Question at hand
Koynov, M.Y. (2021). On the issue of using a training ground “Square” for training the patrol-guard service officers
. Police activity, 6, 1–9.
The research object is the process of teaching police officers the basic elements of patrol-guard service. The research subject is the systematization of using a training ground “Square” as one of effective ways of reinforcing skills required for patrol-guard service. The training ground “Square” is considered as a separate type and means of teaching. The author attempts at solving the problem of using the training ground “Square” for training police officers in new conditions connected with the application of interactive technologies and the combination of various elements of the modern process of police officers training. The author substantiates the role of training grounds in the formation of professional competence of the patrol-guard service officers. The author formulates the main requirements to the module configuration and technical equipment of the training ground “Square”. The research reveals the peculiarities of conducting classes on a training ground, the author analyzes the use of general pedagogical and special teaching method, and designs a logically structured system of teaching with the help of a training ground. The research can be used for further improvement of the process of patrol-guard officers training. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it proves the good perspectives of using the training ground “Square” as a means of teaching.
situational tasks, professional training, specialized training method, competence of a police officer, training module, police patrol, practical training ground, listener, tactical training, learning tools
The police and criminal procedure
Bodunova, K.G. (2021). General issues of forensic characteristics of fraud connected with subsidy payments in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship. Police activity, 6, 10–20.
One of the strategic guidelines for sustainable socio-economic development is the creation of favorable conditions for small and medium entrepreneurship. According to article 6 of the Federal Law “On the development of small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia” of July 24, 2007 #209, government policy in this sphere is a part of socio-economic policy, and includes political, economic, social, informational, legal, organizational, educational and other activities performed by Russia’s public and local authorities. The research subject is the mechanism of fraud connected with subsidy payments in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship, and the patterns of organizational and methodological support of the work of law enforcement agencies aimed at the detection, investigation and solution of such crimes. According to the above-mentioned law, the implementation of regional programs with financial support from the federal centre is meant to facilitate the achievement of these goals, since small and medium entrepreneurship has a prominent regional aspect, and is a strategic resource of spatial development. At the same time, in the last few years, the facts of illegal receipt of budgetary funds by business entities in the form of federal, regional and local subsidies have been registered more and more often. Law enforcement agencies failed to effectively detect and investigate these crimes, which can be explained by the lack of methodological support of their work and modern tools based on information technologies. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by its tasks, and consists in the substantiation of conclusions about the organic interrelation of the organization and methodology of investigation fraud-related crimes in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship, and the development of ways of their improvement.
payment, subsidy, criminal, crime, investigator, investigation, fraud, cheater, business, businessman
Police staffing
Udilov, T.V., Aleksandroi, V.I. (2021). Preventive activities aimed at strengthening the discipline of the personnel of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 6, 21–31.
The research is meant to systematize the form of preventive work with subordinate personnel of educational institutions in terms of official discipline, including the road and transport discipline. The research object is social relations emerging during the provision of official discipline and legality of internal affairs officers. The research subject is the preventive activities meant to eliminate disciplinary violations, including those in the field of road and traffic when using personal or official cars. The research methodology includes the system-structural method, the method of logical analysis and synthesis, the formal-legal and comparative-legal methods. The research is aimed at studying the issue within the educational discipline “The fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” of the main professional training programs for the profession of a policeman. Based on the analysis of literary sources and students’ disciplinary practice, the author analyzes the problems connected with the enforcement of discipline and legality in internal affairs bodies of Russia, including the sphere of road traffic. The author defines the optimum directions, forms and methods of preventive work aimed at strengthening discipline. The research results can be used in the work of educational institutions and local internal affairs bodies by the specialists of departments of psychological support and HR, and in the system of professional training.
pedagogical impact, discipline, prevention of violations, management training, personal management, service discipline, police officer training, system of educational activities, professional education, initial preparation
Professional training of police officers
Osintseva, L.M., Kuznetsova, L.V. (2021). The model of formation of transferable skills of police officers using the case-method in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 6, 32–50.
The article considers the formation of transferable skills of police officers using the case method in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to develop and substantiate the method of formation of transferable skills of police officers during practical lessons at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using the case-method of education. The research subject is the formation of transferable skills of police officers. The research object is the educational process of police officers based on the case-method in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors use the methods of participant observation, analysis of the organization of practical lessons, analysis of statutory documents, the method of modelling. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to increase the quality of professional training in the Russian institutions of higher education, including those under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the model of formation of transferable skills of police officers based on the case-method of education during practical lessons in special disciplines organized at the educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (table 1), and in the described example of a practical lesson in the discipline “Special Equipment of Internal Affairs Bodies” with the use of the case-method. The authors consider the case method, one of the methods of active education, as a means of development of transferable skills. The results section contains an example of the dynamics of the level of completeness of transferable skills of the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the case-method promotes the formation of transferable skills during practical lessons in special disciplines at the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as it helps improve the educational process, involve the students in communication, and develop self-sufficiency.
educational process, mini project, self-esteem, pedagogical technologies, competence approach, case study method, universal competences, special equipment, policeman, teacher
Professional training of police officers
Kashirskiy, D.Y., Baumtrog, V.E., Gnezdilov, A.A. (2021). Peculiarities of teaching technical disciplines at the department of information science and special equipment in the online format. Police activity, 6, 51–58.
The research subject is the peculiarities of teaching technical disciplines at the department of information science and special equipment of Barnaul Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The research object is the educational process in a distance format. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of online lectures and practical lessons. Special attention is given to the ways of solving the problem of the absence of special equipment at students’ places. The article contains examples of educational materials for the discipline “Special equipment of internal affairs bodies” and “Special Equipment” used at the department. The authors formulate the structures and peculiarities of lectures and practical lessons in online format. The authors’ special contribution is practical recommendations about the organization of various lessons in online format. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the author’s technique of formation of practical skills of students during the lessons in technical disciplines in online format. The technique contains the concrete action plan for a teacher, the samples of guidelines materials, and assessment criteria, and helps effectively form competences in the field of special equipment for visual surveillance and documenting, during a two-hour practical lesson. Approaches used in this research can be also used for other educational specializations.
lectures, guidelines, BigBlueButton, information technology, special equipment, distance learning, methodology for teaching, practical lessons, online voting, competencies