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«PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal» (18+)
"PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal" is published since 01/02/2014. Until the middle of 2015 the journal was published in printed form with ISSN: 1339-4002.
Since April 1st, 2015 the journal is published only as an online publication. Online journal has ISSN: 2453-613X.

¹ 5 (September, 2024)
Published since
2014 year
Once every two months

"PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal" is published since 01/02/2014. Until the middle of 2015 the journal was published in printed form with ISSN: 1339-4002. Since April 1st, 2015 the journal is published only as an online publication. Online journal has ISSN: 2453-613X.
This issue is currently being formed. All articles presented on this page have already been included in this issue, are considered published, and will remain unchanged in the final version of the issue along with other metadata of the articles.
Founder: Dr. Danilenko Vasiliy,
Main editor: Azarova Valentina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Art History,
History of Music
P. 1 - 8
A history of musical culture
P. 9 - 27
Contents details