Question at hand
Nezhkina, L.Y., Novolodskaya, N.S. (2022). Diagnostics of internal affairs officers’ motivation during the assimilation period. Police activity, 2, 1–7.
The authors represent a research material describing the specificity of motivation of young specialists during the assimilation period at internal affairs agencies as an important factor in the field of HR management, which is the research subject of this article. According to the research subject, the authors formulate the goal to conduct a psycho-diagnostic research of 150 young employees studying at a subordinate education institution. To detect the peculiarities of motivation, the authors use the following methods: interview, test, and association experiment. For the interview, the authors prepared a set of questions about the reasons for enrolling at law-enforcement agencies. For testing, the authors use the questionnaires «Labor activity motivation structure» and «Diagnostics of motivational structure of a personality». The authors use the method of association experiment to study self-motivation. In the result of the research, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: Young employees don’t have enough motivation, particularly self-motivation as self-actualization, at the same time they declare external positive motivation as a need for a paid job allowing them to supply their capital needs. It is necessary to form motivation, especially self-motivation, of young employees during their assimilation period as internal affairs officers using such methods as assimilation and motivation training, business simulation, psycho-diagnostics, conversation, discussion, and many others. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the study of external and internal motivation of young officers of internal affairs agencies during their assimilation period, the analysis of peculiarities of manifestation of their external and internal motivation, and the formulation of the ways to form their motivation, particularly self-motivation, promoting the development of their professional skills.
adaptation, skills, abilities, knowledge, methods, diagnostics, development, motivation, policeman, internal affairs agencies
Administrative activity of the police
Gol'chevskii, V.F. (2022). Legal and technical aspects of identifying drivers who have fled from the scene of accidents. Police activity, 2, 8–19.
The subject of the study of this article is public relations in the field of transport security and identification of persons who have fled from the scene of a traffic accident. The object of the study is the formation and improvement of skills to search for persons involved in the commission of administrative offenses in the field of traffic. The relevance of this work is associated with improving the quality of professional training of police officers when examining the scene of an accident and vehicles involved in this incident. The article shows the proportion of accidents from which drivers fled leaving the vehicle, including drivers who are intoxicated. The motivational components that encourage leaving the scene of the incident are considered, despite the high degree of disclosure of these offenses and the inevitability of strict punishment. The international approach of bringing to criminal and administrative responsibility of persons who fled from the scene of an accident is analyzed.The methodology of the conducted research is based on the application of methods of included observation, analysis of the practical experience of the activities of organizations of the Department of Internal Affairs and justice bodies, interdisciplinary analysis of literature and regulatory documents on the problem under consideration. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: a) the analysis of statistics of offenses in the field of traffic is carried out; b) the problem of improving the training of police officers to investigate at the initial stage of criminal and administrative cases in the field of transport security is raised; c) the need to improve the methodology of accident investigation, and not the establishment of criminal liability for leaving the scene of the accident is justified. The main conclusions of the study are the need to improve the methodology of forensic investigations of the accident site and vehicles involved in this incident using modern technical means. The considered example of a trial during which a suspect was released from administrative responsibility, including due to procedural violations, indicates the importance of ongoing research in this area.
alcohol intoxication, operational and investigative measures, walker, driver, transport vehicle, offense, road safety, Traffic accident, administrative responsibility, leaving the scene of an accident
Preventative work of the police
Kashirskiy, D.Y., Sukhomlinov, A.V. (2022). Law Enforcement Agencies' Repression of the Unlawful Use of Unmanned Aircrafts. Police activity, 2, 20–29.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of legal regulation of piloting (operation) of unmanned aircrafts. As example of such legal regulation author studied the legislation of the Russian Federation as well as the legislation of other countries. The object of the study is the conditions under which the piloting of such aircrafts is permitted from the point of view of flight safety. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as possible undesirable consequences of the use of unmanned aircraft. Particular attention is paid to the consequences that may occur in the case of malicious use of this aircrafts for criminal purposes, namely during the transportation of drugs, interception of valuable cargo, interception of traffic information flows, intentional or accidental injury to people. The study presents the main problematic issues that need to be addressed by legislation. The main contribution of this study is detection of the problematic issues that need to be addressed by Russian legislation as well as by the norms of international law in terms of ensuring flight safety in all its manifestations. A special contribution of the authors of the research is a practical overview of the main safety threats caused by the use of the unmanned aircrafts. The novelty of the research lies in the systematization of these threats (especially personnel training for remotely piloted aircraft flaws). This scientific work can be considered as a set of measures to improve safety during the operation of unmanned aircraft.
threats from drones, surveillance of objects, drug smuggling, Wi-Fi signal interception, GSM signal interception, training of drone pilots, countering drones, law enforcement agencies, unmanned aircraft, prohibition of the operation of drones
Professional training of police officers
Kiryushin, I.I., Timofeev, V.V., Baumtrog, V.E. (2022). Methodology of formation of skills of practical application of special equipment in the activities of district police officers. Police activity, 2, 30–40.
The article deals with the use of special equipment in the activities of district police commissioners and their regulatory and legal regulation. The problem of equipping the Department of Internal Affairs with special equipment in the context of these issues of the activities of district police commissioners is actualized. A variant of the methodological solution for the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Special equipment of the Department of Internal Affairs" is proposed, aimed at increasing the level of development of competencies by district police commissioners implemented using a distance learning system. This work is aimed at investigating the use of special equipment by district police officers in the course of their duties in the position they are filling. Improving the efficiency of the use of special equipment by district police officers in various situations of service.The scientific novelty of the work consists in the formation, testing and quantification of an effective methodology for developing practical skills in the possession of special ATS equipment by employees undergoing initial professional training in the official category of district police commissioner. In order to increase the variability of the content content of the educational program and the adaptability of the course of special ATS equipment to the actual equipment of the units, it is necessary to use electronic simulators more effectively during the educational process. As part of the briefing of the personnel of the UUP when entering the service for the protection of public order, pay attention to the use of existing samples of special equipment as a separate issue.
police officer, practical activities, applications of special equipment, special equipment, district police commissioners, distance education, educational process, Mudl, professional competencies, performing professional tasks
Professional training of police officers
Seleznev, V.I. (2022). General professional initial training of police officers, first accepted for service: prerequisites and essence. Police activity, 2, 41–50.
The subject of the study is the general professional initial training of police officers aimed at the formation of the personality of the subject of professional activity – a police officer as a citizen, defender of life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of society and the state, a patriot of his Fatherland. The purpose of the study is the theoretical substantiation of the model of general professional initial training as the first stage of professional training (initial level of professional training of police officers), police officers first recruited, which is aimed at the formation of the personality of police officers with a basic level of general professional knowledge, skills, personal qualities and readiness to implement them in further professional activities. On the basis of the formed basic knowledge, skills, skills, professional and moral ideals, values and ethical norms, a police officer already within the framework of general professional initial training should become a person ready and capable of mastering new general professional knowledge, skills, abilities throughout his professional life. In conditions of insufficient general education and physical training of citizens accepted for training and increased requirements for the personal and professional qualities of modern police officers, it is necessary to rebuild the existing professional training, i.e. reformat the content of the educational process, forms, methods, means, technologies of training at the initial stage. The need to make changes in the professional training of police officers, who were first recruited, is caused by the increased requirements for their daily activities. At the present stage, a police officer needs to have formed basic general professional knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities. Among them: respect for the honor and dignity of citizens, self-demanding and responsibility, determination and decency, morality and dedication, initiative and stress resistance, readiness for interaction and cooperation, physical fitness, readiness for the lawful use of force and special means, including firearms, etc.
skills, skills, knowledge, preparation technologies, professional training, personality, police officer, personal qualities, general professional initial training, readiness level
Professional training of police officers
Konstantinov, V.N., Egoshin, I.V. (2022). Increase of educational motivation for fire training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 2, 51–60.
The purpose of the study is to study the motivation of the personality of a cadet of an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for fire training, to identify psychological and pedagogical factors of activation of motivational attitudes of students to educational activities and to analyze the dynamics of changes in the motivations of cadets in the process of their training. The subject of the study is the motives of teaching fire training to cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.The study revealed the problem of reducing the motivation of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to fire training, which leads to a decrease in their level of possession of service weapons. The problem can be solved by using various means and methods to form positive motives for improving high-speed shooting skills. A special contribution of the authors to the study is the analysis of the reasons for the decrease in the motivation of students for training shooting based on the results of a questionnaire survey, as well as the development of ways to motivate them to improve their shooting skills based on the application of a graduate readiness model and a system for evaluating the results of shooting that meet the real conditions of the use of weapons by police officers.The scientific novelty lies in the identification of psychological and pedagogical factors of educational motivation of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for fire training. The practical significance lies in the development of recommendations for teachers on the use of modern forms, tools and active methods aimed at increasing the motivation of students to self-improvement of high-speed shooting skills. By increasing the interest of cadets in high-speed pistol shooting, it is possible to solve the problem of increasing the overall level of fire readiness of graduates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The obtained research results can be used in the training process of fire training of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
improving skills, students, fire preparedness, educational training process, high-speed shooting, motivation, tools, methods, skills, skills