Soloveichik M.V..
Organization of the activities of the prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2024. № 4.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72446 EDN: RZZHJD URL:
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the organization of the activities of the prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. The object of the study is the main directions of the organization of prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. The study of the experience of organizing the activities of prison guards of the specified period in our country is necessary to understand the origins of the organization of services for the maintenance and protection of persons in modern similar institutions. The author used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, description, comparison. It was necessary to study the historical experience of the organization of the prison service of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century in order to understand the main strengths and weaknesses of these measures to ensure the safety and security of persons in custody. It was concluded that the activities in penitentiaries depended on the situation in the country from the point of view of the law enforcement legislation. Therefore, every penitantiary employee must remember that tricks of the persons held in custody will be circumvent if made by competent preventive actions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the historical experience of prison guards in order to adopt positive aspects and exclude violations of the conditions of service of modern places of detention of suspects and accused of committing a crime.
camera, supervision, search, arrest, prisoner, jail, security, escape, guards, riots
Fedotova M.M..
The history of Russian criminal proceedings against minors
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2022. № 1.
P. 40-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2022.1.36975 URL:
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the development of the historical path of the procedural status of a minor in the framework of criminal proceedings. The author substantiates the need to study its development in order to prevent mistakes of the past and develop modern legislation taking into account the historical procedural past. The object of the research is the analysis of Russian legislation in the historical context and the influence of the social and political situation on the relations of the legislator and minor participants in the criminal process. When writing the article, the author relied on the use of system-structural and structural-functional methods, which allowed to reveal the features and patterns of evolution of both criminal proceedings and juvenile law. The author proposes to consider the evolution of Russian criminal proceedings against minors through five main periods, starting from the legislation of Ancient Russia to the present day. For each of the selected periods, he identifies characteristic and specific features that in one way or another characterize the procedural features of criminal proceedings in criminal cases against minors. The main conclusions of the research conducted by the author are to identify the features and patterns of the historical period, the social and political levels of development of society and Russian legislation in general and criminal procedure legislation in particular. The author comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to solve modern legislative problems that stand in criminal proceedings against minors without taking into account historical experience. This approach helps to understand not only the historical path of the formation of the Russian criminal process in relation to minors, but also to take into account the peculiarities of mentality when solving existing controversial or problematic issues regarding the procedural status of minors.
judicial reform, juvenile court, criminal proceedings, criminal prosecution, Russian legislation, rights and obligations, minor, procedural status, criminal proceedings, historical periodization
Erin D.A..
Organisation and Activity of the Soviet Police of the RSFSR During the Period Since 1918 Till 1922 (the Case Study of Industrial, Water, Railway Police)
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2018. № 3.
P. 32-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2018.3.27163 URL:
The subject of the research is the organizational and legal regulation of the activities of the specialized types of Soviet police - railway, water (river) and industrial — to ensure the economic security of the RSFSR. The object of the research is the social relations that have developed about the activities of the Soviet police in the period 1918-1922. On the basis of the analysis of the normative legal acts of the Soviet government, departmental orders and instructions of the NKVD of the RSFSR, the organization and activities of the specialized types of Soviet militia, as well as their main activities, are examined through the lens of the economic security of the Soviet Republic. The study is based on a set of general scientific, private and special methods. In particular, the dialectical method of cognition was widely used, based on objectivity, scientific character, historicism, the unity of historical and logical, which serves as the basis for an objective study of state-legal institutions in the context of their historical development. As a result of the research, the author concludes that specialized types of police of the RSFSR (railway, water (river) and industrial) made a significant contribution to ensuring the economic security of the RSFSR during the civil war and foreign intervention. Besides, the author of the article notes that the experience of the functioning of the railway, water (river) and industrial militia was in demand with the subsequent development of the domestic system of internal affairs bodies.
law enforcement agencies of the RSFSR, internal Affairs bodies, economic security, industrial police, water police, railway police, Soviet police of the RSFSR, civil war, OF THE RSFSR NKVD, The October revolution
Sergeev A..
Police Supervision at Industrial Facilities of the Russian Empire at the End of the XIXth - Beginning of the XXth Century (the Case Study of the Vyatka Province)
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2018. № 3.
P. 42-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2018.3.27210 URL:
The subject of the research is the main problems of the establishment and development of factory police in the Vyatka Province in terms of the economic upturn of the late XIX - early XX centuries, growth of the working class and the deterioration of the crime situation in cities and factory villages. The role of the provincial administration and the factory management in solving the issue of improving the efficiency of law enforcement in industrial enterprises is shown. The level of material well-being and professionalism of police officers is analyzed. The methodological and theoretical foundations of the research are based on the principles of consistency, objectivity, comparativism and historicism. The author has applied historical-systemic, historical-comparative, and historical-legal methods. Based on the research, it was concluded that the formation of factory police in the Vyatka Province as well as in Russia as a whole took place spontaneously, without a clear plan and preliminary preparation, and the effectiveness of law enforcement at industrial enterprises remained low due to insufficient professionalism. and material support of the police personnel. The results of the study can be used in the development of special courses and writing manuals on the history of the Russian police.
sergeant, general police, crime, police guard, working class, Vyatka Province, factory police, law enforcement, policeman, police supervision