Police enforcement
Kurakin, A.V. (2023). Once again about the doctrinal understanding of the terminology of "administrative-tort law". Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2023.4.48493
The author considers such a category as "administrative offense". This issue is important from the point of view of the application of administrative responsibility, since it is this illegal act that can be the basis of the corresponding type of legal liability. The paper draws attention to the signs of an administrative offense, special attention is paid to such a sign of an administrative offense as "public danger" and "public harmfulness". After analyzing various points of view, the author came to the conclusion that an administrative offense may have varying degrees of public danger. The importance of such a category as "administrative offense" will be determined by its functionality in countering administrative delicacy. Disclosure of the signs of an administrative offense, and elements of its composition, can make it possible to improve the quality of the process of qualification of administrative offenses. The author also considers such categories as "administrative punishment" and "administrative responsibility" this issue is important from the point of view of the application of administrative coercion in general. Administrative punishment is the most serious measure of influence of an administrative and legal nature, it is administrative penalties that most measures of administrative coercion are subject to. The author noted that the importance of such a category as "administrative punishment" is predetermined by its functionality in countering the commission of administrative offenses. Disclosure of the essence of administrative punishment may make it possible to balance private and public interests in the application of various measures of administrative responsibility, as well as to avoid violations of the requirements of legality and the rights of citizens. The author reveals in great detail the essence of administrative responsibility, namely administrative responsibility is a procedural form for the implementation of administrative penalties.
coercion, form, harm, danger, composition, sanction, punishment, responsibility, offense, restriction
The police and criminal procedure
Kutsev, V.V. (2023). Level, structure and dynamics of drug trafficking. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 23–32. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2023.4.69549
The subject of this study is the level, structure and dynamics of crimes in the field of illicit drug trafficking. Some indicators of official statistics related to the operational situation in the fight against drug trafficking in the country are considered (the number of registered crimes, identification and suppression of drug distribution channels, etc.). The purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed analysis of statistical data on crimes related to drug trafficking, identify current problems in the fight against drug crime and formulate proposals for eliminating them. General scientific methods of cognition were used: the method of statistical analysis; method of analysis, synthesis; comparative method; methods of induction, deduction. An analysis of scientific literature has shown that the issues of drug crime are studied in domestic doctrine by many authors. In theory, issues related to crime rates, the impact of illegal migration on the drug situation in Russia, and the problems of investigating drug crimes committed using information technologies have been worked out. However, some aspects require further study. Within the framework of this study, an attempt was made to identify from the entire array the most pressing problems that require a speedy solution. In particular, it is proposed to reconsider the issue of the availability of electronic devices (vapes, electronic cigarettes) used by adolescents and young people to use psychoactive substances. A ban on the use of such devices should be established at the legislative level. It is concluded that the fight against drug crime must be comprehensive and carried out at several levels, including the prevention of drug crimes among minors.
migration registration, migrants, migration flows, national security, psychotropic substances, drug crime, drugs, drug trafficking, drug situation, supply channels
Professional training of police officers
Vorozhtsov, A.M., Zhukov, V.M. (2023). Determination of motivation and the level of development of competencies in the study of the discipline "fire training" at the Faculty of vocational training. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 33–41. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2023.4.43959
The article provides an analysis of the questionnaire of students of the Faculty of Vocational Training of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who have completed training in the discipline "Fire training". The survey was conducted on the issues of determining motivation to study the discipline of fire training and the quality of its assimilation. The authors conducted a survey among students of departmental educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, during which their inherent expectations from training and learning outcomes were determined. The sample consisted of 78 students. Based on the results obtained, one of the main tasks of educational organizations will be solved – training specialists for independent practical activity. It was revealed that the majority of students have mastered the training program and have formed the necessary competencies in their official activities. The answers to the questionnaire questions provided the authors with empirical material for their research. The described pedagogical technology for the formation of competencies related to the use of firearms with the help of situational tasks made it possible to achieve the goal of their formation in future specialists. The stated pedagogical technologies for determining motivation and the level of development of competencies in the study of the discipline "fire training" will allow us to achieve the goal of our work, which is to increase the level of productivity through interdisciplinary and interdepartmental integration in the learning process.
practical orientation, professional abilities, professional knowledge, interdepartmental integration, motivation, interdisciplinary integration, situational tasks, shooting exercises, the use of firearms, fire training
The police and the institutions of civil society
Desiatova, O.V. (2023). Conditions for the formation of public trust in the police in the context of improving law enforcement. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 42–54. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2023.4.69053
The article deals with the actual problem of forming public trust in the police as a social institution. It is stated that in recent years there has been an increase in public confidence in the police, but there is still a significant resource to increase it. A number of reasons and conditions preventing the formation of a positive public opinion about the police are analyzed. Attention is focused on the implementation of the image of the police and its work with young people. As a result of the study, the most significant reasons and conditions contributing to the growth of public trust in the context of improving law enforcement are identified and substantiated. The author describes in sufficient detail the conditions affecting the formation of the assessment of public opinion about the police. The positive/negative factors of the external environment affecting the vital activity of citizens in the subordinate territory, but not included in the direct competence and functionality of the police, are considered. To solve the tasks and verify the initial theoretical positions, a set of research methods was used: universal dialectical, logical, formal-legal, teleological. The conditions of direct and indirect influence on the formation of public trust in the police include the following: high results of police activity in the protection of public order and public safety; the current situation in the subordinate administrative area, interaction with the district police commissioner; favorable/unfavorable environmental conditions (the number of unemployed, living conditions, leisure conditions, etc.); information circulating in society (mass media, mass media); implementation of the image policy of the law enforcement agency, the activities of public councils; involvement of the active part of youth in social partnership for the maintenance of law and order and crime prevention. The police, as the most active social factor in building relations with the population, need to strengthen the influence of positive conditions of interaction and channels of communication with citizens, public associations and government agencies, and minimize the influence of negative conditions considered in this study, which will contribute to increasing public confidence in the police and improving law enforcement.
prevention, public safety, stability, young people, law enforcement activities, police, public trust, social partnership, interaction, countering crime
Professional training of police officers
Khilyuk, S.O., Abrosimova, P.A. (2023). Legal Guarantees for Police Officers when Citizens Take Photos and Videos of their Official Activities. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 55–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2023.6.39514
This study's objective is the interaction of employees of internal affairs bodies with mass media. The subject of the study is the legal basis for the interaction of internal affairs officers with the media, the requirements, and the procedure for preparing for such interaction. The purpose of the study is to identify the legitimate grounds for the use of photo and video devices to capture the activities of police officers, as well as the procedure for training police officers to interact with the media. The study uses theoretical research methods (interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents, systematization, comparison, and generalization). In this article, the authors reviewed the regulatory documents explaining the rights to capture photos and videos of police officers’ professional activities. The practical significance of this study lies in the legal justification of the legality of the use of photo and video tools in the activities of police officers made by the authors based on the analyzed normative legal acts, studied federal laws and departmental orders communicative requirements for police communication with the media, as well as the experience presented by the authors on the formation of the readiness of future police officers to interact with the mass media at the stage of training in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ educational organizations. So, according to the authors, for the successful preparation of future police officers for interaction with the media, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions, including conducting communication training, creating a cadet press center, studying a special academic discipline, as well as the constant involvement of students in interaction with the media.
citizens, video filming, taking photos, science and technologies progress, competence, communications, press center, training, police officer, mass media