Professional training of police officers
Vashurina, L.I., Balashov, A.V., Voronchihin, D.V. (2022). Biomechanics of actions in the process of studying and improving combat techniques of wrestling. Police activity, 4, 1–9.
Biomechanics and the laws of the dynamics of translational and rotational movements are necessary for teaching fighting techniques to law enforcement officers. This is due to the fact that the acquired knowledge of biomechanics allows you to track the patterns of performing motor actions, as well as to see, feel and eliminate errors in a timely manner. Thanks to this approach, the effectiveness of combat increases. Combat fighting techniques in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are the main section of the educational process in the discipline of physical training. Cadets and trainees often have difficulties in mastering combat techniques of wrestling, which prevents them from fully, efficiently and effectively performing a specific technique. Students visually copy the actions performed by the teacher, which is not enough to consolidate the technique of movements in consciousness. As a result, the chances of successful fulfillment of the control standard for physical training from the section "Fighting techniques of wrestling" are reduced. This problem determines the relevance of the topic under study. Combat fighting techniques in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are the main section of the educational process in the discipline of physical training. This is due to the fact that the most accessible measure of influence on the offender at the moment when he is or is able to resist, from the point of view of the law, is the use of physical force. Cadets and trainees often have difficulties in mastering combat techniques of wrestling, which prevents them from fully, efficiently and effectively performing a specific technique. Students visually copy the actions performed by the teacher, which is not enough to consolidate the technique of movements in consciousness. Therefore, the importance of the acquired knowledge of the basics of biomechanics should not be underestimated, since they allow you to track the patterns of performing motor actions, as well as to see, feel and eliminate errors in a timely manner.
methods of combat, biomechanics of sports, motor activity, Physical Culture, police officers, motor actions, fighting techniques of wrestling, cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training, biomechanics
Professional training of police officers
Vorozhtsov, A.M., Zhukov, V.M., Orlov, V.V. (2022). Formation of moral and psychological stability of police officers in cases of obstruction of their legitimate actions. Police activity, 4, 10–19.
Employees of the internal affairs bodies in their official activities constantly face a high degree of psycho-emotional stress. In law enforcement practice, there are cases of obstruction of the performance of official duties by police officers. In case of obstruction of legitimate activities, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs may experience negative emotions. These emotions are a response of the psyche to external circumstances. Obstructing the legitimate actions of police officers often leads to conflict situations in which it is necessary to maintain balance and control over their actions or statements, and based on the current situation to make a decision in accordance with the current legislation. Obstruction of the performance of official duties, as a rule, is of a pronounced conflict nature. To increase the effectiveness of classes, it is advisable to involve experienced employees as experts in conducting a business game. This will ensure the necessary exchange of professional experience and increase the effectiveness of training. A large number of different possible situations are simulated, the social and role experience of employees participating in the training is expanded, their gradual involvement in the business game takes place. It becomes obvious that there is a need to organize work on the formation and development of moral and psychological stability among police officers and to teach them techniques for managing their emotional state.
conflict situation, physical training, fire training, conflict, self-regulation, Department of Internal Affairs officer, training, obstruction, moral and psychological stability, interaction
Forms of police activity
Buinov, D.O. (2022). Appointment of comprehensive forensic examinations in case of the study of digital traces in the investigation of economic crimes. Police activity, 4, 20–28.
Due to the ongoing digitalization of the economy, the study of digital traces in the framework of forensic examinations in criminal cases in the field of economic activity is one of the most relevant topics in forensic expert science. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the features of the production of complex forensic economic and computer–technical expertise in the study of digital traces, to determine the limits of competence of an expert economist in the expert study of digital traces. Within the framework of the study, the author set the following tasks: to analyze the types of crimes in the field of economics and the ways of their commission for the possibility of the formation of digital traces during the implementation of these offenses, to determine the types of digital traces characteristic of crimes in the field of economic activity, to determine the appropriateness of the appointment of comprehensive examinations, to analyze an example of expert practice for the use of special economic knowledge and special knowledge in the field of forensic computer-technical expertise.The author came to the conclusion that the appointment of a comprehensive forensic computer-technical and economic expertise is unnecessary in most cases, since the simultaneous joint participation of an expert economist and an expert in the field of IT technologies in writing an opinion and formulating a general conclusion is not necessary in most cases when investigating crimes in the field of economic activity. As a rule, the participation of a specialist in the field of IT technologies is sufficient to withdraw computer information from the carrier and then provide this information to an expert economist for research. At the same time, an expert economist is able to work independently with software products and computer files, for the study of which there is enough well-known knowledge.
investigation of economic crimes, criminal proceedings, economic crimes, the limits of the expert's competence, complex of forensic examinations, comprehensive examination, forensic computer-technical examination, forensic economic examination, forensic examination, digital footprints
The police and criminal procedure
Bulbacheva, A.A., Kotyazhov , A.V. (2022). On the need to develop a unified approach to the content of the criminal procedural definition of "close relatives" in the regulation of legal relations in the Russian Federation related to the investigation of domestic crimes. Police activity, 4, 29–41.
The article is devoted to the problem of legal definition of the concepts of close relatives, close persons and family members of a citizen. Inconsistencies between the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the norms of family legislation in relation to the criminal procedural category "close relatives", which ensures the provision of witness immunity in criminal proceedings. It discusses controversial issues about the circle of close relatives who have the right not to testify as witnesses. The essence of this socio-legal status is revealed, the circle of persons forming it is established, the positive and negative sides of the existing definitions and formulations of "close relatives" are considered.The scientific novelty lies, first of all, in the fact that in the presented article the norms of criminal procedure, civil and family law regulating relations of kinship, matrimony, as well as the procedure and problems of their application in criminal proceedings were considered. Paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation refers to spouses as close relatives, but Article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation does not consider them as such. The analysis of family law allows us to conclude that kinship is possible only by "blood" (the exception is the institution of adoption). For this reason, spouses cannot be close relatives and they are in a marital relationship to each other. The proposals on amendments and additions to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are formulated, which will improve the domestic criminal procedure legislation within the framework of developing a unified approach to the content of the definition of "close relatives".
family member, spouse, husband, cohabitation, family, family legal relations, witness immunity, presumption of innocence, marriage, close relatives
Police staffing
Gordeeva, E.N. (2022). Empathy as a professional pedagogical quality of a leader in the internal affairs bodies. Police activity, 4, 42–51.
The aim of the study is to determine the level of empathy among the heads of internal affairs bodies (police) at various levels. The object of the study is the personal characteristics of the heads of internal affairs at various levels. The subject is the level of empathy of employees who fill senior positions in the internal affairs bodies. The history of the definition of empathy, various approaches to the phenomenon of the studied property are considered. Empathy is considered as an important element in the professional activity of employees of internal affairs bodies, characterizing their communicative abilities, emotional intelligence, which has a positive effect on the success of the performance of pedagogical functions by managers. From a scientific point of view, it reveals how the empathic abilities of the head of various departments of the internal affairs bodies as a pedagogical subject affect his relationships with subordinates and professional activities. The results of the study of the level of empathy among senior employees of the internal affairs bodies are presented. As empirical research methods, psychodiagnostic techniques were used – the test "Diagnosis of the level of empathic abilities" by V. V. Boyko, the Questionnaire of Emotional Empathy (EETS) by A. Mehrabian and M. Epstein, the methodology "Value orientations of personality" by M. Rokich. The main conclusions of the study are the statements that the level of empathy among the heads of the Department of Internal Affairs is at an insufficient level, which reduces the effectiveness of their teaching activities. The author considers it promising to continue further theoretical research and practical methods of developing empathic abilities of managers in the Department of Internal Affairs.
methods of empathy research, professional activity, communication, internal affairs bodies, staff, managers, empathy level, empathic abilities, empathy, pedagogical activity
Professional training of police officers
Rustamov, R.A., Polyanskii, P.G., Nikolaev, N.O. (2022). Training of officers of combatant police units in the safe handling of weapons. Police activity, 4, 52–61.
This article discusses the system of professional training of officers of combatant police units (on the example of the security and convoy service) for the use of service weapons, training in the competent and safe use of firearms in the course of performing operational and service tasks and performing shooting exercises in typical situations of the use of firearms using special vehicles. Based on the conducted research, the author's team found that the existing training methods do not fully meet the modern requirements of professional training of employees of the security and escort unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Based on this, the authors propose methods that can significantly increase the level of training of this category of employees to perform official tasks with weapons. The research methodology is presented by such empirical methods as analysis of the practice of law enforcement officers, generalization of methodological experience, modeling of educational situations. The conducted research revealed the need to develop a unified approach to the methodology of teaching tactical methods of using firearms in typical situations of operational and service activities. The study was conducted in two directions: - the first direction is related to the study of methods of teaching employees of internal affairs competent and safe (for others, including other employees included in the convoy) the use of firearms during the performance of official tasks; - identification and development of typical situations of the use of firearms employees of the security and escort units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using special vehicles. Based on the research conducted by the team of authors, it was found that the existing training methods only partially meet the modern requirements of professional training of personnel of the security and escort units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. As a result, a training methodology has been developed that allows to significantly increase the level of training of this category of employees to perform official tasks with firearms.
readiness for action, repelling an attack, convoy, use of weapons, special car, performing official tasks, handling of weapons, security and escorting, official outfit, training
Serving in the police
Domysheva, T.V., Slobodchikova, T.A., Lavrichenko, R.K. (2022). The importance of moral and psychological aspects in carrying out operational and service tasks of police officers. Police activity, 4, 62–67.
The subject of the study is the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers.The object of the study is the psychological and emotional state of police officers in various situations, as well as the content and effectiveness of modern testing methods that determine the psychological state of a person. The objectives of the study are: - study of factors affecting the psychological state of employees; - analysis of the causes and conditions in connection with which irritable factors that affect the psycho-emotional state of a police officer arise. The scientific novelty of the work is a comparative study of the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers in stressful situations. Thus, in order to perform operational and service tasks, it is necessary to be ready not only theoretically and possess special skills and abilities in the implementation of their activities, but also to be morally ready to carry out their activities, as well as objectively understand that certain problems may arise in the performance of official duties. It is necessary to approach the performance of official tasks correctly, while maintaining calm. A police officer who is morally ready to perform his official duties is able to solve operational and official tasks; with the correct and confident performance of his official actions, the quality of the employee's activity increases.
emotional stability, firearms, psychology, police officer, psychological difficulties, stress resistance, fire training, operational and service tasks, legality, practical activities