The police and the institutions of civil society
Lapina, M.A. (2015). Transparency of Public Administration and Civil Service as a Universal Principle of Sustainable Development of the Information Society. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 117.
The subject of the article is the disclosure of the concept of the information society in the scientific and educational literature as well as the importance of the principle of transparency of public administration for the sustainable development of the information society. The analysis of existing international and national regulations, containing the principle of transparency (openness, transparency) in public administration and public service showed a direct correlation with the development of the information society. At present, the principle of transparency is found in international agreements and national regulations, that are actively being developed on the scientific and methodological levels. However, this principle is not always clearly indicated in the basic regulations governing the civil service of the Russian Federation and the development of public administration, which creates the need to consolidate the regulatory principle of the sustainable development of the information society. The general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, comparative method, system analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling) and traditional legal methods (formal logic) and techniques used in practical surveys (expert judgment and others) have been applied during the study. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that it is necessary to establish a normative principle of transparency in laws and regulations in the field of public administration of the Russian Federation. The main contribution that is made by the author, is the comparative analysis of the terms "information society" and "transparency" ("openness") of public administration and the civil service for their close relationship with respect to the construction and sustainable development of the information society and improving the quality of life of citizens. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author offers her own model of sustainable development of the information society on the basis of the universal principle of transparency of public administration.
Information society, public administration, the civil service, the principles of public service, transparency, openness, transparency, sustainable development, citizen, civil society
The police and the institutions of civil society
Menshikova, N.S. (2015). Teaching Tolerance as the Subject of Collaborative Activities of Police and Civil Society Institutions in the Russian Federation. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 1830.
The subject of the present research is the main directions of collaborate activities undertaken by the Russian police and civil society institutions to teach tolerance to the population. Special emphasis is made on the interaction between internal affairs bodies and religious organizations on the matters of teaching tolerance to young people in the XXIth century. In her article Menshikova describes procedural and institutional basis of collaborate activities of police and religious organizations aimed at developing the culture of tolerance and preventing inter-religious and inter-ethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the research involves general scientific methods (theoretical law method, systems approach, comparative law method). The author has also used the methods of the theoretical modeling and interpretation of legal ideas, laws and regulations. The scientific novelty of the research is caused, first of all, by the author's attempt to conduct a comprehensive analysis of laws and regulations that fix the forms and directions of cooperation between police and civil society institutions on teaching tolerance, such analysis has never been presented in the academic literature, as well as the author's description of the main directions of such cooperation in today's Russia. At the end of the article the author comes to the conclusion that being the most authoritative religious organization in Russia the Russian Orthodox Church plays an active role as an ally of police and government in the sphere of teaching the culture of tolerance, extremism prevention, terrorism and other crimes committed on national or inter-religious grounds. In modern Russia tolerance is the foundation of civil peace. Thus, collaborative activities of law enforcement authorities and religious organizations in the spheres of spiritual, moral and humanitarian education and prevention of inter-religious and inter-ethnic conflicts are the key to guaranteeing society's and state's security and safety.
tolerance, police, bodies of internal affairs, institutions of civil society, religious organizations, interaction, culture of tolerance, regulatory framework of tolerance, inter-religious, inter-ethnic conflicts, Russian Orthodox Church
Reforming and upgrading the police
Golovin, Y.A. (2015). About the Possibility of Implementing the Classifier of Functions and Competences of State Authorities in the Activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 3141.
The object of the present research is the social relations arising in the sphere of information and administrative law in the process of systematization of activities of state administrative authorities based on the science developed classification as well as the social relations arising in the process of implementation of such classification by state authorities, in particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This approach to systematization of functions and competences is quite popular in European countries. Thus, the subject of the present article is the analysis of the classifier of functions of state administrative authorities. According to the author, implementation of such classification will allow to differentiate between competences of law enforcement authorities as well as to conduct an in-depth analysis of performance targets and their accomplishment. A set of general scientific and specific research methods of social and legal nature have been used by the author in the process of preparation of this article. The methodological basis of the research involves the dialectical method including principles of objectivity, comprehensiveness, historicism and specific truth. General research methods used by the author include analysis, synthesis, comparison and measurement. Specific research method used by the author is the comparative law method. The main conclusion of the research is that it is possible to create an overall Russian classifier of functions and competences of state administrative authorities based on the structure and experience of COFOG. The author also emphasizes the need to implement a standard classifier of fucntions and competences by law enforcement agencies. The article has been written as part of the research 'Improvement of legal regulation of information relations in the system of executive authority (R&D No. 115070810135)' under the guidance of PhD in Law, Associate Professor A. Ostroushko.
KFGOU, Qualifier, state bodies functions, Ministry of Internal Affairs, systematization, the powers of state bodies, international experience, implementation, encoding information, systematization methodology
The police and criminal procedure
Khamidullin, R.S. (2015). Tactics of Application of the Rules for Plea Bargaining in Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 4253.
The subject of the research is the patterns of involving suspects and accused persons into cooperation through the conclusion of a pretrial agreement on cooperation in combating illicit trafficking of narcotic substances. The object of the research is the public relations arising in the process of detection and investigation of crimes in the sphere of illegal turnover of narcotic substances and their precursors. Special attention is paid to the tactical features of using members of the criminal groups and communities for the purpose of law enforcement. The author also emphasizes the need for developing the Institution of Pre-trial Agreement on Cooperation in combating such crime. In his study the author has used a set of general and special scientific methods of research including such methods as standard logical method, system method, synthesis, analysis, deduction, induction and other research methods. The main conclusion of the study is the that the author emphasizes the need to implement the Institution as regulated by Chapter 40.1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as well as other elements of tactical support of the investigator in the fight against illicit trafficking of narcotic substances. This will significantly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of detection and investigation of such offences.
Attraction to cooperation, accused, tactical operation, pre-trial agreement, suspect, tactics, defender, interaction, planning, Attorney
Forensic activities and police work
Komarov, A.A. (2015). Criminological Research of Corruption in Higher Education: the Problem of the Empirical Material. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 5467.
In his research Komarov has focused on the problem of extraction of empirical information (data) from existing sources for the purpose of conducting a full criminological research. The researcher has analyzed both official sources and their data regarding the level of corruption in the sphere of education as well as corruption issues determined by the doctrine of criminal law and criminology. Komarov has also analyzed the quality of criminological research sources on the matters of corruption in the sphere of education. The author performs a critical evaluation of activities conducted by state authorities and nongovernmental agencies as well as particular scientists in order to assess the level of corruption in the sphere of education. Thus, the research methodology has predetermined the need to create a classification of the sources of criminologically important information about the level of corruption depending on the degree of their accuracy and completeness. The main conclusion of the research is that the majority of existing sources on corruption and corruption offences in Russia are actually 'hidden' from members of the general public, which obviously influences the course and results of criminological researches. Thus, the declared principle of 'transparency' is, in fact, not fulfilled in the sphere of anticorruption efforts in our country.
criminology, corruption, method, education, Scientific research, civil society organizations, civil society, empirical data, a warning, crime statistics
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Ryabchenko, O.N. (2015). On the Question about Order Management as an Object of Crime. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 6884.
One of the difficult and unsolved problems of the Russian criminal and legal science is the definition of the object of crimes against administrative order. Despite numerous attempts, this problem still remains an unresolved issue of Russian criminal and legal science. From the point of view of methodology it is important to distinguish, at least, two directions of the scientific discussions with different shades of meaning: discussions about the object of crimes of the studied group of offences in general and discussions about the maintenance of an order of management as a patrimonial object of crime. The methodology of the research involves a set of general scientific and specific research methods based on the principles of scientific objectivity, systemacity and historicism. Such selection of research methods is caused by the research object, subject, objectives and problems. Based on the analysis of the concepts presented in literature, the author of the article makes a conclusion that it is obviously possible to introduce more clarity into the existing system of knowledge about the object of crimes against administrative order. The object of such crime should be the public relations arising between citizens, on the one hand, and both the government and municipal bodies (representatives of these bodies), on the other hand, in the course of administrative activity of the latter.
order management, management relations, object of the crime, causing harm, social sphere, criminal law, corruption-related crimes, definitions, international legal instruments, the rule of law