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«PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal» (18+)
"PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal" is published since 01/02/2014. Until the middle of 2015 the journal was published in printed form with ISSN: 1339-4002.
Since April 1st, 2015 the journal is published only as an online publication. Online journal has ISSN: 2453-613X.

№ 3 (May, 2019)
Published since
2014 year
Once every two months

"PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal" is published since 01/02/2014. Until the middle of 2015 the journal was published in printed form with ISSN: 1339-4002. Since April 1st, 2015 the journal is published only as an online publication. Online journal has ISSN: 2453-613X.
History of Music
P. 1 - 10
P. 11 - 18
Problems of Music Theory
P. 19 - 26
P. 27 - 34
Contemporary Composition
P. 35 - 44
Music Theatre
P. 45 - 57
History and Theory of Musical Performance
P. 58 - 65
Contents details