Abramov, R.A., Zabaznova, N.M., Khalatenkova, E.Y. (2016). Quality management of academic programs implementation as a factor of increasing demand for graduates. Modern Education, 3, 1–10.
This article analyzes the problems of preparation of the students in “State and Municipal Management” academic discipline. In order to estimate the demand for graduates of this programme and find out what their professional self-fulfillment depends on, the authors have conducted anonymous opinion survey of prestigious economic universities undergraduates (bachelor and master degree course) and graduates specialized in this sphere. The questions were about correspondence of gained academic qualification and actual occupation, the importance of degree certificate, satisfaction with education quality, attitude to different aspects of studying etc. Having organized the data and compared it with previous surveys' results the authors come to conclusion that such interdependent factors as forethought of career choice, students' vision of academic planning, approach to teaching, practice-oriented type of education are essential to professional success and application of knowledge and skills.Informants' answers helped to count out the percentage of graduates whose occupation is connected with public administration, understand the reasons of choosing relevant master course, assess the significance of acquired competence and qualification for job placement at governmental organizations. The main scientific result of the research is working out a system of recommendations aimed at increasing demand for graduates specialized in the sphere of civil service, and, consequently, improving the efficiency of investment in management training. The presented measures can be used for the further modernization of the process of educational planning and taken into notice while developing academic programs.
students, self-realization, direction of preparation, higher education, professionalism, employment, demand, quality of education., management, graduates.
Educational interaction
Bykova, N.I. (2016). The modernization of educational standards in the sphere of culture and art: current dynamics, problems and prospects. Modern Education, 3, 11–21.
The subject this work is the educational standards in the sphere of culture and art. The object is the stages of modernization of educational standards, which were implemented over the last 15 years, the problems and prospects of development. The author carefully examines the structure of the three educational standards, as well as performs a comparative analysis of the content and competencies. The article studies the state educational standard of higher professional education in specialty "Folk Arts" (2003) and federal state educational standards of higher professional education with regards to training of bachelors in discipline “Folk Artistic Culture”, which became active in 2009 and 2015. The main method of this research consists in analysis of the existing over the recent years state educational standards based on theoretical understanding of their content and implementation in pedagogical practice of Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the insightful comparative analysis of the content and competencies of the different generation standards in the area of culture and art has never been accomplished. The relevance of understanding of the current dynamics is justified by the established situation in the system of higher education due to the preparation towards approval of the new generation standards.
competencies, educational program, media education, folk art culture, credit units, educational standards, education, didactic units, screen art, content
Altunin, K.V. (2016). Development and testing of the ways of learning new English words. Modern Education, 3, 22–29.
Currently we can notice the growing interest towards the study of foreign languages, and particularly English, which became the recognized means of international communication. The number of people studying English comprises 500 million people all over the world. And this number is constantly increasing. Thus, the demand for English language, including Russia, is expanding. Moreover, each individual learning foreign language must continuously enrich his vocabulary. Therefore the ways of learning new English words arouse intense interest. The object of this research is the English language training of the college students, while the subject is the ways of learning of the English words. The goal of the work is to develop and empirically test the new ways of learning English words. The author carefully examines the developed ways of learning English words, as well as gives special attention to the writing aspect. The method of this research represents a pedagogical experiment. All of the developed ways of learning English words comprise a part of the subjective-cognitive methodic of English language teaching technique. The news methods are also being developed. The approbation of the ways of learning words was conducted in different periods, including the years 2009, 2015, and 2016. The experiments included writing dictations for testing the unfamiliar words for the students. The new coefficients which show the efficiency of one or another ways of learning, as well as memory capabilities of students, were being developed. The results of the research demonstrate that the traditional way of learning directly from the dictionary yields to the developed methods associated with the writing sector.
students, learning, approbation, unfamiliar words, elaboration, experiment, English, way, university, dictation
Values and goals of education
Kulikovskaya, I.E. (2016). Organization of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment . Modern Education, 3, 30–38.
The subject of this research is the main characteristics of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment. The author carefully examines such aspects as the characteristics of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment based on the scales for a complex assessment of the quality of education in preschool organizations ECERS. According to the parameter “Organization of play space” the following features are being revealed: “At least five different centers of interest allow the children to acquire various learning experience”; “The centers are organized so the children can use them independently”; “The additional materials are available for the purpose of making changes in the structure of the centers”. Special attention is given to the centers of interests of the children in subject-spatial environment. During the course of this research the author used the following methodology: The ideas of connection, interconditionality, and integration of the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world, wholeness of an individual, its natural, social, and cultural essence (B. A. Ananyev, I. S. Kon, and others); The ideas of upbringing as a process of individual development and formation of values of the preschooler (L. V. Abdulmanova, I. E. Kulikovskaya, N. E. Tatarintseva, R. M. Chumicheva, and others); The concept of polycultural education (O. V. Gukalenko, G. S. Denisova. L. L. Suprunova, and others); The theory of polycultural educational space (V. P. Borisenkov, O. V. Gukalenko, A. Y. Danilyuk). The author concludes that the polycultural subject-spatial environment is in high demand if the main educational value consists in the development of child’s personality, as well as his self-realization. Such environment creates a field for the cognitive development of a child, emergence of his own understandable world that reflects the living space. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment based in accordance with the international requirements.
General culture of a child, Cognitive development of a child, Cultural conformity, National culture, Centers of interests of a child, Playing space, Preschool , Polyculture, Preschool education, Subject-spatial environment
Modern strategies and forms of education
Gryaznova, E.V. (2016). IT-competency in the information culture of municipal education management. Modern Education, 3, 39–50.
The subject of this work is the IT-competence in the information culture of municipal education management. The object is the municipal Informatization of education management. The author examines the main reasons of the inefficient application of the results of Informatization of education management at the municipal level. Special attention is paid to the problem of formation of the IT-competence of the municipal officials. Particularly, it is proposed to develop the algorithms for the purpose of improvement of IT- competencies of the municipal officials based on the continuous and advanced education. The structure of the It-competencies suggests the three basic components: cognitive, axiological, and praxeological. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the substantiation of the following position: in order to prevent the risks associated with the inefficient application of the results of Informatization of education system, it is necessary to develop the algorithms of increase of the IT-competencies of the municipal officials based on the continuous and advanced training. At the same time, such type of professional competencies must be a systemic element of information culture of education management.
information culture, municipal program, continuous education, advanced education, IT-competence, municipal education management, Informatization of education, school e-portal, e-government, educational services
Innovative methodology and technology
Larionova, O.G., Dorofeev, A.V. (2016). Methodical peculiarities of projection of the lecture-presentation. Modern Education, 3, 51–58.
The subject of this research is the application of the information-communication technologies in education. The object is the methodical approaches towards the construction of lectures-presentations in the college math course. Computer technologies allow integrating the productive aspects of the various educational methodic, as well as their effective realization in the new form of lectures. The article presents the experience of development and realization of the lectures-presentations for math course based on the principles of cognitive visualization. The lecture-presentation is aimed at intensification of the student educational activity and increase of the efficiency of education. The lectures-presentations are being developed using the Microsoft Power Point for static and dynamic representation of information. The educational presentation by animation and control of the screen can enrich the process of cognitive activity through illustrating what cannot be presented verbally. The proper developed and performed lecture-presentation also activates the processes of perception and digestion of information, and allows to significantly intensity the educational activity of the students, provide the methodological grounds for educational and scientific activity.
information and communication technology, math course, recreative imagination, visualization process , thoughtform, cognitive visualization, Lecture-presentation, management of educational activities, intensification of training, training method
Effectiveness of training
Lazareva, I.N. (2016). The internal reserves of PRC’s highly efficient education: professional-pedagogical component. Modern Education, 3, 59–66.
Among the countries with the high coefficient in the quality of education, special interest arouses the People’s Republic of China, and particularly Shanghai system, which demonstrated the remarkable results. The world competitiveness of the Shanghai model of education is explained by a number of circumstances, including the readiness of the teacher to work in highly efficient educational systems. The author examines the advantages of the interactive mechanism of Shanghai model in the professional-pedagogical aspect (system of professional promotion, expertise of the quality of teacher’s work, training of the teachers during the working hours). The trajectory of the advanced training for teachers is presented in the dynamics of transformation – from methodically appropriate subject teacher to pedagogue-researcher. Based on the study of the materials provided by the Center on International Education Benchmarking and empirical approaches towards the solution of primary tasks proposed by the PRC State Education Commission, it is determined that the continuous training of pedagogues in the groups of professional growth under the conditions of rational organization of labor, became an efficient strategic solution in the area of implementation of the national strategy of increasing of the quality of education. Such experience is valuable for those who are interested in high results of modernization and renovation of the Russian educational systems.
People's Republic of China, basic education, quality of education, meaningfulness, professional development, advanced training, Shanghai model of education, career ladder, professional pedagogue, professional life
Knowledge and understanding
Abramov, R.A., Sokolov, M.S., Khalatenkova, E.Y., Zhigarev, K.S. (2016). Decreasing corruption of higher education in private colleges . Modern Education, 3, 67–78.
The subject of this research is the private educational facilities. The article shows the aspects of private educational facilities in the conditions of transformation of the education system. It is demonstrated that corruption is caused by decline in the quality of education and emergence of a number of educational facilities which set their main goal to be making profit without mediating social response. Russia’s structure of private education is seen as a branch of the educational market, which recently started to take the vector of institutionalization. The period of establishment of the image component is viewed as an applied aspect. The authors used the following methods: analytical for identification of the structure of place and role of private educational facilities; economic and statistical for the analysis of financial and economic component of the functioning of higher education facilities; as well as structural for determination of corruption in the private education. The scientific novelty of the research lies in determination of the main causes of corruption phenomena in private education, which include the decline in the quality of the research work, lack of opportunities on modernization of technical base and narrow-specialized disciplines in preparation of personnel for the highly competitive labor market with the minimal knowledge necessary for the formation of a competitive specialist.
competition, higher education, decrease of corruption, education system, labor market, reform, corruption, private college, factors, development.
Individual approach in education
Kitova, E. (2016). Professional competency of the foreign language educator in preparation of the scientific-pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate school. Modern Education, 3, 79–84.
This article is dedicated to the problems of preparation of personnel of higher qualification. The object of this research is the teaching of foreign language with regards to the programs of training of the scientific-pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate school. The subject is the problem that emerges in educator’s practice in controlling the understanding of the narrowly-specialized scientific articles by the post-graduates. The author introduces the definition of a professional competency of an educator, as well as substantiates its necessity. The structure of professional competency consisting of the linguistic, terminological, and scientific-communicative competency is being developed. Special attention is given to the terminological competency as the main component of professional competency of the foreign language educator, who introduces the programs of scientific-pedagogical personnel training in the postgraduate school. The polling demonstrated that educators face the problem of proper understanding of the narrowly-specialized texts and scientific articles because they have just the linguistic education. The main conclusion consists in formulation of the new definition of “professional competency” of the foreign language educator in preparation of the scientific-pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate school.
Special terminology, Term systems, Control of understanding, Methodology, Scientific-communicative competency, Linguistic competency, Scientific-pedagogical personnel, Postgraduate school, Foreign language, Professional competency of the educator
Mass information processing in training
Semilet, T.A., Vitvinchuk, V.V., Manskov, S.A. (2016). Mass communication theories: the problem of systematization for didactic purposes. Modern Education, 3, 85–93.
The subject of this research is the optimal model of systematization of the theory of mass communication. The authors analyze the existing models of systematization of theories of mass media, particularly presented in the following works from the position of their grounds and didactic optimality: “Mass Communication in Modern World: Methodology of Analysis and Practical Studies” by M. Nazarov, “Communication Theory by G. Pocheptsov, A First Look at Communication Theory” by E. Griffin, “Mass Communication and the Problem of Reality Construction: Overview of the General Theoretical Approaches” by E. Dyakova and A. Trakhtenberg, and “Mass Communication: Western Theories and Concepts” by G. Bakulev. The authors suggest their own model of systematization of the theories of mass communication, which is based on the most essential characteristics of mass communication as the social system (theory of social essence of mass communication, theory of structure, functions and dysfunctions of mass communications, theory and concept of the effects of mass communication, theory of the normative status of mass communication processes, “new media” as a factors of transformation of the communication system, as well as their characteristics), and grouping of the theories by the principle of examination and understanding of these characteristics from the perspective of most reputable and renowned authors in communication science.
communication study, teaching practice, scientific traditions, approaches, models, paradigms, mass media theories, systemic-structural approach, university education, systematization of theories
The communication process
Yasin, M.I. (2016). The attitude of the deaf and hearing-impaired people towards inclusive education. Modern Education, 3, 94–100.
This article examined the problem of inclusive education from the perspective of sociology of education. An attempt to implement the inclusive education is considered a zone of social controversy. The transformation of specialized educational facilities into the inclusive is rather rapid and does not take into account that the educational facilities are not ready to provide a quality learning process. Especially there are multiple flaws in providing education for the deaf and hearing-impaired students. The subject of this work is the opinion of the deaf and hearing-impaired students, pedagogues and sign language interpreters working in educational facilities for the deaf, with regards to the modern status and prospects of the inclusive education. Among the positive features of inclusions the respondents consider the increase of social adaptation of the deaf and hearing-impaired, as well as the tolerance of society towards people with disabilities. However, the prospects of acquiring a quality education are assessed as negative if compared with specialized education. The majority of the respondents voted for the ability to make choice between the two educational systems. The opinions of the targeted audience adequately reflect the discourse among pedagogues: the schools are not ready for the inclusion; and currently such technique is rather inclined towards socialization, which in many ways contradicts the quality of education.
hearing limitations, surdopedagogy, disabled, hard of hearing, deaf, problems of inclusive education, public opinion, inclusive education, social adaptation, educational sociology
Adult games
Snegireva, L.V. (2016). Electronic education in the bilingual environment of medical university . Modern Education, 3, 101–108.
This article presents the results of the study on the demand of the main elements of electronic education by foreign students that are implemented in the educational process of medical university while working with English language. The author examines the advantages and flaws of the presented elements of electronic education in the bilingual environment, as well as the questions of the necessity of their comprehensive application in combination with the traditional methods of education in the higher school. Based on the empirical material, the author conducts a research of the aspects of purposefulness of implementation of various elements of electronic education for the establishment of cultural and professional competency of foreign students with the different level of educational and learning activity. The prospects of implementation of the main elements of electronic education alongside the measures on increasing its efficiency for the foreign students in English language are being reviewed. The goal of this work is to examine the specificity of implementation of electronic education in the bilingual environment of medical university.
Advantages of electronic education, Medical education, Elements of electronic education, Bilingual environment, Specificity of electronic education, Demand for electronic education, Academic score, Efficiency of electronic education, Higher education, Electronic education