Professional training of police officers
Udilov, T.V., Vinokurov, V.N. (2022). Peculiarities of implementation of unified professional training programs for a position of a police officer . Police activity, 1, 1–8.
The research subject is educational relations emerging in the process of professional training of newly-admitted police officers. The research object is the unified professional training programs for internal affairs officers implemented at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and professional training centers for regional internal affairs departments. The authors analyze the peculiarities of implementation of educational programs based on the unified professional training programs, and the problems educational institutions face during their implementation. The authors formulate the solutions helping to improve the considered unified educational programs, and optimize the work of educational institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors offer a mechanism of radical unification of professional training programs for internal affairs officers, which is based on the implementation of two versatile professional training disciplines. The solutions offered will help prevent the unplanned increase of teaching load and overcrowding in classes in case the officers of various positions are enrolled at the same training group. The authors suggest changing the contents of the disciplines “Firearms training” and “Physical Training” aimed at the increase of professional competence of internal affairs officers.
modernization of training, unification of programs, physical training, fire training, police, educational programs, professional training of police officers, development of education, cycle of the educational program, variable academic discipline
The police and protection of human rights
Kashirskiy, D.Y., Baumtrog, V.E., Tumanov, D.M. (2022). Observance of the rights of suspects and accused during transportation in the context of modernization of special vehicles. Police activity, 1, 9–16.
Abstract: The subject of the study is the specifics of the transportation of suspects and accused in the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the conditions of detention and transportation of citizens in specialized cars. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the features presented in international practice and in our country to the requirements for these cars. Particular attention is paid to what complaints are sent by suspects and accused about the conditions of their detention, as well as at the time of movement in specialized vehicles. The paper presents the basic requirements for special vehicles designed to transport suspects and accused. Â The main conclusions of this study are the minimization of the violations indicated in the article, while improving Russian legislation, striving in this direction to the norms of international law. A special contribution of the authors of the research topic is a practical overview of the main violations of the rights of suspects or accused. The novelty of the research lies in the systematization of the basic requirements for detention in temporary detention facilities. This scientific work can be considered as a set of measures to improve the content of these persons. The main approaches in this work can be used for a set of measures to prevent such violations against the individual.
European Court of Justice, prototype car, violations in the content, complaints of the accused, violations during transportation, complaints of suspects, operational-service vehicle, accused of a crime, suspects in the crime, human rights
Professional training of police officers
Seleznev, V.I. (2022). Training of police officers in Russia: review of the 2010 - 2020 professional training programs. Police activity, 1, 17–28.
The research subject is theoretical review of professional training programs for newly enrolled police officers, implemented in the last decade in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The review covers 15 professional training programs for police officers underlying the educational process at a particular educational institution. The research analyzes the dynamics of gradually adopted changes to professional training programs for police officers. The author emphasizes the necessity and feasibility to clearly substantiate the adoption of various changes to the current programs in modern conditions. The author concludes that preparation of police officers for their future service in modern conditions according to various programs, and changes to these programs, should be aimed at the formation of the personality of the officer as a professional. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the conclusion that the renewal of the human capacity of internal affairs bodies aimed at the development of a police officer as a person with formed personal qualities, skills and expertise, is impossible without radical transformation of the current professional training programs.
skills and competencies, knowledge and skills, period of study, employee identity, training program, professional training, policeman, personal qualities, employee ability, readiness
Problems of ensuring law-adherence and discipline in police work
Sinitsyn, E.I. (2022). Analysis of possible physical conditions of using firearms by the employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service
. Police activity, 1, 29–39.
The topicality of the research is determined by the high-quality training of internal affairs officers of Russia, and by the necessity to study and design the corresponding pedagogical conditions including arms drill by simulating service situations at firearms training lessons. The research problem consists in the fact that the directions of improvement of organization and the methods of internal affairs officers training should be developed on the basis of the data about the practice of use of firearms by police officers, as well as about the conditions and circumstances of their use. The analysis of open source information shows that there’s a lack of research of this type over the last years. The required information is classified. Besides, the information about the use of firearms by internal affairs officers, which is accumulated by higher-level authorities and organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, often is not sustainable enough to be used in a comprehensive research. The research goal is to use the results of the analysis of physical conditions of the use of firearms for the consideration of the possibility of studying and designing the corresponding pedagogical conditions including arms drill, by simulating service situations at firearms training lessons. The author uses mostly empirical methods, such as questioning, description, comparison, measurement, and analysis of practice of employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service. The author studies the results of the analysis of possible conditions of using firearms by employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service, based on which it is suggested to create a set of professional and service situations for simulation during professional training.
modeling, temporary detention facility, security and escort, police officers, suspects and accused, fire training, physical conditions, use of weapons, service and professional situations, special agent
Professional training of police officers
Arkhipov, S.N., Sinitsyn, E.I. (2022). The state of hemodynamics of trainees of vocational training during a fire training class. Police activity, 1, 40–49.
The activities of employees of internal affairs bodies associated with the performance of official duties in extreme conditions dangerous to life and health, leads to the emergence of negative emotional states. Such conditions have an impact on the entire physiological system of the body. This often leads to affective or aggressive-chaotic actions, or to the refusal to perform those actions that, if necessary, will allow you to successfully complete the official task. This often leads to injuries and deaths of law enforcement officers. Problem statement: the study of the functioning of the body systems of employees of the internal affairs bodies, their behavior in situations of risk to life and health shows that employees often have poor self-regulation techniques to overcome negative conditions and are not able to quickly bring their body to a normal functional state. The purpose of the study: to establish the relationship between hemodynamic and respiratory indicators of trainees of vocational training in a fire training class.Research methods: the authors have applied both theoretical research methods (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization). Empirical data were systematized on the basis of mathematical statistics methods and presented using the graphical method. Results and key conclusions: based on the developed private methodology of functional diagnostics, the indicators of hemodynamics and external respiration of employees of internal affairs bodies during fire training classes were studied. In addition, the results of the study can be used when conducting fire training classes for the development and implementation of individually differentiated technologies for self-regulation of employees during professional training.
functional diagnostics, hemodynamic parameters, shooting training, self-regulation, stressful situation, heart rate, fire training, hemodynamics, physiological system, professional training