The police and protection of human rights
Kurakin, A.V. (2013). Social policy and Russian police. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 1–23.
The article concerns legal and organizational problems of implementation of social policy within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the legislation on social guarantees for the police personnel and formulates proposals for the improvement of the social policy. In order to form modern police forces, to make law-enforcement service in the internal affairs bodies more prestigious, there is need to form a legal mechanism for the social protection of internal affairs bodies personnel. The priority goal is to improve the level of legal and social protection of the police staff, as an element of social and legal protection of a person in the Russian Federation. The police salaries are important for making police work prestigious, and for the support of rule of law and discipline of the personnel. Special status of police officers presupposes the state insurance of his life and health. Every police officer has a right for protection of health and medical aid. The officers are also provided with the traffic documents for any type of public transportation.
police, state, police officer, protection, guarding, guarantees, compensation, insurance, benefit, management
Supervision of the police
Vinokurov, A.Y. (2013). Prosecutor supervision over compliance with laws by the police: object and limitations to competence. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 24–44.
In this article the author analyzes the specific features of prosecutor supervision over the implementation of laws by the police, formulating object and limitations of supervision in this sphere, defining this type of activity as an inter-branch direction of supervisory activities of the prosecutors. Taking into account the varied character of the prosecution system of the Russian Federation attention is paid to the issues of distinguishing competence of territorial prosecutors and prosecutors of specialized prosecution offices in organization and implementation of supervision over compliance with laws by the police. Within the framework of prosecutor supervision there is an independent branch - supervision over protection of basic rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen. It is pointed out that supervision over compliance with the law by the police within the framework of its main spheres of competence is a complex activity, which is united by the objects of prosecution supervision in several divisions. It is concluded that the supervision over the compliance with the laws by the police is a complex direction of prosecutor supervision, which is aimed at guaranteeing lawfulness in the process of performance of its functions by the police within the main spheres of its competence.
prosecutor, prosecution bodies, prosecutor supervision, object of supervision, police, activities, law, Federal Law, Investigation Committee, the Russian Federation
Administrative activity of the police
Trofimov, O.E. (2013). Legal regulation of searching as a security measure on transportation and transportation infrastructure objects. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 45–55.
The article concerns legal and organizational fundamentals for the transportation and aviation security, the author analyzes specific features of this type of security, discussing specificities of aviation and railway security as well. In the conditions of profound economic reforms and changes in the geopolitical position of Russia there is need for a balanced state transportation policy, which would pay due attention to the specific features of transportation and its role in economic and social processes. At the same time due to the inertià of transportation system, which is due to the large amount of capitals needed, long periods of construction and reconstruction of large transportation objects, or formation of the new types of vehicles, the goals in the sphere of transportation should be taken care of not only for a short-term perspective, but also for a longer periods. Searching is performed by competent officials. The article describes rights and obligations of the staff of the aviation security services and the staff of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of transportation. The author also views methods and procedural specificities of personal search of passengers.
transportation, aviation, security, accident, automobile, transit line, control, economics, infrastructure, protectedness
Preventative work of the police
Afon'kin, G.P. (2013). Modern problems of legal guarantees of criminal responsibility for family (domestic) violence in Russia. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 56–74.
It is noted in the article that violence inevitably appears in all spheres of human communication, which involve submission of will of one person or group of persons to another, including the relations between family members, social groups, classes and entire peoples, no matter what the level of development of society is. It also should be noted that violence may be interpreted as a purposive forceful coercion of one subject over another subject, which is performed with a certain goal against the agreement, will and interests of the latter subject. The author singles out types and forms of family (domestic) violence. Violence in families becomes a problems, which threatens the fundamentals of the public scurity, undermines its moral and ethical values, and has a negative impact upon the development of the state as a whole. Solution of the problem of family violence is only possible when a complex approach is used, and target events are held in order to arrange prophylactics of violent acts, also the conditions should be formed for the rehabilitatoin of violence victims, formation of normative legal basis regarding responsibility for the offences and crimes committed in families.
family, spouses, violence, coercion, sex, female, group, will, domestic, home
Professional training of police officers
Dikarev, V.G., Grigor'ev, V.N. (2013). Modern teaching organization methods for retraining within the framework of advanced professional training of the officers of law enforcement bodies . Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 75–89.
The article provides a description of teaching in the framework of professional retraining and advanced training of the officers of the Internal Affairs bodies in accordance with the (innovative) module-and-block model and introduction of an active form of teaching into the teaching process. The advanced training in the system of advanced training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as an advanced training after graduation for those who are providing official service in the sphere of public order guarantees. The article describes main goals of this teaching and its innovative characteristics. It is noted that application of innovative methods and teaching has a positive impact upon the professional skills of students. Necessity of advanced studies and improvement of professional knowledge and skills are required to serve in accordance with the current legislation and the progressive experience in the law enforcement services of Russia and foreign countries in the sphere of fighting crime.
teaching, training, retraining, block, module, logic, variety, innovation, education, police
Foreign police forces
Mantsurov, A.Y. (2013). Fundamentals of the cadres work in the people's police of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 90–103.
In this article the author evaluates specific features of organization of the cadres work in the people's police of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, and, more specifically, the normative legal basis regulating the service and professional training in the people's police of the MPS of the PRC. The service in the MPS of the PRC is well-paid and prestigious, and the competition for the positions in the police is great. Special attention is paid to working with the cadres in Chinese police. There are many programs for training and advanced training of the staff. The Chinese police officers regularly take study trips to the European and North American states. The service in the MPS in the PRC is considered to be very prestigious, and the police are respected and trusted by the population. The police salary is comparable with the incomes of medium-scale businessmen or medium-range state officials. The Chinese policemen value their positions in the police, and cases of violation of service discipline or corruption are exceptionally rare.
cadres work, people's police, the People's Republic of China, China, public security, table of ranks, public order, armed people's police, the MPS of PRC, discipline
Foreign police forces
Solomatina, E.A. (2013). Legal regulation of police activities in foreign states. Police and Investigative Activity, 3, 104–118.
The article concerns legal and organizational problems of formation of police structures in a number of industrially developed states. It is noted that in the process of formation of police structures, there appeared a complex of problems due to objective and subjective factors. Nevertheless, many foreign states have manage to form efficient police forces. Historical value of education and police activities as an independent state institution at the time was due to the fact that it was one of the strongest and most efficient instruments for the formation of centralized statehoods in the largest states of continental Europe of that time: France, Austria, Prussia, Russia. The armed forces are rarely used for protection of public order in everyday life of a democratic state. The police activities in the modern democratic states are defined by two main models of its organization: Continental European model, and the Anglo-Saxon model. The legal guarantees of anti-terrorism activities provide the basis for the efficient fight against domestic crimes, and for the interaction for the purpose of fighting international terrorism.
police, police supervision, police coercion, police regulation, police work, evaluation criteria, police apparatus, police forces, foreign states, police officer