Professional training of police officers
Chernykh, V.V., Kutygin, Y.A. (2018). The Issues of Weapons Proficiency Training at Internal Affairs Agencies from the Point of View of Effective Legal Acts. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 1–8.
The article is devoted to the legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that regulate the procedure of weapons proficiency training, weapons firing standards and exercises, and the procedure of training staff for other positions at internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation. The authors describe the experience in practical implementation of these legal acts during arrangement and conduction of military training (weapons training) as well as problems that may arise and relevant solutions. In their research the authors have applied theoretical research methods (axiomatic method) and general-logical methods (analysis, generalisation, induction, analogy, systems approach). The main results of the research is the recommendations made by the authors about how to change current legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that regulate the procedure of weapons training in internal affairs agencies that would allow to raise efficiency of such exercises and consequently the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia officials in the sphere of weapons firing.
fire training theory, fire training levels, employee training, security measures, instruction, fire training practice, fire training instructor, fire training, action with a weapon, fire training technique
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Shimshilova, E.S., Bukalerova, L.A. (2018). Countering corruption-related crimes committed in business entities: international-legal fundamentals
. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 9–21.
The authors discuss such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of international standards in the sphere of responsibility for the deeds infringing on the interests of the service in business entities. The authors reveal that in the international law there are two independent forms of legal responsibility for corruption-related crimes: criminal responsibility and civil responsibility. However, public and private responsibility can be imposed simultaneously for one and the same corruption-related crimes. The article also studies the documents of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), which Russia also belongs to. These documents are particularly important in terms of establishing international standards of countering corruption-related crimes. The proposed set of methodological and analytical instruments is the evolution of research methods, well-known and widely applied by the legal science. These instruments guarantee reliability and trustability of the expected results. The authors formulate the following conclusions: the international law prioritises criminal responsibility for corruption-related crimes in business entities; the UNO’s documents contain a wider list of corruption-related crimes than the EU’s documents; all international acts admit that the imposition of criminal responsibility on a legal entity for corruption-related crimes committed in business entities does not exclude the possibility to impose criminal responsibility on a private individual for the same deed. The authors emphasize that a deed should be intentional. Most provisions of international documents have already been implemented within the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The issue of the possibility to impose criminal responsibility on legal entities for corruption-related crimes committed in business entities is worth further studying.
legal entities, responsibility, commercial organizations, criminal law, European Community, UN, jus gentium, corruption, officials, implementation
Forensic activities and police work
Erdolatov, C.S. (2018). The circumstances of a racket case as an element of forensic characteristic. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 22–28.
The article studies the modern theoretical views on the circumstances of racket crimes. The author uses such research methods as generalization, analysis and synthesis. The data about the circumstances of a racket case, which is a core of forensic characteristic, is described by the author in its relation with other elements. To solve the research tasks, the author analyzes the main theoretical views of forensic specialists on the very content of the circumstances of a crime in general, and racket in particular. The author detects the key elements of the circumstances of crimes of this category, including their interrelation with temporal and spatial parameters. The study reflects the significance and the tasks which can be solved upon establishing temporal parameters of a racket case. Based on the research and analysis, the author concludes that it is necessary to consider the circumstances of a racket case as a consistent holistic element of forensic characteristic of crimes on the two mentioned levels.
accomplices, forecasting, time parameters, spatial parameters, organized extortions, a crime, committing, furnishings, extortion, forensic characteristic
Forensic activities and police work
Sebyakin, A.G. (2018). Analysis of the information about connections between subscribers and the use of its results to investigate crimes . Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 29–38.
The article studies the tactical peculiarities of acquiring and using the information about the connections between subscribers, the possibilities to use it in terms of the investigative situation, the version of a crime mechanism and the criminal’s behavioral pattern. The author analyzes typical investigative situations, develops the algorithms of acquiring the information about the connections of subscribers, describes the necessary investigative activities, considers the common tasks which should be solved to acquire significant data inextricably connected with the circumstances of a crime. The author notes that tactical methods of analysis of the information about the subscribers’ connections are not comprehensive; their generation depends on the level of development of professional and analytical thinking of the investigator. The author uses general scientific and specific research methods including analysis and synthesis, deductive, inductive and systems methods, normative-logical method and other methods of cognition. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of interconnections between typical investigative situations, possible tasks and the tactics of investigative activities. The interaction between the investigator and the informed person on all stages of acquisition and analysis of the information about the connections between subscribers in most investigative activities helps achieve positive results which can be effectively used for crimes investigating.
expert, specialist, forensic examination, seizure of information, survey of terrain, communications, geolocation, connection of abonents, tactics of investigative actions, investigative situation
Professional training of police officers
Kolegov, A.L., Voiloshnikov, O.D. (2018). Particular aspects in the description of the submission hold “Freedom of movement restriction by thrust hammerlock” in legal documents regulating physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 39–46.
The research subject is the set of legal documents regulating physical training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The author has found out that these documents contain different descriptions of the technique of the submission hold “Freedom of movement restriction by thrust hammerlock”. The research is aimed at forming a universal and more precise description of this submission hold. The authors apply general scientific methods of cognition (analysis and synthesis) and specific methods - comparative and systems approach. Since the Physical training organization regulations for the internal affairs bodies contain the description of the submission hold which does not reflect all the requirements to the technique, it can cause injuries and can lead to ambiguous interpreting. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the author’s formulation of the description of the hold and this universal description can help optimize the process of physical training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
skillful, physical training, Instruction on the organization, painful tricks, Restrictions on freedom of movement, description of pain, application, painful, reception, ATS officers