Professional training of police officers
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2022). Modeling of extreme situations in the fire training of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia . Police activity, 3, 1–8.
The object of the research of this scientific article is the modeling of stress factors in students during fire training and ways to overcome them. The subject of the research is the psychological and pedagogical methodology of overcoming stress factors in the process of their modeling during fire training and ways to overcome these psychological phenomena. The purpose of the scientific article is to identify the most effective methods and methods of conducting fire training classes, which will be aimed at developing skills to overcome stress when handling firearms and ammunition. At the same time, attention is paid to strict compliance with safety measures when handling both training and combat weapons during training.The practical significance of the research carried out within the framework of this scientific article is to identify the most effective methods in overcoming the stressful states of students during fire training, necessary for practical application. The methodology of the conducted research is determined by its purpose and objectives. It is based on a systematic approach to the study of methods of training police officers in overcoming stressful conditions when using firearms. The research methodology used in writing the scientific article was implemented using the following methods: - structural and substantive analysis of scientific papers devoted to the topic of this study; - synthesis of the practical experience of police officers and regulatory legal acts on the topic of the study; - testing of the proposed methods of modeling extreme situations in fire training and ways to overcome them with students of study groups during practical classes.
psychological readiness, training system, psychological barrier, security measures, firearms, extreme situations, modeling of actions, fire training, professional training, introspection
Preventative work of the police
Chepik, I.V. (2022). Investigation of ways to escape from custody as a prevention of an emergency. Police activity, 3, 9–19.
The subject of the study is the public danger posed by escaping from custody. The article indicates which social institutions are harmed and what serious consequences may occur after the implementation of such a socially dangerous act as escape. Attention is drawn to the importance of studying the methods of escape from custody, since here lies the consequence of many violations in the official activities of the security and escort units of the police - the assumption by police officers of favorable conditions for committing illegal actions. The problem of shortage in the investigated police units is particularly noted. Proposals are being made to stimulate the employees of the security and escort units of the police. Most of the methods of escape from custody presented in the article are illustrated by judicial practice, which means the practical applicability of these methods by a special agent and the presence of already completed crimes, as a result of which a number of police officers have been brought to disciplinary or criminal responsibility. The main conclusions are some measures to prevent escape from pre-trial detention. The study draws a parallel between violations by police officers of the established order of protection and escort and the commission (or attempt) to escape from custody. Attention is drawn to the need to study the causes, conditions, factors contributing to the escape, only in conjunction with the study of the ways in which it is possible to escape from custody. The development of the phenomena under consideration is impossible in isolation from each other, as it entails unreliable interpretation, incorrect conclusions, and, accordingly, incorrectly formulated preventive measures, which may not be effective as a result.
shortage, emergency incident, police officers, security and convoy unit, preliminary conclusion, violations, escape warning, method of escape, conditions, Escape from custody
Police staffing
Shatskaya, E.A. (2022). Formation of a social portrait of a police officer of the Russian Federation at the present stage. Police activity, 3, 20–30.
In the last decade, interest in the image of a police officer has been increasing. The ongoing changes affect all spheres of life of modern society, the public perception of the police is also changing, which also actualizes the topic under consideration. The term "social portrait" or "sociological portrait" appears quite often in the scientific literature. However, a number of studies have not even attempted to justify the need for the use of this term in any way. In principle, this term was also not deterministic in a practice-oriented environment. The absence of a methodological description is characteristic not only for modern researchers, but also for Soviet scientists who quite often used the term "social portrait", meaning by it some abstract generalized characteristic of a certain social class. The object of the study is the social portrait of a police officer. The subject of the study is the basic components that influence the formation of a social portrait of a police officer. The goal-setting of the formation of a social portrait at the present stage is determined by the attitude of police officers to their professional activities, promotion, the socio-psychological atmosphere within the team, the attitude of police officers to family and marriage, money and recreation. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed approach to the formation of a social portrait of a police officer, the peculiarity of which is the definition of basic components that allow identifying the characteristic features of this social group. The main methods of obtaining information can be a questionnaire survey, interviews, content analysis. The practical significance lies in the fact that the information obtained can be used in scientific, pedagogical, practical work when considering issues related to the formation of personnel and reserve, training of employees according to professional training programs, moral and psychological support, social guarantees, etc.
result, behaviour, professional qualities, police officer, social portrait, service, worldview, social well-being, requirement, motive
Police staffing
Temnyakov, D.A. (2022). The formation of the moral culture of the police management. Police activity, 3, 31–40.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the formation of the moral culture of managers.The object of the study are the basic principles and methods of forming the moral culture of the heads of police units. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the scientific understanding of the principles of the formation of the moral culture of the heads, reveals how the moral appearance of the head of police departments affects his relationship with subordinates in professional activity. The author focuses special attention on practical recommendations for improving the moral culture of the heads of police units. The author offers brief recommendations to the heads of various levels of police units. The work specifies normative legal acts regulating the observance of moral and ethical standards by police officers. The main conclusions of the study are the principles proposed by the author of the formation of the moral culture of the heads of police units, practical recommendations on the observance of moral and cultural norms by the heads and his relationship with subordinates in the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the consideration of specific principles of education of the best moral qualities in subordinates, characteristic only for employees of internal affairs bodies. The author defines the professional and moral education of police officers. The novelty of the study lies in the consideration of social factors affecting the moral and cultural properties of the personality of the head of police units.
improvement of moral culture, moral and moral appearance, professional growth, principles of moral culture, education, professional morality, Director, police, culture, morality
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Bulbacheva, A.A., Kotyazhov , A.V. (2022). Problems of qualification of crimes against a person containing signs of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity. Police activity, 3, 41–52.
The subject of the study are criminal law norms prescribing responsibility for inciting hatred and enmity, laws and other regulations related to this topic, the state and dynamics of crime, as well as trends in improving the criminal law in this area. The authors consider in detail scientific approaches to understanding a person as an object of criminal law protection. The methodological basis of the research was the general scientific methods of cognition dialectical, reflecting the connection of theory and practice, logical, historical, empirical and system-structural, general logical methods induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, private scientific methods, sociological, modeling, statistical and others. Special attention is paid to the problem of improving the criminal-legal qualification of crimes against the person motivated by racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or motivated by hatred or enmity against any social group. The paper presents the author's position on the improvement of criminal law norms (Part 2 of Articles 131, 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The main approaches in this work can be used in law-making activities to improve the current criminal legislation, law enforcement activities of judicial and law enforcement agencies in order to resolve problematic situations in the qualification of crimes motivated by political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity or hatred or enmity against any social group.
nationality, motive, criminal law, criminal liability, the victim, penal enforcement law, criminal law relations, a natural person, personality, crime