and Humanitarian Support for the Professional Development of an Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies. Pedagogy and education, 1, 158–165.
The object of research in the article is the process of professional development of an employee of the internal affairs bodies in the system of higher professional education. The subject of the study is the social and humanitarian support of the process of professional development of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. Social and humanitarian support is understood as the process of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the interaction of psychological and pedagogical support for self-actualization of the student's personality as a necessary condition for an in-depth understanding of modern problems of social and humanitarian knowledge and the existential orientation of the teacher's personality. The axiological component of this interaction is the creation of specific situations in the educational activities of the future employee of the internal affairs bodies, which requires him to psychologically move away from the state of learned helplessness, imitation of the understanding of the lack of subjectivity. The novelty of the research lies in the combination of problem-based learning and the student's psychological preparedness for action in extreme situations. This combination is achieved by combining modern psychological knowledge and practices with the social construction of the reality of the educational environment. The interaction of educational psychologists, professional psychologists, consultants and teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines is based on a departure from the existing reality that deforms the personality of the educational environment of higher education institutions of the power profile. The main method here is a philosophical dialogue between the student, the teacher-psychologist and the teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines. The main goal of this dialogue is the creation of groups-meetings aimed at creating a facilitative (helping) environment for self-actualization of the student's self, as a necessary psychological and pedagogical component of his professional maturity.
activity, humanistic approach, employee, support, education, formation, profession, personal development, social and humanitarian knowledge, dialog