Pedagogical ideal
Chistyakova, E. (2014). Elimination of Legal Ignorance of Young People. Modern Education, 2, 60–70.
In article problems of legal culture of youth, and backwardness of the modern Russian legislation regarding a regulation of the rights and obligations of the main institutes of socialization are covered.Conclusions that legal illiteracy, discrepancy of the legislation providing realization of youth policy in various spheres, but, and its bases, are the reasons of legal nihilism among youth are drawn. The purposeful state youth policy directed on increase of level of legal culture among youth is necessary for permission of these and other problems. Keywords: legal culture, legal consciousness, legal nihilism, legal education, state youth policyTheoretical and methodological basis of article are works which are in the center of attention of scientists, lawyers, sociologists, political scientists, philosophers, historians. In modern science bases of the general theory of sense of justice and legal education are already developed. It is necessary to distinguish works of the following authors from them: E.V. Agranovskaya, P.P. Baranov, A.B. Vengerov, N. V. Vitruk, V. I. Goy-man, D. A. Kerimov, N. M. Keyzerov, B. A. Kistyakovsky, V. N. Kudryavtsev, E.V. Kuznetsov, E.A. Lukasheva, N. I. Matuzov, A.B. Mickiewicz, B.C. Nersesyantsa, T.N. Radko, A.R. Ratinov, I.F. Ryabko, V.P. Salnikov, A.P. Semitko, E.H. Trubetskoy, B. N. Chicherin, T.M. Shamba, V.A. Shchegortsev. Scientific novelty of article consists that in it an attempt to investigate a role of legal education of youth in the modern world, in the conditions of economic, political and cultural globalization is made. The found negative phenomena in the youth environment, such as teenage drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, lack of employment, crime, homelessness on the one hand, insufficiency of use of means of pedagogical activity in formation of legal consciousness of youth, and also need of modern society for active citizens and low level of legal competence of the population, especially younger generation – with another. Noted contradictions caused statement of a problem - search of ways of increase of legal education of youth.All this staticize the considered problem. One of the most actual problems of modern Russian society is unwillingness of citizens, and youth first of all, to participate in political and social life. Special concern is caused by tendencies to a passive position among youth. The problems connected with the organization of legal education are, actual as their theoretical, legal and practical permission will allow to lift prestige of the right and to cultivate respect for the law at youth; to create conditions for development of civil and legal activity. The practical importance of work is defined by its orientation on the solution of topical issues of further improvement of legal education of youth. The theoretical provisions containing in article can promote the solution of a number of practical problems, in particular improvement of system, forms and methods of legal education of youth in modern society. In the article practical recommendations about improvement of legal education of youth are made.
Russian National Portal, youth, civil awareness, state youth policy, legal education, law nihilism, legal awareness, legal culture, elimination of legal ignorance, civil society