The police and protection of human rights
Anokhin, S.A. (2016). The Role of Internal Affairs Agencies in Ensuring Environmental Security. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 15.
Environmental safety carried out by the internal affairs bodies by means of various honeys and aimed both at ensuring the protection of public order and safety and the protection of nature (forest fauna), detection and suppression of violations of shooting rules. Monitoring compliance with the rules of production, storage, transportation and use of substances tear and irritating for equipment of special means of defence not only provides security but also the environment (atmosphere).
environmental security, police, environment, environmental disturbances, nature-oriented activity, site protection, restraint of violation, violation of law, environmental value, supervision
The police and protection of human rights
Doroshenko, O.M. (2016). Exercise of Powers Granted to Police to Detect and Prevent Juvenile Crime. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 612.
The artice is devoted to the activities of law-enforcement bodies, and the main divisions of police for identification and suppression of the offenses made by minors. Illegal acts of teenagers which became widespread now are considered. Circumstances about a tendency of growth and ways of activities of police for suppression of these acts are considered. The measures of administrative suppression realized by police officers in counteraction to offenses of minors are an independent kind of measures of administrative coercion and possess all signs of the last. The measures of administrative suppression realized by police officers in counteraction to offenses of minors are an independent kind of measures of administrative coercion and possess all signs of the last. The main conclusions in system of the administrative coercion applied by police officers to minors, measures of administrative suppression hold a specific place that is explained by duality of their target orientation: a) to stop the made illegal behavior, having protected the public relations protected by the law; b) not to allow illegal behavior to develop into penal act, having provided a possibility of realization of an arsenal educational and prophylactics for formation from the potential violator of socially useful personality.
staff member, offense, curb, uncover, wrongful acts, juvenile, adolescence, police, hooliganism, assault
The police and protection of human rights
Belyaeva, E.R. (2016). Motives and Purposes of the Falsification of Operational- Investigative Activities as Elements of the Forensic Characteristic of the Crime. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 1321.
In the present article the author in detail considers such elements of the criminalistic characteristic as motive and the purpose of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations. The motive and the purpose of commission of this crime differentiates concepts. Besides such motives of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations as self-interest, revenge in detail are considered by the author, interests of service and other personal interest in a false manner understood, are specified by the purposes of commission of this type of a crime: criminal prosecution of the person, obviously not privy to commission of crime; honor infliction of harm, to the advantage and business reputation; satisfaction of departmental, corporate interests and satisfaction of personal interests. Complex application general scientific and chastnonauchnykh of methods of knowledge. Osnovanno on the conceptual provisions which are contained in works of scientists - jurists, criminalists, psychologists, philosophers, experts in theories of information, recognition, the organization of work, optimum control. Novelty of research is that the author has for the first time in detail studied elements of the criminalistic characteristic. Motives of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations, and also the purpose of commission of this type of a crime are investigated. On the basis of the presented materials can be offered corresponding organizationally - the tactical recommendations connected with identification, disclosure and investigation of this type of crimes at an initial stage of investigation.
False- understood interests of the service, forensic characterization, The elements of criminological characteristics, Falsification of operational- investigative activi, Operatively -search activity, criminalistics, Other personal zaiteresovannost, motive, goal, lucre
Forms of police activity
Sukharenko, A.N., Polukarov, A.V. (2016). Russia-Argentina Collaboration in the Sphere of Criminal Justice. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 2229.
The subject of the article is the problems of legal and organizational character connected with the international cooperation of Russia and Argentina in the criminal and legal sphere. The author in detail carries out the theoretical legal analysis of concepts of legal regulation by the international cooperation of Russia and Argentina in the criminal and legal sphere. Author's positions concerning concept of legal international cooperation are considered. The main attention in article is paid developments of methods and methodology of the international cooperation. Besides, in article the theoretical legal analysis of concepts of concepts of development international and criminal in modern conditions is carried out. The methodological basis of article was made by modern achievements of the theory of knowledge. In the course of research all-philosophical methods (dialectics, a system method, the analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, supervision, modeling), traditionally legal methods (formal and logical), and also the methods used in concrete and sociological researches were applied as well as all-philosophical, theoretical methods (statistical, expert estimates, etc.). Article contains the analysis of provisions of the Russia-Argentina contracts "About Mutual Aid on Criminal Cases" and "About Delivery" ratified at the end of 2015. The special attention is paid to questions of criminal prosecution and delivery of criminals of both countries, including for serving sentence in the form of imprisonment.The main contribution which is made by authors in the present article it is need of development of the international cooperation for the criminal and legal sphere. Novelty of article consists in development of offers on development of forms and methods of the international cooperation in the criminal and legal sphere between Russia and Argentina
crime, legal, issuance, criminal, Argentina, collaboration, extradition, persecution, freedom, law
The police and criminal procedure
Khamidullin, R.S., Andronik, N.A. (2016). Examination Tactics in Investigative Situations When . Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 3034.
The subject of research is regularities of the organization and production of investigative action - interrogation in investigative a situation arising in the course of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Object of research are the public relations arising during disclosure and investigation of crimes including between the investigator and suspected (defendant), and also other persons at the conclusion of the pre-judicial cooperation agreement. The special attention in research is paid to an order preparation and productions of interrogation of suspected (defendant) in various investigative situations. In work the complex general scientific and the chastnonauchnykh of methods of knowledge which include such methods as a standard and logical method, a system method, synthesis, the analysis, deduction, induction and other methods of research activity is used. Tactics of production of interrogation depending on an initial investigative situation is important for disclosure and investigation of crimes. The algorithm of actions which is truly chosen by the investigator by production of interrogation directly influences desire of suspected (defendant) to cooperate with the investigation by the conclusion of the pre-judicial cooperation agreement.
tactical and forensic software, defender, accused, suspect, investigator, tactics, examination, criminalistics, planning, investigative situation
Forensic activities and police work
Khamidullin, R.S., Malykh, A.A. (2016). Experience in Applying Special Expertise When Viewing Places of Occurence in Russia and USA. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 3542.
Object of research are regularities of tactics of carrying out inspection of the scene, application of the known technical and criminalistic means and methods, and also approbations and introductions of new foreign scientific developments in this area. Object of research are the public relations arising when carrying out investigative action - inspection of the scene. Authors in detail consider aspects of inspection of the scene as the preliminary investigation of criminal cases of investigative action, most widespread and necessary in all cases. The special attention is paid to experience of police of foreign countries. In work the complex general scientific and the chastnonauchnykh of methods of knowledge which include such methods as a standard and logical method, a system method, synthesis, the analysis, deduction, induction and other methods of research activity is used. Improvement of tactics of carrying out inspection of the scene, application of already known technical and criminalistic means, and also approbations and introductions of new scientific developments in this area is one of the main tasks of criminalistics today. Survey is not only the most widespread and necessary investigative action at investigation of all categories of crimes, but also rather difficult and volume procedural action.
technical support, expert criminalist, investigator, view of place of occurence, foreign experience, tactics, inspection, view, criminalistics, footprints, technical means
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Polukarov, A.V. (2016). Peculiarities of an Object of Bribery in the Sphere of Health Care. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 4348.
It should be noted that now the bribery in health system is put on a stream, reaches huge scales, there is an opinion that 40% of "pocket payments" are the share medics of those services which rely free of charge. The author in this work conducts research the financial relations between the doctor and the patient often which often are under construction on an informal basis and on the basis of the received results tries to develop definition of object and an object of a bribe in health care sector, and also in system of pharmaceutics. The methodological basis of research are general scientific methods (a system and structural method, an analogy method, the general logical receptions: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), and also special methods of legal research (comparative method, extrapolation method, legallistic method, etc.) . The main conclusion of the conducted research - the object of bribery in health care, as well as in other social sphere is more multidimensional. According to the author, besides the public relations protecting government bases, as object it is necessary to recognize the public relations protecting bases of the social sphere, area of social protection of the citizens who have got into a difficult life situation including children without parental support, disabled people and other groups of citizens, protection of public health.
health care, bribery, administrative responsibility, criminal law, size of bribe, national security, social sphere, object of bribery, administrative activity, state authorities