The police and protection of human rights
Admiralova, I.A., Grishin, Y.N. (2012). Preparation and Implementation of the 'Detention of Criminal' Strategy in Investigations of Human Trafficking. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 111.
The article is devoted to very important issues, investigation of human traficking and relation of such organizations with groups of terrorists. The authors of the article compare different definitions of the term 'strategy' and find the most preferred variant. The authors describe typical investigative situations that may arise during detection of criminal and release of victim as well as terms and conditions to follow in order to conduct a successful detention of suspect in human trafficking. The strategy of 'detention of criminal' is described stage by stage. The authors also pay their attention at the stage of preparation for detention when information about suspect and place of detention is reviewed. The authors analyze statistics concerning places of detention and describe the process of detention of criminal and release of victim. The authors describe methods of detention at apartment buildings, places of employment of participants in human trafficking and places of receiving the ransom. The authors analyze a case when the location of victim is not known and offer plans of actions for police officials and investigators participating in implementation of such strategies.
human trafficking, investigative measures, strategy, detention, release of victim
Administrative activity of the police
Eliseev, A.V., Sal'nikov, M.M. (2012). Management of a Complex Automated Information Analysis System (CAIAS) 'Safe City' in Activities Performed by Internal Affairs Agencies. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 1236.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational issues of ensuring safety and security in cities and other populated places. The authors of the article describe organizational mechanisms of functioning of the system 'Safe City' and formulate suggestions on how to improve the management of security enforcement. In the Russian Federation the main purpose of prevention of law violations is to create a national system of crime prevention. This system contributes to struggle against crime. The 'Safe City' system has proved to be efficient. It has actually allowed to reduce the rate of crime and increase the rate of crime discovery. The authors of the article describe the purposes and goals of the Safe City system as well as its stucture and modules. Creation of a unified system of social security has made a positive effect on performance of internal agencies by reducing the time of response to law violation. Common space of information all over Russi, analytical structures and clear instructions allow to establish an efficient system of state security.
Safe City, prevention of law violations, regional programs, public safety, road traffic, populated place, security, police interactions
Foreign police forces
Kikot'-Glukhodedova, T.V. (2012). Functioning of the System of Internal Security in the Mechanism of Government of the USA. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 3746.
The article is devoted to the legal and organizational grounds of functioning of the system of internal security in the mechanism of government of the USA. Police is taking up the leading position in the system of internal security there. It is also noted that a typical feature of the American system of intenal security is a traditional usage of elements and parts of the US armed forces. The system of internal security consists of the two levels, the federal level and the level of federative constituents. An important feature of police activities in the USA is the fact that police of states and cities does not have a strict hierarchy system. The authors of the article describe the main tasks of police agencies at US states. Regional police organizations perform decentralized activity. The National Guards suppress domestic disturbances in time of peace. In case the local authorities cannot manage extreme situations on their own, they ask for federative support. In Russia the national system of internal security has been developed based on democracy principles and national peculiarities of our country.
security, police, USA, threat, risk, sovereignty, system, control, politics, state institution
The issues of interaction between police and other law enforcement authorities and institutions
Vinnikov, A.V. (2012). Language Studies, Law and 'Definitions'. On Linguistic Issues of Justice and Society. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 47134.
Linguistic issues of justice include problems with judicial and police translations, secret speeches when national languages are used and the tendency towards denial of law and 'life according social standards' as the society starts to speak slang more. The author of the article carries out a comparative analysis of institutions of police officers and translators in Russia and developed foreign countries. All over the world the law allows to use translation services conducted by any physical entities speaking a foreign languae. Sworn, certified and licensed translators whose participation is not required by the law sabotage the split in the system of law enforcement. At the end of the article the author concludes that it would be advisable to further develop existing judicial translation agencies and their cooperation with pthe police. The author underlines that it is impossible just to borrow foreign experience without adjusting it to the needs of the Russian Feeration. The author also offers his own criteria for defining a translator's competence and states that both the Russian government and society tend to deny the law.
'police' translation, judicial translation, sworn translator, secret languages, judicial translators, criminal lingvosphere, terms, criminal languages, gangster language, slang
International police cooperation
Damirchiev, E.I. (2012). Basic Trends in Practical Activities Conducted by European Police Office (Europol) in the Sphere of Crime Prevention. Police and Investigative Activity, 1, 135160.
The article is devoted to European Police Office (Europol) and their activities in the sphere of crime prevention in the territory of the European Union. Integration of different countries into the European Union has allowed not only to expand the domestic market but also to eliminate the borders of criminal space. Special attention is paid at the legal grounds of formation and functioning of Europol and practical aspects of interaction with other law enforcement agencies and governmental bodies of the European Union. Each country has a national department linked with Europol which allows to create a unified information network between countries. The heart of Europol is its informatino system which includes analysis cells and strict procedures for information search. By terminting borders between the member states, European Union has allowed to expand the territory of crime but creation of effective European Police Office has proved that the EU is capable of maintaining legal order and security in the countries.
Europol, Eurojust, Interpol, European Union, Information System, integration, harmonization, crime, criminal procedure, EU