The police and the institutions of civil society
Ostrovskaya, A.S. (2020). Citizens registration as a part of the activities of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 1–11.
The subject of research in this article is citizens registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation as one of the primary activities of internal affairs bodies. The purpose of the research is to analyze the registration activity of internal affairs bodies in the field of migration, theorize its independence, and develop scientific and methodical recommendations on how to improve Russia’s legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of interest with account for the modern demands of Russian society. The author uses both general scientific (historical, dialectical, comparative, deductive and inductive), and special legal research methods, such as the comparative legal method. The topicality of the research is determined by the undervaluation, in the author’s opinion, of the role of citizens registration in the Russian Federation in the field of national security provision, and by the necessity to create a more efficient system of quantitative accounting of the population in the Russian Federation compared with the current registration system. Currently, the optimal ways to improve the system of citizens registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation are being searched for.
citizen, freedom, address, law, accounting, responsibility, police, Russion Federation, passport, state, country
Forensic activities and police work
Nesmiyanova, I.O. (2020). On the issue of studying a person’s skin for diagnostic and identification purposes
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 12–20.
More than a hundred years has passed since fingerprints found on crime scenes started to be used for the identification of a criminal. Nowadays, fingerprints are of considerable interest for crime solution and investigation. While ridge patterns are formed during fetal life and don’t change during the life-time, lines and wrinkles are formed later, and change over time. Therefore, the author considers the possibility to use the parts of a person’s skin - lines and wrinkles - for identification. This problem hasn’t been described sufficiently enough in special literature, that’s why additional research will help improve the procedure of using skin wrinkles in practical activities during crime solution and investigation. The purpose of the research is to detect the patterns influencing the transformation of lines and wrinkles. The author uses the general scientific methods of cognition, especially observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The research is aimed at the assessment of the possibility to use lines and wrinkles of a person’s skin for identification. Thus, the presence and the localization of wrinkles is an informative diagnostic criterion helping to acquire information about the gender, age, and profession of an unknown person. The author also believes that lines and wrinkles can be used for personal identification.
fingerprint examination, information, specific feat, general feat, folds wrinkles, papillary patterns, fingerprints, identification, forensic examination, inspection of the scene
Operative investigation in police work
Meretukov, G.M., Pomazanov, V.V., Gritsaev, S.I. (2020). Some issues of using iodine vapour and ozone-air mixture in law-enforcement intelligence operations for finding fingerprints for the purpose of crimes investigation
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 21–25.
The object of research in this article is the activities of a person who had left fingerprints and the activities of a law-enforcement officer using a mobile device generating iodine vapour aimed at the detection of a person suspected of having committed an offence, and the treatment of the detected fingerprint with ozone-air mixture which would decolourise it. A complex of a mobile device for treating fingerprints with iodine vapour, photographic and video equipment, and an ozonator will increase the effectiveness of investigative activities of p[erative units during law-enforcement intelligence operations. The research is based on the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods: observation, experiment, comparison, description, measurement, etc., and general logical methods and research techniques. The scientific novelty consists in the creation of a way to use iodine vapour and ozone-air mixture to treat fingerprints, which would help to get the suspect’s fingerprints quickly, without disarranging the evidences, without any traces after the registration of a fingerprint, and without the seizure of the object bearing the fingerprint. Such a mechanism used during law-enforcement intelligence operations would help identify the person suspected of having committed an offence.
identification study, iodine vapor, tracing, trace identification, fingerprints, Operational-search activity, comparative study, ozonizer, ozone-air mixture, forensic records
Financial and economical functions of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities and institutions
Kurakin, A.V., Karpukhin, D.V. (2020). Problems of legal confirmation of evidence of a control activity in the government sector. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 26–34.
The topicality of the research consists in the necessity to enhance the state’s control function aimed at the improvement of effectiveness of the internal and the external financial control for the purpose of prevention and extinction of misappropriation of state funds. One of the key tasks in this direction is the improvement of effectiveness of control activities in the finance sector. Evidentiary material is the fundamental category of law. However, whilst the problem of evidence has been thoroughly studied within law-enforcement legal process, it has been considered only superficially within control legal process, and hasn’t been scientifically studied yet. The authors use the system method; the structural-functional method, which helps to detect the essence of the key elements of the evidentiary process; the components of sociological methodology basically aimed at the development of substantiation of the assessment of the modern state of legal regulation of control activities and confirmation of evidence. The purpose of the research is to consider the evidence used during control activities by the officials of the Accounts Chamber and the Federal Treasury with the aim to analyze the equality of the material definitions formulating them and the real procedural forms. The research object is social relations emerging during control activities of the internal and the external financial control involving the Federal Treasury and the Accounts Chamber. The research subject is legal provisions regulating the process of gathering and confirmation of evidence during control activities by the officials of the Federal Treasury and the Accounts Chamber. The practical importance of the research consists in the formulation of suggestions for the improvement of legal provisions regulating the control process in the financial sector.
act of control measures, procedural registration, inspector, financial sphere, control action, evidence, protocol, victim's testimony, testimony, financial control
Question at hand
Nagornov, K.I. (2020). Topical issues of the improvement of the procedure of registration and counting of restrictive, coercive and disciplinary measures and punishments
. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 35–47.
The author considers the issue of the necessity and feasibility of regulating the procedure of counting a restrictive measure as a court-imposed disciplinary punishment, counting the served disciplinary term as a term of punishment, and counting the served term as a disciplinary measure. The research subject is the particular provisions of the current legislation regulating the institution of coercive measures and the judicial practice of imposition of restrictive and disciplinary measures on minors, and particular provisions of foreign legislation regulating this sphere. The research methodology is based on the combination of methods of scientific cognition, including the comparative-legal, formal-legal, and statistical methods, and the methods of logic analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and generalization. The author suggests amending chapter 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a provision regulating the procedure of registration and counting of a restrictive measure when imposing a disciplinary measure, and the term of a served part of the disciplinary measure when defining the term of punishment, and the formal criteria of transforming the imposed punishment into a coercive measure.
house arrest, preventive measure, measure of punishment, release from punishment, exemption from liability, coercive measures of educational influence, juveniles, custodial placement, credit and accounting, foreign experience