Vinokurova, O.S. (2022). Dropout in Russian Higher Education and Ways to Reduce it. Pedagogy and education, 3, 1–13.
The subject of the study is the dropout rate in higher education. The number of students who were enrolled and did not graduate from educational institutions is analysed with the goal to increase the number of graduates when number of educational institutions and students is not subject to change. An empirical method is used: documents and expert opinions are studied. Method of obtaining information: open statistical databases and relevant analytical studies. The methodology of the OECD in compiling statistical databases and the levels of education in Russia are considered. The differences between «tertiary» and «higher education» are highlighted. The position of Russia in terms of the level of literacy of the population among the OECD countries is considered: a modest indicator of the level of «higher education» of the population of Russia is noted amid a high indicator of «tertiary education». The importance of reducing the dropout rate in the context of a direct correlation between the level of «higher education» and the development of a country and society is emphasized. Main reasons for dropping out of educational institutions are considered. The novelty lies in providing the definition of the dropout rate in higher education and its target indicators. The importance of using the term «dropout» in official sources and tightening the criteria indicators used for the purpose of accreditation monitoring is substantiated. The result of the study is the proposals intended to achieve the above designated goal: to provide detailed and additional information to the applicants, to increase the flexibility of curricula and educational programs, to design and aware the target audience of the affordable educational loans etc. In conclusion the importance of further research into the dropout rate to increase the level of higher education is stated.
OECD, bachelor program, dropout rate, graduates of the university, curriculum, vertical mobility, standard period of study, literacy rate, higher education, tertiary education
Voloshin, D.V., Stepanova, D.Y. (2022). Training of prison staff in the materials of the Penitentiary Commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society (for the ivth International Prison Congress of 1890). Pedagogy and education, 3, 14–21.
The article discusses the historical and pedagogical aspects of the activities of the penitentiary Commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society, aimed at ensuring the staffing of prison staff during the period under review, and designed in the form of preparatory work for the ivth International Prison Congress, held in the Russian capital in 1890.The methodological basis of the study was made up of a set of conceptual provisions of pedagogical and historical sciences, as well as general scientific methods of cognition - objectivity, scientific and historicism, a systematic approach, logical analysis and synthesis based on the variability of the historical and pedagogical process. This approach is based on the mutual integration of the subject fields of the three sciences – pedagogy, history and jurisprudence. Scientific novelty is considered by us based on the priority of introducing into scientific circulation previously unexplored factual material of the primary source. The presented work is one of the first attempts to reveal the historical and pedagogical heritage of the St. Petersburg Law Society (its penitentiary Commission) in preparation for the ivth International Prison Congress held in St. Petersburg in 1890, to determine the role of this commission in the theoretical justification of the need to train prison staff in Russia.The appeal to the activities of the penitentiary commission of the St. Petersburg Law Society, which were not previously studied by teachers–researchers in 1890, allows us to actualize the issues of the past, to see from new sides the activities of famous Russian scientists (for example, the chairman of the penitentiary commission - I. Ya. Foynitsky), to help understand the most important initial stage in the theoretical justification of the need for training prison staff in Russia.
prison staff, professional training, Law society, international prison congress, personnel, penitentiary staff, prison guards, Foinitsky, penitentiary commission, prison authorities
Developing pedagogical technologies
Nazarova, L. (2022). Aspects of the formation of creative competencies of design students (using the example of the HSE School of Design). Pedagogy and education, 3, 22–48.
The subject of the study is the description and analysis of the solution of practice-oriented tasks in the bachelor's degree in a rapidly changing market of professions (using the example of the web resource of the HSE School of Design). Methodology. Using the example of the HSE School of Design, a competence-based approach to the implementation of practice-oriented education in the design field is described and analyzed. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks and verify the hypothesis put forward: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, special, reference literature on the research problem and generalization of scientific ideas and views; survey (interviewing); conversation, direct and indirect observation. Scientific novelty. The basis of the educational model of teaching designers at the HSE School of Design is the web resource of the HSE School of Design, which combines the "Map of Creative Competencies", "Student Portfolio" and "Design Laboratory". The HSE considers the Design Laboratory as a creative platform for conducting students' industrial practice and a platform for solving practice-oriented tasks of the digital society. Practical significance. A brief analysis of the basics of two educational models is given: the Bauhaus (Germany, Weimar, 1923) and the HSE School of Design (Russia, Moscow, 2021). Results. The parallels of the application of the practice-oriented Bauhaus approach in the teaching of the HSE School of Design of bachelor designers for the digital society are drawn.
higher education, professional competencies, professional development, new educational strategies, formation, general professional competence, bauhaus, map of creative competencies, creative design, level
Developing pedagogical technologies
Fu, L. (2022). Features of Professional Individuality of Chinese Students in Russian Art Universities. Pedagogy and education, 3, 49–59.
The article provides a comparative analysis of the role of the professional personality of the future artist-teacher in the professional education of China and Russia in order to build an effective process of training Chinese specialists in Russian universities. In accordance with this , the Russian and Chinese interpretation of the concepts is given: "professional individuality" and "individual educational route". The subject of the study is the study of the role of the development of an educational route in the process of training artistic personnel. The hypothesis of the study is that in order to successfully achieve pedagogical goals in working with Chinese students, it is necessary to take into account the options for building individual educational routes in Chinese universities. It also substantiates the need for drawing up educational routes in art universities, taking into account the ethnocultural and ethnopsychological characteristics of Chinese-speaking students, which is the key to the development of individuality in the profession and subsequent adaptation to the realities of their native country. Similar studies have not been undertaken in Russian before in relation to students from China studying in a modern Russian university specializing in artistic specialties. These materials can be used in the preparation of curricula and educational programs in art and pedagogical universities of Russia, taken into account in further studies of the adaptation of foreign students.
individuality, individual educational route, professional personality, artist-teacher, chinese education, Chinese student, pedagogical university, art, educational technologies, art education
Ways of upbringing
Barinova, S.G. (2022). Topical issues of the regulatory framework of domestic education. Pedagogy and education, 3, 60–68.
Important changes in the legislation of recent years require attention from practicing teachers. Competent use of the regulatory and legislative framework is necessary to achieve the planned educational results. Socio-pedagogical challenges to modern domestic education are generated by global changes in society, which cause the need for transformations not only in education, but also in related fields and institutions (culture, management, family, etc.). Accordingly, all this requires its own normative and legal understanding and registration not only in the educational process, but also in all spheres of life. The main theoretical and methodological approaches to the consideration of topical issues of domestic education in the context of state policy are systemic and complex. The state policy demonstrates an active and systematic building of the educational process: the studies of the most important concepts, the relationship with the challenges of modernity, the design of the future of today's children for new changing conditions are updated, the line of building a safe life for young generations is clearly traced. The substantive and value foundations of upbringing, the principle of a unified system of upbringing and education are legislated, the state is obliged to create conditions for self-determination and socialization that contribute to the upbringing of the best moral and civic qualities in children. The new mechanism of the organization of educational work includes work programs of education and a calendar plan of educational work. The law is aimed at the comprehensive spiritual, moral, intellectual formation of students, the development of a sense of patriotism and citizenship in them.
State politics, Law, socio-pedagogical challenges, exemplary upbringing program, upbringing development strategy, education, upbringing, Federal state educational standard, value, Family lawbook