Preventative work of the police
Teunaev, A.S., Cherkasova, A.M. (2021). COVID-19 and criminality in Russia. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 113.
At the present time, the global community is facing unprecedented development of a pandemic which has created a threat to internal and external security of countries. The COVID-19 containment policy helped minimize the negative consequences of governmental, social, information, environmental and economic nature and, to a greater extent, negative effects on personal safety. The authors consider Russian and foreign researches on the issue of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the negative effects of the deadly virus. The detected trends and patterns of criminality in Russia in the period of the pandemic will help develop effective measures for the prevention of delinquencies. The system approach used for explaining the dynamic rates of transformation of criminality deserves high attention. Besides, the authors use the comparative-legal, the logic-legal and the statistical research methods. The main result of the research is the analysis of the state of criminality in Russia in the period of lockdown. The detected positive and negative indicators are explained in terms of changed circumstances. Special attention is given to criminal activities involving information technologies in the context of their duplication. All the above mentioned factors require urgent steps to be taken aimed at the prevention of delinquencies involving information and telecommunication technologies. A comprehensive approach is needed along with a prompt response aimed at the prevention of mass victimization of vulnerable segments of the population.
information and telecommunication technologies, prevention, quantitative indicators, criminology, COVID-19, deterrence policies, fraud, crime, pandemic, cybercrime
Preventative work of the police
Goncharov, D.Y. (2021). Classification of factors determining criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 1425.
The research object is criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure. The research subject is the combination of factors determining criminality in this sphere. The topicality of such a classification is conditioned by a special role of the housing and utilities infrastructure in the country’s economy. All crimes committed in the housing and utilities infrastructure, trespassing upon property, also threaten public safety. The author uses general scientific methods of dialectics, analysis and generalization, as well as specific methods of summarizing and grouping. The author formulates the classification of factors determining criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure. The classification is based on the distinction between objective (external) and subjective (internal) factors. The former ones are historically determined, i.e. caused by the existing mechanisms functioning in the sphere, which can be overwhelmed only by means of reforming the regulating legislation and modernizing the engineer infrastructure. The latter ones are caused by the drawbacks in the organization of public authorities supervising the housing and utilities infrastructure, and law enforcement bodies. The proposed determination system allows organizing comprehensive and targeted planning of measures preventing this type of criminality.
theft, factors, classification, determination, HCS, housing and communal services, crime, production of resources, counteraction, managing organizations
The police and protection of human rights
Gonov, S.K., Milovanov, A.V. (2021). Topical questions of crime prevention in the Darknet. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 2634.
The article considers the topical issue of a significant growth of crimes in the field of information technologies most of which are committed in the dark and hidden web. The research object is social relations in the sphere of Internet crime prevention. The research subject is the methods and mechanisms of crimes using information systems, and the technologies of information safety provision and deanonymization. The main task of the research is to develop the scientifically-grounded ideas aimed at the enhancement of the technique of analysis and assessment of crimes committed via information and telecommunication systems. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the authors systematize, generalize and analyze the standard mechanisms of committing crimes using information technologies. Based on this analysis, the authors formulate suggestions and recommendations. The article considers the main methods and mechanisms of information safety provision (anonymity on the Internet, and some promising technologies of deanonymization which can be used in the process of crime detection and investigation. The authors formulate a basic model of an offender which can be used for a primary profiling of a criminal. They also formulate an approach to the assessment of his potential which takes into account the peculiarities of using computer equipment in criminal activities in information and telecommunication networks.
anonymity, crime detection, attacker model, deanonymization methods, crime, Darknet, information and telecommunication networks, shadow Internet, potential assessment, crime analysis
Problems of ensuring law-adherence and discipline in police work
Sarygina, E.S., Safonova, T.B. (2021). Particular aspects of the use of judicial accounting expertise results for the investigation of corruption-related crimes
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 3541.
The research subject is scientific and methodological patterns of a judicial expertise in the field of accounting research of state-funded organizations which are the most sensitive to corruption-related offences. The research object is investigatory and expert assessment of the use of the results of judicial accounting expertise for proving in investigating corruption-related crimes. Special attention is given to particular problems related to the mechanism of use of the results of such accounting research by investigators. To acquire evidentiary information about the case, one needs to analyze the report of an expert accountant as a possible evidence, while it is not possible to attach it to the case without its legality assessment. Only a careful reading of the research results by the person, who has initiated expertise, can help detect corruption-related circumstances. The authors of the article attempt at covering the range of problems which can lead to the consideration of a report of an expert accountant as an incomopetent evidence. On the other hand, the authors note that the analysis of accounting expertise helps investigators to establish or check facts not available to other experts. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the authors attempt at forming an overall picture of the mechanism of the use of judicial accounting expertise results for the investigation of corruption-related crimes.
economic investigation, expert errors, economic crimes, non-profit organizations, forensic investigation, forensic accounting investigation, corruption crimes, use of results investigation, forensic economic investigation, evidence
Question at hand
Badalyan, K.O., Sabanin, S.N. (2021). Peculiarities of the nature of intentional non-payment for energy loss cost at electrical grid facilities
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 4256.
The research subject is theoretical and practical developments of the need for legislative regulation of a legal prohibition of intentional non-payment for energy loss cost at electrical grid facilities. The research object is social relations ensuring legal protection against electrical energy misuse by electrical grid facilities. The authors study the distinction between the non-payment for actual energy loss cost and the similar civil wrongs. Special attention is given to subjective and objective signs which should be established in order to classify the offense as the illegal use of electric energy which has caused property damage to the energy supplier. The research methodology is based on the general dialectical, logicalm formal-legal, hermeneutical, and statistical research methods. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the imposition of criminal responsibility for deliberate non-payment for electric energy loss at electrical grid facilities is an area of concern in a current law enforcement practice as it requires the establishment of an objective and subjective parties to an offence and its distinguishing from other civil wrongs. The absence of a common strategy of imposition of criminal liability on those responsible can cause the growth of the number of illegal and unreasonable decisions during a pre-investigation review, and therefore, the growth of equivalent crimes. It explains the need for the optimization of legal measures by means of amending the current Resolution of the Supreme Court Plenum, or the article 165 of the Criminal Court of the Russian Federation with a new regulation on illegal use of electric energy.
end users of electricity, causing property damage, guaranteeing suppliers, other owners, non-contractual consumption, network organizations, illegal use of electricity, loss of electricity, actual power losses, llegal electricity consumption