Kotenko, V.V. (2022). The use of VR tools in the context of gamification and the introduction of game mechanics in the educational field. Modern Education, 3, 1–8.
AR and VR tools have become firmly established in the practice of teaching in foreign educational organizations. As one of the trends of the educational environment, gamification and the use of game mechanics are highlighted, which contribute to more effective involvement of students in the learning process. The form of the game retains its appeal, the ability to satisfy the needs for self-realization, competition and success. The purpose of the study is to determine the subject areas of application of AR and VR tools in modern Russian higher education based on world experience and practice. The analysis of international experience in the use of gamification and virtual and augmented reality programs, as well as an assessment of the problems of implementing these tools in Russian education is carried out. Conclusions. World experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques. The main conclusion: Modern technologies in education are currently not limited only to the availability of equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) and the Internet. Today's world experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques.
virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, game mechanics, higher education, foreign language, language learning, modern technology, introduction of gamification, introduction of modern technologies
Modern strategies and forms of education
Flerov, O.V. (2022). Features and conditions of implementation of redundancy of educational information in teaching non-linguistic students a foreign language. Modern Education, 3, 9–20.
In this paper, the issues of modeling the real communicative foreign language environment in the conditions of the institutional educational process by means of redundancy of foreign language information are considered. The role and place of this phenomenon in pedagogical science and in educational practice are designated and justified. The specific conditions and specifics of the redundancy application are considered. Thus, the object of the study is a communicative-oriented language–forming process, and the subject is the modeling of redundancy in it by foreign language means. In the paper, the author substantiates the redundancy of information as a permanent property of the modern communicative environment, which determines the importance of modeling information redundancy in modeling real social communication in the educational process. The novelty of the work lies in the consideration of information redundancy as a regulatory idea claiming to be a local private didactic principle in language teaching in the context of institutional education. Thus, the proposed work fills a gap in research on communicative language learning, in which the redundancy of foreign language information is positioned as something taken for granted and certainly positively affects the process of mastering them. As the main conclusion, the author comes to the position that the redundancy of information can claim the role of a particular didactic principle in modern language education because of its conceptuality on the one hand and specific methodological expression on the other.
information redundancy, foreign-language information, immersion method, intensive learning, teaching principle, institutional education, lexicon, differentiation principle, feasibility principle, linguo-education
Philosophy and pedagogy
Voronichev, O.E., Voronicheva, O.V. (2022). Problems of education: fiction and reality. Modern Education, 3, 21–29.
The problems of education are analyzed in close relationship with the cultural priorities of the mass consumption society.. Attention is focused on the fact that a teacher should not just be a translator of knowledge, but first of all a spiritual mentor, educator, bearer of true cultural values. Rapid scientific progress, the result of which has been noticeable, especially in recent decades, the filling of the everyday and cultural space of society with various technical innovations, has clearly actualized the problem of interaction, correlation and significance of technogenic and humanitarian components in the life of man and society. The sphere of education has turned out to be at the forefront of the confrontation of these spheres, with the obvious and aggressive dominance of the first. Signs of the crisis of modern humanitarian education are considered in the mirror of R. Young's science fiction story "30 Days in September", which describes the quite probable and already tangible consequences of the choice of a technogenic path of development by society for culture in general and the educational sphere in particular. Since material benefits are achieved and accumulated much more easily than spiritual ones, humanity needs to think about the obvious imbalance of these components of our life today and build an education system in such a way that the priority is not the desire for unified material benefits inherent in a mass consumption society, but for genuine spiritual values necessary for the development and improvement of a person as a whole personalities.
humanitarian education, teacher, culture, Robert Young, fantastic story, civilization, consumer society, robot, the dumbing down of education, leveling the personality
Innovative methodology and technology
Loseva-Rimsha, N.S. (2022). Substantiation of the use of virtual and augmented reality as a means of developing cognitive interest in children. Modern Education, 3, 30–33.
The article discusses the options for using virtual and augmented reality in education, provides a justification for their use for the development of interest in children and motivation. VR and AR tools will soon become full-fledged educational tools, as the presentation of information is interesting and understandable. And the coronavirus epidemic has attracted the attention of people forced to stay at home to online education and interactive tools that can make learning more visual. Online classes can be a great way to involve the student even more in the educational process through immersion and detail. The novelty of the research is that it was possible to justify the need for the use of virtual reality in the educational process using psychological and astrological tools. By combining astrological studies obtained by mathematical calculations with psychological knowledge, it makes it possible to build a teacher's work in the right and unique direction. Therefore, each educational product with augmented reality can be made as individual as possible by dividing children into four main groups using astrological calculations. Someone is receptive and learns more successfully with a dynamic presentation, someone from a colorful one, and there are children who perceive more chrome and static.
information technology, pedagogy, virtual reality, motivation, individual approach, psychology, astrology, organization, childhood, interest
Innovative methodology and technology
Enzhevskaya, M.V. (2022). Organization of tasks for self-training in order to form regulatory UMS for younger schoolchildren. Modern Education, 3, 34–41.
Regulatory universal learning activities occupy a central place in the organization of the ability to learn. They contribute to regulation, organization and correction in practical pedagogical activity. The development of regulatory universal educational actions is directly related to the formation of personal qualities: purposefulness, organization, independence, diligence, activity. They influence the formation of arbitrariness of thinking, behavior, communication of students, and together form the ability of students to learn independently. In the article, the conditions of formation of regulatory universal educational actions in primary school for students are considered, the features of the organization of tasks for self-preparation in order to form regulatory universal educational actions for younger schoolchildren are investigated. The experimental study proves the effectiveness of using a special self-training organization, in which students learn to independently identify problem points in their skills, independently choose tasks to eliminate the detected gaps, plan their implementation, monitor, evaluate and correct the results of their educational activities. The present study has allowed us to conclude that regulatory universal educational actions are the basis for the formation of students' core competencies. It has been empirically proved that the introduction of such forms of work as independent training into the educational process contributes to the full development of components of regulatory universal educational actions in younger schoolchildren.
correction of results, planning action, problem points, teacher, independent work, self-training, self-development, junior schoolchildren, universal learning activities, monitoring and evaluation