The police and protection of human rights
Guykin, V.A. (2013). Slaughters of Korean People in Japan in 1923 and the Role of Police. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 121.
In 1910 Korea became part of the Japanese Empire. By 1925, 103 thousand of Korean workers who migrated to Japan consisted of builders (54.5 %), factory workers (28%), miners (8.3 %), servants and housekeepers (6.7 %) and dockers (1.8%). Specific mentality of Japanese people and how they perceived the world had a cetain impact on their attitude to immigrants. As the research of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held in 1925 showed, Japanese viewed Koreans as the 'lower race'.This article is the first one in Russian historiography to describe and analyze the reasons of the Korean massacres in Japan in September of 1923. According to the author, the reasons were: 1) Japanese government tried to transfer the citizens' discontent on Korean Diaspora; 2) even though anti-Korean attitudes seemed spontaneous, the author believes it to be the results of induced will of the Japanese government. The professor of the University of Tokyo Uesugi Sinkiti critisized the government's actions towards Korean Diaspora. He clamed that police actually circulated rumors against Korean people and arrested and killed many innocent people.
Rice Riots, police, ethnic discrimination, dzikeidan, Korean programs, Korean Diaspora, earthquake in Kanto, Japan, Korean colonization, mass panic
Legal status of police officers
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V. (2013). Principles of Organization and Activity by Russian Police. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 2249.
The authors of the article study problems of enforcement and implementation of constitutional principles in activities of the Russian police and mechanisms of implementation of administrative principles in activities conducted by police officers. The authors also analyze principles of operation of police service in the sphere of protection of citizens' rights and legal interests. The authors describe particular reasons that led to formation of negative processes in security agencies. The authors explain the importance of reformation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and describe the role, place and contents of organization and activity of the Russian police as it is stated in the Federal Law 'On Police'. The authors also stress out particular disadvantages fo this Federal Law and make suggestions on how to improve it.
protection, principle, organization, rights, police officer, agency, police, Ministry, cooperation, society
Administrative activity of the police
Tseluiko, A.V. (2013). On the Formation of the Moscow Metro Infrastructure and Law-Enforcement Agencies That Provide for its Safety. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 5061.
The article is devoted to the history of development of law enforcement agencies providing safety at the Moscow Metro. The author of the article notes that there are still many unsolved issues in security of metro services. The author also describes the history of designing and constructing the Moscow Metro and underlines that the question about security and safety of the metro was raised at the very moment of the Metro being constructed. The author analyzes such security measures as creation of the Group for Metro Protection and 'Security Guidelines for Militsia Officers'. Noteworthy that the Moscow Metro was used as a bomb-proof shelter during the Great Patriotic War. The main targets of the Department of Militsia at the Moscow Metro are enforcement of law and order and prevention of terroristic acts. The author of the article describe the following measures undertaken by the Russian government in order to increase safety of the Moscow Metro: implementation of specialized technical means and information terminals and passing a decree 'On Creation of a Complex System of Public Security in Transport'. Advanced technologies and equipment can actually allow to better protect the Moscow Metro and enable the further development of the Moscow metro services.
Moscow metro, Militsia Department, Complex program, safety, metro service, infrastructure, terrorism, police officer, security, counter action
The police and criminal procedure
Terekhov, A.Y. (2013). On the Question about the Grounds for Selecting a Method of Collection of Evidence During the Pre-Trial Criminal Proceeding. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 6276.
The article is devoted to the questions about the grounds of investigative or other procedural actions in the course of pre-trial criminal procedure. The author of the article describes the scope of activities performed by an investigator and underlines its creative nature. He also offers definitions of the grounds of investigative procedures as they are described in the theory of criminal procedures. The author of the article focuses on the grounds for selecting a method of collection of evidence and describes general and particular aspects of this matter. General grounds must necessarily include the analysis and evalution of circumstances of a committed criminal act.It is underlined that the better founded investigative solutions are, the more efficient the procedure can be and the more guarantees of observing criminal law and constitutional principles can be fulfilled. The atuhor also describe different types of the grounds of investigative solutions. It is stressed out that an investigative action should be planned in order to discover new facts and data. In conclusion, the author states that there is a serious need in providing a legislative framework for creating common rules for performing and recording procedural actions aimed at collection of evidence.
investigator, criminal proceeding, procedure grounds, knowledge, evidence, pre-trial investigation, investigative actions, criminal trial, inquiry officer, procedural action
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Muradyan, S.V. (2013). Intitutional Grounds for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism in the European Union. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 7790.
The article is devoted to institutional grounds for the suppression of the financing of terrorism in the European Union. The author of the article describes the reasons of creation of Eurojust in the EU as well as targets and scope of activities of agency. The author also considers coordinating functions of Europol and the reasons of creation of that agency as well. Special attention is paid at analyzing the scope of activities conducted by the European Police Office (Europol) and European agency of justice (Eurojust) in the sphere of the suppression of the financing of terrorism. The author also describes the process of cooperation between Europol and the Russian Federation on the matter of prevention, detention, suppression and investigation of crime including terrorism and financing of terrorism. The author provides a detailed description of Europol actions on fighting with terrorism and pays special attention at the suppression of the financing of terrorism. The author also describes activities carried out by the operating unit of Europol that consists of representatives of different national security services. The Council of the Ministers coordinate actions between Europol, Eurojust and Operative unit. The author of the article also makes suggestions on how the European legislation system could have been improved.
European Union, cooperation, crime, suppression, trans-national, Europol, Eurojust, terrorism, financing, counteraction
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Sochnev, D.V., Abasov, M.M. (2013). Basic Types and the Most Common Forms of International Terrorism. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 91108.
The authors of the present article view legislation of foreign states in the sphere of fight against terrorism. The authors analyze provisions of the anti-terrorism Conventions created in the USA, Japan, CIS, Europe and Central Asian States. The authors underline the important of creating international Programs on prevention, discovery, suppression and investigation of acts of terrorism in different countries. The global community pays much attention at creating the legislative framework of fighting against terrorism and extremism. The authors of the prsent article offer a classification of types and forms of terrorism. They describe each type and offer different classifications of terrorism depending on the method of producing affect on objects, the weapon and the environment where acts of terrorism happen. According to the authors, it is necessary to determine a particular type or form of terrorism in order to establish adequate measures on investigation, prevention and suppression of such acts of terrorism. Despite the fact that terrorism as an international phenomenon has appeared not so long ago, the global community has already accumulated much experience in the sphere of legal regulation of fighting against terrorism.
terrorism, extremism, classification of forms of terrorism, bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, law, confession, convention, fundamentalism, Al-Qaeda